114 resultados para Government Regulatory Policies
This article compares fisheries management, environmental problems and policies of the Netherlands and Australia. From this comparison lessons can be learned for countries that experience economic growth and on increase of leisure activity. In both countries, conflicts between the user groups, e.g. commercial and recreational fishers, are identified and the ways in which policymakers deal with these problems are outlined. Often suggested tools to address these problems are decision-making procedures based on a holistic framework in which economic, sociocultural, political/institutional, ecological aspects are included in the decision framework. Recreational fishing is today often the dominant factor in the resolution of these matters because of the relative economic, social and political power of recreational fishers as a group.
Tourism development as a dimension of globalisation: Experiences and policies of China and Australia
Reviews the ecological status of the mahogany glider and describes its distribution, habitat and abundance, life history and threats to it. Three serial surveys of Brisbane residents provide data on the knowledge of respondents about the mahogany glider. The results provide information about the attitudes of respondents to the mahogany glider, to its conservation and relevant public policies and about variations in these factors as the knowledge of participants of the mahogany glider alters. Similarly data is provided and analysed about the willingness to pay of respondents to conserve the mahogany glider. Population viability analysis is applied to estimate the required habitat area for a minimum viable population of the mahogany glider to ensure at least a 95% probability of its survival for 100 years. Places are identified in Queensland where the requisite minimum area of critical habitat can be conserved. Using the survey results as a basis, the likely willingness of groups of Australians to pay for the conservation of the mahogany glider is estimated and consequently their willingness to pay for the minimum required area of its habitat. Methods for estimating the cost of protecting this habitat are outlined. Australia-wide benefits seem to exceed the costs. Establishing a national park containing the minimum viable population of the mahogany glider is an appealing management option. This would also be beneficial in conserving other endangered wildlife species. Therefore, additional economic benefits to those estimated on account of the mahogany glider itself can be obtained.
This fully updated and comprehensively revised edition of a classic text concentrates on the economics of conserving the living environment. It begins by covering the ethical foundations and basic economic paradigms’ essential for understanding and assessing ecological economics. General strategies for global environmental conservation, policies for government intervention, developing countries, preserving wildlife and biodiversity, open-access to and common property in natural resources, conservation of natural areas, forestry, agriculture and the environment, tourism, sustainable development and demographic change are also all covered.
Social democratic governments in Australia and New Zealand adopted policies of radical free-market reform, including financial deregulation, privatization, and public-sector reform in the 1980s. Because of the absence of institutional obstacles to government action, reform was faster and more comprehensive in New Zealand than in Australia. The New Zealand reforms were associated with increasing inequality and generally poor economic outcomes. There is nothing in the New Zealand experience to support the view that radical free-market economic policies are consistent with social democratic welfare policies or with social democratic values of concern for the disadvantaged, The Australian reforms were less radical, and were accompanied by some refurbishment of the welfare state. Economic performance did nor improve, as anticipated by advocates of reform, but was considerably better than that of New Zealand.
The political capital invested in Australia's engagement with Asia over the past decade has sparked a lively discussion in the Australian academic community. The back cover of the book under review suggests that there are 'few bigger contemporary issues facing Australia than its relationship with Asia'. If the volume of scholarly material being produced on this issue is any indication, they are right. Like a number of similar works covering the shift in Australian foreign, defence, and trade policies towards Asia over the last decade, this book acknowledges a particular debt of gratitude to the Keating government for establishing regional engagement at the forefront of our national consciousness. Unlike some others however, this book seeks to place Australia's more recent 'discovery' of Asia into a broader historical framework.
Objective-To test the hypothesis that proposed amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health Act making all enclosed workplaces in Western Australia smoke free would result in a decrease in cigarette consumption by patrons at nightclubs, pubs, and restaurants without adversely affecting attendance. Design-Cross sectional structured interview survey. Participants and setting-Patrons of several inner city pubs and nightclubs in Perth were interviewed while queuing for admission to these venues. Outcome measures-Current social habits, smoking habits, and how these might be affected by the proposed regulations. Persons who did not smoke daily were classified as social smokers. Results-Half (50%) of the 374 patrons interviewed were male, 51% currently did not smoke at all, 34.3% smoked every day, and the remaining 15.7% smoked, brat not every day. A clear majority (62.5%) of all 374 respondents anticipated no change to the frequency of their patronage of hospitality venues if smoke-free policies became mandatory One in five (19.3%) indicated that they would,ao out more often, and 18.2% said they would go out less often. Half (52%) of daily smokers anticipated no change to their cigarette consumption, while 44.5% of daily smokers anticipated a reduction in consumption. A majority of social smokers (54%) predicted a reduction in their cigarette consumption, with 42% of these anticipating quitting. Conclusions-One in nine (11.5%) of smokers say that adoption of smoke-Pi ee policies would prompt them to quit smoking entirely without a significant decrease in attendance at pubs and nightclubs. There can be few other initiatives as simple, cheap, and popular that would achieve so much for public health.
Two small RNAs regulate the timing of Caenorhabditis elegans development(1,2). Transition from the first to the second larval stage fates requires the 22-nucleotide lin-4 RNA(1,3,4), and transition from late larval to adult cell fates requires the 21-nucleotide let-7 RNA 2. The lin-4 and let-7 RNA genes are not homologous to each other, but are each complementary to sequences in the 3' untranslated regions of a set of protein-coding target genes that are normally negatively regulated by the RNAs1,2,5,6. Here we have detected let-7 RNAs of similar to 21 nucleotides in samples from a wide range of animal species, including vertebrate, ascidian, hemichordate, mollusc, annelid and arthropod, but not in RNAs from several cnidarian and poriferan species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli or Arabidopsis. We did not detect lin-4 RNA in these species. We found that let-7 temporal regulation is also conserved: let-7 RNA expression is first detected at late larval stages in C. elegans and Drosophila, at 48 hours after fertilization in zebrafish, and in adult stages of annelids and molluscs. The let-7 regulatory RNA may control late temporal transitions during development across animal phylogeny.
The analysis of keratin 6 expression is complicated by the presence of multiple isoforms that are expressed constitutively in a number of internal stratified epithelia, in palmoplantar epidermis, and in the companion cell layer of the hair follicle. In addition, keratin 6 expression is inducible in interfollicular epidermis and the outer root sheath of the follicle, in response to wounding stimuli, phorbol esters, or retinoic acid. In order to establish the critical regions involved in the regulation of keratin 6a (the dominant isoform in mice), we generated transgenic mice with two different-sized mouse keratin 6a constructs containing either 1.3 kb or 0.12 kb of 5' flanking sequence linked to the lacZ reporter gene. Both constructs also contained the first intron and the 3' flanking sequence of mouse keratin 6a. Ectopic expression of either transgene was not observed. Double-label immunofluorescence analyses demonstrated expression of the reporter gene in keratin 6 expressing tissues, including the hair follicle, tongue, footpad, and nail bed, showing that both transgenes retained keratinocyte-specific expression. Quantitative analysis of beta -galactosidase activity verified that both the 1.3 and 0.12 kb keratin 6a promoter constructs produced similar levels of the reporter. Notably, both constructs were constitutively expressed in the outer root sheath and interfollicular epidermis in the absence of any activating stimulus, suggesting that they lack the regulatory elements that normally silence transcription in these cells. This study has revealed that a keratin 6a minigene contains critical cis elements that mediate tissue-specific expression and that the elements regulating keratin 6 induction lie distal to the 1.3 kb promoter region.
Over-expression of the c-myb gene and expression of activated forms of myb are known to transform haemopoietic cells, particularly cells of the myeloid lineage. Truncations or mutations that disrupt the negative regulatory domain (NRD) of the Myb protein confer an increased ability to transform cells. Although it has proved difficult to link mutations in c-MYB to human leukaemia, no studies investigating the presence of mutations within the c-MYB NRD have been reported. Therefore, we have performed mutational analysis of this region, using polymerase chain reaction-single-stranded conformation polymorphism and sequence analysis, in 26 patients with acute or chronic myeloid leukaemia, No mutations were detected, indicating that mutation of this region of the Myb protein is not common in the pathogenesis or progression of these diseases.
Heavy chain ferritin (H-ferritin) Is a component of the Iron-binding protein, ferritin. We have previously shown that H-ferritin Inhibits anti-CD3-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation and that this was due to Increased production of Interleukin-10 (IL-10). In the present study we have shown that Induction of IL-10 production was due to effects of H-ferritin on adherent antigen-presenting cells (APCs) In blood and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs). IL-10 was produced by a subpopulation of CD4 T cells, which expressed the CD25 component of the IL-2 receptor and the CTLA-4 receptor characteristic of regulatory T cells. The changes Induced In MoDCs were compared with those Induced by CD40L and their significance tested by Inhibition with monoclonal antibodies. These studies Indicated that H-ferritin Induced relatively greater expression of CD86 and B7-H1 on MoDCs and that monoclonal antibodies against their receptors, CTLA-4 and programmed death receptor-1 (PD-1), Inhibited IL-10 production from the regulatory T cells. H-ferritin did not appear to Induce direct production of the cytokines IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, or Interferon-gamma from the DCs. These results are consistent with the thesis that H-ferritin Induces B7-H1 and CD86 (B7-2) on APCs, which In turn Induce IL-10 production from regulatory T cells. This is possibly one mechanism by which melanoma cells may Induce changes In APCs In the vicinity of the tumor and result in suppression of Immune responses by induction of regulatory T cells. (C) 2002 by The American Society of Hematology.
Exploratory research reported in this paper was undertaken in Adelaide, Australia during 1998/99. The purpose of the research is to explore local development practice as evidenced through the experiences and actions of local citizens, community based groups and local government (Neuman, 1994). Results from this first stage research suggest that sustainability initiatives in Australia might best be implemented through a collaborative approach at the local community level involving local citizens working in partnership with local government. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
We have shown previously that melanoma cells in culture release heavy-chain ferritin (H-Ferritin) into supernatants and that this is responsible for the suppression of responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by anti-CD3. These effects were mediated by activation of regulatory T cells to produce interleukin (IL)-10. In the present study, we examined whether a similar relation might exist between levels of H-Ferritin and activation of regulatory T cells in patients with melanoma. Ferritin levels were evaluated by ELISA and regulatory T-cell numbers were assessed by three-color flow cytometry to identify CD4(+) CD25(+) CD69(-) T cells. CD69 positive cells were excluded to avoid inclusion of normal activated CD4, CD25 expressing T cells. Measurements of H- and light-chain (L)-Ferritin by ELISA revealed that H- but not L-Ferritin was elevated in the circulation of melanoma patients. In addition, these studies revealed a marked increase in the number of CD4+ CD25+ CD69- T cells in such patients, compared with age-matched controls. The ratio of H-Ferritin:L-Ferritin correlated with the levels of regulatory T cells consistent with a causal relation between unbound H-Ferritin levels and the activation of regulatory T cells. H-Ferritin or regulatory T cells did not, however, correlate with the stage of the melanoma. These results provide evidence for the importance of H-Ferritin in the induction of regulatory T cells in patients with melanoma and provide additional insight into the suppression of immune responses in such patients.