166 resultados para Glucose-stimulated beta-glycosidase
Postprandial hyperglycemia is implicated as a risk factor predisposing to vascular complications. This study was designed to assess recurrent short-term increases in glucose on markers of renal fibrogenesis. Human renal cortical fibroblasts were exposed to fluctuating short-term (2 h) increases to 15 mM D-glucose, three times a day over 72 h, on a background of 5 mM D-glucose. To determine whether observed changes were due to fluctuating osmolality, identical experiments were undertaken with cells exposed to L-glucose. Parallel experiments were performed in cells exposed to 5 mM D-glucose and constant exposure to either 15 or 7.5 mM D-glucose. Fluctuating D-glucose increased extracellular matrix, as measured by proline incorporation ( P < 0.05), collagen IV ( P < 0.005), and fibronectin production ( P < 0.001), in association with increased tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) ( P < 0.05). Sustained exposure to 15 mM D-glucose increased fibronectin ( P < 0.001), in association with increased MMP-2 ( P = 0.01) and MMP-9 activity ( P < 0.05), suggestive of a protective effect on collagen matrix accumulation. Transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) mRNA was increased after short-term (90 min) exposure to 15 mM glucose (P < 0.05) and after 24-h exposure to 7.5 mM ? ( P < 0.05). Normalization of TGF-beta(1) secretion occurred within 48 h of constant exposure to an elevated glucose. Fluctuating L-glucose also induced TGF-beta(1) mRNA and a profibrotic profile, however, to a lesser extent than observed with exposure to fluctuating D-glucose. The results suggest that exposure to fluctuating glucose concentrations increases renal interstitial fibrosis compared with stable elevations in D-glucose. The effects are, in part, due to the inherent osmotic changes.
Skeletal muscle is a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for similar to 40% of total body weight and 50% of energy expenditure and is a primary site of glucose disposal and fatty acid oxidation. Consequently, muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, obesity, and the blood-lipid profile. Excessive caloric intake is sensed by the brain and induces beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR)- mediated adaptive thermogenesis. beta-AR null mice develop severe obesity on a high fat diet. However, the target gene(s), target tissues(s), and molecular mechanism involved remain obscure. We observed that 30 - 60 min of beta-AR agonist ( isoprenaline) treatment of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells strikingly activated (> 100-fold) the expression of the mRNA encoding the nuclear hormone receptor, Nur77. In contrast, the expression of other nuclear receptors that regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism was not induced. Stable transfection of Nur77-specific small interfering RNAs (siNur77) into skeletal muscle cells repressed endogenous Nur77 mRNA expression. Moreover, we observed attenuation of gene and protein expression associated with the regulation of energy expenditure and lipid homeostasis, for example AMP-activated protein kinase gamma 3, UCP3, CD36,adiponectin receptor 2, GLUT4, and caveolin-3. Attenuation of Nur77 expression resulted in decreased lipolysis. Finally, in concordance with the cell culture model, injection and electrotransfer of siNur77 into mouse tibialis cranialis muscle resulted in the repression of UCP3 mRNA expression. This study demonstrates regulatory cross-talk between the nuclear hormone receptor and beta-AR signaling pathways. Moreover, it suggests Nur77 modulates the expression of genes that are key regulators of skeletal muscle lipid and energy homeostasis. In conclusion, we speculate that Nur77 agonists would stimulate lipolysis and increase energy expenditure in skeletal muscle and suggest selective activators of Nur77 may have therapeutic utility in the treatment of obesity.
Rev-erbbeta is an orphan nuclear receptor that selectively blocks trans-activation mediated by the retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-alpha (RORalpha). RORalpha has been implicated in the regulation of high density lipoprotein cholesterol, lipid homeostasis, and inflammation. Rev-erbbeta and RORalpha are expressed in similar tissues, including skeletal muscle; however, the pathophysiological function of Rev-erbbeta has remained obscure. We hypothesize from the similar expression patterns, target genes, and overlapping cognate sequences of these nuclear receptors that Rev-erbbeta regulates lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle. This lean tissue accounts for > 30% of total body weight and 50% of energy expenditure. Moreover, this metabolically demanding tissue is a primary site of glucose disposal, fatty acid oxidation, and cholesterol efflux. Consequently, muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, obesity, and the blood-lipid profile. We utilize ectopic expression in skeletal muscle cells to understand the regulatory role of Rev-erbbeta in this major mass peripheral tissue. Exogenous expression of a dominant negative version of mouse Rev-erbbeta decreases the expression of many genes involved in fatty acid/lipid absorption (including Cd36, and Fabp-3 and -4). Interestingly, we observed a robust induction (> 15-fold) in mRNA expression of interleukin-6, an exercise-induced myokine that regulates energy expenditure and inflammation. Furthermore, we observed the dramatic repression (> 20- fold) of myostatin mRNA, another myokine that is a negative regulator of muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia that impacts on body fat accumulation. This study implicates Rev-erbbeta in the control of lipid and energy homoeostasis in skeletal muscle. In conclusion, we speculate that selective modulators of Rev-erbbeta may have therapeutic utility in the treatment of dyslipidemia and regulation of muscle growth.
Matrix accumulation in the renal tubulointerstitium is predictive of a progressive decline in renal function. Transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) and, more recently, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) are recognized to play key roles in mediating the fibrogenic response, independently of the primary renal insult. Further definition of the independent and interrelated effects of CTGF and TGF-beta(1) is critical for the development of effective antifibrotic strategies. CTGF (20 ng/ml) induced fibronectin and collagen IV secretion in primary cultures of human proximal tubule cells (PTC) and cortical fibroblasts (CF) compared with control values (P < 0.005 in all cases). This effect was inhibited by neutralizing antibodies to either TGF-beta or to the TGF-beta type II receptor (TbetaRII). TGF-beta(1) induced a greater increase in fibronectin and collagen IV secretion in both PTC (P < 0.01) and CF (P < 0.01) compared with that observed with CTGF alone. The combination of TGF-beta(1) and CTGF was additive in their effects on both PTC and CF fibronectin and collagen IV secretion. TGF-beta(1) (2 ng/ml) stimulated CTGF mRNA expression within 30 min, which was sustained for up to 24 h, with a consequent increase in CTGF protein (P < 0.05), whereas CTGF had no effect on TGF-beta(1) mRNA or protein expression. TGF-beta(1) (2 ng/ml) induced phosphorylated (p)Smad-2 within 15 min, which was sustained for up to 24 h. CTGF had a delayed effect on increasing pSmad-2 expression, which was evident at 24 h. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated the key dependence of the fibrogenic actions of CTGF on TGF-beta. It has further uniquely demonstrated that CTGF requires TGF-beta, signaling through the TbetaRII in both PTCs and CFs, to exert its fibrogenic response in this in vitro model.
OBJECTIVE - We examined the associations of physical activity with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and with 2-h postload plasma glucose (2-h PG) in men and women with low, moderate, and high waist circumference. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study provided data on a population-based cross-sectional sample of 4,108 men and 5,106 women aged >= 25 years without known diabetes or health conditions that could affect physical activity. FPG and 2-h PG were obtained from an oral glucose tolerance test. Self-reported physical activity level was defined according to the current public health guidelines as active (>= 150 min/week across five or more sessions) or inactive (< 150 min/week and/or less than five sessions). Sex-specific quintiles of physical activity time were used to ascertain dose response. RESULTS - Being physically active and total physical activity time were independently and negatively associated with 2-h PG. When physical activity level was considered within each waist circumference category, 2-h PG was significantly lower in active high-waist circumference women (beta-0.30 [95% CI -0.59 to -0.01], P = 0.044) and active low-waist circumference men(beta-0.25 [-0.49 to -0.02],P = 0.036) compared with their inactive counterparts. Considered across physical activity and waist circumference categories, 2-h PG levels were not significantly different between active moderate-waist circumference participants and active low-waist circumference participants. Associations between physical activity and FPG were nonsignificant. CONCLUSIONS - There are important differences between 2-h PG and FPG related to physical activity. It appears that 2-h PG is more sensitive to the beneficial effects of physical activity, and these benefits occur across the waist circumference spectrum.
Muscle glycogen inharmoniously regulates glycogen synthase activity, glucose uptake, and proximal insulin signaling. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 290: E154-E162, 2006. First published August 23, 2005; doi:10.1152/ajpendo. 00330.2005.-Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and incorporation of glucose into skeletal muscle glycogen contribute to physiological regulation of blood glucose concentration. In the present study, glucose handling and insulin signaling in isolated rat muscles with low glycogen (LG, 24-h fasting) and high glycogen (HG, refed for 24 h) content were compared with muscles with normal glycogen (NG, rats kept on their normal diet). In LG, basal and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and glycogen synthase activation were higher and glycogen synthase phosphorylation (Ser645, Ser649, Ser653, Ser657) lower than in NG. GLUT4 expression, insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, and PKB phosphorylation were higher in LG than in NG, whereas insulin receptor tyrosyl phosphorylation, insulin receptor substrate-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity, and GSK-3 phosphorylation were unchanged. Muscles with HG showed lower insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and glycogen synthase activation than NG despite similar dephosphorylation. Insulin signaling, glucose uptake, and GLUT4 expression were similar in HG and NG. This discordant regulation of glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in HG resulted in higher insulin-stimulated glucose 6-phosphate concentration, higher glycolytic flux, and intracellular accumulation of nonphosphorylated 2-deoxyglucose. In conclusion, elevated glycogen synthase activation, glucose uptake, and GLUT4 expression enhance glycogen resynthesis in muscles with low glycogen. High glycogen concentration per se does not impair proximal insulin signaling or glucose uptake. Insulin resistance is observed at the level of glycogen synthase, and the reduced glycogen synthesis leads to increased levels of glucose 6-phosphate, glycolytic flux, and accumulation of nonphosphorylated 2-deoxyglucose.
[beta]-Hydroxy [beta]-methylbutyrate (HMB), a metabolite of the essential amino acid leucine, is one of the latest dietary supplements promoted to enhance gains in strength and lean body mass associated with resistance training. Unlike anabolic hormones that induce muscle hypertrophy by increasing muscle protein synthesis, HMB is claimed to influence strength and lean body mass by acting as an anticatabolic agent, minimising protein breakdown and damage to cells that may occur with intense exercise. Research on HMB has recently tested this hypothesis, under the assumption that it may be the active compound associated with the anticatabolic effects of leucine and its metabolites. While much of the available literature is preliminary in nature and not without methodological concern, there is support for the claims made regarding HMB supplementation, at least in young, previously untrained individuals. A mechanism by which this may occur is unknown, but research undertaken to date suggests there may be a reduction in skeletal muscle damage, although this has not been assessed directly. The response of resistance trained and older individuals to HMB administration is less clear. While the results of research conducted to date appear encouraging, caution must be taken when interpreting outcomes as most manuscripts are presented in abstract form only, not having to withstand the rigors of peer review. Of the literature reviewed relating to HMB administration during resistance training, only 2 papers are full manuscripts appearing in peer reviewed journals. The remaining 8 papers are published as abstracts only, making it difficult to critically review the research. There is clearly a need for more tightly controlled, longer duration studies to verify if HMB enhances strength and muscular hypertrophy development associated with resistance training across a range of groups, including resistance trained individuals.
The process of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) provides a possible route for the generation of a coherent molecular Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) from an atomic BEC. We analyze this process in a three-dimensional mean-field theory, including atom-atom interactions and nonresonant intermediate levels. We find that the process is feasible, but at larger Rabi frequencies than anticipated from a crude single-mode lossless analysis, due to two-photon dephasing caused by the atomic interactions. We then identify optimal strategies in STIRAP allowing one to maintain high conversion efficiencies with smaller Rabi frequencies and under experimentally less demanding conditions.
Whole body glucose homeostasis is dependent on the action of insulin. In muscle and adipose tissues, insulin stimulates glucose uptake by inducing the translocation of vesicles containing the glucose transporter GLUT4 to the cell surface. While the mechanisms of insulin-regulated GLUT4 translocation are not fully understood, some signaling intermediates have been implicated in this process. Interestingly, som: of these intermediates, including IRS-1 and PI3K, have been localised to the same intracellular membrane fraction as the GLUT4 storage pool, designated here as the high-speed pellet (HSP) fraction. This raises the possibility that many of the downstream insulin signaling intermediates may be located within close proximity to intracellular GLUT4. The goal of this study was to test this hypothesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. A large proportion of adipocyte phosphoproteins co-fractionated in the HSP fraction. In an attempt to resolve insulin-regulatable phosphoproteins, we subjected P-32-labeled subcellular fractions to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Insulin reproducibly stimulated the phosphorylation of 12 spots in the HSP fraction. Most of the HSP phosphoproteins were insoluble in the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, whereas integral membrane proteins such as GLUT4 and intracellular caveolin were soluble under the same conditions. These results suggest that insulin-regulatable phosphoproteins in adipocytes may be organized in microdomains within the cell and that this assembly may act as an efficient conductor of the signaling proteins to rapidly facilitate downstream biological responses. Further study is required to establish the molecular basis for these detergent-insoluble signaling complexes.
1 We have recently suggested the existence in the heart of a 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor' based on the cardiostimulant effects of non-conventional partial agonists, compounds that cause cardiostimulant effects at greater concentrations than those required to block beta(1)- and Bz-adrenoceptors. We sought to obtain further evidence by establishing and validating a radioligand binding assay for this receptor with (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A ((-)-4-(3-tertiarybutylamino-2-hydroxypropoxy) benzimidazol-2-one) in rat atrium. We investigated (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A for this purpose for two reasons, because it is a nonconventional partial agonist and also because it is a hydrophilic radioligand. 2 Increasing concentrations of(-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A, in the absence or presence of 20 mu M (-)-CGP 12177A to define non-specific binding, resulted in a biphasic saturation isotherm. Low concentrations bound to beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors (pK(D) 9.4+/-0.1, B-max 26.9+/-3.1 fmol mg(-1) protein) and higher concentrations bound to the 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor' (pK(D) 7.5+/-0.1, B-max 47.7+/-4.9 fmol mg(-1) protein). In other experiments designed to exclude beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors, (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A (1-200 nM) binding in the presence of 500 nM (-)-propranolol was also saturable (pK(D) 7.6+/-0.1, B-max 50.8+/-7.4 fmol mg(-1) protein). 3 The non-conventional partial agonists (-)-CGP 12177A (pK(i) 7.3+/-0.2), (+/-)-cyanopindolol (pK(i) 7.6+/-0.2), (-)-pindolol (pK(i) 6.6+/-0.1) and (+)-carazolol (pk(i), 7.2+/-0.2) and the antagonist (-)-bupranolol (pK(i) 6.6+/-0.2), all competed for (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A binding in the presence of 500 nM (-)-propranolol at the 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor', with affinities closely similar to potencies and affinities determined in organ bath studies. 4 The catecholamines competed with (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A at the 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor' in a stereoselective manner, (-)-noradrenaline (pK(iH) 6.3 +/- 0.3, pK(i), 3.5 +/- 0.1), (-)-adrenaline (pK(iH) 6.5 +/- 0.2, pK(iL) 2.9 +/- 0.1), (-)-isoprenaline (pK(iH) 6.2 +/- 0.5, pK(iL) 3.3 +/- 0.1), (+)-isoprenaline (pK(i) < 1.7), (-)-R0363 ((-)-(1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamino)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenoxy)-2-propranol)oxalate, pK(i) 5.5 +/- 0.1). 5 The inclusion of guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP 0.1 mM) had no effect on binding of (-)-CGP 12177A or (-)-isoprenaline to the 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor'. In competition binding studies, (-)-CGP 12177A competed with (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A for one receptor state in the absence (pK(i) 7.3 +/- 0.2) or presence of GTP (pK(i) 7.3 +/- 0.2). (-)-Isoprenaline competed with (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A for two states in the absence (pK(iH) 6.6 +/- 0.3, pK(iL) 3.5 +/- 0.1; % H 25 +/- 7) or presence of GTP (pK(iH) 6.2 +/- 0.5, pK(iL) 3.4 +/- 0.1; % H 37 +/- 6). In contrast, at beta(1)-adrenoceptors, GTP stabilized the low affinity state of the receptor for (-)-isoprenaline. 6 The specificity of binding to the 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor' was tested with compounds active at other receptors. High concentrations of the beta(4)-adrenoceptor agonists, BRL 37344 ((RR + SS)[4-[2-[[2-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-hydroxy -ethyl]amino]propyl]phenoxy]acetic acid, 6 mu M), SR 58611A (ethyl((7S)-7-[(2R)-2-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-hydroxyethylamino]-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphtyl-2-yloxy) acetate hydrochloride, 6 mu M), ZD 2079 ((+/-)-1-phenyl-2-(2-4-carboxymethylphenoxy)-ethylamino)ethan-1-ol, 60 mu M), CL 316243 (disodium (R,R)-5-[2-[2-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-hydroxyethyl-amino]propyl]- 1,3-benzodioxole-2,2-dicarboxylate, 60 mu M) and antagonist SR 59230A (3-(2-ethylphenoxy)-1-[(1S)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphth-1-ylamino]-2S-2-propanol oxalate, 6 mu M) caused less than 22% inhibition of (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A binding in the presence of 500 nM (-)-propranolol. Histamine (1 mM), atropine (1 mu M), phentolamine (10 mu M), 5-HT(100 mu M) and the 5-HT4 receptor antagonist SE 207710 ((1-butyl-4-piperidinyl)-methyl 8-amino-7-iodo-1 ,4-benzodioxan-5-carboxylate, 10 nM) caused less than 26% inhibition of binding. 7 Non-conventional partial agonists, the antagonist (-)-bupranolol and catecholamines all competed for (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A binding in the absence of (-)-propranolol at beta(1)-adrenoceptors, with affinities (pK(i)) ranging from 1.6-3.6 log orders greater than at the 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor'. 8 We have established and validated a radioligand binding assay in rat atrium for the 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor' which is distinct from beta(1)-, beta(2)- and beta(3)-adrenoceptors. The stereoselective interaction with the catecholamines provides further support for the classification of the receptor as 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor'.
Formaldehyde-derived oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 of the beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists metoprolol 1, atenolol 2 and timolol 3 have been synthesised. Conformational analysis of 1-3 and the oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 has been performed using H-1 NMR spectroscopy and computational methods. The H-1 NMR studies show that for the aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists there is a predominance of the conformer in which the amine group is approximately antiperiplanar or trans to the aryloxymethylene group. Both H-1 NMR data and theoretical studies indicate that the oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 and the aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists 1-3 adopt similar conformations around the beta-amino alcohol moiety. Thus, oxazolidine ring formation does not dramatically alter the preferred conformation adopted by the beta-amino alcohol moiety of 1-3. Oxazolidine derivatives of aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists may therefore be appropriate as prodrugs, or semi-rigid analogues, when greater lipophilicity is required for drug delivery.
RT-PCR and direct sequence analyses were used to define mutations in the cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) gene in two unrelated male patients with vitamin B6 nonresponsive homocystinuria. Both patients were compound heterozygotes for CBS alleles containing point mutations. One patient had a maternally derived G-->A transition in the splice-donor site of intron 1, resulting in aberrant splicing of CBS mRNA. The other allele contained a missense mutation resulting in the previously reported E144K mutant CBS protein. The second patient had a maternally derived 4 bp insertion in exon 17, predicted to cause a CBS peptide of altered amino acid sequence. A 494G-->A transition was found in exon 4 of the other allele, predicting a C165Y substitution. Expression of recombinant CBS protein, containing the C165Y mutation, had no detectable catalytic activity. Each mutation was confirmed in genomic DNA. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Plasma leaking from damaged retinal blood vessels can have a significant impact on the pathologies of the posterior segment of the eye. Inflammation in the eye and metabolic change resulting from diabetes mellitus causes vascular leakage with alteration of the phenotype of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and fibrocytes, resulting in changes in cell function. Phenotypically altered cells then significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of retinopathies by being incorporated into tractional membranes in the vitreous, where they secrete matrix molecules, such as fibronectin, and express altered cell surface antigens. We hypothesize that there is a direct relationship between the leaking of plasma and the proliferation and phenotypic change of RPE cells and fibroblasts, thus exacerbating the pathology of retinal disease. If the hypothesis is correct, control of vascular leakage becomes an important target of therapy in proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
Some blockers of beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors cause cardiostimulant effects through an atypical beta-adrenoceptor (putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor) that resembles the beta(3)-adrenoceptor. It is likely but not proven that the putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor is genetically distinct from the beta(3)-adrenoceptor. We therefore investigated whether or not the cardiac atypical beta-adrenoceptor could mediate agonist effects in mice lacking a functional beta(3)-adrenoceptor gene (beta(3)KO). (-)-CGP 12177, a beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptor blocker that causes agonist effects through both beta(3)-adrenoceptors and cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors, caused cardiostimulant effects that were not different in atria from wild-type (WT) mice and beta(3)KO mice. The effects of (-)-CGP 12177 were resistant to blockade by (-)-propranolol (200 nM) but were blocked by (-)-bupranolol (1 mu M) with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 15 nM in WT and 17 nM in beta(3)KO. (-)-[H-3]CGP 12177 labeled a similar density of the putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor in ventricular membranes from the hearts of both WT (B-max = 52 fmol/mg protein) and beta(3)KO (B-max = 53 fmol/mg protein) mice. The affinity of (-)-[H-3]CGP 12177 for the cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor was not different between WT (K-d = 46 nM) and beta(3)KO (K-d = 40 nM). These results provide definitive evidence that the cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor is distinct from the beta(3)-adrenoceptor.
Microencapsulation of lemon oil was undertaken with beta-cyclodextrin using a precipitation method at the five lemon oil to beta-cyclodextrin ratios of 3:97, 6:94, 9:91, 12:88, and 15:85 (w/w) in order to determine the effect of the ratio of lemon oil to beta-cyclodextrin on the inclusion efficiency of beta-cyclodextrin for encapsulating oil volatiles. The retention of lemon oil volatiles reached a maximum at the lemon oil to beta-cyclodextrin ratio of 6:94; however, the maximum inclusion capacity of beta-cyclodextrin and a maximum powder recovery were achieved at the ratio of 12:88, in which the beta-cyclodextrin complex contained 9.68% (w/w) lemon oil. The profile and proportion of selected flavor compounds in the beta-cyclodextrin complex and the starting lemon oil were not significantly different.