34 resultados para Gene mutations


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Mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (pfcrt) gene were examined to assess their associations with chloroquine resistance in clinical samples from Armopa (Papua) and Papua New Guinea. In Papua, two of the five pfcrt haplotypes found were new: SVIET from Armopa and CVIKT from an isolate in Timika. There was also a strong association (P < 0.0001) between the pfcrt 76T allele and chloroquine resistance in 50 samples. In Papua New Guinea, mutations in the pfcrt gene were observed in 15 isolates with chloroquine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 16-64 pmol, while the remaining six isolates, which had a wild-type pfcrt gene at codon 76, had MICs of 2-8 pmol. These observations confirm that mutations at codon 76 in the pfcrt gene are present in both in vivo and in vitro cases of chloroquine resistance, and that detection of the pfcrt 76T allele could predict potential chloroquine treatment failures.


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A common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) gene modulates the level of transcription of this gene and hence is associated with serum levels of EGF. This variant may be associated with melanoma risk, but conflicting findings have been reported. An Australian melanoma case-control sample was typed for the EGF+61A>G transversion (rs4444903). The sample comprised 753 melanoma cases from 738 families stratified by family history of melanoma and 2387 controls from 645 unselected twin families. Ancestry of the cases and controls was recorded, and the twins had undergone skin examination to assess total body nevus count, degree of freckling and pigmentation phenotype. SNP genotyping was carried out via primer extension followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectroscopy. The EGIF+61 SNP was not found to be significantly associated with melanoma status or with development of nevi or freckles. Among melanoma cases, however, G homozygotes had thicker tumors (p=0.05), in keeping with two previous studies. The EGF polymorphism does not appear to predispose to melanoma or nevus development, but its significant association with tumor thickness implies that it may be a useful marker of prognosis.


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Mutations of the MEN1 gene, encoding the tumor suppressor menin, predispose individuals to the cancer syndrome multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, characterized by the development of tumors of the endocrine pancreas and anterior pituitary and parathyroid glands. We have targeted the murine Men1 gene by using Cre recombinase-loxP technology to develop both total and tissue-specific knockouts of the gene. Conditional homozygous inactivation of the Men1 gene in the pituitary gland and endocrine pancreas bypasses the embryonic lethality associated with a constitutional Men1(-/-) genotype and leads to beta-cell hyperplasia in less than 4 months and insulinomas and prolactinomas starting at 9 months. The pituitary gland and pancreas develop normally in the conditional absence of menin, but loss of this transcriptional cofactor is sufficient to cause beta-cell hyperplasia in some islets; however, such loss is not sufficient to initiate pituitary gland tumorigenesis, suggesting that additional genetic events are necessary for the latter.


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The plant hormones abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene are involved in diverse plant processes, including the regulation of gene expression during adaptive responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. Previously, ABA has been implicated in enhancing disease susceptibility in various plant species, but currently very little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. In this study, we obtained evidence that a complex interplay between ABA and JA-ethylene signaling pathways regulate plant defense gene expression and disease resistance. First, we showed that exogenous ABA suppressed both basal and JA-ethylene-activated transcription from defense genes. By contrast, ABA deficiency as conditioned by the mutations in the ABA1 and ABA2 genes, which encode enzymes involved in ABA biosynthesis, resulted in upregulation of basal and induced transcription from JA-ethylene responsive defense genes. Second, we found that disruption of AtMYC2 (allelic to JASMONATE INSENSITIVE1 [JIN1]), encoding a basic helix-loop-helix Leu zipper transcription factor, which is a positive regulator of ABA signaling, results in elevated levels of basal and activated transcription from JA-ethylene responsive defense genes. Furthermore, the jin1/myc2 and aba2-1 mutants showed increased resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. Finally, using ethylene and ABA signaling mutants, we showed that interaction between ABA and ethylene signaling is mutually antagonistic in vegetative tissues. Collectively, our results indicate that the antagonistic interactions between multiple components of ABA and the JA-ethylene signaling pathways modulate defense and stress responsive gene expression in response to biotic and abiotic stresses.


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The Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR) gene is a cell surface receptor that plays an important role in cholesterol homeostasis. We investigated the (TA)n polymorphism in exon 18 of the LDLR gene on chromosome 19p13.2 performing an association analysis in 244 typical migraine-affected patients, 151 suffering from migraine with aura (MA), 96 with migraine without aura (MO) and 244 unaffected controls. The populations consisted of Caucasians only, and controls were age- and sex-matched. The results showed no significant difference between groups for allele frequency distributions of the (TA)n polymorphism even after separation of the migraine-affected individuals into subgroups of MA and MO affected patients. This is in contradiction to Mochi et al. [Mochi M, Cevoli S, Cortelli P, Pierangeli G, Scapoli C, Soriani S, Montagna P. Investigation of an LDLR gene polymorphism (19p13.2) in susceptibility to migrane without aura. J Neurol Sci 2003; 213 (1-2): 7-10.] who found a positive association of this variant with MO. Our study discusses possible differences between the two studies and extends this research by investigating circulating cholesterol levels in a migraine-affected population. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The I-3 gene from the wild tomato species Lycopersicon pennellii confers resistance to race 3 of the devastating vascular wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. As an initial step in a positional cloning strategy for the isolation of I-3, we converted restriction fragment length polymorphism and conserved orthologue set markers, known genes and a resistance gene analogue (RGA) mapping to the I-3 region into PCR-based sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers. Additional PCR-based markers in the I-3 region were generated using the randomly amplified DNA fingerprinting (RAF) technique. SCAR, CAPS and RAF markers were used for high-resolution mapping around the I-3 locus. The I-3 gene was localised to a 0.3-cM region containing a RAF marker, eO6, and an RGA, RGA332. RGA332 was cloned and found to correspond to a putative pseudogene with at least two loss-of-function mutations. The predicted pseudogene belongs to the Toll interleukin-1 receptor-nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich-repeat sub-class of plant disease resistance genes. Despite the presence of two RGA332 homologues in L. esculentum, DNA gel blot and PCR analysis suggests that no other homologues are present in lines carrying I-3 that could be alternative candidates for the gene.


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In Pisum sativium, the RAMOSUS genes RMS1, RMS2, and RMS5 regulate shoot branching via physiologically defined mobile signals. RMS1 is most likely a carotenoid cleavage enzyme and acts with RMS5 to control levels of an as yet unidentified mobile branching inhibitor required for auxin inhibition of branching. Our work provides molecular, genetic, and physiological evidence that RMS1 plays a central role in a shoot-to-root-to-shoot feedback system that regulates shoot branching in pea. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) positively regulates RMS1 transcript level, a potentially important mechanism for regulation of shoot branching by IAA. In addition, RMS1 transcript levels are dramatically elevated in rms3, rms4, and rms5 plants, which do not contain elevated IAA levels. This degree of upregulation of RMS1 expression cannot be achieved in wild-type plants by exogenous IAA application. Grafting studies indicate that an IAA-independent mobile feedback signal contributes to the elevated RMS1 transcript levels in rms4 plants. Therefore, the long-distance signaling network controlling branching in pea involves IAA, the RMS1 inhibitor, and an IAA-independent feedback signal. Consistent with physiological studies that predict an interaction between RMS2 and RMS1, rms2 mutations appear to disrupt this IAA-independent regulation of RMS1 expression.


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Introduction: Mutation testing for the MEN1 gene is a useful method to diagnose and predict individuals who either have or will develop multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 ( MEN 1). Clinical selection criteria to identify patients who should be tested are needed, as mutation analysis is costly and time consuming. This study is a report of an Australian national mutation testing service for the MEN1 gene from referred patients with classical MEN 1 and various MEN 1- like conditions. Results: All 55 MEN1 mutation positive patients had a family history of hyperparathyroidism, had hyperparathyroidism with one other MEN1 related tumour, or had hyperparathyroidism with multiglandular hyperplasia at a young age. We found 42 separate mutations and six recurring mutations from unrelated families, and evidence for a founder effect in five families with the same mutation. Discussion: Our results indicate that mutations in genes other than MEN1 may cause familial isolated hyperparathyroidism and familial isolated pituitary tumours. Conclusions: We therefore suggest that routine germline MEN1 mutation testing of all cases of classical'' MEN1, familial hyperparathyroidism, and sporadic hyperparathyroidism with one other MEN1 related condition is justified by national testing services. We do not recommend routine sequencing of the promoter region between nucleotides 1234 and 1758 ( Genbank accession no. U93237) as we could not detect any sequence variations within this region in any familial or sporadic cases of MEN1 related conditions lacking a MEN1 mutation. We also suggest that testing be considered for patients < 30 years old with sporadic hyperparathyroidism and multigland hyperplasia


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Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (NBCCS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by multiple basal cell carcinomas, palmar and plantar pitting, odontogenic keratocysts of the jaws and bilamellar calcification of the falx. Mutations in the PTCH gene are responsible for NBCCS but most studies have found mutations in less than half of the cases tested. We used denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) to screen for PTCH mutations in 28 NBCCS cases, most of whom had been previously evaluated by single stranded conformation polymorphism analysis but found to be negative. Protein truncating (n = 10) and missense or indel (n = 4) mutations were found in 14/28 (50%) cases and one additional case carried an unclassified variant, c.2777G>C. Thirteen of the variants were novel. The mutation frequency was similar in inherited and de novo cases. Three of the missense and indel mutations were in the sterol-sensing domain, and one was in the sixth transmembrane domain.


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Metaplastic breast carcinomas are reported to harbour epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) overexpression in up to 80% of the cases, but EGFR gene amplification is the underlying genetic mechanism in around one-third of these. In this study, EGFR gene amplification as defined by chromogenic in situ hybridization and protein overexpression was examined in a cohort of 47 metaplastic breast carcinomas. Furthermore, the presence of activating EGFR mutations in exons 18, 19, 20, and 21 was investigated. Thirty-two cases showed EGFR overexpression and of these, 11 (34%) harboured EGFR gene amplification. In addition, EGFR amplification showed a statistically significant association with EGFR overexpression (p < 0.0094) and was restricted to carcinomas with homologous metaplasia. Ten cases, five with and five without EGFR amplification, were subjected to microarray-based CGH, which demonstrated that EGFR copy number gain may occur by amplification of a discrete genomic region or by gains of the short arm of chromosome 7 with a breakpoint near the EGFR gene locus, the minimal region of amplification mapping to EGFR, LANCL2, and SECOG. No activating EGFR mutations were identified, suggesting that this is unlikely to be a common alternative underlying genetic mechanism for EGFR expression in metaplastic breast carcinomas. Given that metaplastic breast carcinomas are resistant to conventional chemotherapy or hormone therapy regimens and that tumours with EGFR amplification are reported to be sensitive to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors, these findings indicate that further studies are warranted to explore EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents for metaplastic breast carcinomas harbouring amplification of 7p11.2. Copyright (c) 2006 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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Escherichia coli is the most common organism associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). In contrast to uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), which causes symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI), very little is known about the mechanisms by which these strains colonize the urinary tract. Bacterial adhesion conferred by specific surface-associated adhesins is normally considered as a prerequisite for colonization of the urinary tract. The prototype ABU E coli strain 83972 was originally isolated from a girl who had carried it asymptomatically for 3 years. This study characterized the molecular status of one of the primary adhesion factors known to be associated with UTI, namely F1C fimbriae, encoded by the foc gene cluster. F1C fimbriae recognize receptors present in the human kidney and bladder. Expression of the foc genes was found to be up-regulated in human urine. It was also shown that although strain 83972 contains a seemingly intact foc gene cluster, F1C fimbriae are not expressed. Sequencing and genetic complementation revealed that the focD gene, encoding a component of the F1C transport and assembly system, was non-functional, explaining the inability of strain 83972 to express this adhesin. The data imply that E. coli 83972 has lost its ability to express this important colonization factor as a result of host-driven evolution. The ancestor of the strain seems to have been a pyelonephritis strain of phylogenetic group B2. Strain 83972 therefore represents an example of bacterial adaptation from pathogenicity to commensalism through virulence factor loss.


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Although MYB overexpression in colorectal cancer (CRC) is known to be a prognostic indicator for poor survival, the basis for this overexpression is unclear. Among multiple levels of MYB regulation, the most dynamic is the control of transcriptional elongation by sequences within intron I. The authors have proposed that this regulatory sequence is transcribed into an RNA stem-loop and 19-residue polyuridine tract, and is subject to mutation in CRC. When this region was examined in colorectal and breast carcinoma cell lines and tissues, the authors found frequent mutations only in CRC. It was determined that these mutations allowed increased transcription compared with the wild type sequence. These data suggest that this MYB regulatory region within intron I is subject to mutations in CRC but not breast cancer, perhaps consistent with the mutagenic insult that occurs within the colon and not mammary tissue. In CRC, these mutations may contribute to MYB overexpression, highlighting the importance of noncoding sequences in the regulation of key cancer genes. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.