33 resultados para Fat mass, blood pressure, aerobics, body mass index, weight
Objective: To explore the relationship between family average income (FAI; an index of socio-economic status) and body mass index (BMI; a widely used, inexpensive indicator of weight status) above the healthy weight range in a region of Mainland China. Design: Population-based cross-sectional study, conducted between October 1999 and March 2000 on a sample of regular local residents aged 35 years or older who were selected by random cluster sampling. Setting: Forty-five administrative villages selected from three urban districts and two rural counties of Nanjing municipality, Mainland China, with a regional population of 5.6 million. Subjects: In total, 29 340 subjects participated; 67.7% from urban and 32.3% from rural areas; 49.8% male and 50.2% female. The response rate among eligible participants was 90.1%. Results: The proportion of participants classified as overweight was 30.5%, while 7.8% were identified as obese. After adjusting for possible confounding variables (age, gender, area of residence, educational level, occupational and leisure-time physical activity, daily vegetable consumption and frequency of red meat intake), urban participants were more likely to be overweight or obese relative to their rural counterparts, more women than men were obese, and participants in the lowest FAI tertile were the least likely to be above the healthy weight range. Conclusions: The proportion of adults with BMI above the healthy weight range was positively related to having a higher socio-economic status (indexed by FAI) in a regional Chinese population.
Individuals from the same population share a number of contextual circumstances that may condition a common level of blood pressure over and above individual characteristics. Understanding this population effect is relevant for both etiologic research and prevention strategies. Using multilevel regression analyses, the authors quantified the extent to which individual differences in systolic blood pressure (SBP) could be attributed to the population level. They also investigated possible cross-level interactions between the population in which a person lived and pharmacological (antihypertensive medication) and nonpharmacological (body mass index) effects on individual SBP. They analyzed data on 23,796 men and 24,986 women aged 35-64 years from 39 worldwide Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) study populations participating in the final survey of this World Health Organization project (1989-1997). SBP was positively associated with low educational achievement, high body mass index, and use of antihypertensive medication and, for women, was negatively associated with smoking. About 7-8% of all SBP differences between subjects were attributed to the population level. However, this population effect was particularly strong (i.e., 20%) in antihypertensive medication users and overweight women. This empirical evidence of a population effect on individual SBP emphasizes the importance of developing population-wide strategies to reduce individual risk of hypertension.
In large epidemiological studies missing data can be a problem, especially if information is sought on a sensitive topic or when a composite measure is calculated from several variables each affected by missing values. Multiple imputation is the method of choice for 'filling in' missing data based on associations among variables. Using an example about body mass index from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health, we identify a subset of variables that are particularly useful for imputing values for the target variables. Then we illustrate two uses of multiple imputation. The first is to examine and correct for bias when data are not missing completely at random. The second is to impute missing values for an important covariate; in this case omission from the imputation process of variables to be used in the analysis may introduce bias. We conclude with several recommendations for handling issues of missing data. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Background and Purpose - The cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage ( SAH) is poorly understood and there are few large cohort studies of risk factors for SAH. We investigated the risk of SAH mortality and morbidity associated with common cardiovascular risk factors in the Asia-Pacific region and examined whether the strengths of these associations were different in Asian and Australasian ( predominantly white) populations. Methods - Cohort studies were identified from Internet electronic databases, searches of proceedings of meetings, and personal communication. Hazard ratios (HRs) for systolic blood pressure (SBP), current smoking, total serum cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), and alcohol drinking were calculated from Cox models that were stratified by sex and cohort and adjusted for age at risk. Results - Individual participant data from 26 prospective cohort studies ( total number of participants 306 620) that reported incident cases of SAH ( fatal and/or nonfatal) were available for analysis. During the median follow-up period of 8.2 years, a total of 236 incident cases of SAH were observed. Current smoking (HR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.8 to 3.4) and SBP > 140 mm Hg ( HR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.5 to 2.7) were significant and independent risk factors for SAH. Attributable risks of SAH associated with current smoking and elevated SBP ( similar to 140 mm Hg) were 29% and 19%, respectively. There were no significant associations between the risk of SAH and cholesterol, BMI, or drinking alcohol. The strength of the associations of the common cardiovascular risk factors with the risk of SAH did not differ much between Asian and Australasian regions. Conclusions - Cigarette smoking and SBP are the most important risk factors for SAH in the Asia-Pacific region.
Detailed analysis of body composition in children has helped to understand changes that occur in growth and disease. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has gained popularity as a simple, non-invasive and inexpensive tool of body composition assessment. Being an indirect technique, prediction equations have to be used in the assessment of body composition. There are many prediction equations available in the literature for the assessment of body composition from BIA. This study aims to cross-validate some of those prediction equations to determine the suitability of their use on Australian children of white Caucasian and Sri Lankan origins. Height, weight and BIA were measured. Total body water was measured using the isotope dilution method (D2O). Fat-mass (FM) and %FM were estimated from BIA using ten prediction equations described in the literature. Five to 14.99-year-old healthy, 96 white Caucasians and 42 Sri Lankan children were studied. The equation of Schaefer et al was the most suitable prediction equation for this group with the lowest mean bias for %FM assessment in both Caucasian (–1.0±9.6%) and Sri Lankan (1.6±5.2%) children and the fat content of the individuals did not influence the predictions by this equation. Impedance index (height2/impedance) explained for 80% of TBW in white Caucasians and 93% in Sri Lankans and figures were similar for the prediction of FFM. We conclude that BIA can be used effectively in the assessment of body composition in children. However, for the assessment of body composition using BIA, either prediction equations should be derived to suit the local populations or existing equations should be cross-validated to determine their suitability before their application.
Purpose: To determine whether a significant relationship exists between fat mass (FM) development and physical activity (PA) and/or sugar-sweetened drink (SD) consumption in healthy boys and girls aged 8-19 yr. Methods: A total of 105 males and 103 females were assessed during childhood and adolescence for a maximum of 7 yr and a median of 5 yr. Height was measured biannually. Fat-free mass (FFM) and FM were assessed annually by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). PA was evaluated two to three times annually using the PAQ-C/A. Energy intake and SD were assessed using a 24-h dietary intake questionnaire also completed two to three times per year. Years from peak height velocity were used as a biological maturity age indicator. Multilevel random effects models were used to test the relationship. Results: When controlling for maturation, FFM, and energy intake adjusted for SD, PA level was negatively related to FM development in males (P < 0.05) but not in females (P > 0.05). In contrast, there was no relationship between SD and FM development of males or females (P > 0.05). There was also no interaction effect between SD and PA (P > 0.05) with FM development. Conclusion: This finding tends support to the idea that increasing PA in male youths aids in the control of FM development. Models employed showed no relationship between SD and FM in either gender.
Background: Changes in body composition are commonly reported in pediatric survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, the effect of ALL and of its treatment on body composition in children in remission from ALL has not been fully examined with the use of a reference method. Objectives: We aimed to determine the body composition and composition of fat-free mass (FFM) in children in remission from ALL. We also aimed to compare the effects that prednisolone and dexamethasone had on the body composition of an ALL survivor population. Design: This cross-sectional study measured height, weight, body volume, total body water, and bone mineral content in 24 children in remission from ALL and 24 age-matched, healthy control subjects. Body composition and FFM composition were evaluated by using the 4-component model. Results: The mean body mass index and fat mass index were significantly (P = 0.05 for both) higher in the ALL survivors than in age-matched control subjects. The composition of the FFM in the 2 treatment groups was not observed to differ significantly. Examination of the composition of FFM made it evident that children in remission from ALL had both significantly greater hydration (P = 0.001) and lower density (P = 0.0001) of FFM than did the control children. Conclusions: Children in remission from ALL may develop excess body fat. To measure body composition accurately in an ALL population, the high hydration and low density of FFM in this population should be taken into consideration.
Increasing evidence from human epidemiological studies suggests that poor growth before birth is associated with postnatal growth retardation and the development of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. We have shown previously that nutritional deprivation in the pregnant rat leads to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), postnatal growth failure, changes in the endocrine parameters of the somatotrophic axis, and to increased blood pressure in later life. In the present study, we investigated whether administration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) or bovine growth hormone (GH) during pregnancy could prevent IUGR and/or alter long-term outcome. Dams h-om day 1 of pregnancy throughout gestation received a diet of nd libitum available food or a restricted dietary intake of 30% of ad libitum fed dams. From day 10 of gestation, dams were treated for 10 days with three times daily subcutaneous injections of saline (100 mu l), IGF-I (2 mu g/g body weight) or GH (2 mu g/g body weight). Maternal weight gain was significantly increased (P
Background. Australian Aborigines are experiencing epidemic proportions of renal disease, marked by albuminuria and, variably, hematuria. They also have high rates of low birth weight, which have been associated with lower kidney volumes and higher blood pressures. The authors evaluated relationships between kidney volume, blood pressure, albuminuria, and hematuria in 1 homogeneous group. Methods Forty-three percent (672 of 1,560) of the population in a remote coastal Australian Aboriginal community aged 4.4 to 72.1 years participated in the study. Results: Kidney size correlated closely with body size. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was correlated inversely with kidney length and kidney volume, after adjusting for age, sex, and body surface area (BSA); a 1-cm increase in mean kidney length was associated with a 2.2-mm Hg decrease in SBP, and a 10-mL increase in mean kidney volume was associated with a 0.6-mm Hg decrease in SBP (P = 0.001). Mean kidney volume explained 10% of the variance in SBP in a multivariate model containing age, sex, and BSA. In addition to higher SBP, adults who had the lowest quartiles of kidney volume also had the highest levels of overt albuminuria (P = 0.044). Conclusion: Smaller kidneys predispose to higher blood pressures and albuminuria in this population. The lower volumes possibly represent kidneys with reduced nephron numbers, which might be related to an adverse intrauterine environment. Susceptibility to renal disease could be a direct consequence of reduced nephron numbers; the higher blood pressures with which they are associated could also contribute to, as well as derive from, this association.
Central arterial waveforms and related indices of large artery properties can be determined with relative ease. This would make them an attractive adjunct in the risk stratification for cardiovascular disease. Although they have been associated with some classical risk factors and the presence of coronary disease, their prospective value in predicting cardiovascular outcomes is unknown. The present study determined the relative predictive value for cardiovascular disease-free survival of large artery properties as compared with noninvasive brachial blood pressure alone in a population of elderly female hypertensive subjects. We measured systemic arterial compliance, central systolic pressure, and carotid augmentation index in a subset of female participants in the Second Australian National Blood Pressure Study ( untreated blood pressure 169/88 +/- 12/ 8 mm Hg). There were a total of 53 defined events during a median of 4.1 years of follow-up in 484 women with complete measurements. Although baseline blood pressures at the brachial artery predicted cardiovascular disease-free survival ( hazard ratio [HR], 2.3; 95% CI, 1.3 to 4.1 for pulse pressure >= 81 versus < 81 mm Hg; P = 0.01), no such relation was found for carotid augmentation index ( HR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.44 to 1.44; P value not significant) or systemic arterial compliance ( HR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.72 to 2.16; P value not significant). Blood pressure, but not noninvasively measured central arterial waveforms, predict outcome in the older female hypertensive patient. Thus, blood pressure measurement alone is superior to measurement of arterial waveforms in predicting outcome in this group.
Tonic immobility was induced in black tipped reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanoptera) and heart rate and ventral aortic blood pressure recorded. Without branchial irrigation, tonic immobility was correlated with a significant depression in blood pressure and heart rate irrespective of the sharks being in air or in water. Tonic immobility with branchial irrigation resulted in a significant increase in blood pressure in sharks in air, but not in water. Heart rate was unchanged when the gills were irrigated. Intra-arterial injections of atropine abolished the bradycardia and blood pressure rise associated with tonic immobility. We conclude that, during tonic immobility, sharks are able to receive afferent information from the ventilatory system and make appropriate responses via the vagus nerve.
The cardiac limb of the baroreflex loop was studied in the saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus, The classical pharmacological methodology using phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside was used to trigger blood pressure changes, and the resulting alterations in heart rate were analysed quantitatively using a logistic function. Interindividual differences in resting heart rates and blood pressures were observed, but all seven animals displayed clear baroreflex responses. Atropine and sotalol greatly attenuated the response. A maximal baroreflex gain of 7.2 beats min(-1) kPa(-1) was found at a mean aortic pressure of 6.1 kPa, indicating the active role of the baroreflex in a wide pressure range encompassing hypotensive and hypertensive states. At the lowest mean aortic pressures (5.0 kPa), the synergistic role of the pulmonary-to-systemic shunt in buffering the blood pressure drop also contributes to blood pressure regulation, Pulse pressure showed a better correlation,vith heart rate and also a higher gain than mean aortic, systolic or diastolic pressures, and this is taken as an indicator of the existence of a differential control element working simultaneously with a linear proportional element.