44 resultados para FLOW RATE


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The optimal dosing schedule for melphalan therapy of recurrent malignant melanoma in isolated limb perfusions has been examined using a physiological pharmacokinetic model with data from isolated rat hindlimb perfusions (IRHP), The study included a comparison of melphalan distribution in IRHP under hyperthermia and normothermia conditions. Rat hindlimbs were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 4.7% bovine serum albumin at 37 or 41.5 degrees C at a flow rate of 4 ml/min. Concentrations of melphalan in perfusate and tissues were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, The concentration of melphalan in perfusate and tissues was linearly related to the input concentration. The rate and amount of melphalan uptake into the different tissues was higher at 41.5 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. A physiological pharmacokinetic model was validated from the tissue and perfusate time course of melphalan after melphalan perfusion. Application of the model involved the amount of melphalan exposure in the muscle, skin and fat in a recirculation system was related to the method of melphalan administration: single bolus > divided bolus > infusion, The peak concentration of melphalan in the perfusate was also related to the method of administration in the same order, Infusing the total dose of melphalan over 20 min during a 60 min perfusion optimized the exposure of tissues to melphalan whilst minimizing the peak perfusate concentration of melphalan. It is suggested that this method of melphalan administration may be preferable to other methods in terms of optimizing the efficacy of melphalan whilst minimizing the limb toxicity associated with its use in isolated limb perfusion.


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The outflow-concentration-time profiles for lignocaine (lidocaine) and its metabolites have been measured after bolus impulse administration of [C-14]lignocaine into the perfused rat liver. Livers from female Sprague-Dawley rats were perfused in a once-through fashion with red-blood-cell-free Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 0 or 2% bovine serum albumin. Perfusate flow rates of 20 and 30 mL min(-1) were used and both normal and retrograde flow directions were employed. Significant amounts of metabolite were detected in the effluent perfusate soon after lignocaine injection. The early appearance of metabolite contributed to bimodal outflow profiles observed for total C-14 radioactivity. The lignocaine outflow profiles were well characterized by the two-compartment dispersion model, with efflux rate << influx rate. The profiles for lignocaine metabolites were also characterized in terms of a simplified two-compartment dispersion model. Lignocaine was found to be extensively metabolized under the experimental conditions with the hepatic availability ranging between 0.09 and 0.18. Generally lignocaine and metabolite availability showed no significant change with alterations in perfusate flow rate from 20 to 30 mt min(-1) or protein content from 0 to 2%. A significant increase in lignocaine availability occurred when 1200 mu M unlabelled lignocaine was added to the perfusate. Solute mean transit times generally decreased with increasing flow rate and with increasing perfusate protein content. The results confirm that lignocaine pharmacokinetics in the liver closely follow the predictions of the well-stirred model. The increase in lignocaine availability when 1200 mu M unlabelled lignocaine was added to the perfusate is consistent with saturation of the hydroxylation metabolic pathways of lignocaine metabolism.


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The diffusion model for percutaneous absorption is developed for the specific case of delivery to the skin being limited by the application of a finite amount of solute. Two cases are considered; in the first, there is an application of a finite donor (vehicle) volume, and in the second, there are solvent-deposited solids and a thin vehicle with a high partition coefficient. In both cases, the potential effect of an interfacial resistance at the stratum corneum surface is also considered. As in the previous paper, which was concerned with the application of a constant donor concentration, clearance limitations due to the viable eqidermis, the in vitro sampling rate, or perfusion rate in vivo are included. Numerical inversion of the Laplace domain solutions was used for simulations of solute flux and cumulative amount absorbed and to model specific examples of percutaneous absorption of solvent-deposited solids. It was concluded that numerical inversions of the Laplace domain solutions for a diffusion model of the percutaneous absorption, using standard scientific software (such as SCIENTIST, MicroMath Scientific software) on modern personal computers, is a practical alternative to computation of infinite series solutions. Limits of the Laplace domain solutions were used to define the moments of the flux-time profiles for finite donor volumes and the slope of the terminal log flux-time profile. The mean transit time could be related to the diffusion time through stratum corneum, viable epidermal, and donor diffusion layer resistances and clearance from the receptor phase. Approximate expressions for the time to reach maximum flux (peak time) and maximum flux were also derived. The model was then validated using reported amount-time and flux-time profiles for finite doses applied to the skin. It was concluded that for very small donor phase volume or for very large stratum corneum-vehicle partitioning coefficients (e.g., for solvent deposited solids), the flux and amount of solute absorbed are affected by receptor conditions to a lesser extent than is obvious for a constant donor constant donor concentrations. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 90:504-520, 2001.


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This review illustrates, through a series of case histories, how oral medicine insights aid the diagnosis and management of patients with excessive tooth wear. The cases reviewed are drawn from the records of 500 southeast Queensland patients referred to the author over a 12 year period. Patients most at risk of dental erosion have work and sports dehydration, caffeine addiction, gastro-oesophageal reflux, asthma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension or other systemic diseases or syndromes that predispose to xerostomia. Saliva protects the teeth from the extrinsic and intrinsic acids which cause dental erosion. Erosion, exacerbated by attrition and abrasion, is the main cause of tooth wear. These cases illustrate that teeth, oral mucosa, salivary glands, skin and eyes should be examined for evidence of salivary hypofunction and attendant medical conditions. Based on comprehensive oral medicine, dietary analyses and advice, it would seem patients need self-management plans to deal with incipient chronic tooth wear. The alternative is the expensive treatment of pain, occlusal damage and pulp death required to repair the effects of acute severe tooth wear.


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We have utilised the combination of sensitivity and specificity afforded by coupling high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to a tandem mass spectrometer (MS-MS) to produce an assay which is suitable for assaying glutathione (GSH) concentrations in liver tissue. The sensitivity suggests it may also be suitable for extrahepatic tissues, The method has been validated for GSH using mouse liver samples and also allows the assay of GSSG. The stability of GSH under conditions relevant to the assay has been determined. A 20-mul amount of a diluted methanol extract of tissue is injected with detection limits of 0.2 pmol for GSH and 2 pmol for GSSG. The HPLC uses an Altima C-18 (150X4.6 mm, 5 mum) column at 35 degreesC. Chromatography utilises a linear gradient from 0 to 10% methanol in 0.1% formic acid over 5 min, with a final isocratic stage holding at 10% methanol for 5 min. Total flow rate is 0.8 ml/min. The transition from the M+H ion (308.1 m/z for GSH, and 613.3 m/z for GSSG) to the 162.0 m/z (GSH) and 355.3 m/z (GSSG) fragments are monitored. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A deficiency in secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is associated with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections both in the general community and in elite athletes. The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise and relaxation on various indices of sIgA in 12 male and 8 female adults who varied in levels of recreational activity. Salivary samples were obtained before, immediately after and 30 minutes after an incremental cycle ergometer test to fatigue. after 30 minutes of cycling at 30% or 60 % of maximum heart rate, and after 30 minutes of relaxation with guided imagery. Each session was run on a separate day. When expressed in relation to changes in salivary flow rate, sIgA did not change after exercise. However, both the absolute concentration and secretion rate of sIgA increased during relaxation (167 +/- 179 mug ml(-1), p < 0.001: and 37 +/- 71 g(.)min(-1), p < 0.05 respectively). Nonspecific protein increased more than sIgA during incremental exercise to fatigue (decrease in the sIgA/protein ratio 92 +/- 181 g(.)mg protein(-1), p(0.05), but sIgA relative to protein did not change during relaxation. Our findings suggest that sIgA secretion rate is a more appropriate measure of sIgA than sIgA relative to protein, both for exercise and relaxation. These data suggest the possibility of using relaxation to counteract the negative effects of intense exercise on sIgA levels.


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Adsorption and diffusion in a porous media were studied theoretically and experimentally with a differential transient permeation method. The porous medium is allowed to equilibrate at some specified loading, and then the time trajectory of the permeation process is followed after a small difference between the pressures at the end faces of the porous medium is introduced at time t = 0 +. Such a trajectory us. time would contain adsorption and diffusion characteristics of the system. By studying this for various surface loadings, pore and surface diffusions can be fully characterized. Mathematical modeling of transient permeation is detailed for pure gases or vapors diffusion and adsorption in porous media. Effects of nonlinearity of adsorption isotherm, pressure, temperature and heat effects were considered in the model. Experimental data of diffusion and adsorption of propane, n-butane and n-hexane in activated carbon at different temperatures and loadings show the potential of this method as a useful tool to study adsorption kinetics in porous media. Validity of the model is best tested against the transient data where the kinetics curves exhibit sigmoidal shape, which is a result of the diffusion and adsorption rate during the initial stage of permeation.


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This paper proposes an integrated methodology for modelling froth zone performance in batch and continuously operated laboratory flotation cells. The methodology is based on a semi-empirical approach which relates the overall flotation rate constant to the froth depth (FD) in the flotation cell; from this relationship, a froth zone recovery (R,) can be extracted. Froth zone recovery, in turn, may be related to the froth retention time (FRT), defined as the ratio of froth volume to the volumetric flow rate of concentrate from the cell. An expansion of this relationship to account for particles recovered both by true flotation and entrainment provides a simple model that may be used to predict the froth performance in continuous tests from the results of laboratory batch experiments. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Surface diffusion of strongly adsorbing hydrocarbon vapours on activated carbon was measured by using a constant molar flow method (D.D. Do, Dynamics of a semi-batch adsorber with constant molar supply rate: a method for studying adsorption rate of pure gas, Chem. Eng. Sci. 50 (1995) 549), where pure adsorbate is introduced into a semi-batch adsorber at a constant molar flow rate. The surface diffusivity was determined from the analysis of pressure response versus time, using a linear mathematical model developed earlier. To apply the linear theory over the non-linear range of the adsorption isotherm, we implement a differential increment method on the system which is initially equilibrated with some pre-determined loading. By conducting the experiments at different initial loadings, the surface diffusivity can be extracted as a function of loading. Propane, n-butane, n-hexane, benzene, and ethanol were used as diffusing adsorbate on a commercial activated carbon. It is found that the surface diffusivity of these strongly adsorbing vapours increases rapidly with loading, and the surface diffusion flux contributes significantly to the total flux and cannot be ignored. The surface diffusivity increases with temperature according to the Arrhenius law, and for the paraffins tested it decreases with the molecular weight of the adsorbate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Around 50% of men 51-60 years of age have pathological benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Pharmacotherapy for BPH includes the 5alpha-reductase inhibitor finasteride, and alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists. Finasteride reduces prostate volume and symptom scores, while increasing peak urinary flow rates. The main problem with finasteride treatment is that it increases the incidence of ejaculation disorders. All of the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists have been shown to reduce symptom scores and increase peak urinary flow rates in BPH. The nonselective alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists (prazosin, terazosin and doxazosin) were developed as antihypertensives, and hypotensive-related side effects are the main problem with these agents in BPH. These side effects can be diminished by reducing peak concentrations of the drugs, as with once-daily alfuzosin, or by using the uroselective antagonist tamsulosin. Phytopharmaceuticals are commonly used in the treatment of BPH, such as saw palmetto berry which has been shown to improve the symptoms and peak urinary flow rate. Androgen receptor antagonists are not used in BPH because of their adverse effects. Newer drugs under development for the treatment of BPH include alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists that show more selectivity for alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors than tamsulosin, combined 5alpha-reductase/alpha(1)-adrenoceptor inhibitors and combined type 1/type 2 5alpha-reductase inhibitors. New targets for the drug treatment of BPH include indothelin, growth factors, estrogens and the phosphodiesterase isoenzymes.


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A literature review has highlighted the need to measure flotation froth rheology in order to fully characterise the role of the froth in the flotation process. The initial investigation using a coaxial cylinder viscometer for froth rheology measurement led to the development of a new device employing a vane measuring head. The modified rheometer was used in industrial scale flotation tests at Mt. Isa Copper Concentrator. The measured froth rheograms show a non-Newtonian nature for the flotation froths (pseudoplastic flow). The evidence of the non-Newtonian flow has questioned the validity of application of the Laplace equation in froth motion modelling as used by a number of researchers, since the assumption of irrotational flow is violated. Correlations between the froth rheology and the froth retention time, water hold-up in the froth and concentrate grades have been found. These correlations are independent of air flow rate (test data at various air flow rates fall on one similar trend line). This implies that froth rheology may be used as a lumped parameter for other operating variables in flotation modelling and scale up. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chest clapping, vibration, and shaking were studied in 10 physiotherapists who applied these techniques on an anesthetized animal model. Hemodynamic variables (such as heart rate, blood pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, and right atrial pressure) were measured during the application of these techniques to verify claims of adverse events. In addition, expired tidal volume and peak expiratory flow rate were measured to ascertain effects of these techniques. Physiotherapists in this study applied chest clapping at a rate of 6.2 +/- 0.9 Hz, vibration at 10.5 +/- 2.3 Hz, and shaking at 6.2 +/- 2.3 Hz. With the use of these rates, esophageal pressure swings of 8.8 +/- 5.0, 0.7 +/- 0.3, and 1.4 +/- 0.7 mmHg resulted from clapping, vibration, and shaking respectively. Variability in rates and forces generated by these techniques was 80% of variance in shaking force (P = 0.003). Application of these techniques by physiotherapists was found to have no significant effects on hemodynamic and most ventilatory variables in this study. From this study, we conclude that chest clapping, vibration, and shaking 1) can be consistently performed by physiotherapists; 2) are significantly related to physiotherapists' characteristics, particularly clinical experience; and 3) caused no significant hemodynamic effects.


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Measurement of hepatic oxygen extraction was performed on six healthy Greyhound dogs over a two hour period. The Greyhounds were anaesthetised and a right subcostal surgical incision performed. Ultrasonic flow transducers were used to measure flow rate in the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The blood oxygen tensions in arterial blood and in the portal and hepatic veins were also measured. Hepatic oxygen extraction remained stable throughout the study, despite a steady decline in arterial blood pressure. The methodology described in this study provides a direct measure of oxygen uptake by the liver in the dog and could readily be used to investigate hepatic uptake of drugs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Understanding the mechanism of liquid-phase evaporation in a three-phase fixed-bed reactor is of practical importance, because the reaction heat is usually 7-10 times the vaporization heat of the liquid components. Evaporation, especially the liquid dryout, can largely influence the reactor performance and even safety. To predict the vanishing condition of the liquid phase, Raoult's law was applied as a preliminary approach, with the liquid vanishing temperature defined based on a liquid flow rate of zero. While providing correct trends, Raoult's law exhibits some limitation in explaining the temperature profile in the reactor. To comprehensively understand the whole process of liquid evaporation, a set of experiments on inlet temperature, catalyst activity, liquid flow rate, gas flow rate, and operation pressure were carried out. A liquid-region length-predicting equation is suggested based on these experiments and the principle of heat balance.


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In this study, a novel molecular sieve silica (MSS) membrane packed bed reactor (PBR) using a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst was applied to the low-temperature water gas shift reaction (WGS). Best permeation results were H-2 permeances of 1.5 x 10(-6) mol(.)s(-1) m(-2) Pa-1, H-2/CO2 selectivities of 8 and H-2/N-2 selectivities of 18. It was shown that an operation with a sweep gas flow of 80 cm 3 min(-1), a feed flow rate of 50 cm(3) min(-1) and a H2O/CO molar ratio of one at 280 degreesC reached a 99% CO conversion. This is well above the thermodynamic equilibrium and achievable PBR conversion. Hydrophilic membranes underwent pore widening during the reaction while hydrophobic membranes indicated no such behaviour and also showed increased H-2 permeation with temperature, a characteristic of activated transport. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.