33 resultados para Elliot, Jesse Duncan, 1782-1845.
This paper proposes the creation of an objectively acquired reference database to more accurately characterize the incidence and longterm risk of relatively infrequent, but serious, adverse events. Such a database would be maintained longitudinally to provide for ongoing comparison with new rheumatologic drug safety databases collecting the occurrences and treatments of rare events, We propose the establishment of product-specific registries to prospectively follow a cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who receive newly approved therapies. In addition, a database is required of a much larger cohort of RA patients treated with multiple second line agents of sufficient size to enable case-controlled determinations of the relative incidence of rare but serious events in the treated (registry) versus the larger disease population, The number of patients necessary for agent-specific registries and a larger patient population adequate to supply a matched case-control cohort will depend upon estimates of the detectability of an increased incidence over background. We suggest a system to carry out this proposal that will involve an umbrella organization. responsible for establishment of this large patient cohort, envisioned to be drawn from around the world.
Nineteen persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 19 matched control participants completed a battery of online lexical decision tasks designed to isolate the automatic and attentional aspects of semantic activation within the semantic priming paradigm. Results highlighted key processing abnormalities in PD. Specifically, persons with PD exhibited a delayed time course of semantic activation. In addition, results suggest that experimental participants were unable to implicitly process prime information and, therefore, failed to engage strategic processing mechanisms in response to manipulations of the relatedness proportion. Results are discussed in terms of the 'Gain/Decay' hypothesis (Milberg, McGlinchey-Berroth, Duncan, & Higgins, 1999) and the dopaminergic modulation of signal to noise ratios in semantic networks.
To assess existing information regarding detectable differences in osteoarthritis (OA), a systematic literature search was conducted up to December 1999. Thirty-three articles were considered methodologically relevant to the definition and categorization of detectable differences in OA. It was determined that the musculoskeletal literature contains a wealth of information that relates to observed changes, much of which is derived from the clinical trials literature, but there have been relatively few methodological studies that have systematically evaluated the nature, categorization, and relevance of the change. Furthermore, most of those that have been published take the perspective of an individual or groups of experts other than that of the patient. This summary of the current literature reveals that the diverse sources of information go part way towards developing an understanding of detectable differences and their importance in the area of OA research and clinical practice. Stakeholders' interests as well as factors that modulate perceptions of importance need to be taken under consideration. In particular, the patient's perspective of the importance of change at an individual level requires further evaluation. This area of clinical research is relatively underdeveloped, but there is considerable opportunity for progress.
Motivation: A consensus sequence for a family of related sequences is, as the name suggests, a sequence that captures the features common to most members of the family. Consensus sequences are important in various DNA sequencing applications and are a convenient way to characterize a family of molecules. Results: This paper describes a new algorithm for finding a consensus sequence, using the popular optimization method known as simulated annealing. Unlike the conventional approach of finding a consensus sequence by first forming a multiple sequence alignment, this algorithm searches for a sequence that minimises the sum of pairwise distances to each of the input sequences. The resulting consensus sequence can then be used to induce a multiple sequence alignment. The time required by the algorithm scales linearly with the number of input sequences and quadratically with the length of the consensus sequence. We present results demonstrating the high quality of the consensus sequences and alignments produced by the new algorithm. For comparison, we also present similar results obtained using ClustalW. The new algorithm outperforms ClustalW in many cases.
There have been few replicated examples of genotype x environment interaction effects on behavioral variation or risk of psychiatric disorder. We review some of the factors that have made detection of genotype x environment interaction effects difficult, and show how genotype x shared environment interaction (GxSE) effects are commonly confounded with genetic parameters in data from twin pairs reared together. Historic data on twin pairs reared apart can in principle be used to estimate such GxSE effects, but have rarely been used for this purpose. We illustrate this using previously published data from the Swedish Adoption Twin Study of Aging (SATSA), which suggest that GxSE effects could account for as much as 25% of the total variance in risk of becoming a regular smoker. Since few separated twin pairs will be available for study in the future, we also consider methods for modifying variance components linkage analysis to allow for environmental interactions with linked loci.
The phylogenetic relationships amongst 29 species of Carlia and Lygisaurus were estimated using a 726-base-pair segment of the protein-coding mitochondrial ND4 gene. Results do not support the recent resurrection of the genus Lygisaurus. Although most Lygisaurus species formed a single clade, this clade is nested within Carlia and includes Carlia parrhasius. Due to this new molecular evidence, and the paucity of diagnostic morphological characters separating the genera, Lygisaurus de Vis 1884 is re-synonymised with Carlia Gray 1845. Our analysis is also inconsistent with a previous suggestion that Lygisaurus timlowi should be removed to Menetia, a genus that is distantly related relative to outgroups used here. Intraspecific variation in Carlia is, in several instances, greater than interspecific distance. The most strikingly divergent lineages are found within C. rubrigularis, which appears to be paraphyletic, with southern populations more closely related to C. rhomboidalis than to northern populations of C. rubrigularis. The two C. rubrigularis-C. rhomboidalis lineages form part of a major polytomy at an intermediate level of divergence. Lack of resolution at this level, however, does not appear to be due to saturation or loss of phylogenetic signal. Rather, the polytomy probably reflects a period of relatively rapid diversification that occurred sometime during the Miocene.
The objective of this study was to determine the mortality rate and the functional outcomes of stroke patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and to identify predictors of poor outcome in this population. The records of all patients admitted to the ICU with the diagnosis of stroke between January 1994 and December 1999 were reviewed. Patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage were excluded. Data were collected on clinical and biological variables, risk factors for stroke and the presence of comorbidities. Mortality (ICU, in-hospital and three-month) and functional outcome were used as end-points. In the six-year-period, 61 patients were admitted to the ICU with either haemorrhagic or ischaemic stroke. Medical records were available for only 58 patients. There were 23 ischaemic and 35 haemorrhagic strokes. The ICU, in-hospital and three-month mortality rates were 36%, 47% and 52% respectively. There were no significant differences in the prevalence of premorbid risk factors between survivors and non-survivors. The mean Barthel score was significantly different between the independent and dependent survivors (94 +/- 6 vs 45 +/- 26, P < 0.001). A substantial number of patients with good functional outcomes had lower Rankin scores (92% vs 11%, P < 0.001). Only 46% of those who were alive at three months were functionally independent. Intensive care admission was associated with a high mortality rate and a high likelihood of dependent lifestyle after hospital discharge. Haemorrhagic stroke, fixed dilated pupil(s) and GCS < 10 during assessment were associated with increased mortality and poor functional outcome.
This review discusses the issues to be considered in establishing new or extending existing high dependency unit (HDU) services. A defined high dependency service becomes cost-effective when patient care requires more than one nurse for three patients. Professional guidelines for HDUs vary and there are no national accreditation criteria. Casemix and service delivery specifications for the HDU need to be defined and agreed upon within the institution. Establishing a new HDU service requires changes to care delivery. Many potential HDU patients are currently managed in general wards or in the intensive care unit. The service should be discussed widely and marketed within the institution, and the development of defined working relationships with the ICU and primary care teams oil the wards is mandatory.
Survival of bone marrow transplant recipients requiting mechanical ventilation is poor but improving. This study reports a retrospective audit of all haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients requiring mechanical ventilation at an Australian institution over a period spanning 11 years from 1988 to 1998. Recipients of autologous transplants are significantly less likely to require mechanical ventilation than recipients of allogeneic transplants. Of 50 patients requiring mechanical ventilation, 28% survived to discharge from the intensive care unit, 20% to 30 days post-ventilation, 18% to discharge from hospital and 12% to six months post-ventilation. Risk factors for mortality in the HSCT recipient requiting mechanical ventilation include renal, hepatic and cardiovascular insufficiency and greater severity of illness. Mechanical ventilation of HSCT recipients should not be regarded as futile therapy.
The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of [C-14]diclofenac, [C-14]salicylate and [H-3]clonidine using a single pass rat head perfusion preparation. The head was perfused with 3-[N-morpholino] propane-sulfonic acid-buffered Ringer's solution. Tc-99m-red blood cells and a drug were injected in a bolus into the internal carotid artery and collected from the posterior facial vein over 28 min. A two-barrier stochastic organ model was used to estimate the statistical moments of the solutes. Plasma, interstitial and cellular distribution volumes for the solutes ranged from 1.0 mL (diclofenac) to 1.6 mL (salicylate), 2.0 mL (diclofenac) to 4.2 mL (water) and 3.9 mL (salicylate) to 20.9 mL (diclofenac), respectively. A comparison of these volumes to water indicated some exclusion of the drugs from the interstitial space and salicylate from the cellular space. Permeability-surface area (PS) products calculated from plasma to interstitial fluid permeation clearances (CLPI) (range 0.02-0.40 mL s(-1)) and fractions of solute unbound in the perfusate were in the order: diclofenac>salicylate >clonidine>sucrose (from 41.8 to 0.10 mL s(-1)). The slow efflux of diclofenac, compared with clonidine and salicylate, may be related to its low average unbound fraction in the cells. This work accounts for the tail of disposition curves in describing pharmacokinetics in the head.
The objective of this study was to determine the responsiveness, affinity constants and beta-adrenoceptor reserves for isoprenaline on the isolated aorta in the maturation of normotensive and hypertensive rats. The effects of a very slowly reversible antagonist, bromoacetylalprenololmenthane (BAAM), on the relaxant responses of the aortae of 5- and 14-week-old Wistar Kyoto normotensive rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) to isoprenaline were determined. Five-week-old SHRs are pre-hypertensive and the aortic rings are less responsive to isoprenaline than age-matched WKY (pD(2) values: WKY, 8.40; SHRs, 8.03). Similar relaxant responses to forskolin were obtained on the aortae of 5- and 14-week-old WKY and SHRs. The K-A value for isoprenaline at the aortic beta(2)-adrenoceptors of the 5-week-old WKY was 2.1 x 10(-7) M, and similar values were obtained on the aortae of 5-week-old SHR and 14-week-old WKY and SHRs. In the maturation of the WKY aortae from 5 to 14 weeks, there was a reduction in the maximum response, a major loss of sensitivity and a loss of 2-adrenoceptor reserve for isoprenaline. On 5-week-old SHR aorta, the sensitivity to isoprenaline was 2.5-fold lower, and the beta(2)-adrenoceptor reserve was less than on age-matched WKY. In the development of hypertension on the SHR aorta from 5 to 14 weeks, there was a reduction in the maximum response to isoprenaline. At 14 weeks, the sensitivity and the 2-adrenoceptor reserve to isoprenaline were similar, but the maximum responses were lower on the SHR than WKY. As there are differences in pre-hypertensive SHR and age-matched WKY aortic responses to isoprenaline, it is no longer valid to consider that the loss of responsiveness to isoprenaline in hypertension is solely owing to the hypertension. There are no changes in affinity, but major changes in the sensitivity, maximum responses and aortic beta(2)-adrenoceptor reserves to isoprenaline in the maturation of normotensive and pre-hypertensive aortae.
Phyllurus gulbaru, sp. nov., is a highly distinct species of leaf-tailed gecko restricted to rocky rainforest of Pattersons Gorge, north-west of Townsville. The possession of a cylindrical, non-depressed, tapering original and regenerated tail separates P. gulbaru from all congeners except P. caudiannulatus. From this species P. gulbaru is separated by having a partially divided, as opposed to fully divided, rostral scale. Furthermore, the very small spinose body tubercles of P. gulbaru are in marked contrast to the large spinose body scales of P. caudiannulatus. An analysis of 729 bp of mitochondrial 12S rRNA and cytochrome b genes reveals P. gulbaru to be a deeply divergent lineage with closer affinities to mid-east Queensland congeners than the geographically neighbouring P. amnicola on Mt Elliot. In conservation terms, P. gulbaru is clearly at risk. Field surveys of Pattersons Gorge and the adjacent ranges indicate that this species is restricted to a very small area of highly fragmented habitat, of which only a small proportion receives a degree of protection in State forest. Further, there is ongoing, unchecked destruction of dry rainforest habitat by fire. Under current IUCN criteria, P. gulbaru warrants an Endangered ( B1, 2) listing.