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Purpose To evaluate the use of leflunomide in the Australian community since introduction in 2000. Trends in adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting were also studied. Methods Annual Australian prescription and dispensing statistics were analysed. Drug utilisation was estimated as defined daily doses (DDD)/1000 inhabitants/day. ADR data from the Therapeutic Goods Administration's Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (ADRAC) national monitoring system were compared with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Vigibase records. Results Leflunomide use in Australia (dispensing data) increased from 0.2 in 2000 to 0.4 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day in 2002. The same overall pattern was observed in the 'authority to prescribe' data. From 2000-2002, prescribing of the starter pack (3 x 100 mg loading dose plus 30 x 20 mg tablets) declined (down 74%); likewise for the 20mg (30 tablets) pack. Gradual increases were noted for the 10 mg (30 tablets) pack (up 40%). Approximately 135 reports, detailing about 370 individual ADR, were generated annually. Gastro-intestinal disorders predominated, accounting for 24% of reactions reported to ADRAC. Skin and appendages disorders constituted 14% of reported reactions. Deaths in leflunomide users were attributed to a combination of haematological and gastro-intestinal complications, but it was not possible to ascertain other medication usage or contributing factors. Trends observed with the ADRAC reports were consistent with the WHO database. Conclusions Leflunomide was the first registered DMARD in Australia in over a decade and its use has increased within the community. The ADR reports might have contributed to Australian rheumatologists gradually abandoning loading patients with high doses of leflunomide in favour of starting therapy at lower doses. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Aim The aim of this systematic review was to assess the quality and outcomes of clinical trials investigating the effect of St John's wort extracts on the metabolism of drugs by CYP3A. Methods Prospective clinical trials assessing the effect of St John's wort (SJW) extracts on metabolism by CYP3A were identified through computer-based searches (from their inception to May 2005) of Medline, Cinahl, PsycINFO, AMED, Current Contents and Embase, hand-searches of bibliographies of relevant papers and consultation with manufacturers and researchers in the field. Two reviewers selected trials for inclusion, independently extracted data and recorded details on study design. Results Thirty-one studies met the eligibility criteria. More than two-thirds of the studies employed a before-and-after design, less than one-third of the studies used a crossover design, and only three studies were double-blind and placebo controlled. In 12 studies the SJW extract had been assayed, and 14 studies stated the specific SJW extract used. Results from 26 studies, including all of the 19 studies that used high-dose hyperforin extracts (> 10 mg day(-1)), had outcomes consistent with CYP3A induction. The three studies using low-dose hyperforin extracts (< 4 mg day(-1)) demonstrated no significant effect on CYP3A. Conclusion There is reasonable evidence to suggest that high-dose hyperforin SJW extracts induce CYP3A. More studies are required to determine whether decreased CYP3A induction occurs after low-dose hyperforin extracts. Future studies should adopt study designs with a control phase or control group, identify the specific SJW extract employed and provide quantitative analyses of key constituents.


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The pharmacokinetics of primaquine have been well defined in male volunteers, but there is little data on the disposition of the drug in women. We compared the kinetics of primaquine in nine male and nine female healthy Australian volunteers after the administration of a single oral dose (30 mg base) of primaquine. No statistical differences were observed in the following kinetic parameters of primaquine between men and women, respectively: maximum plasma concentration (93 +/- 26 and 115 +/- 38 ng/mL; 95% confidence interval [CI] of the mean difference: -55 to 10 ng/mL; P = 0.16), area under the curve (1.1 +/- 0.5 and 1.2 +/- 0.4 mu g.h/mL; 95% CI: -0.6 to 0.3 mu g.h/mL; P = 0.54), and clearance (0.34 +/- 0.12 and 0.39 +/- 0.14 L/h/kg; 95% CI: -0.17 to 0.08 L/h/kg; P = 0.46). The clinical relevance of such findings would suggest that sex does not have to be taken into account as a factor when prescribing primaquine for radical cure or terminal prophylaxis of Plasmodium vivax malaria.