18 resultados para Different mechanisms


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Direct continuity between the membranes of cisternae in the Golgi complex in mammalian cells rarely has been observed; when seen, its documentation has been equivocal. Here we have used dual-axis electron microscope tomography to examine the architecture of the Golgi in three dimensions at approximate to6-nm resolution in rapidly frozen, freeze-substituted murine cells that make and secrete insulin in response to glucose challenge. Our data show three types of direct connections between Golgi cisternae that are normally distinct from one another. These connections all bypass interceding cisternae. We propose that when pancreatic beta cells are stimulated to synthesize and secrete insulin rapidly in vivo, such connections provide a continuous lumen that facilitates the rapid transit of large amounts of newly made protein for secretion. The heterotypic fusion of cisternae, even transiently, raises important questions about the molecular mechanisms that (i) facilitate the fusion/fission of cisternal membranes and control the directionality and specificity of such events, and (it) retain Golgi processing enzymes at specific places within individual cisternae when two cisternae at different levels in the Golgi have fused, maintaining the sequential processing hierarchy that is a hallmark of Golgi organization.


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Recent investigations have implicated the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in modulation of subcortical pathways that contribute to the generation of behavioural, autonomic and endocrine responses to stress. However, little is known of the mechanisms involved. One of the key neurotransmitters involved in mPFC function is dopamine, and we therefore aimed, in this investigation, to examine the role of mPFC dopamine in response to stress in Wistar rats. In this regard, we infused dopamine antagonists SCH23390 or sulpiride into the mPFC via retrodialysis. We then examined changes in numbers of cells expressing the c-fos immediate-early gene protein product, Fos, in subcortical neuronal populations associated with regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stress responses in response to either of two stressors; systemic injection of interleukin-1beta, or air puff. The D-1 antagonist, SCH23390, and the D-2 antagonist, sulpiride, both attenuated expression of Fos in the medial parvocellular hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (mpPVN) corticotropin-releasing factor cells at the apex of the HPA axis, as well as in most extra-hypothalamic brain regions examined in response to interleukin-1beta. By contrast, SCH23390 failed to affect Fos expression in response to air puff in any brain region examined, while sulpiride resulted in an attenuation of the air puff-induced response in only the mpPVN and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. These results indicate that the mPFC differentially processes the response to different stressors and that the two types of dopamine receptor may have different roles.


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Spastic (spa), spasmodic (spd), and oscillator (ot) mice have naturally occurring glycine receptor ( GlyR) mutations, which manifest as motor deficits and an exaggerated startle response. Using whole-cell recording in hypoglossal motoneurons, we compared the physiological mechanisms by which each mutation alters GlyR function. Mean glycinergic miniature IPSC ( mIPSC) amplitude and frequency were dramatically reduced (> 50%) compared with controls for each mutant. mIPSC decay times were unchanged in spa/spa (4.5 +/- 0.3 vs 4.7 +/- 0.2 ms), reduced in spd/spd (2.7 +/- 0.2 vs 4.7 +/- 0.2 ms), and increased in ot/ot (12.3 +/- 1.2 vs 4.8 +/- 0.2 ms). Thus, in spastic, GlyRs are functionally normal but reduced in number, whereas in spasmodic, GlyR kinetics is faster. The oscillator mutation results in complete absence of alpha 1-containing GlyRs; however, some non-alpha 1-containing GlyRs persist at synapses. Fluctuation analysis of membrane current, induced by glycine application to outside-out patches, showed that mean single-channel conductance was increased in spa/spa (64.2 +/- 4.9 vs 36.1 +/- 1.4 pS), but unchanged in spd/spd (32.4 +/- 2.1 vs 35.3 +/- 2.1 pS). GlyR-mediated whole-cell currents in spa/spa exhibited increased picrotoxin sensitivity (27 vs 71% block for 100 mu M), indicating alpha 1 homomeric GlyR expression. The picrotoxin sensitivity of evoked glycinergic IPSCs and conductance of synaptic GlyRs, as determined by nonstationary variance analysis, were identical for spa/spa and controls. Together, these findings show the three mutations disrupt GlyR-mediated inhibition via different physiological mechanisms, and the spastic mutation results in compensatory alpha 1 homomeric GlyRs at extrasynaptic loci.