85 resultados para Cytogenetic abnormalities
Wolbachia are maternally inherited intracellular bacteria that infect a wide range of arthropods and nematodes and are associated with various reproductive abnormalities in their hosts. Insect-associated Wolbachia form a monophyletic clade in the α-Proteobacteria and recently have been separated into two supergroups (A and B) and 19 groups. Our recent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) survey using wsp specific primers indicated that various strains of Wolbachia were present in mosquitoes collected from Southeast Asia. Here, we report the phylogenetic relationship of the Wolbachia strains found in these mosquitoes using wsp gene sequences. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed eight new Wolbachia strains, five in the A supergroup and three in the B supergroup. Most of the Wolbachia strains present in Southeast Asian mosquitoes belong to the established Mors, Con, and Pip groups.
Wolbachia are intracellular maternally inherited microorganisms that are associated with reproductive abnormalities such as cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), feminization and parthenogenesis in the various arthropod species they infect. Surveys indicate that these bacteria infect more than 16% of all insect species as well as isopods, mites and nematodes, making Wolbachia one of the most ubiquitous parasites yet described. However, nothing is known about the interactions of this bacterium with the host's immune system. We studied the expression of inducible antimicrobial markers in the adults of two Wolbachia infected insect species, Drosophila simulans and Aedes albopictus. The lack of available immune markers in the mosquito species led us to clone part of the defensin gene from this species, which was found to be very similar to the other mosquito defensins cloned from Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti. Comparisons of the expression pattern of the antibacterial markers between Wolbachia-infected and cured lines, and also between bacteria-challenged and unchallenged adults indicated that Wolbachia does not either constitutively induce or suppress the transcription of these antibacterial genes. In addition, no difference in the transcription of these genes was found between double and single Wolbachia-infected strains or between strains in which Wolbachia has different tissue tropisms.
The maternally inherited intracellular symbiont Wolbachia pipientis is well known for inducing a variety of reproductive abnormalities in the diverse arthropod hosts it infects. It has been implicated in causing cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, and the feminization of genetic males in different hosts. The molecular mechanisms by which this fastidious intracellular bacterium causes these reproductive and developmental abnormalities have not yet been determined. In this paper, we report on (i) the purification of one of the most abundantly expressed Wolbachia proteins from infected Drosophila eggs and (ii) the subsequent cloning and characterization of the gene (wsp) that encodes it. The functionality of the wsp promoter region was also successfully tested in Escherichia coli. Comparison of sequences of this gene from different strains of Wolbachia revealed a high level of variability. This sequence variation correlated with the ability of certain Wolbachia strains to induce or rescue the cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype in infected insects. As such, this gene will be a very useful tool for Wolbachia strain typing and phylogenetic analysis, as well as understanding the molecular basis of the interaction of Wolbachia with its host.
Various stocks of Drosophila mauritiana and D. sechellia were found to be infected with Wolbachia, a Rickettsia-like bacterium that is known to cause cytoplasmic incompatibility and other reproductive abnormalities in arthropods. Testing for the expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility in these two species showed partial incompatibility in D. sechellia but no expression of incompatibility in D. mauritiana. To determine whether absence of cytoplasmic incompatibility in D. mauritiana was due to either the bacterial or host genome, we transferred bacteria from D. mauritiana into an uninfected strain of D. simulans, a host species known to express high levels of incompatibility with endogenous Wolbachia. We also performed the reciprocal transfer of the natural D. simulans Riverside infection into a tetracycline-treated stock of D. mauritiana. In each case, the ability to express incompatibility was unaltered by the different host genetic background. These experiments indicate that in D. simulans and D. mauritiana expression of the cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype is determined by the bacterial strain and that D. mauritiana harbors a neutral strain of Wolbachia.
The hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) mRNAs from 44 control individuals and 30 patients suffering from acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), were screened for length differences by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and any abnormalities were characterized by direct sequencing. Examination of the mRNAs extracted from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of the samples revealed varying degrees of alternative splicing, involving the removal of exons 3 and 12. Approximately 10-50% of the mRNA molecules were affected, despite the absence of genomic splice site mutations or any major deviance from consensus splice sequence values. The preliminary data obtained from this study suggest that this event is a normal occurrence in peripheral blood lymphocytes, and may not be associated with the molecular pathology responsible for AIP. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative movement disorder primarily due to basal ganglia dysfunction. While much research has been conducted on Parkinsonian deficits in the traditional arena of musculoskeletal limb movement, research in other functional motor tasks is lacking. The present study examined articulation in PD with increasingly complex sequences of articulatory movement. Of interest was whether dysfunction would affect articulation in the same manner as in limb-movement impairment. In particular, since very Similar (homogeneous) articulatory sequences (the tongue twister effect) are more difficult for healthy individuals to achieve than dissimilar (heterogeneous) gestures, while the reverse may apply for skeletal movements in PD, we asked which factor would dominate when PD patients articulated various grades of artificial tongue twisters: the influence of disease or a possible difference between the two motor systems. Execution was especially impaired when articulation involved a sequence of motor program heterogeneous in terms of place of articulation. The results are suggestive of a hypokinesic tendency in complex sequential articulatory movement as in limb movement. It appears that PD patients do show abnormalities in articulatory movement which are similar to those of the musculoskeletal system. The present study suggests that an underlying disease effect modulates movement impairment across different functional motor systems. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
We have identified a novel mutation within the linker L12 region of keratin 5 (K5) in a family with the Kobner variant of epidermolysis bullosa simplex. The pattern of inheritance of the disorder in this family is consistent with an autosomal dominant mode of transmission. Affected individuals develop extensive and generalized blistering at birth or early infancy but in later years clinical manifestations are largely confined to palmo-plantar surfaces. Direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products revealed a T to C transition within codon 323 of K5 in affected individuals, resulting in a valine to alanine substitution of the seventh residue within the L12 linker domain. This mutation was not observed in unaffected family members or in 100 K5 alleles of unrelated individuals with normal skin. The other critical regions of K5 and K14 were unremarkable in this family except for common polymorphisms that have been previously described. The valine at position 7 of the L12 domain is absolutely conserved in all type II keratins, and in other intermediate filament subunits as well, which suggests that this residue makes an important contribution to filament integrity. Secondary structure analysis revealed that alanine at this position markedly reduces both the hydrophobicity and the beta-sheet nature of the L12 domain. This is the first report of a mutation at this position in an intermediate filament subunit and reinforces the importance of this region to filament biology.
This study forms part of a larger anthropological investigation of the Ngaraangbal Aboriginal Tribe's ancestral burial ground at Broadbeach, Australia. It examines the dentition, records the associated pathology in a noninvasive manner, and relates this to the likely subsistence diet of the tribe. The Broadbeach osteological collection was returned for reburial in 1985; however, radiographic and photographic records of 36 adult males were available. These form the basis of our study. The pathology noted in the study sample was compared with a representative sample (n = 38) of pre-European Aboriginal remains from throughout Queensland for verification purposes only. Rates of dental pathology and injury were calculated from the radiographic and photographic records. There was a significant rate of tooth-wear related intra-bony pathology (4.0%), moderate to severe alveolar bone loss, and heavy dental attrition, of which the mandibular posterior teeth were the most severely affected. Caries prevalence (0.8%) was low for hunter-gatherer populations. A large number of molar pulp chambers had a distinctive cruciate morphology resulting from the formation of secondary dentine and pulp stones. Injuries and abnormalities included upper central incisor avulsion (58.3%) and taurodontism. These results support the proposal that the Ngaraangbal tribe was a hunter-gatherer population subsisting on an abrasive diet that included marine foods. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Familial partial epilepsy with variable foci (FPEVF) joins the recently recognized group of inherited partial epilepsies. We describe an Australian family with 10 individuals with partial seizures over four generations. Detailed electroclinical studies were performed on all affected and 17 clinically unaffected family members. The striking finding was that the clinical features of the seizures and interictal electroencephalographic foci differed among family members and included frontal, temporal, occipital, and centroparietal seizures. Mean age of seizure onset was 13 years (range, 0.75-43 years). Two individuals without seizures had epileptiform abnormalities on electroencephalographic studies. Penetrance of seizures was 62%. A genome-wide search failed to demonstrate definitive linkage, but a suggestion of linkage was found on chromosome 2q with a LOD score of 2.74 at recombination fraction of zero with the marker D2S133. FPEVF differs from the other inherited partial epilepsies where partial seizures in different family members are clinically similar. The inherited nature of this new syndrome may be overlooked because of relatively low penetrance and because of the variability in age at onset and electroclinical features between affected family members.