35 resultados para Congenital malformation


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Obstruction of the fetal trachea is a potent stimulus for fetal lung growth and may have therapeutic potential in human fetuses with lung hypoplasia. However, the effects of increased lung expansion on lung development near midgestation, which is the preferred timing for fetal intervention, have not been well studied. Our aim was to determine the effects of increased lung expansion on lung development at 75-90 d of gestation in fetal sheep. In three groups of fetuses (n = 4 for each), the trachea was occluded for either 10 [10-d tracheal occlusion (TO) group] or 15 d (15-d TO group) or left intact (control fetuses). TO for both 10 and 15 d caused fetal hydrops, resulting in significantly increased fetal body weights. Both periods of TO significantly increased total lung DNA contents from 99.8 +/- 10.1 to 246.0 +/- 5.3 and 246.9 +/- 48.7 mg in 10- and 15-d TO fetuses, respectively. TO for 10 and 15 d also increased airspace diameter, although the percentage of lung occupied by airspace was not increased in 10-d TO fetuses due to large increases in interairway distances; this resulted from a large increase in mesenchymal tissue. The interairway distances at 15 d of TO were reduced compared with the 10-d value but were still similar to 30% larger than control values. We conclude that TO at


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OBJECTIVE To demonstrate the impact on perinatal mortality of inadequate treatment for maternal syphilis despite adequate screening. METHOD In 12 clinics providing antenatal care in Hlabisa, South Africa 1783 pregnant women were screened for syphilis at their first antenatal visit between June and October 1998. Pregnancy outcome was determined among those with syphilis. RESULTS A total of 158 women were diagnosed with syphilis: prevalence 9% (95% CI 8-10%). Mean gestation at first antenatal visit was 24 weeks. Thirty women (19%) received no treatment and 96 (61%) received all three recommended doses of penicillin. Among those receiving at least one dose, mean delay to the first dose was 20 days. Among those fully treated mean delay to treatment completion was 34 days. Pregnancy outcome was known for 142 women (90%) and there were 17 perinatal deaths among 15 women (11%). Eleven of 43 women (26%) who received one or fewer doses of penicillin experienced ii perinatal death whilst only four of 99 women (4%) who received two or more doses of penicillin did so (P = 0.0001). Protection from perinatal death increased with the number of doses of penicillin: linear modelling suggests that one dose reduced the risk by 41%, two doses by 65% and three doses by 79%, compared with no doses. A dose-specific, categorical model confirmed reduction in risk by 79% for all three doses. CONCLUSION Despite effective screening, many pregnant women with syphilis remain inadequately treated, resulting in avoidable perinatal mortality. Delays in starting and finishing treatment, as well as incomplete treatment occur. Near-patient syphilis testing in the antenatal clinic with early treatment could improve treatment of syphilis and reduce perinatal mortality, and a randomized trial to test this is underway.


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Background: Syphilis remains a significant cause of preventable perinatal death in developing countries with many women remaining untested and thus untreated. Syphilis testing in the clinic (on-site testing) may be a useful strategy to overcome this. We studied the impact of on-site syphilis testing on treatment delays and rates, and perinatal mortality. Methods: We conducted a cluster randomised controlled trial among seven pairs of primary healthcare clinics in rural South Africa, comparing on-site testing complemented by laboratory confirmation versus laboratory testing alone. Intervention clinics used the on-site test conducted by primary care nurses, with results and treatment available within an hour. Control clinics sent blood samples to the provincial laboratory, with results returned 2 weeks later. Results: Of 7134 women seeking antenatal care with available test results, 793 (11.1%) tested positive for syphilis. Women at intervention clinics completed treatment 16 days sooner on average (95% confidence interval: 11 to 21), though there was no significant difference in the proportion receiving adequate treatment at intervention (64%) and control (69%) clinics. There was also no significant difference in the proportion experiencing perinatal loss (3.3% v 5.1%; adjusted risk difference: -0.9%; 95% Cl -4.4 to 2.7). Conclusions: Despite reducing treatment delays, the addition of on-site syphilis testing to existing laboratory testing services did not lead to higher treatment rates or reduce perinatal mortality. However on-site testing for syphilis may remain an important option for improving antenatal care in settings where laboratory facilities are not available.


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Our aim was to determine whether antenatal corticosteroids improve perinatal adaptation of the pulmonary circulation in lambs with lung hypoplasia (LH). LH was induced in 12 ovine fetuses between 105 and 140 days gestation (term similar to 147 days); in 6 of these the ewe was given a single dose of betamethasone (11.4 mg im) 24 hr before delivery (LH + B). All lambs, including a control group (n = 6), were delivered at similar to 140 days and ventilated for 2 hr during which arterial pressures, pulmonary blood flow (PBF), and ventilating pressure and flow were recorded. During ventilation, respiratory system compliance was lower in both LH + B and LH groups than in controls. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) was lower in LH + B lambs than in LH lambs and similar to controls; PBF was reduced in LH lambs but was restored to control levels by betamethasone. The mean density of small arteries of LH + B lambs was similar to that of LH lambs (P = 0.06) and lower than in controls; the thickness of the media of small pulmonary arteries from LH + B lambs was similar to that in LH lambs and thicker than in controls. VEGF mRNA levels were not different between groups. PDGF mRNA levels in LH + B lambs were higher than in LH lambs; a similar trend (P = 0.06) was seen for PECAM-1. SP-C mRNA levels were greater in both LH and LH + B lambs than in controls. Effects of betamethasone were greater on indices of pulmonary circulation than ventilation. We conclude that a single dose of maternal betamethasone 24 hr prior to birth has significant favorable effects on the postnatal adaptation of the pulmonary circulation in lambs with LH.


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Keratins are the major structural proteins of keratinocytes, which are the most abundant cell type in the mammalian epidermis. Mutations in epidermal keratin genes have been shown to cause severe blistering skin abnormalities. One such disease, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK), also known as bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma, occurs as a result of mutations in highly conserved regions of keratins K1 and K10. Patients with EHK first exhibit erythroderma with severe blistering, which later is replaced by thick patches of scaly skin. To assess the effect of a mutated K1 gene on skin biology and to produce an animal model for EHK, we removed 60 residues from the 2B segment of HK1 and observed the effects of its expression in the epidermis of transgenic mice. Phenotypes of the resultant mice closely resembled those observed in the human disease, first with epidermal blisters, then later with hyperkeratotic lesions. In neonatal mice homozygous for the transgene, the skin was thicker, with an increased labeling index, and the spinous cells showed a collapse of the keratin filament network around the nuclei, suggesting that a critical concentration of the mutant HK1, over the endogenous MK1, was required to disrupt the structural integrity of the spinous cells. Additionally, footpad epithelium, which is devoid of hair follicles, showed blistering in the spinous layer, suggesting that hair follicles can stabilize or protect the epidermis from trauma. Blisters were not evident in adult mice, but instead they showed a thick, scaly hyperkeratotic skin with increased mitosis, resulting in an increased number of corneocytes and granular cells. Irregularly shaped keratohyalin granules were also observed. To date, this is the only transgenic model to show the typical morphology found in the adult form of EHK.


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Pulmonary vascular remodeling is an important pathological feature of pulmonary hypertension, leading to increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced compliance. It involves thickening of all three layers of the blood vessel wall (due to hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the predominant cell type within each layer), as well as extracellular matrix deposition. Neomuscularisation of non-muscular arteries and formation of plexiform and neointimal lesions also occur. Stimuli responsible for remodeling involve transmural pressure, stretch, shear stress, hypoxia, various mediators [angiotensin II, endothelin (ET)-1, 5-hydroxytryptamine, growth factors, and inflammatory cytokines], increased serine elastase activity, and tenascin-C. In addition, there are reductions in the endothelium-derived antimitogenic substances, nitric oxide, and prostacyclin. Intracellular signalling mechanisms involved in pulmonary vascular remodeling include elevations in intracellular Ca2+ and activation of the phosphatidylinositol pathway, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase. In animal models of pulmonary hypertension, various drugs have been shown to attenuate pulmonary vascular remodeling. These include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, ET receptor antagonists, ET-converting enzyme inhibitors, nitric oxide, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, prostacyclin, Ca2+-channel antagonists, heparin, and serine elastase inhibitors. Inhibition of remodeling is generally accompanied by reductions in pulmonary artery pressure. The efficacy of some of the drugs varies, depending on the animal model of the disease. In view of the complexity of the remodeling process and the diverse aetiology of pulmonary hypertension in humans, it is to be anticipated that successful anti-remodeling therapy in the clinic will require a range of different drug options. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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All cells require inorganic sulfate for normal function. Sulfate is among the most important macronutrients; in cells and is the fourth most abundant anion in human plasma (300 muM). Sulfate is the major sulfur source in many organisms, and because it is a hydrophilic anion that cannot passively cross the lipid bilayer of cell membranes, all cells require a mechanism for sulfate influx and efflux to ensure an optimal supply of sulfate in the body. The class of proteins involved in moving sulfate into or out of cells is called sulfate transporters. To date, numerous sulfate transporters have been identified in tissues and cells from many origins. These include the renal sulfate transporters NaSi-1 and sat-1, the ubiquitously expressed diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter DTDST, the intestinal sulfate transporter DRA that is linked to congenital chloride diarrhea, and the erythrocyte anion exchanger AE1. These transporters have only been isolated in the last 10-15 years, and their physiological roles and contributions to body sulfate homeostasis are just now beginning to be determined. This review focuses on the structural and functional properties of mammalian sulfate transporters and highlights some of regulatory mechanisms that control their expression in vivo, under normal physiological and pathophysiological states.


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Objective: To review the common clinical presentations, investigations and final diagnosis of children presenting with genital ambiguity. Methodology: Retrospective search of the Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, medical records and personal medical database of one of the authors (MJT) between 1982 and 1999. Results: Fifty-one children aged 0.1-;14 (mean 3.9) years were identified. Twenty-two cases had a 46XX karyotype, and commonly presented with an enlarged phallus (77.2%), urogenital sinus (63.6%) and labioscrotal fold(s) (40.9%). Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) was the most common final diagnosis (72.7%) . Twenty-nine cases of genital ambiguity had a 46XY karyotype and commonly presented with palpable gonad(s) (75.8%), undescended testes (51.7%), penoscrotal hypospadias (51.7%) and a small phallus (41.3%). Androgen insensitivity and gonadal dysgenesis were the commonest final diagnosis both occurring at a frequency of 17.2%. Conclusions: The results emphasize the importance of CAH as the most common diagnosis in 46XX cases presenting with ambiguous genitalia. Those with 46XY had a wider range of diagnoses. Despite thorough investigation, 23.5% had no definite final diagnosis made.


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Despite the importance of congenital viral infections in both veterinary and human medicine, only limited experimental work has been carried out to elucidate the mechanisms involved in transplacental virus infections. To further an understanding of fetal infection with pestiviruses, the distribution of bovine pestivirus in the uterine and fetal tissues of ewes in early pregnancy, following a natural route of infection, was investigated. On the 18th day of pregnancy, nine ewes were inoculated by the intranasal route with 1 X 10(5) 50% tissue culture infective doses of an Australian isolate of noncytopathic bovine pestivirus (bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 1). All ewes were ovariohysterectomized at approximately 100 hours postinfection. Samples from the reproductive tract and conceptus were examined histologically and tested for bovine pestivirus by nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry and for interferon-tau mRNA expression by nonnested RT-PCR. Although no histopathologic changes were observed in the maternal or fetal tissues, virus was detected in the reproductive tract of all nine ewes and in all of the conceptuses examined. Al; the time of surgery, only two of the nine ewes were demonstrably viremic. This study demonstrates that bovine pestivirus can spread from a natural site of infection to the ovine fetus within 4 days in the absence of maternal immunity and despite the presence of interferon expression in the reproductive tract.


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1. Eight human cytochrome P4501B1 (CYP1B1) allelic variants, namely Arg(48)Ala(119)Leu(432), Arg(48)Ala(119)Val(432), Gly(48)Ala(119)Leu(432), Gly(48)Ala(119)Val(432), Arg(48)Ser(119)Leu(432), Arg(48)Ser(119)Val(432), Gly(48)Ser(119)Leu(432) and Gly(48)Ser(119)Val(432) (all with Asn(453)), were expressed in Escherichia coli together with human NADPH-P450 reductase and their catalytic specificities towards oxidation of 17 beta -oestradiol and benzo[a]pyrene were determined. 2. All of the CYP1B1 variants expressed in bacterial membranes showed Fe2+. CO versus Fe2+ difference spectra with wavelength maxima at 446 nm and they reacted with antibodies raised against recombinant human CYP1B1 in immunoblots. The ratio of expression of the reductase to CYP1B1 in these eight preparations ranged from 0.2 to 0.5. 3. CYP1B1 Arg(48) variants tended to have higher activities for 17 beta -oestradiol 4-hydroxylation than Gly(48) variants, although there were no significant variations in 17 beta -oestradiol 2-hydroxylation activity in these eight CYP1B1 variants. Interestingly, ratios of formation of 17 beta -oestradiol 4-hydroxylation to 2-hydroxylation by these CYP1B1 variants were higher in all of the Val(432) forms than the corresponding Leu(432) forms. 4. In contrast, Leu(432) forms of CYP1B1 showed higher rates of oxidation of benzo[a]pyrene (to the 7, 8-dihydoxy-7,8-dihydrodiol in the presence of epoxide hydrolase) than did the Val(432) forms. 5. These results suggest that polymorphic human CYP1B1 variants may cause some altered catalytic specificity with 17 beta -oestradiol and benzo[a]pyrene and may influence susceptibilities of individuals towards endogenous and exogenous carcinogens.


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This study was undertaken to establish whether children with myelomeningocele have abnormal kinaesthesia of the hands. Twenty-one children with myelomeningocele and 21 control children, aged between six and 12 years, were involved in the study. The level of kinaesthetic awareness in the hands was measured by examining the child's ability to copy hand positions, using visual cueing and kinaesthetic cueing. Both accuracy and speed of copying hand gestures were assessed. Children with spina bifida were significantly less accurate in achieving hand positions than the control group (chi((1))(2) 22.60, p < 0.001), with 73% of the children with spina bifida achieving accurate replications compared with 87% in the control group. Furthermore, children with myelomeningocele were shown to be slower than the controls (F-(1,F-2810) = 15.49, p < 0.001). The impaired kinaesthetic awareness found in this study is considered to be one of the factors behind the poor hand function observed in children with myelomeningocele.