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The gamma-radiolysis of poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoromethyl vinyl ether) (TFE/PMVE) was investigated using chemical and mechanical analyses. The polymer was found to form an insoluble network with a dose of gelation of 15.8 kGy. Tensile and glass transition temperature measurements indicated the predominance of crosslinking, with optimal elastomeric properties reached in the dose range of 120 to 200 kGy. Photoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy CPAS) showed the formation of new carboxylic acid end groups on irradiation. These new end groups were shown to decrease the thermal oxidative stability of the crosslinked network as determined by thermal gravimetric analysis. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of the polymer at 77 K indicated the presence of radical precursors. A G-value of 1.1 was determined for radical production at 77 K. Comparison of radical concentrations for a copolymer with a different mole ratio of PMVE, indicated that the PMVE units contribute to scission reactions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The extent of mixing in blends of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) (27% HV) and poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) has been measured using a number of different techniques, principally solid-state NMR. Differential scanning calorimetry DSC measurements indicated effective mixing of the polymer chains on a scale of several nanometres. The results of H-1 T-1 and H-1 T-1rho. measurements confirm intimate mixing of the chains. A change on blending in the H-1 T-1rho, and the H-1 NMR line width of the signal from the protons of PVAc was consistent with an increase in the amplitude and frequency of motion of this component. The PVAc chains reside within the inter-lamellar space, as confirmed by spin diffusion measurements after H-1 T-1rho preparation. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
0Nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) imaging was used to study the ingress of water into poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate-co-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). The study offers strong evidence that the diffusion is Fickian in nature. The diffusion coefficient, D, obtained by fitting the underlying diffusion profile, attainable from the images, according to the equation for Fickian diffusion, is 1.5 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), which is in good correlation with the value of 2.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), obtained from mass uptake measurements. Additionally, from the T-2-weighted images, Superimposed features observed in addition to the underlying Fickian diffusion profiles were shown to have a longer spin-spin relaxation time, T-2. This Suggests the presence of two types of water within the polymer matrix; a less mobile phase of absorbed water that is interacting strongly with the polymer matrix and a more mobile phase of absorbed water residing within the cracks observed in the environmental scanning electron micrograph. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropyl vinyl ether) (PFA) with 2 mol% perfluoropropyl vinyl ether (PPVE) was exposed to gamma -irradiation in vacuum at both 77 K and room temperature and the ESR spectra recorded. Both the main chain, similar to CF2-(CF)-F-.-CF(2)similar to, and end chain, similar to (CF2CF2)-F-. radicals were identified at both temperatures and their thermal stabilities measured, No radicals unique to the radiolytic cleavage at the PPVE units were observed at room temperature, either due to the low concentration of the comonomer or beta -scission to form a chain end radical and a nonradical species. G-values for radical formation at room temperature and 77 K were found to be 0.93 and 0.16, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To examine the frequency distribution of co-existing conditions for deaths where the underlying cause was infectious and parasitic diseases. Materials and methods: Besides the underlying cause of death, the distributions of co-existing conditions for deaths from infectious and parasitic diseases were examined in total and by various age and sex groups, at individual and chapter levels, using 1998 Australian mortality data. Results: In addition to the underlying cause of death, the average number of reported co-existing conditions for a single infectious and parasitic death was 1.62. The most common co-existing conditions were respiratory failure, acute renal failure non-specific causes, ischaemic heart disease, pneumonia and diabetes. When studying the distribution of co-existing conditions at the ICD-9 chapter level, it was found that the circulatory system diseases were the most important. There was an increasing trend in the number of reported co-existing conditions from 60 years of age upwards. Gender differences existed in the frequency of some reported co-existing conditions. The most common organism types of co-existing conditions were other bacterial infection and other viruses. Conclusions: The study indicated that the quality of death certificates is less than satisfactory for the 1998 Australian mortality data. The findings may be helpful in clarifying the ICD coding rules and the development of disease prevention strategies. (C) 2003 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A benzothiazole-derived compound (4a) designed to mimic the C-alpha-C-beta bond vectors and terminal functionalities of Lys2, TyrI3 and Arg17 in omega-conotoxin GVIA was synthesised, together with analogues (4b-d), which had each side-chain mimic systematically truncated or eliminated. The affinity of these compounds for rat brain N-type and P/Q-type voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) was determined. In terms of N-type channel affinity and selectivity, two of these compounds (4a and 4d) were found to be highly promising, first generation mimetics of omega-conotoxin. The fully functionalised mimetic (4a) showed low PM binding affinity to N-type VGCCs (IC50 = 1.9 muM) and greater than 20-fold selectivity for this channel sub-type over P/Q-type VGCCs, whereas the mimetic in which the guanidine-type side chain was truncated back to an amine (4d, IC50 = 4.1 muM) showed a greater than 25-fold selectivity for the N-type channel. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A steady state mathematical model for co-current spray drying was developed for sugar-rich foods with the application of the glass transition temperature concept. Maltodextrin-sucrose solution was used as a sugar-rich food model. The model included mass, heat and momentum balances for a single droplet drying as well as temperature and humidity profile of the drying medium. A log-normal volume distribution of the droplets was generated at the exit of the rotary atomizer. This generation created a certain number of bins to form a system of non-linear first-order differential equations as a function of the axial distance of the drying chamber. The model was used to calculate the changes of droplet diameter, density, temperature, moisture content and velocity in association with the change of air properties along the axial distance. The difference between the outlet air temperature and the glass transition temperature of the final products (AT) was considered as an indicator of stickiness of the particles in spray drying process. The calculated and experimental AT values were close, indicating successful validation of the model. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ingress of water into copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) loaded with either one of two model drugs, ie vitamin B-12 or aspirin, was studied at 310 K using three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (3D NMR) imaging. The poly(HEMA) was loaded with 5 wt% of the drugs. From the imaging profiles it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B-12 into the polymers rich in HEMA resulted in crack formation at the interface between the rubbery region and the glassy core on sorption of water, although these cracks were 'healed' behind the diffusion front. However, for the copolymers with low HEMA contents and for those containing aspirin, no evidence for similar crack formation was found. For the copolymers loaded with 5 wt% of aspirin or vitamin B-12 the values of the water diffusion coefficients, determined by curve-fitting the relative water concentration profiles from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements, were found to be smaller than those obtained from a mass uptake study. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a qualitative review of randomised controlled trials in relation to the treatment of adults with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD). In particular, integrated approaches are compared with non-integrated approaches to treatment. Ten articles were identified for inclusion in the review. The findings are equivocal with regard to the superior efficacy of integrated approaches to treatment, although the many limitations of the studies need to be considered in our understanding of this finding. Clearly, this is an extremely challenging client group to engage and maintain in intervention research, and the complexity and variability of the problems render control particularly difficult. The lack of available evidence to support the superiority of integration is discussed in relation to these challenges. Much remains to be investigated with regard to integrated management and care for people with co-occurring and MH/SUD, particularly for specific combinations of dual diagnosis and giving consideration to the level of inter-relatedness between the disorders. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent analyses assert that large marine vertebrates such as marine mammals are now 'functionally or entirely extinct in most coastal ecosystems'. Moreton Bay is a large diverse marine ecosystem bordering the fastest growing area in Australia. The human population is over 1.6 million and increasing yearly by between 10% and 13% with resultant impacts upon the adjoining marine environment. Nonetheless, significant populations of three species of marine mammals are resident within Moreton Bay and a further 14 species are seasonal or occasional visitors. This paper reviews the current and historical distributions and abundance of these species in the context of the current management regime and suggests initiatives to increase the resilience of marine mammal populations to the changes wrought by the burgeoning human population in coastal environments. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The in vitro and in vivo degradation properties of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds produced by two different technologies-therm ally induced phase separation (TIPS), and solvent casting and particulate leaching (SCPL) were compared. Over 6 weeks, in vitro degradation produced changes in SCPL scaffold dimension, mass, internal architecture and mechanical properties. TIPS scaffolds produced far less changes in these parameters providing significant advantages over SCPL. In vivo results were based on a microsurgically created arteriovenous (AV) loop sandwiched between two TIPS scaffolds placed in a polycarbonate chamber under rat groin skin. Histologically, a predominant foreign body giant cell response and reduced vascularity was evident in tissue ingrowth between 2 and 8 weeks in TIPS scaffolds. Tissue death occurred at 8 weeks in the smallest pores. Morphometric comparison of TIPS and SCPL scaffolds indicated slightly better tissue ingrowth but greater loss of scaffold structure in SCPL scaffolds. Although advantageous in vitro, large surface area:volume ratios and varying pore sizes in PLGA TIPS scaffolds mean that effective in vivo (AV loop) utilization will only be achieved if the foreign body response can be significantly reduced so as to allow successful vascularisation, and hence sustained tissue growth, in pores less than 300 mu m. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Occupational standards concerning allowable concentrations of chemical compounds in the ambient air of workplaces have been established in several countries worldwide. With the integration of the European Union (EU), there has been a need of establishing harmonised Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL). The European Commission Directive 95/320/EC of 12 July 1995 has given the tasks to a Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL) to propose, based on scientific data and where appropriate, occupational limit values which may include the 8-h time-weighted average (TWA), short-term limits/excursion limits (STEL) and Biological Limit Values (BLVs). In 2000, the European Union issued a list of 62 chemical substances with Occupational Exposure Limits. Of these, 25 substances received a skin notation, indicating that toxicologically significant amounts may be taken up via the skin. For such substances, monitoring of concentrations in ambient air may not be sufficient, and biological monitoring strategies appear of potential importance in the medical surveillance of exposed workers. Recent progress has been made with respect to formulation of a strategy related to health-based BLVs. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: There is some evidence from a Cochrane review that rehabilitation following spinal surgery may be beneficial. Methods: We conducted a survey of current post-operative practice amongst spinal surgeons in the United Kingdom in 2002 to determine whether such interventions are being included routinely in the post-operative management of spinal patients. The survey included all surgeons who were members of either the British Association of Spinal Surgeons ( BASS) or the Society for Back Pain Research. Data on the characteristics of each surgeon and his or her current pattern of practice and post-operative care were collected via a reply-paid postal questionnaire. Results: Usable responses were provided by 57% of the 89 surgeons included in the survey. Most surgeons (79%) had a routine post-operative management regime, but only 35% had a written set of instructions that they gave to their patients concerning this. Over half (55%) of surgeons do not send their patients for any physiotherapy after discharge, with an average of less than two sessions of treatment organised by those that refer for physiotherapy at all. Restrictions on lifting, sitting and driving showed considerable inconsistency both between surgeons and also within the recommendations given by individual surgeons. Conclusion: Demonstrable inconsistencies within and between spinal surgeons in their approaches to post-operative management can be interpreted as evidence of continuing and significant uncertainty across the sub-speciality as to what does constitute best care in these areas of practice. Conducting further large, rigorous, randomised controlled trials would be the best method for obtaining definitive answers to these questions.