36 resultados para Clinical efficacy


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A belief that doctors or family control one's health outcomes (external health locus of control), and a belief in one's own ability to achieve desired outcomes (general self-efficacy), may influence distress experienced in relation to a physical illness. This study examined the interaction between illness severity, external health locus of control and general self-efficacy in relation to distress. Illness severity was defined as acute or chronic illness, with the latter expected to be more stressful. Participants described a serious illness they experienced, and completed self-report scales in relation to it. Results confirmed that chronic illnesses were associated with more distress than acute illnesses across the sample. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses supported the predicted effects on distress of a three-way interaction involving external health locus of control, general self-efficacy and illness severity (acute vs. chronic). Analysis of these results may assist in explaining inconsistencies in previous research, and offer a model for understanding the role of person variables in emotional distress.


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While binge drinking-episodic or irregular consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol-is recognised as a serious problem affecting our youth, to date there has been a lack of psychological theory and thus theoretically driven research into this problem. The current paper develops a cognitive model using the key constructs of alcohol expectancies (AEs) and drinking refusal self-efficacy (DRSE) to explain the acquisition and maintenance of binge drinking. It is suggested that the four combinations of the AE and DRSE can explain the four drinking styles. These are normal/social drinkers, binge drinkers, regular heavy drinkers, and problem drinkers or alcoholics. Since AE and DRSE are cognitive constructs and therefore modifiable, the cognitive model can thus facilitate the design of intervention and-prevention strategies for binge drinking. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: How a scar is managed postoperatively influences Its cosmetic outcome. After Suture removal, scars are susceptible to skin tension, which may be the trigger for hypertrophic scarring. Paper tape to support the scar may reduce multidirectional forces and prevent hypertrophic scarring. Methods: Seventy patients who had under gone cesarean section at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital were randomized to treatment and control groups. Patients in the control group received no postoperative intervention. Patients in the treatment group applied paper tape to their scars for 12 weeks. Scars were assessed at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months after surgery using Ultrasound to measure intradermal scar volume. Scars were also assessed using the International Clinical Recommendations. Results: Paper tape significantly decreased scar volume by a mean of 0.16 cm(3), (95 percent confidence Interval, 0.00 to 0.29 cm(3)) At 12 weeks after surgery, 41 percent of the control group developed hypertrophic scars compared with none in the treatment group (exact test, p = 0.003). In the treatment group, one patient developed a hypertrophic scar and four developed stretched scars only after the tape was removed. The odds of developing a hypertrophic scar were 13.6 times greater in the control than in the treatment group (95 percent confidence interval, 3.6 to 66.9). Of the 70 patients randomized, 39 completed the study. Four patients in the treatment group developed a localized red rash beneath the tape. These reactions were minor and transient and resolved without medical intervention. Conclusions: The development of hypertrophic and stretched scars in the treatment group only after the tape was removed suggests that tension acting on a scar is die trigger for hypertrophic scarring. Paper tape is likely to be an effective modality for the prevention of hypertrophic scarring through its ability to eliminate scar tension.


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Background: Although iron deficiency is a major cause of anemia, other micronutrient deficiencies may also play a role. Objective: We examined whether multiple micronutrient supplementation is more efficacious than is supplementation with iron and folic acid alone for improving the hemoglobin and iron status of anemic adolescent girls in Bangladesh. Design: Anemic (hemoglobin < 12.0 g/dL) girls (n = 197) aged 14-18 y from rural schools in Dhaka District were entered into a randomized double-blind trial and received twice-weekly supplements of iron and folic acid (IFA group) or multiple micronutrients (15 micronutrients, including iron and folic acid; MMN group) for 12 wk. Results: At recruitment, the characteristics of the girls in the 2 groups were not significantly different, except for family size and body mass index. At the end of the study, although both groups benefited significantly from supplementation, mean changes in hemoglobin and serum ferritin concentrations were not significantly different between groups. Compared with the IFA group, girls in the MMN group had significantly greater increases in mean serum vitamin A, plasma vitamin C, red blood cell folic acid, and riboflavin concentrations (assessed as erythrocyte glutathione reductase activation coefficient). After 12 wk of supplementation, only the prevalence of vitamins A and C and riboflavin deficiencies decreased more significantly in the MMN group than in the IFA group. Conclusions: Twice-weekly MMN supplementation for 12 wk significantly improved the status of the micronutrients assessed but was not more efficacious than was supplementation with iron and folic acid alone in improving the hematologic status of anemic adolescent girls. More frequent doses may be needed to achieve full benefit.


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A field-applicable assay for testing anthelmintic sensitivity is required to monitor for anthelmintic resistance. We undertook a study to evaluate the ability of three in vitro assay systems to define drug sensitivity of clinical isolates of the human hookworm parasite Necator americanus recovered from children resident in a village in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. The assays entailed observation of drug effects on egg hatch (EHA), larval development (LDA), and motility of infective stage larvae (LMA). The egg hatch assay proved the best method for assessing the response to benzimidazole anthelmintics, while the larval motility assay was suitable for assessing the response to ivermectin. The performance of the larval development assay was unsatisfactory on account of interference caused by contaminating bacteria. A simple protocol was developed whereby stool samples were subdivided and used for immediate egg recovery, as well as for faecal culture, in order to provide eggs and infective larvae, respectively, for use in the egg hatch assay and larval motility assay systems. While the assays proved effective in quantifying drug sensitivity in larvae of the drug-susceptible hookworms examined in this study, their ability to indicate drug resistance in larval or adult hookworms remains to be determined. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnaire (DRSEQ: Young, R.M., Oei, T.P.S., 1996. Drinking expectancy profile: test manual. Behaviour Research and Therapy Centre, University of Queensland, Australia Young, R.M., Oei, T.P.S., Crook, G.M., 1991. Development of a drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnaire. J. Psychopathol. Behav. Assess., 13, 1-15) assesses a person's belief in their ability to resist alcohol. The DRSEQ is a sound psychometric instrument based on exploratory factor analyses, but has not been subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. In total 2773 participants were used to confirm the factor structure of the DRSEQ. Initial analyses revealed that the original structure was not confirmed in the current study. Subsequent analyses resulted in a revised factor structure (DRSEQ-R) being confirmed in community, student and clinical samples. The DRSEQ-R was also found to have good construct and concurrent validity. The factor structure of the DRSEQ-R is more stable than the original structure of the DRSEQ and the revised scale has considerable potential in future alcohol-related research. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study examined the differential role of negative and positive cognitions in mediating treatment outcome in CBT for Panic Disorder through comparison of a Standard CBT (n = 36) versus a Waitlist Condition (n = 24). Regression analyses indicated that, relative to the Waitlist Condition, patients in the Standard CBT condition reported significantly greater shifts both towards higher panic self-efficacy and lower catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations during treatment, as well as a significantly lower level of panic severity at posttreatment. Changes in catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations and panic self-efficacy contributed significantly more to prediction of panic severity than did assignment to either Standard CB T or a Waitlist Condition. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of including both negative and positive cognitions in demonstrating cognitive mediation.


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Supervision of psychotherapists and counselors, especially in the early years of practice, is widely accepted as being important for professional development and to ensure optimal client outcomes. Although the process of clinical supervision has been extensively studied, less is known about the impact of supervision on psychotherapy practice and client symptom outcome. This study evaluated the impact of clinical supervision on client working alliance and symptom reduction in the brief treatment of major depression. The authors randomly assigned 127 clients with a diagnosis of major depression to 127 supervised or unsupervised therapists to receive eight sessions of problems-solving treatment. Supervised therapists were randomly assigned to either alliance skill- or alliance process-focused supervision and received eight supervision sessions. Before beginning treatment, therapists received one supervision session for brief training in the working alliance supervision approach and in specific characteristics of each case. Standard measures of therapeutic alliance and symptom change were used as dependent variables. The results showed a significant effect for both supervision conditions on working alliance from the first session of therapy, symptom reduction, and treatment retention and evaluation but no effect differences between supervision conditions. It was not possible to separate the effects of supervision from the single pretreatment session and is possible that allegiance effects might have inflated results. The scientific and clinical relevance of these findings is discussed.


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Pain self-efficacy and anxiety have each been shown to contribute substantially to pain intensity and pain-related disability. Although adult attachment theory has been related separately to chronic pain, anxiety, and self-efficacy, it has not before been investigated with either pain self-efficacy or anxiety in the context of chronic pain. This study investigated the interrelations between these aspects of the chronic pain experience and their relative contributions towards pain intensity and disability. A clinical sample of 152 chronic pain patients participated in this study, completing self-report measures of attachment, self-efficacy, pain intensity, and disability, prior to attending a multidisciplinary pain clinic. Results revealed that fearful and preoccupied (anxious) attachment categories were associated with low pain self-efficacy, while high scores on the attachment dimension of comfort with closeness were linked with high pain self-efficacy, particularly for males. Insecure attachment (whether defined in terms of categories or dimensions) was related to higher levels of anxiety. Pain self-efficacy proved a stronger predictor of pain intensity than did anxiety and was a stronger predictor of disability than pain intensity or anxiety. In addition, comfort with closeness moderated the associations between pain self-efficacy and disability, pain self-efficacy and pain intensity, and anxiety and disability. Together, these findings support the value of adopting an attachment theoretical approach in the context of chronic pain. Treatment considerations and future research directions are considered. (c) 2006 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background and Purpose - A higher plasma concentration of total homocysteine (tHcy) is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular events. Previous studies, largely in younger individuals, have shown that B vitamins lowered tHcy by substantial amounts and that this effect is greater in people with higher tHcy and lower folate levels. Methods - We undertook a 2-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial in 299 men aged >= 75 years, comparing treatment with a daily tablet containing 2 mg of folate, 25 mg of B-6, and 400 mu g of B-12 or placebo. The study groups were balanced regarding age (mean +/- SD, 78.9 +/- 2.8 years), B vitamins, and tHcy at baseline. Results - Among the 13% with B12 deficiency, the difference in mean changes in treatment and control groups for tHcy was 6.74 mu mol/L (95% CI, 3.94 to 9.55 mu mol/L) compared with 2.88 mu mol/L (95% CI, 0.07 to 5.69 mu mol/L) for all others. Among the 20% with hyperhomocysteinaemia, the difference between mean changes in treatment and control groups for men with high plasma tHcy compared with the rest of the group was 2.8 mu mol/L (95% CI, 0.6 to 4.9 mu mol/L). Baseline vitamin B12, serum folate, and tHcy were significantly associated with changes in plasma tHcy at follow-up (r = 0.252, r = 0.522, and r = -0.903, respectively; P = 0.003, <0.001, and <0.001, respectively) in the vitamin group. Conclusions - The tHcy-lowering effect of B vitamins was maximal in those who had low B12 or high tHcy levels. Community-dwelling older men, who are likely to be deficient in B12 or have hyperhomocysteinemia, may be most likely to benefit from treatment with B vitamins.


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SUMMARY. We conducted a randomized multinational study to determine whether 48 weeks of re-treatment with peginterferon- alpha-2a (40 kDa) plus ribavirin would induce a sustained virological response (SVR) in relapsed chronic hepatitis C patients. Patients who had previously relapsed during 24 weeks of untreated follow-up, after having achieved an end-of-treatment virological response with 24 weeks of peginterferon-alpha-2a (40 kDa)/ribavirin combination therapy, within a phase III trial, were studied. Although the recommended dosage was the same as that used at the end of the initial trial, adjustments were permitted. Data on serious adverse events, or adverse events that resulted in dose reductions or discontinuations, were collected. Following re-treatment, the overall SVR rate in the 64 patients was 55%. The SVR rates in patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 and non-1 genotypes were 51% and 63%, respectively. Early (week 12) virological responses were seen in 39 patients (61%) and were predictive of an SVR. Re-treatment was well tolerated. The most frequent adverse events recorded were fatigue (5%) and abdominal pain (3%). Dosages of peginterferon-alpha-2a (40 kDa) and/or ribavirin were modified because of adverse events in 3% and 13% of patients, and because of laboratory abnormalities in 23% and 5% of patients, respectively. Thus, a 48-week course of peginterferon-alpha-2a (40 kDa) plus ribavirin induces an SVR in 55% of patients who relapsed during follow-up after 24 weeks of combination therapy. Physicians should not hesitate to offer re-treatment to patients who relapse after an initial, 24-week course of combination therapy, or who have prematurely stopped treatment because, for example, of laboratory abnormalities.


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Research shows that social support and maternal self-efficacy are inversely related to postpartum depression; however, little is known about the mechanisms by which these variables impact on depressive symptomatology. This study uses path analysis to examine the proposal that maternal self-efficacy mediates the effects of social support on postpartum depressive symptomatology. Primiparous women (n=247) completed questionnaires during their last trimester and then again at 4 weeks' postpartum (n=192). It was hypothesized that higher levels of parental support, partner support, and maternal self-efficacy would be associated with lower levels of depressive symptomatology postpartum and that the relationship between social support and depressive symptomatology would be mediated by maternal self-efficacy. Results indicated that as expected, higher parental support and maternal self-efficacy were associated with lower levels of depressive symptomatology postpartum. Partner support was found to be unrelated to both depressive symptomatology and maternal self-efficacy. Results from the path analysis supported the mediation model. Findings suggest that parental support lowers depressive symptomatology by the enhancement of maternal self-efficacy.


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Background: Chronic cough that persists despite medical treatment may respond to speech pathology intervention, but the efficacy of such treatment has not been investigated in prospective randomised trials. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of a speech pathology intervention programme for chronic cough. Methods: A single blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial was conducted in 87 patients with chronic cough that persisted despite medical treatment. Patients were randomly allocated to receive either a specifically designed speech pathology intervention or a placebo intervention. Participants in both groups attended four intervention sessions with a qualified speech pathologist. Results: Participants in the treatment group had a significant reduction in cough (8.9 to 4.6, p, 0.001), breathing (7.9 to 4.7, p < 0.001), voice (7.3 to 4.6, p < 0.001) upper airway (8.9 to 5.9, p < 0.001) symptom scores and limitation (2.3 to 1.6, p < 0.001) ratings following intervention. There was also a significant reduction in breathing (6.8 to 5.6, p=0.047), cough (7.6 to 6.3, p=0.014), and limitation ( 2.3 to 2.0, p=0.038) scores in the placebo group, but the degree of improvement was significantly less than in the treatment group (p < 0.01). Clinical judgement of outcome indicated successful ratings in 88% of participants in the treatment group compared with 14% in the placebo group ( p, 0.001). Conclusion: Speech pathology is an effective management intervention for chronic cough which may be a viable alternative for patients who do not respond to medical treatment.


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Background Cardiac disease is the principal cause of death in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Ischemia at dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) is associated with adverse events in these patients. We sought the efficacy of combining clinical risk evaluation with DSE. Methods We allocated 244 patients with CKD (mean age 54 years, 140 men, 169 dialysis-dependent at baseline) into low- and high-risk groups based on two disease-specific scores and the Framingham risk model. All underwent DSE and were further stratified according to DSE results. Patients were followed over 20 +/- 14 months for events (death, myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome). Results There were 49 deaths and 32 cardiac events. Using the different clinical scores, allocation of high risk varied from 34% to 79% of patients, and 39% to 50% of high-risk patients had an abnormal DSE. In the high-risk groups, depending on the clinical score chosen, 25% to 44% with an abnormal DSE had a cardiac event, compared with 8% to 22% with a.normal DSE. Cardiac events occurred in 2.0%, 3.1 %, and 9.7% of the low-risk patients, using the two disease-specific and Framingham scores, respectively, and DSE results did not add to risk evaluation in this subgroup. Independent DSE predictors of cardiac events were a lower resting diastolic blood pressure, angina during the test, and the combination of ischemia with resting left ventricular dysfunction. Conclusion In CKD patients, high-risk findings by DSE can predict outcome. A stepwise strategy of combining clinical risk scores with DSE for CAD screening in CKD reduces the number of tests required and identifies a high-risk subgroup among whom DSE results more effectively stratify high and low risk.