104 resultados para Clausocalanus spp., c1, mass
We have utilised the combination of sensitivity and specificity afforded by coupling high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to a tandem mass spectrometer (MS-MS) to produce an assay which is suitable for assaying glutathione (GSH) concentrations in liver tissue. The sensitivity suggests it may also be suitable for extrahepatic tissues, The method has been validated for GSH using mouse liver samples and also allows the assay of GSSG. The stability of GSH under conditions relevant to the assay has been determined. A 20-mul amount of a diluted methanol extract of tissue is injected with detection limits of 0.2 pmol for GSH and 2 pmol for GSSG. The HPLC uses an Altima C-18 (150X4.6 mm, 5 mum) column at 35 degreesC. Chromatography utilises a linear gradient from 0 to 10% methanol in 0.1% formic acid over 5 min, with a final isocratic stage holding at 10% methanol for 5 min. Total flow rate is 0.8 ml/min. The transition from the M+H ion (308.1 m/z for GSH, and 613.3 m/z for GSSG) to the 162.0 m/z (GSH) and 355.3 m/z (GSSG) fragments are monitored. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Body mass index (BMI) is frequently related to percentage body fat. Nevertheless, the relationship between BMI and fat mass/height(2) (FM/H-2), theoretically, should be more appropriate. Aim: This study seeks to evaluate the relationship between BMI and both percentage body fat and FM/H-2 in a group of Chinese Australian females. Subjects and methods: Forty subjects took part in the study and all were Chinese females resident in Brisbane, Australia. Body mass index was calculated from height and weight. Percentage body fat and fat mass were calculated from measurements of total body water. Results: The use of BMI to predict FM/H-2 accounted for double the variance of that found when BMI was used to predict percentage body fat. Conclusions: As a consequence, it is possible that the use of BMI to predict FM/H-2 and not percentage body fat in the first instance may prove to be more useful in a number of adult populations. Nevertheless, with a relatively small sample size it is difficult, if not impossible, to test the developed equations on a validation group and further investigation into the findings described in this paper needs to be undertaken.
The influence of sodium (Na) on nucleation and growth of the Al-Si eutectic in a commercial hypoeutectic Al-Si-Cu-Mg foundry alloy has been investigated. The microstructural evolution during eutectic solidification was studied by a quenching technique. By comparing the orientation of the aluminium in the eutectic to that of the surrounding primary aluminium dendrites by EBSD, the eutectic solidification mode could be determined. The results show that the eutectic solidification starts near the mould wall and evolves with front growth opposite the thermal gradient on a macro-scale, and on a micro-scale with independent heterogeneous nucleation of eutectic grains in interdendritic spaces. Na-modified alloys therefore behave significantly differently from those modified by other elemental additions.
Mass balance calculations were performed to model the effect of solution treatment time on A356 and A357 alloy microstructures. Image analysis and electron probe microanalysis were used to characterise microstructures and confirm model predictions. In as-cast microstructures, up to 8 times more Mg is tied up in the pi-phase than in Mg2Si. The dissolution of pi is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the amount of beta-phase. This causes the rate of pi dissolution to be limited by the rate of beta formation. It is predicted that solution treatments of the order of tens of minutes at 540degreesC produce near-maximum T6 yield strengths, and that Mg contents in excess of 0.52 wt% have no advantage.
Determination of the ash-free dry weight (AFDW) of marine specimens requires samples to be rinsed, soaked, and centrifuged. Problems associated with this technique were examined with the developmental stages of seastar species (Patiriella) with different modes of development. The influence of three rinsing solutions (ammonium formate [AF], filtered seawater [FSW], and reverse osmosis water [RO]) was assessed. The hypothesis that the AFDW technique is a measure of organic material was addressed by drying inorganic salts. Developmental stages of Patiriella calcar rinsed in FSW were twice as heavy as those rinsed in RO or AE indicating that samples should be rinsed in RO or AF before weighing. Soaking treatments had a significant effect on the AFDW of samples of P. calcar (planktonic developer), indicating that the rinsing period should be brief. Zygotes of Patiriella re gularis (planktonic developer) were significantly heavier than ova or gastrulae, regardless of treatment. In contrast, there were no significant differences in the AFDW of any stages or treatments of Patiriella exigua (benthic developer). This may be due to the presence of a modified fertilization envelope, which protects these benthic embryos. Inorganic salts with water of crystallization and FSW lost 20-75% and 14% of their dry weight, respectively, after ashing. We propose that salt ions may retain water, which does not evaporate during drying but is lost during ashing, resulting in the overestimation of sample AFDW. If a similar process occurs in the developmental stages of marine invertebrates, changes in the intracellular ionic composition through development may result in inaccurate estimates of biomass.
Prolonged muscle disuse in vertebrates can lead to a pathological change resulting in muscle wasting and a loss of muscle strength. In this paper, we review muscle disuse atrophy in the vertebrates and examine the factors that influence the magnitude of the atrophic response during extended periods of inactivity, both artificially imposed (e.g. limb immobilisation) and naturally occurring, such as the quiescence associated with dormancy (e.g. hibernation and aestivation). The severity of muscle atrophy is positively correlated with mass-specific metabolic rate, and the metabolic depression that occurs during dormancy would appear to have a protective role, reducing or preventing muscle atrophy despite periods of inactivity lasting 6-9 months. In the light of these findings, the role of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants during muscle disuse is emphasised.
Social bees have a diverse fauna of symbiotic mesostigmatic mites, including highly pathogenic parasites of the honeybee, but there are few reports of Mesostigmata phoretic on or inhabiting the nests of solitary or communal, ground-nesting bees. In south-eastern Australia, however, native bees in the family Halictidae carry what appears to be a substantial radiation of host-specific mesostigmatans in the family Laelapidae. Herein, we redescribe the obscure genus Raymentia , associated with Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes ) spp. bees (Halictidae) and describe two new species, R. eickwortiana from L. lacthium (Smith) and R. walkeriana from L. atronitens (Cockerell). The type species, R. anomala Womersley, is associated with L. altichum (Smith). In addition, we review the mites known to be associated with Australian bees, provide a key to differentiate them, and describe and illustrate acarinaria of the Halictinae. We also report on the first occurrences in Australia of the genera Trochometridium Cross (Heterostigmata: Trochometridiidae), from L. eremaean Walker (Halictidae), and Cheletophyes Oudemans (Prostigmata: Cheyletidae) from Xylocopa Latreille (Xylocopinae), and on the previously unknown association between a Neocypholaelaps Vitzthum (Mesostigmata: Ameroseiidae) and Lipotriches tomentifera (Friese) (Halictidae).
Shoaling with familiar individuals may have many benefits including enhanced escape responses or increased foraging efficiency. This study describes the results of two complimentary experiments. The first utilised a simple binary choice experiment to determine if rainbowfish (Melanotaenia spp.) preferred to shoal with familiar individuals or with strangers. The second experiment used a free range situation where familiar and unfamiliar individuals were free to intermingle and were then exposed to a predator threat. Like many other small species of fish, rainbowfish were capable of identifying and distinguishing between individuals and choose to preferentially associate with familiar individuals as opposed to strangers. Contrary to expectations. however. rainbowrish did not significantly increase their preference for familiar individuals in the presence of a stationary predator model. Griffiths [J Fish Biol (1997) 51:489-4951 conducted similar studies under semi-natural conditions examining, the shoaling preferences of European minnows and showed similar results. Both the current study and that of Griffiths were conducted using predator wary populations of fish. It is suggested that, in predator sympatric populations, the benefits of shoaling with familiar individuals are such that it always pays to stay close to familiar individuals even when the probability If predator attack is remote.
Objective: To determine if human adipocyte agouti signal protein (ASIP) mRNA expression is associated with obesity and is gender and/or depot specific. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects included 8 men (64 +/- 3 years) and 14 women (56 +/- 15 years) undergoing elective abdominal surgery. ASIP mRNA levels in isolated omental and subcutaneous abdominal adipocytes were measured by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: No significant depot difference was observed between genders; ASIP mRNA levels of omental and subcutaneous abdominal adipocytes were pooled for this analysis. BMI and ASIP gene expression were negatively correlated in men (p = -0.70; p < 0.05), whereas a positive relationship was observed in women (p = 0.48; p < 0.05). No significant difference was observed in age, body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference between groups. Hip circumference was significantly higher in women than in men (p < 0.05). Also, no significant difference in ASIP mRNA expression was observed between men and women, regardless of the fat depot. Discussion: These results show that men and women of similar age and BMI present similar ASIP mRNA levels in omental and subcutaneous abdominal adipocytes. However, a sexual dimorphism exists in the relationship between ASIP expression and BMI. If ASIP is involved in appetite regulation or energy homeostasis in humans, this observation may contribute to the recognized differences in these parameters between men and women.
We report here a validated method for the quantification of a new immunosuppressant drug, everolimus (SDZ RAD), using HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry. Whole blood samples (500 mul) were prepared by protein precipitation, followed by C-18 solid-phase extraction. Mass spectrometric detection was by selected reaction monitoring with an electrospray interface operating in positive ionization mode. The assay was linear from 0.5 to 100 mug/l (r(2) > 0.996, n = 9). The analytical recovery and inter-day imprecision, determined using whole blood quality control samples (n = 5) at 0.5, 1.2, 20.0, and 75.0 mug/l, was 100.3-105.4% and less than or equal to7.6%, respectively. The assay had a mean relative recovery of 94.8 +/- 3.8%. Extracted samples were stable for up to 24 h. Fortified everolimus blood samples were stable at -80 degreesC for at least 8 months and everolimus was found to be stable in blood when taken through at least three freeze-thaw cycles. The reported method provides accurate, precise and specific measurement of everolimus in blood over a wide analytical range and is currently supporting phase 11 and III clinical trials. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
MS/MS data derived from the [M-H](-) ions of desulfated caerulein peptides provide (i) sequencing information from a combination of alpha, beta and gamma backbone cleavages, and (ii) identification of specific amino acid side chains by side-chain cleavages [e.g. Ser (-CH2O), Thr (-CH3CHO) and Asp (-H2O)] (fragmentations having no counterparts in positive ion spectra). In addition, delta and/or gamma backbone cleavage ions from Asp residues identify the position of these residues in the peptide. In contrast, neither delta nor gamma cleavage ions are observed from either the Gln2 residue nor from Phe residues. Full structural information can be obtained from a consideration of the positive and negative ion MS/MS data in concert. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Objective To identify nematodes seen in histological sections of brains of flying foxes (fruit bats) and describe the associated clinical disease and pathology. Proceedures Gross and histological examination of brains from 86 free-living flying foxes with neurological disease was done as part of an ongoing surveillance program for Australian bat lyssavirus. Worms were recovered, or if seen in histological sections, extracted by maceration of half the brain and identified by microscopic examination. Histological archives were also reviewed. Results There was histological evidence of angiostrongylosis in 16 of 86 recently submitted flying foxes with neurological disease and in one archival case from 1992. In 10 flying foxes, worms were definitively identified as Angiostrongylus cantonensis fifth-stage larvae. A worm fragment and third stage larvae were identified as Angiostrongylus sp, presumably A cantonensis, in a further three cases. The clinical picture was dominated by paresis, particularly of the hind-limbs, and depression, with flying foxes surviving up to 22 days in the care of wildlife volunteers. Brains containing fifth-stage larvae showed a moderate to severe eosinophilic and granulomatous meningoencephalitis (n = 14), whereas there was virtually no inflammation of the brains of bats which died when infected with only smaller, third-stage larvae (n = 3). There was no histological evidence of pulmonary involvement. Conclusion This is the first report of the recovery and identification of A cantonensis from free-living Australian wildlife. While anglostrongylosis is a common cause of paresis in flying foxes, the initial clinical course cannot be differentiated from Australian bat lyssavirus infection, and wildlife carers should be urged not to attempt to rehabilitate flying foxes with neurological disease.