357 resultados para Children growth
Growth hormone (GH) stimulates mandibular growth but its effect on the mandibular condylar cartilage is not well. understood. Objective: This study was designed to understand the influence of GH on mitotic activity and on chondrocytes maturation. The effect of GH on cartilage thickness was also determined. Design: An animal model witt differences in GH status was determined by comparing mutant Lewis dwarf rats with reduced pituitary GH synthesis (dwarf), with normal rats and dwarf animals treated with GH. Six dwarf rats were injected with GH for 6 days, while other six normal rats and six dwarf rats composed other two groups. Mandibular condylar tissues were processed and stained for Herovici's stain and immunohistochemistry, for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Measurements of cartilage thickness as well as the numbers of immunopositive cells for each antibody were analysed by one-way analysis of variance. Results: Cartilage thickness was significantly reduced in the dwarf animals treated with GH. PCNA expression was significant lower in the dwarf rats, but significantly increased when these animals were treated with GH. ALP expression was significant higher in the dwarf animals, while it was significantly reduced in the dwarf animals treated with GH. Conclusions: The results from this study showed that GH stimulates mitotic activity and delays cartilage cells maturation in the mandibular condyte. This effect at the cellular Level may produce changes in the cartilage thickness. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Primary objective: The study aimed to examine the changes in water distribution in the soft tissue during systemic steroid activity. Research design: A three-way cross-over, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial was used, including 4 weeks of fluticasone propionate pMDI 200 mug b.i.d. delivered via Babyhaler(R), budesonide pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI) 200 mug b.i.d. delivered via Nebuchamber(R) and placebo. Spacers were primed before use. In total, 40 children aged 1-3 years, with mild intermittent asthma were included. Twenty-five of the children completed all three treatments. At the end of each treatment period body impedance and skin ultrasonography were measured. Methods and procedures: We measured changes in water content of the soft tissues by two methods. Skin ultrasonography was used to detect small changes in dermal water content, and bioelectrical impedance was used to assess body water content and distribution. Main outcomes and results: We found an increase in skin density of the shin from fluticasone as measured by ultrasonography (p = 0.01). There was a tendency for a consistent elevation of impedance parameters from active treatments compared to placebo although overall this effect was not statistically significant (0.1< p <0.2). However, sub-analyses indicated a significant effect on whole-body and leg impedance from budesonide treatment (p <0.05). Conclusion: Decreased growth during inhaled steroid treatment seems to partly reflect generalized changes in body water.
This paper investigates how social security interacts with growth and growth determinants (savings, human capital investment, and fertility). Our empirical investigation finds that the estimated coefficient on social security is significantly negative in the fertility equation, insignificant in the saving equation, and significantly positive in the growth and education equations. By contrast, the estimated coefficient on growth is insignificant in the social security equation. The results suggest that social security may indeed be conducive to growth through tipping the trade-off between the number and quality of children toward the latter.
Theory-of-mind development in oral deaf children with cochlear implants or conventional hearing aids
Background: In the context of the established finding that theory-of-mind (ToM) growth is seriously delayed in late-signing deaf children, and some evidence of equivalent delays in those learning speech with conventional hearing aids, this study's novel contribution was to explore ToM development in deaf children with cochlear implants. Implants can substantially boost auditory acuity and rates of language growth. Despite the implant, there are often problems socialising with hearing peers and some language difficulties, lending special theoretical interest to the present comparative design. Methods: A total of 52 children aged 4 to 12 years took a battery of false belief tests of ToM. There were 26 oral deaf children, half with implants and half with hearing aids, evenly divided between oral-only versus sign-plus-oral schools. Comparison groups of age-matched high-functioning children with autism and younger hearing children were also included. Results: No significant ToM differences emerged between deaf children with implants and those with hearing aids, nor between those in oral-only versus sign-plus-oral schools. Nor did the deaf children perform any better on the ToM tasks than their age peers with autism. Hearing preschoolers scored significantly higher than all other groups. For the deaf and the autistic children, as well as the preschoolers, rate of language development and verbal maturity significantly predicted variability in ToM, over and above chronological age. Conclusions: The finding that deaf children with cochlear implants are as delayed in ToM development as children with autism and their deaf peers with hearing aids or late sign language highlights the likely significance of peer interaction and early fluent communication with peers and family, whether in sign or in speech, in order to optimally facilitate the growth of social cognition and language.
Objective: To adapt the Family Wellbeing empowerment program, which was initially designed to support adults to take greater control and responsibility for their decisions and lives, to the needs of Indigenous school children living in remote communities. Method. At the request of two schools in remote Indigenous communities in far north Queensland, a pilot personal development and empowerment program based on the adult Family Wellbeing principles was developed, conducted and evaluated in the schools. The main aims of the program were to build personal identity and to encourage students to recognise their future potential and be more aware of their place in the community and wider society. Results: Participation in the program resulted in significant social and emotional growth for the students. Outcomes described by participating students and teachers included increased analytical and reflective skills, greater ability to think for oneself and set goals, less teasing and bullying in the school environment, and an enhanced sense of identity, friendship and,social relatedness'. Conclusion: This pilot implementation of the Family Wellbeing Program adapted for schools demonstrated the program's potential to enhance Indigenous young people's personal growth and development. Challenges remain in increasing parental/ family involvement and ensuring the program's sustainability and transferability. The team has been working with relevant stakeholders to further develop and package the School-based Family Wellbeing program for Education Queensland's New Basics curriculum framework.
We construct a simple growth model where agents with uncertain survival choose schooling time, life-cycle consumption and the number of children. We show that rising longevity reduces fertility but raises saving, schooling time and the growth rate at a diminishing rate. Cross-section analyses using data from 76 countries support these propositions: life expectancy has a significant positive effect on the saving rate, secondary school enrollment and growth but a significant negative effect on fertility. Through sensitivity analyses, the effect on the saving rate is inconclusive, while the effects on the other variables are robust and consistent. These estimated effects are decreasing in life expectancy. Copyright The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2005.
Detailed analysis of body composition in children has helped to understand changes that occur in growth and disease. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has gained popularity as a simple, non-invasive and inexpensive tool of body composition assessment. Being an indirect technique, prediction equations have to be used in the assessment of body composition. There are many prediction equations available in the literature for the assessment of body composition from BIA. This study aims to cross-validate some of those prediction equations to determine the suitability of their use on Australian children of white Caucasian and Sri Lankan origins. Height, weight and BIA were measured. Total body water was measured using the isotope dilution method (D2O). Fat-mass (FM) and %FM were estimated from BIA using ten prediction equations described in the literature. Five to 14.99-year-old healthy, 96 white Caucasians and 42 Sri Lankan children were studied. The equation of Schaefer et al was the most suitable prediction equation for this group with the lowest mean bias for %FM assessment in both Caucasian (–1.0±9.6%) and Sri Lankan (1.6±5.2%) children and the fat content of the individuals did not influence the predictions by this equation. Impedance index (height2/impedance) explained for 80% of TBW in white Caucasians and 93% in Sri Lankans and figures were similar for the prediction of FFM. We conclude that BIA can be used effectively in the assessment of body composition in children. However, for the assessment of body composition using BIA, either prediction equations should be derived to suit the local populations or existing equations should be cross-validated to determine their suitability before their application.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the enamel thickness of the maxillary primary incisors of preterm children with very low birth weight (< 1,500 g) compared to full-term children with normal birth weight. Methods: A total of 90 exfoliated maxillary primary central incisors were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three serial buccolingual ground sections of each tooth were examined under light microscopy, and maximum dimensions of the prenatally and postnatally formed enamel were measured. Results: The enamel of preterm teeth was approximately 20% thinner than that for fullterm teeth. Most of the reduction was observed in the prenatally formed enamel. This was 5 to 13 times thinner than that for full-term children (P < .001). The catch-up thickness of postnatally formed enamel did not compensate fully for the decrease in prenatal enamel (P < .001). Although none of the teeth used in this study had enamel defects visible to the naked eye, 52% of preterm teeth showed enamel hypoplasia under SEM, compared with only 16% found on full-term teeth (P < .001). These defects were present as pits or irregular, shallow areas of missing enamel. Conclusions: Preterm primary dental enamel is abnormal in surface quality, and is significantly thinner compared to full-term enamel. The thinner enamel is due mainly to reduced prenatal growth and results in smaller dimensions of the primary dentition.
Childhood obesity is becoming a topical issue in both the health literature and the popular media and increasingly child health nurses are observing preschool children who appear to be disproportionately heavy for their height when plotted on standardised growth charts. In this paper literature related to childhood obesity in New Zealand and internationally is explored to identify current issues, and the implications of these issues for nurses in community based child health practice are discussed. Themes that emerged from the literature relate to the measurement of obesity, links between childhood and adult obesity and issues for families. A theme in the literature around maternal perception was of particular interest. Studies that investigated maternal perceptions of childhood obesity found that mothers identified their child as being overweight or obese only when it imposed limitations on physical activity or when the children were teased rather than by referring to individual growth graphs. The implications for nursing in the area of child health practice is discussed as nurses working in this area need an understanding of the complex and often emotive issues surrounding childhood obesity and an awareness of the reality of people's lives when devising health promotion strategies.
Measurement of height or length is essential in the assessment of nutritional status. In some conditions, for example cerebral palsy (CP), such measurements may be difficult or impossible. Proxy measurements such as knee height have been used to predict height in such cases. We have evaluated two equations in the literature that predict stature from knee height in a group of 17 children with CP and 20 non-disabled children. The two equations performed well on average in the non-disabled children, with the mean predicted height being within 1% of the mean measured height. Nevertheless, the limits of agreement were relatively large. This was also the case for the children with CP. Thus the equations may be accurate at the group level; however they may lead to unacceptable error at the individual level. © 2006 Informa UK Ltd.
Objective To determine the long-term health and development of a cohort of children in whom confined placental mosaicism (CPM) was diagnosed at prenatal diagnosis. Methods A retrospective cohort study was performed comparing 36 children in whom CPM had been diagnosed prenatally with 195 controls subjects in whom a normal karyotype had been detected prenatally. Data comprising birth information, health, health service utilisation, growth, development, behaviour, and the family were collected by a maternal questionnaire administered when the subjects were aged between 4 and 11 years. Results CPM cases did not differ from controls across a broad range of health measures and there were no major health problems or birth defects among the CPM group. No increase was detected in the incidence of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) among CPM cases; however, postnatal growth was reduced compared with controls (p = 0.047). Development and behaviour in CPM cases was similar to that of controls. Conclusions The prenatal diagnosis of CPM is not associated with an increased risk of birth defects or developmental problems, but may be associated with decreased growth. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Peak adolescent fracture incidence at the distal end of the radius coincides with a decline in size-corrected BMD in both boys and girls. Peak gains in bone area preceded peak gains in BMC in a longitudinal sample of boys and girls, supporting the theory that the dissociation between skeletal expansion and skeletal mineralization results in a period of relative bone weakness. Introduction: The high incidence of fracture in adolescence may be related to a period of relative skeletal fragility resulting from dissociation between bone expansion and bone mineralization during the growing years. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between changes in size-corrected BMD (BMDsc) and peak distal radius fracture incidence in boys and girls. Materials and Methods: Subjects were 41 boys and 46 girls measured annually (DXA; Hologic 2000) over the adolescent growth period and again in young adulthood. Ages of peak height velocity (PHV), peak BMC velocity (PBMCV), and peak bone area (BA) velocity (PBAV) were determined for each child. To control for maturational differences, subjects were aligned on PHV. BMDsc was calculated by first regressing the natural logarithms of BMC and BA. The power coefficient (pc) values from this analysis were used as follows: BMDsc = BMC/BA(pc). Results: BMDsc decreased significantly before the age of PHV and then increased until 4 years after PHV. The peak rates in radial fractures (reported from previous work) in both boys and girls coincided with the age of negative velocity in BMDsc; the age of peak BA velocity (PBAV) preceded the age of peak BMC velocity (PBMCV) by 0.5 years in both boys and girls. Conclusions: There is a clear dissociation between PBMCV and PBAV in boys and girls. BMDsc declines before age of PHV before rebounding after PHV. The timing of these events coincides directly with reported fracture rates of the distal end of the radius. Thus, the results support the theory that there is a period of relative skeletal weakness during the adolescent growth period caused, in part, by a draw on cortical bone to meet the mineral demands of the expanding skeleton resulting in a temporary increased fracture risk.
Child growth in PNG shows strong regional differences, with highlands children being generally shorter but stockier than those from lowland areas. Differences in diet, socioeconomic status and local subsistence agriculture were found to be important predictors of child growth. All variables indicating higher socioeconomic status were correlated with better growth, as was a high consumption of imported and local high quality foods such as cereals, legumes, tinned fish or meat and fresh fish. Differences in subsistence explained between 25% and 50% of the geographical variation in growth. Child growth was better in systems based on cassava and sweet potato, and worse in those where banana, sago and taro are staples. The cultivation of all major cash crops and sales of fish and food crops improved child growth. Birth weights show similar patterns to those observed in child growth. The implications of these findings for possible interventions are discussed.