41 resultados para Charge separations
The feasibility of employing classical electrophoresis theory to determine the net charge (valence) of proteins by capillary zone electrophoresis is illustrated in this paper. An outline of a procedure to facilitate the interpretation of mobility measurements is demonstrated by its application to a published mobility measurement for Staphylococcal nuclease at pH 8.9 that had been obtained by capillary zone electrophoresis. The significantly higher valence of +7.5 (cf. 5.6 from the same series of measurements) that has been reported on the basis of a charge ladder approach for charge determination signifies the likelihood that the latter generic approach may be prone to error arising from nonconformity of the experimental system with an inherent assumption that chemical modification or mutation of amino acid residues has no effect on the overall three-dimensional size and shape of the protein. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Limitations have been detected in a recently published method for macroion valence determination by an ultracentrifugal procedure for quantifying the Dorman distribution of small ions in macroion solutions dialyzed against buffer supplemented with chromate as an indicator ion. The limitation reflects an implicit assumption that sedimentation velocity affords an unequivocal means of separating effects of chromate binding from those reflecting the Dorman redistribution of small ions. Although the assumed absence of significant Dorman redistribution of small ions across the sedimenting macroion boundary seemingly holds for some systems, this approximation is demonstrably invalid for others. Despite preliminary signs of promise, the ultracentrifugal procedure does not afford a simple, readily applied solution to the problem of unequivocal macroion valence determination. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In variable charge soils, anion retention and accumulation through adsorption at exchange sites is a competitive process. The objectives of this study in the wet tropics of far north Queensland were to investigate (i) whether the pre-existing high sulphate in variable charge soils had any impact on the retention of chloride and nitrate, derived mostly from the applied fertilizer; and (ii) whether chloride competed with nitrate during the adsorption processes. Soil cores up to 12.5 m depth were taken from seven sites, representing four soil types, in the Johnstone River Catchment. Six of these sites had been under sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum-S) cultivation for at least 50 years and one was an undisturbed rainforest. The cores were segmented at 1.0 m depth increments, and subsamples were analysed for nitrate-N, cation (CEC)- and anion-exchange capacities (AEC), pH, exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na), soil organic C (SOC), electrical conductivity (EC), sulphate-S, and chloride. Sulphate-S load in 1-12 m depth under cropping ranged from 9.4 to 73.9 t ha(-1) (mean= 40 t ha(-1)) compared with 74.4 t ha(-1) in the rainforest. Chloride load under cropping ranged from 1.5 to 9.6 t ha(-1) (mean= 4.9 t ha(-1)) compared to 0.9 t ha(-1) in the rainforest, and the nitrate-N load from 113 to 2760 kg ha(-1) (mean = 910 kg ha(-1)) under cropping compared to 12 kg ha(-1) in the rainforest. Regardless of the soil type, the total chloride or nitrate-N input in fertilisers was 7.5 t ha(-1), during the last 50 years. Sulphate-S distribution in soil profiles decreased with depth at >2 m, whereas bulges of chloride or nitrate-N were observed at depths >2 m. This suggests that chloride or nitrate adsorption and retention increased with decreasing sulphate dominance. Abrupt decreases in equivalent fraction of sulphate (EFSO4), at depths >2 m, were accompanied by rapid increases in equivalent fraction of chloride (EFCl), followed by nitrate (EFNO3). The stepwise regression for EFCl and EFNO3 indicated that nitrate retention was reduced by the pre-existing sulphate and imported chloride, whereas only sulphate reduced chloride adsorption. The results indicate that chloride and nitrate adsorption and retention occurred, in the order chloride>nitrate, in soils containing large amounts of sulphate under approximately similar total inputs of N- and Cl-fertilisers. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The metal-to-metal charge transfer (MMCT) transitions of a series of Class II mixed valence dinuclear complexes bearing cyano bridging ligands may be varied systematically by variations to either the hexacyanometallate(II) donor or Co-III acceptor moieties. Specifically, the new dinuclear species trans-[(LCoNCFe)-Co-14S(CN)(5)](-) (L-14S = 6-methyl-1,11-diaza-4,8-dithia- cyclotetradecane-6-amine) and trans-[(LCoNCRu)-Co-14(CN)(5)]-(L-14 = 6-methyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6-amine) have been prepared and their spectroscopic and electrochemical properties are compared with the relative trans-[(LCoNCFe)-Co-14(CN)(5)](-). The crystal structures of Na{trans-[(LCoNCFe)-Co-14S(CN)(5)]}.51/2H(2)O.1/2EtOH, Na{trans-[(LCoNCRu)-Co-14(CN)(5)]}.3H(2)O and Na{trans-[(LCoNCRu)-Co-14(CN)(5)]}.8H(2)O are also reported. The ensuing changes to the MMCT energy have been examined within the framework of Hush theory, and it was found that the free energy change between the redox isomers was the dominant effect in altering the energy of the MMCT transition.
Complexation of cadmium(II) by the ditopic (bis-tridentate) thiocarbazone ligand 1,5-bis(6-methyl-2-pyridylmethylene) thiocarbonohydrazide, H2L1, results in the self-assembly of a charge-neutral 2 x 2 molecular grid, [Cd-4(L-1)(4)], comprising four metals and four ligands in an interlocked cyclic array. The solid-state structure of this tetramer has been established by X-ray crystallography and in solution by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The presence of lower molecular weight oligomers was identified by both NMR and ESI-MS.
We describe a quantum electromechanical system comprising a single quantum dot harmonically bound between two electrodes and facilitating a tunneling current between them. An example of such a system is a fullerene molecule between two metal electrodes [Park et al., Nature 407, 57 (2000)]. The description is based on a quantum master equation for the density operator of the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom and thus incorporates the dynamics of both diagonal (population) and off diagonal (coherence) terms. We derive coupled equations of motion for the electron occupation number of the dot and the vibrational degrees of freedom, including damping of the vibration and thermo-mechanical noise. This dynamical description is related to observable features of the system including the stationary current as a function of bias voltage
Solid-state quantum computer architectures with qubits encoded using single atoms are now feasible given recent advances in the atomic doping of semiconductors. Here we present a charge qubit consisting of two dopant atoms in a semiconductor crystal, one of which is singly ionized. Surface electrodes control the qubit and a radio-frequency single-electron transistor provides fast readout. The calculated single gate times, of order 50 ps or less, are much shorter than the expected decoherence time. We propose universal one- and two-qubit gate operations for this system and discuss prospects for fabrication and scale up.
We study the effect of coherent charge and spin fluctuations in a mesoscopic device composed of a quantum dot and an Aharonov-Bohm ring. We show that, while the charge fluctuations suppress the persistent current algebraically as a function of the level spacing of the ring, the spin fluctuations give rise to a completely different behavior. We discuss the origin of this difference in relation to the peculiar nature of the ground state in the Kondo limit. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new study shows that Ras2 regulates GPI-anchor synthesis in the ER. Reciprocally, the targeted enzyme GPI-GlcNAc transferase regulates Ras2 signal output. This novel intersection of Ras2 signaling and an ER-localized protein complex has interesting implications for Ras function.
We present a new model for the continuous measurement of a coupled quantum dot charge qubit. We model the effects of a realistic measurement, namely adding noise to, and filtering, the current through the detector. This is achieved by embedding the detector in an equivalent circuit for measurement. Our aim is to describe the evolution of the qubit state conditioned on the macroscopic output of the external circuit. We achieve this by generalizing a recently developed quantum trajectory theory for realistic photodetectors [P. Warszawski, H. M. Wiseman, and H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. A 65, 023802 (2002)] to treat solid-state detectors. This yields stochastic equations whose (numerical) solutions are the realistic quantum trajectories of the conditioned qubit state. We derive our general theory in the context of a low transparency quantum point contact. Areas of application for our theory and its relation to previous work are discussed.
Modelling and optimization of the power draw of large SAG/AG mills is important due to the large power draw which modern mills require (5-10 MW). The cost of grinding is the single biggest cost within the entire process of mineral extraction. Traditionally, modelling of the mill power draw has been done using empirical models. Although these models are reliable, they cannot model mills and operating conditions which are not within the model database boundaries. Also, due to its static nature, the impact of the changing conditions within the mill on the power draw cannot be determined using such models. Despite advances in computing power, discrete element method (DEM) modelling of large mills with many thousands of particles could be a time consuming task. The speed of computation is determined principally by two parameters: number of particles involved and material properties. The computational time step is determined by the size of the smallest particle present in the model and material properties (stiffness). In the case of small particles, the computational time step will be short, whilst in the case of large particles; the computation time step will be larger. Hence, from the point of view of time required for modelling (which usually corresponds to time required for 3-4 mill revolutions), it will be advantageous that the smallest particles in the model are not unnecessarily too small. The objective of this work is to compare the net power draw of the mill whose charge is characterised by different size distributions, while preserving the constant mass of the charge and mill speed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Visible pump-probe spectroscopy has been used to identify and characterize short-lived metal-to-metal charge transfer (MMCT) excited states in a group of cyano-bridged mixed-valence complexes of the formula [(LCoNCMII)-N-III(CN)(5)](-), where L is a pentadentate macrocyclic pentaamine (L-14) or triamine-dithiaether (L-14S) and M is Fe or Ru. Nanosecond pump-probe spectroscopy on frozen solutions of [(LCoNCFeII)-Co-14-N-III(CN)(5)](-) and [(LCoNCFeII)-Co-14S-N-III(CN)(5)](-) at 11 K enabled the construction of difference transient absorption spectra that featured a rise in absorbance in the region of 350-400 nm consistent with the generation of the ferricyanide chromophore of the photoexcited complex. The MMCT excited state of the Ru analogue [(LCoNCRuII)-Co-14-N-III(CN)(5)](-) was too short-lived to allow its detection. Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy on aqueous solutions of [(LCoNCFeII)-Co-14-N-III(CN)(5)](-) and [(LCoNCFeII)-Co-14S-N-III(CN)(5)](-) at room temperature enabled the lifetimes of their Co-II-Fe-III MMCT excited states to be determined as 0.8 and 1.3 ps, respectively.
Soil properties that influence water movement through profiles are important for determining flow paths, reactions between soil and solute, and the ultimate destination of solutes. This is particularly important in high rainfall environments. For highly weathered deep profiles, we hypothesize that abrupt changes in the distribution of the quotient [QT = (silt + sand)/clay] reflect the boundaries between textural units or textural (TS) and hydrologic (HS) stratigraphies. As a result, QT can be used as a parameter to characterize TS and as a surrogate for HS. Secondly, we propose that if chloride distributions were correlated with QT, under non-limiting anion exchange, then chloride distributions can be used as a signature indicator of TS and HS. Soil cores to a depth of 12.5 in were taken from 16 locations in the wet tropical Johnstone River catchment of northeast Queensland, Australia. The cores belong to nine variable charge soil types and were under sugarcane (Saccharun officinarum-S) production, which included the use of potassium chloride, for several decades. The cores were segmented at I m depth increments and subsamples were analysed for chloride, pH, soil water content (theta), clay, silt and sand contents. Selected bores were capped to serve as piezometers to monitor groundwater dynamics. Depth incremented QT, theta and chloride correlated, each individually, significantly with the corresponding profile depth increments, indicating the presence of textural, hydrologic and chloride gradients in profiles. However, rapid increases in QT down the profile indicated abrupt changes in TS, suggesting that QT can be used as a parameter to characterize TS and as a surrogate for HS. Abrupt changes in chloride distributions were similar to QT, suggesting that chloride distributions can be used as a signature indicator of QT (TS) and HS. Groundwater data indicated that chloride distributions depended, at least partially, on groundwater dynamics, providing further support to our hypothesis that chloride distribution can be used as a signature indicator of HS. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The effects of pressure and temperature on the energy (E-op) of the metal-to-metal charge transfer (MMCT, Fe-II --> Co-III) transition of the cyano-bridged complexes trans - [(LCoNCFe)-Co-14(CN)(5)](-) and cis-[(LCoNCFe)-Co-14(CN)(5)](-) (where L-14 = 6-methyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecan-6-amine) were examined. The changes in the redox potentials of the cobalt and iron metal centres with pressure and temperature were also examined and the results interpreted with Marcus Hush theory. The observed redox reaction volumes can mainly be accounted for in terms of localised electrostriction effects. The shifts in E-op due to both pressure and temperature were found to be less than the shifts in the energy difference (E degrees) between the Co-III-Fe-II and Co-II-Fe-III redox isomers. The pressure and temperature dependence of the reorganisational energy, as well as contributions arising from the different spin states of Co-II, are discussed in order to account for this trend. To study the effect of pressure on Co-III electronic absorption bands, a new cyano-bridged complex, trans - [(LCoNCCo)-Co-14(CN)(5)], was prepared and characterised spectroscopically and structurally. X-Ray crystallography revealed this complex to be isostructural with trans -[(LCoNCFe)-Co-14(CN)(5)] center dot 5H(2)O.