42 resultados para Cerebral-cortex


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The biological underpinnings of human intelligence remain enigmatic. There remains the greatest confusion and controversy regarding mechanisms that enable humans to conceptualize, plan, and prioritize, and why they are set apart from other animals in their cognitive abilities. Here we demonstrate that the basic neuronal building block of the cerebral cortex, the pyramidal cell, is characterized by marked differences in structure among primate species. Moreover, comparison of the complexity of neuron structure with the size of the cortical area/region in which the cells are located revealed that trends in the granular prefrontal cortex (gPFC) were dramatically different to those in visual cortex. More specifically, pyramidal cells in the gPFC of humans had a disproportionately high number of spines. As neuron structure determines both its biophysical properties and connectivity, differences in the complexity in dendritic structure observed here endow neurons with different computational abilities. Furthermore, cortical circuits composed of neurons with distinguishable morphologies will likely be characterized by different functional capabilities. We propose that 1. circuitry in V1, V2, and gPFC within any given species differs in its functional capabilities and 2. there are dramatic differences in the functional capabilities of gPFC circuitry in different species, which are central to the different cognitive styles of primates. In particular, the highly branched, spinous neurons in the human gPFC may be a key component of human intelligence. (C) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Chronic alcoholism leads to localized brain damage, which is prominent in superior frontal cortex but mild in motor cortex. The likelihood of developing alcohol dependence is associated with genetic markers. GABA(A) receptor expression differs between alcoholics and controls, whereas glutamate receptor differences are muted. We determined whether genotype differentiated the localized expression of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors to influence the severity of alcohol-induced brain damage. Cerebrocortical tissue was obtained at autopsy from alcoholics without alcohol-related disease, alcoholics with cirrhosis, and matched controls. DRD2A, DRD2B, GABB2, EAAT2, and 5HTT genotypes did not divide alcoholic cases and controls on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor parameters. In contrast, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)3 genotype interacted significantly with NMDA receptor efficacy and affinity in a region-specific manner. EAAT2 genotype interacted significantly with local GABAA receptor subunit mRNA expression, and GABB2 and DRD2B genotypes with p subunit isoform protein expression. Genotype may modulate amino acid transmission locally so as to mediate neuronal vulnerability. This has implications for the effectiveness of pharmacological interventions aimed at ameliorating brain damage and, possibly, dependence. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 60-70% of cases in subjects over 65 years of age. Several postulates have been put forward that relate AD neuropathology to intellectual and functional impairment. These range from free-radical-induced damage, through cholinergic dysfunction, to beta-amyloid-induced toxicity. However, therapeutic strategies aimed at improving the cognitive symptoms of patients via choline supplementation, cholinergic stimulation or beta-amyloid vaccination, have largely failed. A growing body of evidence suggests that perturbations in systems using the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate (L-Glu) may underlie the pathogenic mechanisms of (e.g.) hypoxia-ischemia, epilepsy, and chronic neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease and AD. Almost all neurons in the CNS carry the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of ionotropic L-glutamate receptors, which can mediate post-synaptic Ca2+ influx. Excitotoxicity resulting from excessive activation of NMDA receptors may enhance the localized vulnerability of neurons in a manner consistent with AD neuropathology, as a consequence of an altered regional distribution of NMDA receptor subtypes. This review discusses mechanisms for the involvement of the NMDA receptor complex and its interaction with polyamines in the pathogenesis of AD. NMDA receptor antagonists have potential for the therapeutic amelioration of AD. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A competitive RT-PCR assay was used to quantify the expression of the GABA(A) receptor beta(1), beta(2) and beta(3) isoform mRNA transcripts in the superior frontal cortex and motor cortex of 21 control and 22 alcoholic cases. A single set of primers was designed that permitted amplification of all three transcripts and the internal standard simultaneously; differentiation of the individual transcripts was achieved by restriction enzyme digestion. Construction of a standard curve, using the internal standard and a concentration range of beta(2) cRNA-enabled quantitation of mRNA expression levels. No significant difference in mRNA expression was found between the control and alcoholic case groups in either the superior frontal or motor cortex for the beta(2) or beta(3) isoforms. A significant interaction was found between isoform and area, although, the two case groups did not partition on this measure. The interaction was due to a significant difference between superior frontal and motor cortex for the beta(3) isoform; this regional comparison was not significant for beta(2) mRNA. Age at death and post-mortem delay (PMD) had no significant effect on beta mRNA expression in either case group in either region. A beta(1) signal could not be detected in the RT-PCR assay. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pyramidal neurons are covered with dendritic spines, the main postsynaptic targets of excitatory (asymmetrical) synapses. However, the proximal portion of both the apical and basal dendrites is devoid of spines, suggesting a lack of excitatory inputs to this region. In the present study we used electron microscopy to analyse the proximal region of the basal dendrites of supra- and infragranular pyramidal cells to determine if this is the case. The proximal region of 80 basal dendrites sampled from the rat hindlimb representation in the primary somatosensory cortex was studied by electron microscopy A total of 317 synapses were found within this region of the dendrites, all of which were of the symmetrical type. These results suggest that glutamate receptors, although present in the cytoplasm, are not involved in synaptic junctions in the proximal portion of the dendrites. These data further support the idea that inhibitory terminals exclusively innervate the proximal region of basal dendrites.


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Since the discovery in the 1970s that dendritic abnormalities in cortical pyramidal neurons are the most consistent pathologic correlate of mental retardation, research has focused on how dendritic alterations are related to reduced intellectual ability. Due in part to obvious ethical problems and in part to the lack of fruitful methods to study neuronal circuitry in the human cortex, there is little data about the microanatomical contribution to mental retardation. The recent identification of the genetic bases of some mental retardation associated alterations, coupled with the technology to create transgenic animal models and the introduction of powerful sophisticated tools in the field of microanatomy, has led to a growth in the studies of the alterations of pyramidal cell morphology in these disorders. Studies of individuals with Down syndrome, the most frequent genetic disorder leading to mental retardation, allow the analysis of the relationships between cognition, genotype and brain microanatomy. In Down syndrome the crucial question is to define the mechanisms by which an excess of normal gene products, in interaction with the environment, directs and constrains neural maturation, and how this abnormal development translates into cognition and behaviour. In the present article we discuss mainly Down syndrome-associated dendritic abnormalities and plasticity and the role of animal models in these studies. We believe that through the further development of such approaches, the study of the microanatomical substrates of mental retardation will contribute significantly to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying human brain disorders associated with mental retardation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gene encoding the dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase DYRK1A maps to the chromosomal segment HSA21q22.2, which lies within the Down syndrome critical region. The reduction in brain size and behavioral defects observed in mice lacking one copy of the murine homologue Dyrk1A (Dyrk1A+/-) support the idea that this kinase may be involved in monosomy 21 associated mental retardation. However, the structural basis of these behavioral defects remains unclear. In the present work, we have analyzed the microstructure of cortical circuitry in the Dyrk1A+/- mouse and control littermates by intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow in fixed cortical tissue. We found that labeled pyramidal cells were considerably smaller, less branched and less spinous in the cortex of Dyrk1A+/- mice than in control littermates. These results suggest that Dyrk1A influences the size and complexity of pyramidal cells, and thus their capability to integrate information. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The homeostasis of GABA is critical to normal brain function. Extracellular levels of GABA are regulated mainly by plasmalemmal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporters. Whereas the expression of GABA transporters has been extensively studied in rodents, validation of this data in other species, including humans, has been limited. As this information is crucial for our understanding of therapeutic options in human diseases such as epilepsy, we have compared, by immunocytochemistry, the distributions of the GABA transporters GAT-1 and GAT-3 in rats, cats, monkeys and humans. We demonstrate subtle differences between the results reported in the literature and our results, such as the predominance of GAT-1 labelling in neurons rather than astrocytes in the rat cortex. We note that the optimal localisation of GAT-1 in cats, monkeys and humans requires the use of an antibody against the human sequence carboxyl terminal region of GAT-1 rather than against the slightly different rat sequence. We demonstrate that GAT-3 is localised mainly to astrocytes in hindbrain and midbrain regions of rat brains. However, in species such as cats, monkeys and humans, additional strong immunolabelling of oligodendrocytes has also been observed. We suggest that differences in GAT distribution, especially the expression of GAT-3 by oligodendrocytes in humans, must be accommodated in extrapolating rodent models of GABA homeostasis to humans.


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Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is an amine neurotransmitter derived from tryptophan and is important in brain systems regulating mood, emotional behavior, and sleep. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs are used to treat disorders such as depression, stress, eating disorders, autism, and schizophrenia. It is thought that these drugs act to prolong the action of 5-HT by blocking reuptake. This may lead to decreased 5-HT content in the nerve fibers themselves; however, this has not previously been directly demonstrated. We have studied the effects of administration of two drugs, imipramine and citalopram, on levels of 5-HT in nerve fibers in the murine brain. Quantitative analysis of the areal density of 5-HT fibers throughout the brain was performed using ImageJ software. While a high density of fibers was observed in mid- and hind-brain regions and areas such as thalamus and hypothalamus, densities were far lower in areas such as cortex, where SSRIs might be thought to exert their actions. As anticipated, imipramine and citalopram produced a decline in 5-HT levels in nerve fibers, but the result was not uniform. Areas such as inferior colliculus showed significant reduction whereas little, if any, change was observed in the adjacent superior colliculus. The reason for, and significance of, this regionality is unclear. It has been proposed that serotonin effects in the brain might be linked to changes in glutamatergic transmission. Extracellular glutamate levels are regulated primarily by glial glutamate transporters. Qualitative evaluation of glutamate transporter immunolabeling in cortex of control and drug-treated mice revealed no discernable difference in intensity of glutamate transporter immunoreactivity. These data suggest that changes in intracellular and extracellular levels of serotonin do not cause concomitant changes in astroglial glutamate transporter expression, and thus cannot represent a mechanism for the delayed efficacy of antidepressants when administered clinically. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We evaluated the effects of Ala-7-conantokin-G (Con-G(A7)) and ifenprodil on the modulation by spermine of [H-3]MK801 binding to human cortical membranes. Human cortical tissue was obtained at autopsy and stored at -80 degreesC until assay. Both Con-GA7 and ifenprodil inhibited [H-3]MK801 binding, but spermine affected these inhibitions differently. Con-G(A7) IC50 changed little with spermine concentration, indicative of a non-competitive interaction, whereas the rightward shift in ifenprodil IC50 with increasing spermine concentration suggested partial competition. When the two agents were tested against the biphasic activation of [H-3]MK801 binding by spermine, they again differed in their effects. In the activation phase Con-G(A7) was a non-competitive inhibitor of spermine activation, and may even enhance the spermine EC50, while the ifenprodil data indicated a partially competitive interaction. Both agents were non-competitive in the inhibitory phase. Overall, the data suggest that Con-G(A7) and ifenprodil interact differently with the polyamine modulation of the glutamate-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we review evidence from comparative studies of primate cortical organization, highlighting recent findings and hypotheses that may help us to understand the rules governing evolutionary changes of the cortical map and the process of formation of areas during development. We argue that clear unequivocal views of cortical areas and their homologies are more likely to emerge for 'core' fields, including the primary sensory areas, which are specified early in development by precise molecular identification steps. In primates, the middle temporal area is probably one of these primordial cortical fields. Areas that form at progressively later stages of development correspond to progressively more recent evolutionary events, their development being less firmly anchored in molecular specification. The certainty with which areal boundaries can be delimited, and likely homologies can be assigned, becomes increasingly blurred in parallel with this evolutionary/developmental sequence. For example, while current concepts for the definition of cortical areas have been vindicated in allowing a clarification of the organization of the New World monkey 'third tier' visual cortex (the third and dorsomedial areas, V3 and DM), our analyses suggest that more flexible mapping criteria may be needed to unravel the organization of higher-order visual association and polysensory areas.


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The human brain assembles an incredible network of over a billion neurons. Understanding how these connections form during development in order for the brain to function properly is a fundamental question in biology. Much of this wiring takes place during embryonic development. Neurons are generated in the ventricular zone, migrate out, and begin to differentiate. However, neurons are often born in locations some distance from the target cells with which they will ultimately form connections. To form connections, neurons project long axons tipped with a specialized sensing device called a growth cone. The growing axons interact directly with molecules within the environment through which they grow. In order to find their targets, axonal growth cones use guidance molecules that can either attract or repel them. Understanding what these guidance cues are, where they are expressed, and how the growth cone is able to transduce their signal in a directionally specific manner is essential to understanding how the functional brain is constructed. In this chapter, we review what is known about the mechanisms involved in axonal guidance. We discuss how the growth cone is able to sense and respond to its environment and how it is guided by pioneering cells and axons. As examples, we discuss current models for the development of the spinal cord, the cerebral cortex, and the visual and olfactory systems. (c) 2005, Elsevier Inc.


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Molecules involved in axon guidance have recently also been shown to play a role in blood vessel guidance. To examine whether axon guidance molecules, such as the EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase, might also play a role in development of the central nervous system (CNS) vasculature and repair following CNS injury, we examined wild-type and EphA4 null mutant (-/-) mice. EphA4-/- mice exhibited an abnormal CNS vascular structure in both the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord, with disorganized branching and a 30% smaller diameter. During development, EphA4 was expressed on endothelial cells. This pattern of expression was not maintained in the adult. After spinal cord injury in wild-type mice, expression of EphA4 was markedly up-regulated on activated astrocytes, many of which were tightly associated with blood vessels. In EphA4-/- spinal cord following injury, astrocytes were not as tightly associated with blood vessels as the wild-type astrocytes. In uninjured EphA4-/- mice, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) appeared normal, but it showed prolonged leakage following spinal cord injury. These results support a role for EphA4 in CNS vascular formation and guidance during development and an additional role in BBB repair.


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Many studies have demonstrated a role for netrin-1-deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) interactions in both axon guidance and neuronal migration. Neogenin, a member of the DCC receptor family, has recently been shown to be a chemorepulsive axon guidance receptor for the repulsive guidance molecule (RGM) family of guidance cues [Rajagopalan S, Deitinghoff L, Davis D, Conrad S, Skutella T, Chedotal A, Mueller B, Strittmatter S (2004) Neogenin mediates the action of repulsive guidance molecule. Nat Cell Biol 6:755-762]. Here we show that neogenin is present on neural progenitors, including neurogenic radial glia, in the embryonic mouse forebrain suggesting that neogenin expression is a hallmark of neural progenitor populations. Neogenin-positive progenitors were isolated from embryonic day 14.5 forebrain using flow cytometry and cultured as neurospheres. Neogenin-positive progenitors gave rise to neurospheres displaying a high proliferative and neurogenic potential. In contrast, neogenin-negative forebrain cells did not produce long-term neurosphere cultures and did not possess a significant neurogenic potential. These observations argue strongly for a role for neogenin in neural progenitor biology. In addition, we also observed neogenin on parvalbumin- and calbindin-positive interneuron neuroblasts that were migrating through the medial and lateral ganglionic eminences, suggesting a role for neogenin in tangential migration. Therefore, neogenin may be a multi-functional receptor regulating both progenitor activity and neuroblast migration in the embryonic forebrain. (c) 2006 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.