66 resultados para Cellular materials


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We investigate the internal dynamics of two cellular automaton models with heterogeneous strength fields and differing nearest neighbour laws. One model is a crack-like automaton, transferring ail stress from a rupture zone to the surroundings. The other automaton is a partial stress drop automaton, transferring only a fraction of the stress within a rupture zone to the surroundings. To study evolution of stress, the mean spectral density. f(k(r)) of a stress deficit held is: examined prior to, and immediately following ruptures in both models. Both models display a power-law relationship between f(k(r)) and spatial wavenumber (k(r)) of the form f(k(r)) similar tok(r)(-beta). In the crack model, the evolution of stress deficit is consistent with cyclic approach to, and retreat from a critical state in which large events occur. The approach to criticality is driven by tectonic loading. Short-range stress transfer in the model does not affect the approach to criticality of broad regions in the model. The evolution of stress deficit in the partial stress drop model is consistent with small fluctuations about a mean state of high stress, behaviour indicative of a self-organised critical system. Despite statistics similar to natural earthquakes these simplified models lack a physical basis. physically motivated models of earthquakes also display dynamical complexity similar to that of a critical point system. Studies of dynamical complexity in physical models of earthquakes may lead to advancement towards a physical theory for earthquakes.


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The evolution of event time and size statistics in two heterogeneous cellular automaton models of earthquake behavior are studied and compared to the evolution of these quantities during observed periods of accelerating seismic energy release Drier to large earthquakes. The two automata have different nearest neighbor laws, one of which produces self-organized critical (SOC) behavior (PSD model) and the other which produces quasi-periodic large events (crack model). In the PSD model periods of accelerating energy release before large events are rare. In the crack model, many large events are preceded by periods of accelerating energy release. When compared to randomized event catalogs, accelerating energy release before large events occurs more often than random in the crack model but less often than random in the PSD model; it is easier to tell the crack and PSD model results apart from each other than to tell either model apart from a random catalog. The evolution of event sizes during the accelerating energy release sequences in all models is compared to that of observed sequences. The accelerating energy release sequences in the crack model consist of an increase in the rate of events of all sizes, consistent with observations from a small number of natural cases, however inconsistent with a larger number of cases in which there is an increase in the rate of only moderate-sized events. On average, no increase in the rate of events of any size is seen before large events in the PSD model.


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In the present work, various theories predicting the critical diameter for the absence of capillary condensation and hysteresis are applied to experimental adsorption isotherms of vapors on regular mesoporous materials. Among the various theories studied, the tensile strength approximation proposed by the authors was found to be the most successful. Reversibility of nitrogen adsorption at 77.4 K was studied on pure MCM-41 of various pore sizes, as well as mixtures of pure MCM-41 samples in a 1:1 ratio. The results of PSD and hysteresis on MCM-41 mixtures are close to that expected from studies of the pure materials. The estimates of hysteresis critical temperature and diameter of MCM-41, HMS, FSM and KIT materials are also provided.


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We derive a general thermo-mechanical theory for particulate materials consisting of granules of arbitrary whose material points possess three translational and three independent rotational degrees of freedom. Additional field variables are the translational and rotational granular temperatures, the kinetic energies shape and size. The kinematics of granulate is described within the framework of a polar continuum theory of the velocity and spin fluctuations respectively and the usual thermodynamic temperature. We distinguish between averages over particle categories (averages in mass/velocity and moment of inertia/spin space, respectively) and particle phases where the average extends over distinct subsets of particle categories (multi phase flows). The relationship between the thermal energy in the granular system and phonon energy in a molecular system is briefly discussed in the main body of the paper and discussed in detail in the Appendix A. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A proteomics approach was used to identify the proteins potentially implicated in the cellular response concomitant with elevated production levels of human growth hormone in a recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line following exposure to 0.5 mM butyrate and 80 muM zinc sulphate in the production media. This involved incorporation of two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and protein identification by a combination of N-terminal sequencing, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry, amino acid analysis and cross species database matching. From these identifications a CHO 2-D reference,map and annotated database have been established. Metabolic labelling and subsequent autoradiography showed the induction of a number of cellular proteins in response to the media additives butyrate and zinc sulphate. These were identified as GRP75, enolase and thioredoxin. The chaperone proteins GRP78, HSP90, GRP94 and HSP70 were not up-regulated under these conditions.


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Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty is a frequently used interventional technique to reopen arteries that have narrowed because of atherosclerosis. Restenosis, or renarrowing of the artery shortly after angioplasty, is a major limitation to the success of the procedure and is due mainly to smooth muscle cell accumulation in the artery wall at the site of balloon injury. In the present study, we demonstrate that the antiangiogenic sulfated oligosaccharide, PI-88, inhibits primary vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and reduces intimal thickening 14 days after balloon angioplasty of rat and rabbit arteries. PI-88 reduced heparan sulfate content in the injured artery wall and prevented change in smooth muscle phenotype. However, the mechanism of PI-88 inhibition was not merely confined to the antiheparanase activity of this compound. PI-88 blocked extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2) activity within minutes of smooth muscle cell injury. It facilitated FGF-2 release from uninjured smooth muscle cells in vitro, and super-released FGF-2 after injury while inhibiting ERK1/2 activation. PI-88 inhibited the decrease in levels of FGF-2 protein in the rat artery wall within 8 minutes of injury. PI-88 also blocked injury-inducible ERK phosphorylation, without altering the clotting time in these animals. Optical biosensor studies revealed that PI-88 potently inhibited (K-i 10.3 nmol/L) the interaction of FGF-2 with heparan sulfate. These findings show for the first time the capacity of this sulfated oligosaccharide to directly bind FGF-2, block cellular signaling and proliferation in vitro, and inhibit injury-induced smooth muscle cell hyperplasia in two animal models. As such, this study demonstrates a new role for PI-88 as an inhibitor of intimal thickening after balloon angioplasty. The full text of this article is available online at http://www.circresaha.org.


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This paper addresses the broader unresolved issues posed by the patenting of genetic materials that are central to dealing with the tension between the patenting and competition schemes, namely distinguishing between what has already been 'discovered' and economically useful innovations (including the thresholds for novelty and non-obviousness), the exclusion of some subject matter from patenting and the restrictions on access to genetic resources to facilitate further innovation. The possible solutions of raising the threshold patenting standards, taking advantage of international intellectual property law developments and compulsory licensing are examined as ways to ameliorate the possibly detrimental consequences of current genetic material patenting practices. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The fabrication of heavy-duty printer heads involves a great deal of grinding work. Previously in the printer manufacturing industry, four grinding procedures were manually conducted in four grinding machines, respectively. The productivity of the whole grinding process was low due to the long loading time. Also, the machine floor space occupation was large because of the four separate grinding machines. The manual operation also caused inconsistent quality. This paper reports the system and process development of a highly integrated and automated high-speed grinding system for printer heads. The developed system, which is believed to be the first of its kind, not only produces printer heads of consistently good quality, but also significantly reduces the cycle time and machine floor space occupation.


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A Cellular-Automaton Finite-Volume-Method (CAFVM) algorithm has been developed, coupling with macroscopic model for heat transfer calculation and microscopic models for nucleation and growth. The solution equations have been solved to determine the time-dependent constitutional undercooling and interface retardation during solidification. The constitutional undercooling is then coupled into the CAFVM algorithm to investigate both the effects of thermal and constitutional undercooling on columnar growth and crystal selection in the columnar zone, and formation of equiaxed crystals in the bulk liquid. The model cannot only simulate microstructures of alloys but also investigates nucleation mechanisms and growth kinetics of alloys solidified with various solute concentrations and solidification morphologies.


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The cellular mechanisms coupling mechanical loading with bone remodeling remain unclear. In the CNS, the excitatory amino acid glutamate (Glu) serves as a potent neurotransmitter exerting its effects via various membrane Glu receptors (GluR). Nerves containing Glu exist close to bone cells expressing functional GluRs. Demonstration of a mechanically sensitive glutamate/aspartate transporter protein and the ability of glutamate to stimulate bone resorption in vitro suggest a role for glutamate linking mechanical load and bone remodeling. We used immunohistochemical techniques to identify the expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate acid (NMDA) and non-NMDA (AMPA or kainate) ionotropic GluR subunits on bone cells in vivo. In bone sections from young adult rats, osteoclasts expressed numerous GluR subunits including AMPA (GluR2/3 and GluR4), kainic acid (GluR567) and NMDA (NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B and NMDAR2C) receptor subtypes. Bone lining cells demonstrated immunoexpression for NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B, NMDAR2C, GluR567, GluR23, GuR2 and GluR4 subunits. Immunoexpression was not evident on osteocytes, chondrocytes or vascular channels. To investigate the effects of mechanical loading on GluR expression, we used a Materials Testing System (MTS) to apply 10 N sinusoidal axial compressive loads percutaneously to the right limbs (radius/ulna, tibia/fibula) of rats. Each limb underwent 300-load cycles/day (cycle rate, 1 Hz) for 4 consecutive days. Contralateral, non-loaded limbs served as controls. Mechanically loaded limbs revealed a load-induced loss of immunoexpression for GluR2/3, GluR4, GluR567 and NMDAR2A on osteoclasts and NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B, GluR2/3 and GluR4 on bone lining cells. Both neonatal rabbit and rat osteoclasts were cultured on bone slices to investigate the effect of the NMDA receptor antagonist, MK801, and the AMPA/kainic acid receptor antagonist, NBQX, on osteoclast resorptive activity in vitro. The inhibition of resorptive function seen suggested that both NMDAR and kainic acid receptor function are required for normal osteoclast function. While the exact role of ionotropic GluRs in skeletal tissue remains unclear, the modulation of GluR subunit expression by mechanical loading lends further support for participation of Glu as a mechanical loading effector. These ionotropic receptors appear to be functionally relevant to normal osteoclast resorptive activity. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nanocomposite materials have received considerable attention in recent years due to their novel properties. Grain boundaries are considered to play an important role in nanostructured materials. This work focuses on the finite element analysis of the effect of grain boundaries on the overall mechanical properties of aluminium/alumina composites. A grain boundary is incorporated into the commonly used unit cell model to investigate its effect on material properties. By combining the unit cell model with an indentation model, coupled with experimental indentation measurements, the ''effective'' plastic property of the grain boundary is estimated. In addition, the strengthening mechanism is also discussed based on the Estrin-Mecking model.


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Mobile Lipids detected using H-1-NMR in stimulated lymphocytes were correlated with cell cycle phase, expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha and proliferation to assess the activation status of the lymphocytes. Mobile lipid levels, IL-2R alpha expression and proliferation increased after treatment with PMA and ionomycin. PMA or ionomycin stimulation alone induced increased IL-2R alpha expressiom but not proliferation, PMA- but not ionomycin-stimulation generated mobile lipid, Treatment with anti-CD3 antibody did not increase IL-2R alpha expression or proliferation but did generate increased amounts of mobile lipid, The cell cycle status of thymocytes treated with anti-CD3, PMA or ionomycin alone indicated an. accumulation of the cells in the G(1) phase of the cell cycle, The generation of mobile lipid was abrogated in anti-CD3 antibody-stimulated thymic lymphocytes but not in splenic lymphocytes, using a phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (PC-PLC) inhibitor which blocked cells in the G(1)/S phase of the cell cycle, This suggests that the H-1-NMR-detectable mobile Lipid may be generated in anti-CD3 antibody-stimulated thymic lymphocytes by the action of PC-PLC activity via the catabolism of PC, in the absence of classical signs of activation. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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