121 resultados para Casting Alloy


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Yield strength (YS) ageing curves have been modelled for A356 and A357 aluminium casting alloys below the solvus temperature of the main hardening precipitate. Predictions are based on the Shercliff and Ashby methodology (Acta MetaH. Mater. 38 (1990) 1789) for wrought alloys. Differences between strengthening in wrought and cast Al-Si-Mg alloys are considered. A Brinell hardness to YS conversion incorporating strain hardening has been established to enable YS ageing curves to be predicted with reduced experimental effort. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this paper is to provide a succinct but nevertheless complete mechanistic overview of the various types of magnesium corrosion. The understanding of the corrosion processes of magnesium alloys builds upon our understanding of the corrosion of pure magnesium. This provides an understanding of the types of corrosion exhibited by,magnesium alloys, and also of the environmental factors Of most importance. This deep understanding is required as a foundation if we are to produce magnesium alloys much more resistant to corrosion than the present alloys. Much has already been achieved, but there is vast scope for improvement. This present analysis can provide a foundation and a theoretical framework for further, much needed research. There is still vast scope both for better fundamental understanding of corrosion processes, engineering usage of magnesium, and also on the corrosion protection of magnesium alloys in service.


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Analytical transmission electron microscopy indicates that liquid film migration occurs during sintering of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy, that intragranular liquid pools develop from migrating films and that iron segregates to these pools. It is suggested that a high localised iron concentration retards the liquid film migration rate by reducing the coherency strain in the retreating grain, causing a region of the film to detach from the boundary, thus forming an intragranular pool in the advancing grain. Alloys with low iron levels develop few intragranular pools and have high sintered densities. (C) 2003 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The strain dependence of particle cracking in aluminum alloys A356/357 in the T6 temper has been studied in a range of microstructures produced by varying solidification rate and Mg content, and by chemical (Sr) modification of the eutectic silicon. The damage accumulates linearly with the applied strain for all microstructures, but the rate depends on the secondary dendrite arm spacing and modification state. Large and elongated eutectic silicon particles in the unmodified alloys and large pi-phase (Al9FeMg3Si5) particles in alloy A357 show the greatest tendency to cracking. In alloy A356, cracking of eutectic silicon particles dominates the accumulation of damage while cracking of Fe-rich particles is relatively unimportant. However, in alloy A357, especially with Sr modification, cracking of the large pi-phase intermetallics accounts for the majority of damage at low and intermediate strains but becomes comparable with silicon particle cracking at large strains. Fracture occurs when the volume fraction of cracked particles (eutectic silicon and Fe-rich intermetallics combined) approximates 45 pct of the total particle volume fraction or when the number fraction of cracked particles is about 20 pct. The results are discussed in terms of Weibull statistics and existing models for dispersion hardening.


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A comparative study of the mechanical properties of 20 experimental alloys has been carried out. The effect of different contents of Si, Cu, Mg, Fe and Mn, as well as solidification rate, has been assessed using a strength-ductility chart and a quality index-strength chart developed for the alloys. The charts show that the strength generally increases and the ductility decreases with an increasing content of Cu and Mg. Increased Fe (at Fe/Mn ratio 0.5) dramatically lowers the ductility and strength of low Si alloys. Increased Si content generally increases the strength and the ductility. The increase in ductility with increased Si is particularly significant when the Fe content is high. The charts are used to show that the cracking of second phase particles imposes a limit to the maximum achievable strength by limiting the ductility of strong alloys. The (Cu + Mg) content (at.%), which determines the precipitation strengthening and the volume fraction of Cu-rich and Mg-rich intermetallics, can be used to select the alloys for given strength and ductility, provided the Fe content stays below the Si-dependent critical level for the formation of pre-eutectic alpha-phase particles or beta-phase plates.


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The addition of 1 wt-%Sr to AE42 results in an improvement in the tensile strength of the alloy at elevated temperatures of 150 and 175degreesC and an improvement in the constant load creep properties at 175degreesC. The improved elevated temperature tensile and creep strength of the alloy can be attributed to the presence of a strontium-containing phase in the microstructure of the alloy along with an increase in the stability of the microstructure of the alloy at high temperatures. (C) 2004 W. S. Maney Son Ltd.


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Understanding and controlling the eutectic solidification process in Al-Si alloys permits prediction of the formation of casting porosity, eventually leading to methods for its control and elimination. In addition, it enables control of eutectic structure, silicon morphology, and eutectic grain size to further improve the alloy properties. This paper presents the current understanding of eutectic solidification in hypoeutectic Al-Si foundry alloys and the relationship between eutectic solidification and porosity formation. New concepts in engineering eutectic solidification are also explored.


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Soldering reactions are commonly observed during high pressure die casting of aluminium alloys, and involve the formation and growth of interfacial intermetallics between the die and the cast alloy. It is generally believed that close to 1% Fe is necessary in the aluminium alloy to reduce soldering. However, the role of iron in the interfacial reaction has not been studied in detail. In this investigation, reaction couples were formed between H13 tool steel substrates and an Al-11Si-2.5Cu melt containing either 0.15 or 0.60% Fe. Examination revealed distinctly different intermetallic layer morphology. The overall growth and chemistry of the reaction layer and the reaction rate measured by the consumption of the substrate were compared for the two alloy melts. It was demonstrated that a higher iron content reduces the rate of interfacial reaction, consistent with an observed thicker compact ( solid) intermetallic layer. Hence, the difference in reaction rate can be explained by a significant reduction in the diffusion flux due to a thicker compact layer. Finally, the mechanism of the growth of a thicker compact layer in the higher iron melt is proposed, based on the phase relations and diffusion both within and near the interfacial reaction zone. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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High pressure die casting is the most important production method for casting magnesium alloy components, and uniformity of appearance is an important criterion for acceptance of a component by customers. This paper investigates the influence of uniformity in surface appearance of diecast AZ91D plates on their corrosion behaviour. Through immersion, hydrogen collection and weight loss measurements it was found that corrosion is more likely to occur on the areas of the plate that appear to be darker, leading to a non-uniformly corroded surface. Microstructural analysis showed that the non-uniformity in appearance is related to a difference in the morphology and distribution of porosity across the surface of a diecast AZ91D plate. The darker areas of the surface are high in porosity which breaks the continuity of the beta-phase network and provides shortcut paths for corrosion from the surface to the interior of the casting. The brighter shiny areas of the surface are much less porous, with isolated pores being confined by corrosion resistant beta-precipitates thus reducing the corrosion rate.


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Semisolid metal forming has now been accepted as a viable technology for production of components with complex shape and high integrity. The advantages of semisolid metal forming can only be achieved when the feedstock material has a non-dendritic semisolid structure. A controlled nucleation method has been developed to produce such structures for semisolid forming. By controlling grain nucleation and growth, fine-grained and non-dendritic microstructures that are suitable for semisolid casting can be generated. The method was applied to hypoeutectic and hypereutectic Al-Si casting alloys, Al wrought alloys and a Mg alloy. Parameters such as pouring temperature, cooling rate and grain refiner addition were controlled to achieve copious nucleation, nuclei survival and dendritic growth suppression during solidification. The influences of the controlling parameters on the formation of semisolid structure were different for each of these alloy groups. The as-cast structures were then partially remelted and isothermally held. Semisolid structures were developed and followed by semisolid casting into a stepped die.


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Iron is the most common and detrimental impurity in aluminum casting alloys and has long been associated with an increase in casting defects. While the negative effects of iron are clear, the mechanism involved is not fully understood. It is generally believed to be associated with the formation of Fe-rich intermetallic phases. Many factors, including alloy composition, melt superheating, Sr modification, cooling, rate, and oxide bifilms, could play a role. In the present investigation, the interactions between iron and each individual element commonly present in aluminum casting alloys, were investigated using a combination of thermal analysis and interrupted quenching tests. The Fe-rich intermetallic phases were characterized using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and the results were compared with the predictions by Thermocalc. It was found that increasing the iron content changes the precipitation sequence of the beta phase, leading to the precipitation of coarse binary beta platelets at a higher temperature. In contrast, manganese, silicon, and strontium appear to suppress the coarse binary beta platelets, and Mn further promotes the formation of a more compact and less harmful a phase. They are therefore expected to reduce the negative effects of the phase. While reported in the literature, no effect of P on the amount of beta platelets was observed. Finally, attempts are made to correlate the Fe-rich intermetallic phases to the formation of casting defects. The role of the beta phase as a nucleation site for eutectic Si and the role of the oxide bifilms and AIP as a heterogeneous substrate of Fe intermetallics are also discussed.


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The yield strength of high-pressure diecast (hpdc) test bars of alloy AZ91 increases with decreasing section thickness while its hardness remains approximately constant. This behaviour is in contrast with that of the gravity cast alloy, whose hardness scales with the yield strength. Vickers hardness measured on the surface of hpdc test bars using increasing loads shows that the subsurface porosity layer usually found in hpdc material may gradually collapse under the indent, lowering the hardness. However, this is insufficient to explain the lack of correlation between hardness and yield strength. It is argued that the low strain-hardening rate of high-pressure diecast material leads to lower than expected hardness values. In addition, it is shown that the plastic zone under a macro indentation is largely contained by the softer core of the castings, rendering hardness insensitive to the casting thickness. It is concluded that macrohardness is too coarse a tool for a meaningful determination of the strength of hpdc material. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A heat transfer coefficient gauge has been built, obeying particular rules in order to ensure the relevance and accuracy of the collected information. The gauge body is made out of the same materials as the die casting die (H13). It is equipped with six thermocouples located at different depths in the body and with a sapphire light pipe. The light pipe is linked to an optic fibre, which is connected to a monochromatic pyrometer. Thermocouples and pyrometer measurements are recorded with a data logger. A high pressure die casting die was instrumented with one such gauge. A set of 150 castings was done and the data recorded. During the casting, some process parameters have been modified such as piston velocity, intensification pressure, delay before switch to the intensification stage, temperature of the alloy, etc.... The data was treated with an inverse method in order to transform temperature measurements into heat flux density and heat transfer coefficient plots. The piston velocity and the initial temperature of the die seem to be the process parameters that have the greatest influence on the heat transfer. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microhardness maps of cross-sections of high-pressure diecast test bars of AZ91 have been determined. Specimens with rectangular cross-sections, 1, 2 and 3 mm thick, or with a circular cross-section 6.4 mm in diameter, have been studied. The hardness is generally higher near the edges in all specimens, and more so near the corners of the rectangular specimens. The hardness at the center of the castings is generally lower, due to a coarser solidification microstructure and the concentration of porosity. The evidence confirms that the surface of the castings is harder than the core, but it does not support the concept of a skin with a sharp. and definable boundary. This harder layer is irregular in hardness and depth and is not equally hard on opposite sides of the casting. The mean hardness obtained by integrating the microhardness maps over the entire cross-section increased with decreasing thickness of the bars, and was found to be in good correlation with each bar's yield strength. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.