30 resultados para Carbon black


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The performance of intermolecular potential models on the adsorption of carbon tetrachloride on graphitized thermal carbon black at various temperatures is investigated. This is made possible with the extensive experimental data of Machin and Ross(1), Avgul et al.,(2) and Pierce(3) that cover a wide range of temperatures. The description of all experimental data is only possible with the allowance for the surface mediation. If this were ignored, the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation results would predict a two-dimensional (2D) transition even at high temperatures, while experimental data shows gradual change in adsorption density with pressure. In general, we find that the intermolecular interaction has to be reduced by 4% whenever particles are within the first layer close to the surface. We also find that this degree of surface mediation is independent of temperature. To understand the packing of carbon tetrachloride in slit pores, we compared the performance of the potential models that model carbon tetrachloride as either five interaction sites or one site. It was found that the five-site model performs better and describes the imperfect packing in small pores better. This is so because most of the strength of fluid-fluid interaction between two carbon tetrachloride molecules comes from the interactions among chlorine atoms. Methane, although having tetrahedral shape as carbon tetrachloride, can be effectively modeled as a pseudospherical particle because most of the interactions come from carbon-carbon interaction and hydrogen negligibly contributes to this.


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The application of nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) to determine pore size distribution (PSD) of activated carbons using a nongraphitized carbon black, instead of graphitized thermal carbon black, as a reference system is explored. We show that in this case nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms in activated carbons are precisely correlated by the theory, and such an excellent correlation would never be possible if the pore wall surface was assumed to be identical to that of graphitized carbon black. It suggests that pore wall surfaces of activated carbon are closer to that of amorphous solids because of defects of crystalline lattice, finite pore length, and the presence of active centers.. etc. Application of the NLDFT adapted to amorphous solids resulted in quantitative description of N-2 and Ar adsorption isotherms on nongraphitized carbon black BP280 at their respective boiling points. In the present paper we determined solid-fluid potentials from experimental adsorption isotherms on nongraphitized carbon black and subsequently used those potentials to model adsorption in slit pores and generate a corresponding set of local isotherms, which we used to determine the PSD functions of different activated carbons. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The performance of intermolecular potential models on the adsorption of benzene on graphitized thermal carbon black at various temperatures is investigated. Two models contain only dispersive sites, whereas the other two models account explicitly for the dispersive and electrostatic sites. Using numerous data in the literature on benzene adsorption on graphitized thermal carbon black at various temperatures, we have found that the effect of surface mediation on interaction between adsorbed benzene molecules must be accounted for to describe correctly the adsorption isotherm as well as the isosteric heat. Among the two models with partial charges tested, the WSKS model of Wick et at. I that has only six dispersive sites and three discrete partial charges is better than the very expensive all-atom model of Jorgensen and Severance.(2) Adsorbed benzene molecules on graphitized thermal carbon black have a complex orientation with respect to distance from the surface and also with respect to loading. At low loadings, they adopt the parallel configuration relative to the graphene surface, whereas at higher loadings (still less than monolayer coverage) some molecules adopt a slant orientation to maximize the fluid-fluid interaction. For loadings in the multilayer region, the orientation of molecules in the first layer is influenced by the presence of molecules in the second layer. The data that are used in this article come from the work of Isirikyan and Kiselev,(3) Pierotti and Smallwood,(4) Pierce and Ewing,(5) Belyakova, Kiselev, and Kovaleva,(6) and Carrott et al.(7)


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Double- walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) were synthesized used carbon black as the dot carbon source by a semi-continuous hydrogen arc discharge process. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) observations revealed that most of the tubes were DWNTs with outer and inner diameters in the range of 2.67 - 4 nm and 1.96 - 3.21 nm, respectively. Most of the DWNTs were in a bundle form of about 10 - 30 nm in diameter with high purity ( about 70%) from thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), resonant laser Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and TEM characterizations. It was found that carbon black as the dot carbon source could be easy controlled to synthesize one type of nanotube. A simple process combining oxidation and acid treatment to purify the DWNT bundles was used without damaging the bundles. The structure of carbon black, as the key element for influencing purity, bundle formation and purification of DWNTs, is discussed.


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A platinum (Pt) on pure ceria (CeO2) supported by carbon black (CB) anode was synthesized using a combined process of precipitation and coimpregnation methods. The electrochemical activity of methanol oxidation reaction on synthesized Pt-CeO2/CB anodes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry experimentation. To improve the anode property on Pt-CeO2/CB, the influence of particle morphology and particle size on anode properties was examined. The morphology and particle size of the pure CeO2 particles could be controlled by changing the preparation conditions. The anode properties (i.e., peak current density and onset potential for methanol oxidation) were improved by using nanosize CeO2 particles. This indicates that a larger surface area and higher activity on the surface of CeO2 improve the anode properties. The influence of particle morphology of CeO2 on anode properties was not very large. The onset potential for methanol oxidation reaction on Pt-CeO2/CB, which consisted of CeO2 with a high surface area, was shifted to a lower potential compared with that on the anodes, which consisted of CeO2 with a low surface area. The onset potential on Pt-CeO2/CB at 60 degrees C became similar to that on the commercially available Pt-Ru/carbon anode. We suggest that the rate-determining steps of the methanol oxidation reaction on Pt-CeO2/CB and commercially available Pt-Ru/carbon anodes are different, which accounts for the difference in performance. In the reaction mechanism on Pt-CeO2/CB, we conclude that the released oxygen species from the surface of CeO2 particles contribute to oxidation of adsorbed CO species on the Pt surface. This suggests that the anode performance of the Pt-CeO2/CB anode would lead to improvements in the operation of direct methanol fuel cells at 80 degrees C by the enhancement of diffusion of oxygen species created from the surface of nanosized CeO2 particles. Therefore, we conclude that fabrication of nanosized CeO2 with a high surface area is a key factor for development of a high-quality Pt-CeO2/CB anode in direct methanol fuel cells.


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GCMC simulations are applied to the adsorption of sub-critical methanol and ethanol on graphitized carbon black at 300 K. The carbon black was modelled both with and without carbonyl functional groups. Large differences are seen between the amounts adsorbed for different carbonyl configurations at low pressure prior to monolayer coverage. Once a monolayer has been formed on the carbon black, the adsorption behaviour is similar between the model surfaces with and without functional groups. Simulation isotherms for the case of low carbonyl concentrations or no carbonyls are qualitatively similar to the few experimental isotherms available in the literature for methanol and ethanol adsorption on highly graphitized carbon black. Isosteric heats and adsorbed phase heat capacities are shown to be very sensitive to carbonyl configurations. A maximum is observed in the adsorbed phase heat capacity of the alcohols for all simulations but is unrealistically high for the case of a plain graphite surface. The addition of carbonyls to the surface greatly reduces this maximum and approaches experimental data with carbonyl concentration as low as 0.09 carbonyls/nm(2).


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The adsorption of Lennard-Jones fluids (argon and nitrogen) onto a graphitized thermal carbon black surface was studied with a Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation (GCMC). The surface was assumed to be finite in length and composed of three graphene layers. When the GCMC simulation was used to describe adsorption on a graphite surface, an over-prediction of the isotherm was consistently observed in the pressure regions where the first and second layers are formed. To remove this over-prediction, surface mediation was accounted for to reduce the fluid-fluid interaction. Do and co-workers have introduced the so-called surface-mediation damping factor to correct the over-prediction for the case of a graphite surface of infinite extent, and this approach has yielded a good description of the adsorption isotherm. In this paper, the effects of the finite size of the graphene layer on the adsorption isotherm and how these would affect the extent of the surface mediation were studied. It was found that this finite-surface model provides a better description of the experimental data for graphitized thermal carbon black of high surface area (i.e. small crystallite size) while the infinite- surface model describes data for carbon black of very low surface area (i.e. large crystallite size).


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In this paper, we investigate the effect of the solid surface on the fluid-fluid intermolecular potential energy. This modified fluid-fluid interaction energy due to the inducement of a solid surface is used in the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation of various noble gases, nitrogen, and methane on graphitized thermal carbon black. This effect is such that the effective interaction potential energy between two particles close to surface is less than the potential energy if the solid substrate is not present. With this modification the GCMC simulation results agree extremely well with the experimental data over a wide range of pressures while the simulation results with the unmodified potential energy give rise to a shoulder near the neighborhood of monolayer coverage and the significant overprediction of the second and higher layer coverages. In particular the unmodified GCMC results exhibit very sharp change in those higher layers while the experimental data have a much gradual change in the uptake. We will illustrate this theory with adsorption data of argon, xenon, neon, nitrogen, and methane on graphitized thermal carbon black.


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We model nongraphitized carbon black surfaces and investigate adsorption of argon on these surfaces by using the grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation. In this model, the nongraphitized surface is modeled as a stack of graphene layers with some carbon atoms of the top graphene layer being randomly removed. The percentage of the surface carbon atoms being removed and the effective size of the defect ( created by the removal) are the key parameters to characterize the nongraphitized surface. The patterns of adsorption isotherm and isosteric heat are particularly studied, as a function of these surface parameters as well as pressure and temperature. It is shown that the adsorption isotherm shows a steplike behavior on a perfect graphite surface and becomes smoother on nongraphitized surfaces. Regarding the isosteric heat versus loading, we observe for the case of graphitized thermal carbon black the increase of heat in the submonolayer coverage and then a sharp decline in the heat when the second layer is starting to form, beyond which it increases slightly. On the other hand, the isosteric heat versus loading for a highly nongraphitized surface shows a general decline with respect to loading, which is due to the energetic heterogeneity of the surface. It is only when the fluid-fluid interaction is greater than the surface energetic factor that we see a minimum-maximum in the isosteric heat versus loading. These simulation results of isosteric heat agree well with the experimental results of graphitization of Spheron 6 (Polley, M. H.; Schaeffer, W. D.; Smith, W. R. J. Phys. Chem. 1953, 57, 469; Beebe, R. A.; Young, D. M. J. Phys. Chem. 1954, 58, 93). Adsorption isotherms and isosteric heat in pores whose walls have defects are also studied from the simulation, and the pattern of isotherm and isosteric heat could be used to identify the fingerprint of the surface.


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Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations were applied to the adsorption of SPCE model water in finite graphitic pores with different configurations of carbonyl functional groups on only one surface and several pore sizes. It was found that almost all finite pores studied exhibit capillary condensation behaviour preceded by adsorption around the functional groups. Desorption showed the reverse transitions from a filled to a near empty pore resulting in a clear hysteresis loop in all pores except for some of the configurations of the 1.0nm pore. Carbonyl configurations had a strong effect on the filling pressure of all pores except, in some cases, in 1.0nm pores. A decrease in carbonyl neighbour density would result in a higher filling pressure. The emptying pressure was negligibly affected by the configuration of functional groups. Both the filling and emptying pressures increased with increasing pore size but the effect on the emptying pressure was much less. At pressures lower than the pore filling pressure, the adsorption of water was shown to have an extremely strong dependence on the neighbour density with adsorption changing from Type IV to Type III to linear as the neighbour density decreased. The isosteric heat was also calculated for these configurations to reveal its strong dependence on the neighbour density. These results were compared with literature experimental results for water and carbon black and found to qualitatively agree.


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A new approach based on the nonlocal density functional theory to determine pore size distribution (PSD) of activated carbons and energetic heterogeneity of the pore wall is proposed. The energetic heterogeneity is modeled with an energy distribution function (EDF), describing the distribution of solid-fluid potential well depth (this distribution is a Dirac delta function for an energetic homogeneous surface). The approach allows simultaneous determining of the PSD (assuming slit shape) and EDF from nitrogen or argon isotherms at their respective boiling points by using a set of local isotherms calculated for a range of pore widths and solid-fluid potential well depths. It is found that the structure of the pore wall surface significantly differs from that of graphitized carbon black. This could be attributed to defects in the crystalline structure of the surface, active oxide centers, finite size of the pore walls (in either wall thickness or pore length), and so forth. Those factors depend on the precursor and the process of carbonization and activation and hence provide a fingerprint for each adsorbent. The approach allows very accurate correlation of the experimental adsorption isotherm and leads to PSDs that are simpler and more realistic than those obtained with the original nonlocal density functional theory.


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In this paper, we evaluate the performance of the 1- and 5-site models of methane on the description of adsorption on graphite surfaces and in graphitic slit pores. These models have been known to perform well in the description of the fluid-phase behavior and vapor-liquid equilibria. Their performance in adsorption is evaluated in this work for nonporous graphitized thermal carbon black, and simulation results are compared with the experimental data of Avgul and Kiselev (Chemistry and Physics of Carbon; Dekker: New York, 1970; Vol. 6, p 1). On this nonporous surface, it is found that these models perform as well on isotherms at various temperatures as they do on the experimental isosteric heat for adsorption on a graphite surface. They are then tested for their performance in predicting the adsorption isotherms in graphitic slit pores, in which we would like to explore the effect of confinement on the molecule packing. Pore widths of 10 and 20 angstrom are chosen in this investigation, and we also study the effects of temperature by choosing 90.7, 113, and 273 K. The first two are for subcritical conditions, with 90.7 K being the triple point of methane and 113 K being its boiling point. The last temperature is chosen to represent the supercritical condition so that we can investigate the performance of these models at extremely high pressures. We have found that for the case of slit pores investigated in this paper, although the two models yield comparable pore densities (provided the accessible pore width is used in the calculation of pore density), the number of particles predicted by the I-site model is always greater than that predicted by the 5-site model, regardless of whether temperature is subcritical or supercritical. This is due to the packing effect in the confined space such that a methane molecule modeled as a spherical particle in the I-site model would pack better than the fused five-sphere model in the case of the 5-site model. Because the 5-site model better describes the liquid- and solid-phase behavior, we would argue that the packing density in small pores is better described with a more detailed 5-site model, and care should be exercised when using the 1-site model to study adsorption in small pores.


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A new approach is developed to analyze the thermodynamic properties of a sub-critical fluid adsorbed in a slit pore of activated carbon. The approach is based on a representation that an adsorbed fluid forms an ordered structure close to a smoothed solid surface. This ordered structure is modelled as a collection of parallel molecular layers. Such a structure allows us to express the Helmholtz free energy of a molecular layer as the sum of the intrinsic Helmholtz free energy specific to that layer and the potential energy of interaction of that layer with all other layers and the solid surface. The intrinsic Helmholtz free energy of a molecular layer is a function (at given temperature) of its two-dimensional density and it can be readily obtained from bulk-phase properties, while the interlayer potential energy interaction is determined by using the 10-4 Lennard-Jones potential. The positions of all layers close to the graphite surface or in a slit pore are considered to correspond to the minimum of the potential energy of the system. This model has led to accurate predictions of nitrogen and argon adsorption on carbon black at their normal boiling points. In the case of adsorption in slit pores, local isotherms are determined from the minimization of the grand potential. The model provides a reasonable description of the 0-1 monolayer transition, phase transition and packing effect. The adsorption of nitrogen at 77.35 K and argon at 87.29 K on activated carbons is analyzed to illustrate the potential of this theory, and the derived pore-size distribution is compared favourably with that obtained by the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The model is less time-consuming than methods such as the DFT and Monte-Carlo simulation, and most importantly it can be readily extended to the adsorption of mixtures and capillary condensation phenomena.


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The turbostratic mesoporous carbon blacks were prepared by catalytic chemical vapour decomposition (CCVD) of acetylene using Ni/MgO catalysts prepared by co-precipitation. The relationship between deposition conditions and the nanostructures of resultant carbon black materials was investigated. It was found that the turbostratic and textural structures of carbon blacks are dependent on the deposition temperature and nickel catalyst loading. Higher deposition temperature increases the carbon crystallite unit volume V-nano and reduces the surface area of carbon samples. Moreover, a smaller V-nano is produced by a higher Ni loading at the same deposition temperature. In addition of the pore structure and the active metal surface area of the catalyst, the graphitic degree or electronic conductivity of the carbon support is also a key issue to the activity of the supported catalyst. V-nano is a very useful parameter to describe the effect of the crystalline structure of carbon blacks on the reactivity of carbon blacks in oxygen-carbon reaction and the catalytic activity of carbon-supported catalyst in ammonia decomposition semi-quantitatively. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.