40 resultados para COUNTING FINGERS
Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference
A Latin square is pan-Hamiltonian if the permutation which defines row i relative to row j consists of a single cycle for every i j. A Latin square is atomic if all of its conjugates are pan-Hamiltonian. We give a complete enumeration of atomic squares for order 11, the smallest order for which there are examples distinct from the cyclic group. We find that there are seven main classes, including the three that were previously known. A perfect 1-factorization of a graph is a decomposition of that graph into matchings such that the union of any two matchings is a Hamiltonian cycle. Each pan-Hamiltonian Latin square of order n describes a perfect 1-factorization of Kn,n, and vice versa. Perfect 1-factorizations of Kn,n can be constructed from a perfect 1-factorization of Kn+1. Six of the seven main classes of atomic squares of order 11 can be obtained in this way. For each atomic square of order 11, we find the largest set of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares (MOLS) involving that square. We discuss algorithms for counting orthogonal mates, and discover the number of orthogonal mates possessed by the cyclic squares of orders up to 11 and by Parker's famous turn-square. We find that the number of atomic orthogonal mates possessed by a Latin square is not a main class invariant. We also define a new sort of Latin square, called a pairing square, which is mapped to its transpose by an involution acting on the symbols. We show that pairing squares are often orthogonal mates for symmetric Latin squares. Finally, we discover connections between our atomic squares and Franklin's diagonally cyclic self-orthogonal squares, and we correct a theorem of Longyear which uses tactical representations to identify self-orthogonal Latin squares in the same main class as a given Latin square.
Participants in Experiments 1 and 2 performed a discrimination and counting task to assess the effect of lead stimulus modality on attentional modification of the acoustic startle reflex. Modality of the discrimination stimuli was changed across subjects. Electrodermal responses were larger during task-relevant stimuli than during task-irrelevant stimuli in all conditions. Larger blink magnitude facilitation was found during auditory and visual task-relevant stimuli, but not for tactile stimuli. Experiment 3 used acoustic, visual, and tactile conditioned stimuli (CSs) in differential conditioning with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). Startle magnitude facilitation and electrodermal responses were larger during a CS that preceded the US than during a CS that was presented alone regardless of lead stimulus modality. Although not unequivocal, the present data pose problems for attentional accounts of blink modification that emphasize the importance of lead stimulus modality.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine whether heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) from the normal arterial wall inhibit neointimal formation after injury in vivo and smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotype change and proliferation in vitro. Methods: Arterial HSPGs were extracted from rabbit aortae and separated by anion-exchange chromatography. The effect of HSPGs, applied in a periadventitial gel, on neointimal formation was assessed 14 days after balloon catheter injury of rabbit carotid arteries. Their effect on SMC phenotype and proliferation was measured by point-counting morphometry of the cytoplasmic volume fraction of myofilaments (Vvmyo) and H-3-thymidine incorporation in SMCs in culture. Results: Arterial HSPGs (680 mu g) reduced neointimal formation by 35% at 14 days after injury (P =.029), whereas 2000 mu g of the low-molecular-weight heparin Enoxaparin was ineffective. HSPGs at 34 mu g/mL maintained subconfluent primary cultured SMCs with the same high Vvmyo (52.1% +/- 13.8%) after 5 days in culture as did cells freshly isolated from the arterial wall (52.1% +/- 15.1%). In contrast, 100 mu g/mL Enoxaparin was ineffective in preventing phenotypic change over this time period (Vvmyo 38.9% +/- 14.6%, controls 35.9% +/- 12.8%). HSPGs also inhibited 3H-thymidine incorporation into primary cultured SMCs with an ID50 value of 0.4 mu g/mL compared with a value of 14 mu g/ml; for Enoxaparin (P
Zinc fingers are recognized as small protein domains that bind to specific DNA sequences. Recently however, zinc fingers from a number of proteins, in particular the GATA family of transcription factors, have also been implicated in specific protein-protein interactions. The erythroid protein GATA-1 contains two zinc fingers: the C-finger, which is sufficient for sequence-specific DNA-binding, and the N-finger, which appears both to modulate DNA-binding and to interact with other transcription factors. We have expressed and purified the N-finger domain and investigated its involvement in the self-association of GATA-1. We demonstrate that this domain does not homodimerize but instead makes intermolecular contacts with the C-finger, suggesting that GATA dimers are maintained by reciprocal N-finger-C-finger contacts. Deletion analysis identifies a 25-residue region, C-terminal to the core N-finger domain, that is sufficient for interaction with intact GATA-1. A similar subdomain exists C-terminal to the C-finger, and we show that self-association is substantially reduced when both subdomains are disrupted by mutation. Moreover, mutations that impair GATA-1 self-association also interfere with its ability to activate transcription in transfection studies.
Zinc fingers (ZnFs) are generally regarded as DNA-binding motifs. However, a number of recent reports have implicated particular ZnFs in the mediation of protein-protein interactions. The N-terminal ZnF of GATA-1 (NF) is one such finger, having been shown to interact with a number of other proteins, including the recently discovered transcriptional co-factor FOG. Here we solve the three-dimensional structure of the NF in solution using multidimensional H-1/N-15 NMR spectroscopy, and we use H-1/N-15 spin relation measurements to investigate its backbone dynamics. The structure consists of two distorted beta-hairpins and a single alpha-helix, and is similar to that of the C-terminal ZnF of chicken GATA-1. Comparisons of the NF structure with those of other C-4-type zinc binding motifs, including hormone receptor and LIM domains, also reveal substantial structural homology. Finally, we use the structure to map the spatial locations of NF residues shown by mutagenesis to be essential for FOG binding, and demonstrate that these residues all lie on a single face of the NE Notably, this face is well removed from the putative DNA-binding face of the NE an observation which is suggestive of simultaneous roles for the NF; that is, stabilisation of GATA-1 DNA complexes and recruitment of FOG to GATA-1-controlled promoter regions.
The effects of handedness, sex and the influence of hand placement in extrapersonal space on temporal information processing was investigated by measuring thresholds for perceiving the simultaneity of pairs of tactile stimuli. Simultaneity thresholds of preferred right handed and left handed university students with left hemisphere speech representation were compared using unimanual and bimanual stimulation at three hand placements (midline, lateral and crossed). In unimanual conditions two fingers of one hand were stimulated (single hemisphere), whereas in the bimanual conditions one finger of each hand was stimulated (cross hemispheres). Bimanual minus unimanual thresholds provided an estimate of interhemisphere transmission time (IHTT) regardless of hand placement. The effects of hemispace varied with the type of stimulation. With unimanual stimulation, overall thresholds were longer at the midline placement, however, with bimanual stimulation, thresholds were longer when the hands were spatially separated (crossed and/or uncrossed). Left handers' IHTTs were 8 ms faster than those of right handers. IHTTs in males were faster than females with hands placed in lateral (by 10.8 ms) or crossed (by 9.8 ms) but not midline positions. It was concluded that the cerebral hemispheres are equally capable of discriminating temporal intervals, but that the left hemisphere predominates when there is uncertainty about location of stimulation.
Continuous-valued recurrent neural networks can learn mechanisms for processing context-free languages. The dynamics of such networks is usually based on damped oscillation around fixed points in state space and requires that the dynamical components are arranged in certain ways. It is shown that qualitatively similar dynamics with similar constraints hold for a(n)b(n)c(n), a context-sensitive language. The additional difficulty with a(n)b(n)c(n), compared with the context-free language a(n)b(n), consists of 'counting up' and 'counting down' letters simultaneously. The network solution is to oscillate in two principal dimensions, one for counting up and one for counting down. This study focuses on the dynamics employed by the sequential cascaded network, in contrast to the simple recurrent network, and the use of backpropagation through time. Found solutions generalize well beyond training data, however, learning is not reliable. The contribution of this study lies in demonstrating how the dynamics in recurrent neural networks that process context-free languages can also be employed in processing some context-sensitive languages (traditionally thought of as requiring additional computation resources). This continuity of mechanism between language classes contributes to our understanding of neural networks in modelling language learning and processing.
The performance of three different techniques for determining proton rotating frame relaxation rates (T1pH) in charred and uncharred woods is compared. The variable contact time (VCT) experiment is shown to over-estimate T1pH, particularly for the charred samples, due to the presence of slowly cross-polarizing C-13 nuclei. The variable spin (VSL) or delayed contact experiment is shown to overcome these problems; however, care is needed in the analysis to ensure rapidly relaxing components are not overlooked. T1pH is shown to be non-uniform for both charred and uncharred wood samples; a rapidly relaxing component (T1pH = 0.46-1.07 ms) and a slowly relaxing component (T1pH = 3.58-7.49) is detected in each sample. T1pH for each component generally decreases with heating temperature (degree of charring) and the proportion of rapidly relaxing component increases. Direct T1pH determination (via H-1 detection) shows that all samples contain an even faster relaxing component (0.09-0.24 ms) that is virtually undetectable by the indirect (VCT and VSL) techniques. A new method for correcting for T1pH signal losses in spin counting experiments is developed to deal with the rapidly relaxing component detected in the VSL experiment. Implementation of this correction increased the proportion of potential C-13 CPMAS NMR signal that can be accounted for by up to 50% for the charred samples. An even greater proportion of potential signal can be accounted for if the very rapidly relaxing component detected in the direct T1pH determination is included; however, it must be kept in mind that this experiment also detects H-1 pools which may not be involved in H-1-C-13 cross-polarization. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
The effect that the difficulty of the discrimination between task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimuli has on the relationship between skin conductance orienting and secondary task reaction time (RT) was examined. Participants (N = 72) counted the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and ignored presentations of another shape (task-irrelevant). The difficulty of discriminating between the two shapes varied across three groups (low, medium, and high difficulty). Simultaneous with the primary counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to acoustic probes presented 50, 150, and 2000 ms following shape onset. Skin conductance orienting was larger, and secondary RT at the 2000 ms probe position was slower during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes in the low-difficulty group. This difference declined as the discrimination difficulty was increased, such that there was no difference in the high-difficulty group. Secondary RT was slower during task-irrelevant shapes than during task-relevant shapes only in the medium-difficulty group-and only at the 150 ms probe position in the first half of the experiment. The close relationship between autonomic orienting and secondary RT at the 2000 ms probe position suggests that orienting reflects the resource allocation that results from the number of matching features between a stimulus input and a mental representation primed as significant.
The present study (N532) investigated attentional modulation of the startle blink reflex at long lead intervals under conditions of differing emotional valence. Participants performed a visual discrimination and counting task while coloured lights indicated whether it was possible for the participant to receive an electrotactile shock (threat of shock) or if no shock would be presented (safe). Latency and magnitude of startle responses to probes during inter-stimulus intervals were facilitated during threat periods relative to safe periods. Startle latency and magnitude modulation were enhanced during attended discrimination and counting task stimuli relative to startle during ignored stimuli. This attention effect did not vary under threat or safe conditions, suggesting that attentional startle modulation is not affected by the emotional valence of the context.
Aims We have characterized the relative dispersion of vascular and extravascular markers in the limbs of three patients undergoing isolated limb perfusions with the cytotoxic melphalan for recurrent malignant melanoma both before and after melphalan dosing. Methods A bolus of injectate containing [Cr-51] labelled red blood cells, [C-14]-sucrose and [H-3]-water was injected into an iliac or femoral artery and outflow samples collected at 1 s intervals by a fraction collector. The radioactivity due to each isotype was analysed by either gamma [Cr-51] or beta [C-14 and H-3] counting. The moments of the outflow fraction-time profiles were estimated by a nonparametric (numerical integration) method and a parametric model (sum of two inverse Gaussian functions). Results The availability, mean transit time and normalised variance (CV2) obtained for labelled red blood cells, sucrose and water were similar before and after melphalan dosing and with the two methods of calculation but varied between the patients. Conclusions The vascular space is not well-stirred but characterized by a CV2 similar that reported previously for in situ rat hind limb and rat liver perfusions. A flow-limited blood-tissue exchange was observed for the permeating indicators. Administration of melphalan did not influence the distribution characteristics of the indicators.
Mass spectrometric U-series dating of speleothems from Tangshan Cave, combined with ecological and paleoclimatic evidence, indicates that Nanjing Man, a typical Homo erectus morphologically correlated with Peking Man at Zhoukoudian, should be at least 580 k.y. old, or more likely lived during the glacial oxygen isotope stage 16 (similar to 620 ka). Such an age estimate, which is similar to 270 ka older than previous electron spin resonance and alpha counting U-series dates, has significant implications for the evolution of Asian H. erectus. Dentine and enamel samples from the coexisting fossil layer yield significantly younger apparent ages, that of the enamel sample being only less than one-fourth of the minimum age of Nanjing Man. This suggests that U uptake history is far more complex than existing models can handle. As a result, great care must be taken in the interpretation of electron spin resonance and U-series dates of fossil teeth.
Information processing accounts propose that autonomic orienting reflects the amount of resources allocated to process a stimulus. However, secondary task reaction time (RT), a supposed measure of processing resources, has shown a dissociation from autonomic orienting. The present study tested the hypothesis that secondary task RT reflects a serial processing mechanism. Participants (N = 24) were presented with circle and ellipse shapes and asked to count the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and to ignore presentations of a second shape (task-irrelevant). Concurrent with the counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to an auditory probe presented at either a high or low intensity and at two different probe positions following shape onset (50 and 300 ms). Electrodermal orienting was larger during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes, but secondary task RT to the high-intensity probe was slower during the latter. In addition, an underadditive interaction between probe stimulus intensity and probe position was found in secondary RT. The findings are consistent with a serial processing model of secondary RT and suggest that the notion of processing stages should be incorporated into current information-processing models of autonomic orienting.
We derive optimal N-photon two-mode input states for interferometric phase measurements. Under canonical measurements the phase variance scales as N-2 for these states, as compared to N-1 or N-1/2 for states considered bq previous authors. We prove, that it is not possible to realize the canonical measurement by counting photons in the outputs of the interferometer, even if an adjustable auxiliary phase shift is allowed in the interferometer. However. we introduce a feedback algorithm based on Bayesian inference to control this auxiliary phase shift. This makes the measurement close to a canonical one, with a phase variance scaling slightly above N-2. With no feedback, the best result (given that the phase to be measured is completely unknown) is a scaling of N-1. For optimal input states having up to four photons, our feedback scheme is the best possible one, but for higher photon numbers more complicated schemes perform marginally better.