49 resultados para Beckman Coulter Laser diffraction particle size analyzer LS 230
The impact of fluorine in copper flotation was relatively unknown until the introduction of skarn ores in the Ok Tedi concentrator. Fluorine in the copper concentrates reports to the gas phase during the smelting stage and forms a corrosive H2SO4-HCl-HF acid brine mixture which must be neutralised. This work was aimed at studying the mineralogy of the fluorosilicate minerals contained in the various oretypes present in the Ok Tedi porphyry copper deposit. The electron microprobe was used to analyse for fluorine and hence identify the fluorosilicate minerals in each oretype. This study revealed talc, phlogopite, biotite, clays, amphiboles, fluoroapatite and titanite to be the sources of fluorine in the orebody. Laboratory and plant investigations were conducted to study the flotation response of these minerals. Chemical assaying of the products of these tests was done to determine the bulk assay of fluorine, Using Rietveld analysis, quantitative estimates of the fluorosilicate minerals in these products were generated. Marrying of the bulk assay with the respective mineralogical assay enabled the understanding of the flotation behavior of fluorine and it's associated mineralogy. Talc and phlogopite were found to be the causes of the fluorine problem at Ok Tedi. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A generalised model for the prediction of single char particle gasification dynamics, accounting for multi-component mass transfer with chemical reaction, heat transfer, as well as structure evolution and peripheral fragmentation is developed in this paper. Maxwell-Stefan analysis is uniquely applied to both micro and macropores within the framework of the dusty-gas model to account for the bidisperse nature of the char, which differs significantly from the conventional models that are based on a single pore type. The peripheral fragmentation and random-pore correlation incorporated into the model enable prediction of structure/reactivity relationships. The occurrence of chemical reaction within the boundary layer reported by Biggs and Agarwal (Chem. Eng. Sci. 52 (1997) 941) has been confirmed through an analysis of CO/CO2 product ratio obtained from model simulations. However, it is also quantitatively observed that the significance of boundary layer reaction reduces notably with the reduction of oxygen concentration in the flue gas, operational pressure and film thickness. Computations have also shown that in the presence of diffusional gradients peripheral fragmentation occurs in the early stages on the surface, after which conversion quickens significantly due to small particle size. Results of the early commencement of peripheral fragmentation at relatively low overall conversion obtained from a large number of simulations agree well with experimental observations reported by Feng and Bhatia (Energy & Fuels 14 (2000) 297). Comprehensive analysis of simulation results is carried out based on well accepted physical principles to rationalise model prediction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. AH rights reserved.
Due to the complexities involved with measuring activated sludge floc size distributions, this parameter has largely been ignored by wastewater researchers and practitioners. One of the major reasons has been that instruments able to measure particle size distributions were complex, expensive and only provided off-line measurements. The Focused Beam Reflectance Method (FBRM) is one of the rare techniques able to measure the particle size distribution in situ. This paper introduces the technique for monitoring wastewater treatment systems and compares its performance with other sizing techniques. The issue of the optimal focal point is discussed, and similar conclusions as found in the literature for other particulate systems are drawn. The study also demonstrates the capabilities of the FBRM in evaluating the performance of settling tanks. Interestingly, the floc size distributions did not vary with position inside the settling tank flocculator. This was an unexpected finding, and seriously questioned the need for a flocculator in the settling tank. It is conjectured that the invariable size distributions were caused by the unique combination of high solids concentration, low shear and zeolite dosing. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.
This paper presents a comparative study how reactor configuration, sludge loading and air flowrate affect flow regimes, hydrodynamics, floc size distribution and sludge solids-liquid separation properties. Three reactor configurations were studied in bench scale activated sludge bubble column reactor (BCR), air-lift reactor (ALR) and aerated stirred reactor (ASR). The ASR demonstrated the highest capacity of gas holdup and resistance, and homogeneity in flow regimes and shearing forces, resulting in producing large numbers of small and compact floes. The fluid dynamics in the ALR created regularly directed recirculation forces to enhance the gas holdup and sludge flocculation. The BCR distributed a high turbulent flow regime and non-homogeneity in gas holdup and mixing, and generated large numbers of larger and looser floes. The sludge size distributions, compressibility and settleability were significantly influenced by the reactor configurations associated with the flow regimes and hydrodynamics.
Froth recovery measurements have been conducted in both the presence (three-phase froth) and absence (two-phase froth) of particles of different contact angles in a specially modified laboratory flotation column. Increasing the particle hydrophobicity increased the flow rate of particles entering the froth, while the recovery of particles across the froth phase itself also increased for particle contact angles to 63 and at all vertical heights of the froth column. However, a further increase in the contact angle to 69 resulted in lower particle recovery across the froth phase. The reduced froth recovery for particles of 69 contact angle was linked to significant bubble coalescence within the froth phase. The reduced froth recovery occurred uniformly across the entire particle size range, and was, presumably, a result of particle detachment from coalescing bubbles. Water flow rates across the froth phase also varied with particle contact angle. The general trend was a decrease in the concentrate flow rate of water with increasing particle contact angle. An inverse relationship between water flow rate and bubble radius was also observed, possibly allowing prediction of water flow rate from bubble size measurements in the froth. Comparison of the froth structure, defined by bubble size, gas hold-up and bubble layer thickness, for two- and three-phase froths, at the same frother concentration, showed there was a relationship between water flow rate and froth structure. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new theory of particle discharge in high tension roll (HTR) separation is presented. The discharge dynamics of an isolated charged particle resting on a conducting surface are studied first. The analysis is extended to particle discharge in a homogenous particle bed. Finally, the paper looks at the more realistic scenario of particle discharge in a non-homogenous particle bed. The consequences of the resulting theory on HTR separation are discussed. Predictions from the new theory are tested against experimental HTR separations at the pilot scale. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report a simple but efficient method to prepare stable homogeneous suspensions containing monodispersed MgAl layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanoparticles that have wide promising applications in cellular drug ( gene) delivery, polymer/LDH nanocomposites, and LDH thin films for catalysis, gas separation, sensing, and electrochemical materials. This new method involves a fast coprecipitation followed by controlled hydrothermal treatment under different conditions and produces stable homogeneous LDH suspensions under variable hydrothermal treatment conditions. Moreover, the relationship between the LDH particle size and the hydrothermal treatment conditions ( time, temperature, and concentration) has been systematically investigated, which indicates that the LDH particle size can be precisely controlled between 40 and 300 nm by adjusting these conditions. The reproducibility of making the identical suspensions under identical conditions has been confirmed with a number of experiments. The dispersion of agglomerated LDH aggregates into individual LDH crystallites during the hydrothermal treatment has been further discussed. This method has also been successfully applied to preparing stable homogeneous LDH suspensions containing various other metal ions such as Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Cd2+, and Gd3+ in the hydroxide layers and many inorganic anions such as Cl-, CO32-, NO3-, and SO42-.
Typical disturbances of biological environment such as background scatter and refractive index variations have little effect on the size-dependent scattering property of highly refractive nanocrystals, which are potentially attractive optical labels. We report on what is to our knowledge the first investigation of these scattering optical labels, and their sizing, in particular, by imaging at subvideo frame rates and analyzing samples of diamond nanocrystals deposited on a glass substrate in air and in a matrix of weakly scattering polymer. The brightness of a diffraction-limited spot appears to serve as a reliable measure of the particle size in the Rayleigh scattering limit. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
The work presented was conducted within the scope of a larger study investigating impacts of the Stuart Oil Shale project, a facility operating to the north of the industrial city of Gladstone, Australia. The aims of the investigations were threefold: (a) the identification of the plant signatures in terms of particle size distributions in the submicrometer range (13-830 nm) through stack measurements, (b) exploring the applicability of these signatures in tracing the source contributions at locations of interest, at a distance from the plant, and (c) assessing the contribution of the plant to the total particle number concentration at locations of interest. The stack measurements conducted for three different conditions of plant operation showed that the particle size distributions were bimodal with average modal count median diameters (CMDs) of 24 (SD 4) and 52 (SD 9) nm. The average of all the particle size distributions recorded within the plant sector at a site located 4.5 km from the plant, over the sampling period when the plant was operating, also showed a bimodal distribution. The modal CMDs in this case were 27 and 50 nm, similar to those at the stack. This bimodal size distribution is distinct from the size distribution of the most common ambient anthropogenic emission source, which is vehicle emissions, and can be considered as a signature of this source. The average contribution of the plant (for plant sector winds) was estimated to be (10.0 +/- 3.8) x 10(2) particles cm(-3) and constituted approximately a 50% increase over the local particle ambient concentration for plant sector winds. This increase in particle number concentration compared to the local background concentration, while high compared to the clean environment concentration, is not significant when compared to concentrations generally encountered in the urban environment of Brisbane.
This paper presents a new method to measure the sinking rates of individual phytoplankton “particles” (cells, chains, colonies, and aggregates) in the laboratory. Conventional particle tracking and high resolution video imaging were used to measure particle sinking rates and particle size. The stabilizing force of a very mild linear salinity gradient (1 ppt over 15 cm) prevented the formation of convection currents in the laboratory settling chamber. Whereas bulk settling methods such as SETCOL provide a single value of sinking rate for a population, this method allows the measurement of sinking rate and particle size for a large number of individual particles or phytoplankton within a population. The method has applications where sinking rates vary within a population, or where sinking rate-size relationships are important. Preliminary data from experiments with both laboratory and field samples of marine phytoplankton are presented here to illustrate the use of the technique, its applications, and limitations. Whereas this paper deals only with sinking phytoplankton, the method is equally valid for positively buoyant species, as well as nonbiological particles.
Investigation of the role of cadmium sulfide in the surface passivation of lead sulfide quantum dots
Surface passivation of PbS nanocrystals (NC), resulting in strong photoluminescence, can be achieved by the introduction of CdS precursors. The role of CdS in the surface passivation of PbS NCs is uncertain, as the crystalline structure of CdS and PbS are different, which should impede effective epitaxial overgrowth. Absorption spectroscopy is used to show that the CdS precursors strongly interact with the PbS NC surface. Electron microscopy reveals that the introduction of CdS precursors results in an increased particle size, consistent with overcoating. However, we also find the process to be highly non-uniform. Nevertheless, evidence for epitaxial growth is found, suggesting that effective surface passivation may be possible.