91 resultados para Bearing currents


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The equipment used to measure magnetic fields and, electric currents in residences is described. The instrumentation consisted of current transformers, magnetic field probes and locally designed and, built signal conditioning modules. The data acquisition system was capable of unattended recording for extended time periods. The complete system was calibrated to verify its response to known physical inputs. (C) 2003 ISA-The Instrumentation Automation Society.


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We investigate coherent electron transport through a parallel circuit of two quantum dots (QDs), each of which has a single tunable. energy level. Electrons tunnelling via each dot from the left lead interfere with each other at the right lead. It is shown that due to the quantum interference of tunnelling electrons the double QD device is magnetically polarized by coherent circulation of electrons on the closed path through the dots and the leads. By varying the energy level of each dot one can make the magnetic states of the device be up-, non- or down-polarized. It is shown that for experimentally accessible temperatures and applied biases the magnetic polarization currents Should be sufficiently large to observe with current nanotechnology.


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A high yielding synthesis of the pentacyclic diene-dione 1 has enabled investigation of its reactivity as a double dienophile in Diels-Alder [4+2] cycloadditions with isobenzofuran, leading to novel and highly symmetrical three-sided cavitands 3 and 4.


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In most magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, pulsed magnetic gradient fields induce eddy currents in the conducting structures of the superconducting magnet. The eddy currents induced in structures within the cryostat are particularly problematic as they are characterized by long time constants by virtue of the low resistivity of the conductors. This paper presents a three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) scheme in cylindrical coordinates for eddy-current calculation in conductors. This model is intended to be part of a complete FDTD model of an MRI system including all RF and low-frequency field generating units and electrical models of the patient. The singularity apparent in the governing equations is removed by using a series expansion method and the conductor-air boundary condition is handled using a variant of the surface impedance concept. The numerical difficulty due to the asymmetry of Maxwell equations for low-frequency eddy-current problems is circumvented by taking advantage of the known penetration behavior of the eddy-current fields. A perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition in 3-D cylindrical coordinates is also incorporated. The numerical method has been verified against analytical solutions for simple cases. Finally, the algorithm is illustrated by modeling a pulsed field gradient coil system within an MRI magnet system. The results demonstrate that the proposed FDTD scheme can be used to calculate large-scale eddy-current problems in materials with high conductivity at low frequencies.


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NADPH diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry labels two types of nitrergic amacrine cells in the rabbit retina. Both the large ND1 cells and the small ND2 cells stratify in the middle of the inner plexiform layer, and their overlapping processes produce a dense plexus, which makes it difficult to trace the morphology of single cells. The complete morphology of the ND1 amacrine cells has been revealed by injecting Neurobiotin into large round somata in the inner nuclear layer, which resulted in the labelling of amacrine cells whose proximal morphology and stratification matched those of the ND1 cells stained by NADPHd histochemistry. The Neurobiotin-injected ND1 cells showed strong homologous tracer coupling to surrounding ND1 cells, and double-labelling experiments confirmed that these coupled cells showed NADPHd reactivity. The ND1 amacrine cells branch in stratum 3 of the inner plexiform layer, where they produce a sparsely branched dendritic tree of 400-600 mum diameter in ventral peripheral retina. In addition, each cell gives rise to several fine beaded processes, which arise either from a side branch of the dendritic tree or from the tapering of a distal dendrite. These axon-like processes branch successively within the vicinity of the dendritic field before extending, with little or no further branching, for 3-5 mm from the soma in ventral peripheral retina. Consequently, these cells may span one-third of the visual field of each eye, and their spatial extent appears to be greater than that of most other types of axon-bearing amacrine cells injected with Neurobiotin in this study. The morphology and tracer-coupling pattern of the ND1 cells are compared with those of confirmed type 1 catecholaminergic cells, a presumptive type 2 catecholaminergic cell, the type 1 polyaxonal. cells, the long-range amacrine cells, a novel type of axon-bearing cell that also branches in stratum 3, and a type of displaced amacrine cell that may correspond to the type 2 polyaxonal cell. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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It has been shown that P auxiliary subunits increase current amplitude in voltage-dependent calcium channels. In this study, however, we found a hovel inhibitory effect of beta3 Subunit on macroscopic Ba2+ currents through recombinant N- and R-type calcium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Overexpressed beta3 (12.5 ng/ cell cRNA) significantly suppressed N- and R-type, but not L-type, calcium channel currents at physiological holding potentials (HPs) of -60 and -80 mV At a HP of -80 mV, coinjection of various concentrations (0-12.5 ng) of the beta3 with Ca,.2.2alpha(1) and alpha(2)delta enhanced the maximum conductance of expressed channels at lower beta3 concentrations but at higher concentrations (>2.5 ng/cell) caused a marked inhibition. The beta3-induced Current suppression was reversed at a HP of - 120 mV, suggesting that the inhibition was voltage dependent. A high concentration of Ba-2divided by (40 mM) as a charge carrier also largely diminished the effect of P3 at -80 mV Therefore, experimental conditions (HP, divalent cation concentration, and P3 subunit concentration) approaching normal physiological conditions were critical to elucidate the full extent of this novel P3 effect. Steady-state inactivation curves revealed that N-type channels exhibited closed-state inactivation without P3, and that P3 caused an similar to40 mV negative shift of the inactivation, producing a second component with an inactivation midpoint of approximately -85 mV The inactivation of N-type channels in the presence of a high concentration (12.5 ng/cell) of P3 developed slowly and the time-dependent inactivation curve was best fit by the sum of two exponential functions with time constants of 14 s and 8.8 min at -80 mV Similar ultra-slow inactivation was observed for N-type channels Without P3. Thus, P3 can have a profound negative regulatory effect on N-type (and also R-type) calcium channels by Causing a hyperpolarizing shift of the inactivation without affecting ultra-slow and closed-state inactivation properties.


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At 38 sites in the dry sclerophyll forests of south-east Queensland, Australia, hollow-bearing trees were studied to determine the effects of past forestry practices on their density, size and spatial distribution. The density of hollow-bearing trees was reduced at sites that had been altered by poisoning and ringbarking of unmerchantable trees. This was especially the case for living hollow-bearing trees that were now at densities too low to support the full range of arboreal marsupials. Although there are presently enough hollow-bearing stags (i.e., dead hollow-bearing trees) to provide additional denning and nesting opportunities, the standing life of these hollow-bearing stags is lower than the living counterparts which means denning and nesting sites may be limited in the near future. The mean diameter at breast height (DBH) of hollow-bearing stags was significantly less than that of living hollow-bearing trees. This indicated that many large hollow-bearing stags may have a shorter standing life than smaller hollow-bearing stags. Hollow-bearing trees appear to be randomly distributed throughout the forest in both silviculturally treated and untreated areas. This finding is at odds with the suggestion by some forest managers that hollow-bearing trees should have a clumped distribution in dry sclerophyll forests of south-east Queensland.


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The calcium-dependent afterhyperpolarization (AHP) that follows trains of action potentials is responsible for controlling action potential firing patterns in many neuronal cell types. We have previously shown that the slow AHP contributes to spike frequency adaptation in pyramidal neurons in the rat lateral amygdala. In addition, a dendritic voltage-gated potassium current mediated by Kv1.2-containing channels also suppresses action potential firing in these neurons. In this paper we show that this voltage-gated potassium current and the slow AHP act together to control spike frequency adaptation in lateral amygdala pyramidal neurons. The two currents have similar effects on action potential number when firing is evoked either by depolarizing current injections or by synaptic stimulation. However, they differ in their control of firing frequency, with the voltage-gated potassium current but not the slow AHP determining the initial frequency of action potential firing. This dual mechanism of controlling firing patterns is unique to lateral amygdala neurons and is likely to contribute to the very low levels of firing seen in lateral amygdala neurons in vivo.


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1 The effects of intravenous (i.v.) anaesthetics on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR)-induced transients in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) and membrane currents were investigated in neonatal rat intracardiac neurons. 2 In fura-2-loaded neurons, nAChR activation evoked a transient increase in [Ca2+](i), which was inhibited reversibly and selectively by clinically relevant concentrations of thiopental. The half-maximal concentration for thiopental inhibition of nAChR-induced [Ca2+](i) transients was 28 muM, close to the estimated clinical EC50 (clinically relevant (half-maximal) effective concentration) of thiopental. 3 In fura-2-loaded neurons, voltage clamped at -60mV to eliminate any contribution of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, thiopental (25 muM) simultaneously inhibited nAChR-induced increases in [Ca2+](i) and peak current amplitudes. Thiopental inhibited nAChR-induced peak current amplitudes in dialysed whole-cell recordings by - 40% at - 120, -80 and -40 mV holding potential, indicating that the inhibition is voltage independent. 4 The barbiturate, pentobarbital and the dissociative anaesthetic, ketamine, used at clinical EC50 were also shown to inhibit nAChR-induced increases in [Ca2+](i) by similar to40%. 5 Thiopental (25 muM) did not inhibit caffeine-, muscarine- or ATP-evoked increases in [Ca2+](i), indicating that inhibition of Ca2+ release from internal stores via either ryanodine receptor or inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor channels is unlikely. 6 Depolarization-activated Ca2+ channel currents were unaffected in the presence of thiopental (25 muM), pentobarbital (50 muM) and ketamine (10 muM). 7 In conclusion, i.v. anaesthetics inhibit nAChR-induced currents and [Ca2+](i) transients in intracardiac neurons by binding to nAChRs and thereby may contribute to changes in heart rate and cardiac output under clinical conditions.


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1 The effect of 5-HT and related indolealkylamines on heteromeric recombinant NMDA receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes was investigated using the two-electrode voltage-clamp recording technique. 2 In the absence of external Mg2+ ions, 5-HT inhibited NMDA receptor-mediated currents in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibitory effect of 5-HT was independent of the NR1a and NR2 subunit combination. 3 The inhibition of glutamate-evoked currents by 5-HT was use- and voltage-dependent. The voltage sensitivity of inhibition for NR1a+NR2 subunit combinations by 5-HT was similar, exhibiting an e-fold change per similar to20 mV, indicating that 5-HT binds to a site deep within the membrane electric field. 4 The inhibition of the open NMDA receptor by external Mg2+ and 5-HT was not additive, suggesting competition between Mg2+ and 5-HT for a binding site in the NMDA receptor channel. The concentration-dependence curves for 5-HT and 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MeOT) inhibition of NMDA receptor-mediated currents are shifted to the right in the presence of external Mg2+. 5 The related indolealkylamines inhibited glutamate-evoked currents with the following order of inhibitory potency: 5-MeOT = 5-methyltryptamine > tryptamine > 7-methyltryptamine > 5-HTmuch greater than tryptophan melatonin. 6 Taken together, these data suggest that 5-HT and related compounds can attenuate glutamate-mediated excitatory synaptic responses and may provide a basis for drug treatment of excitoxic neurodegeneration.


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We theoretically study thermal transport in an electronic interferometer comprising a parallel circuit of two quantum dots, each of which has a tunable single electronic state which are connected to two leads at different temperature. As a result of quantum interference, the heat current through one of the dots is in the opposite direction to the temperature gradient. An excess heat current flows through the other dot. Although locally, heat flows from cold to hot, globally the second law of thermodynamics is not violated because the entropy current associated with heat transfer through the whole device is still positive. The temperature gradient also induces a circulating electrical current, which makes the interferometer magnetically polarized.


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The non-semisimple gl(2)k current superalgebra in the standard basis and the corresponding non-unitary conformal field theory are investigated. Infinite families of primary fields corresponding to all finite-dimensional irreducible typical and atypical representations of gl(212) and three (two even and one odd) screening currents of the first kind are constructed explicitly in terms of ten free fields. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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A dynamic model which describes the impulse behavior of concentrated grounds at high currents is described in this paper. This model is an extension of previous models in that it can successfully account for the surge behavior of concentrated grounds over a much wider range of current densities. It is able to describe the well known effect of ionization of soil as well as the observed effect of discrete breakdowns and filamentary arc paths at much higher currents. Results of verification against experimental results are also presented.