96 resultados para Axial Symmetry
Objectives: To examine the changes in torque output resulting from fatigue, as well as changes in electromyographic measures of trunk muscles during isometric axial rotation and to compare these changes between directions of axial rotation. Design: Subjects performed fatiguing right and left isometric axial rotation of the trunk at 80% of maximum voluntary contraction while standing upright. Setting: A rehabilitation center. Participants: Twenty-three men with no history of back pain. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Surface electromyographic Signals were recorded from 6 trunk muscles bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were also measured. Results: During the fatiguing axial rotation contraction, coupling torques of both sagittal and coronal planes were slightly decreased and no difference was found between directions of axial rotation. Decreasing median frequency and an increase in electromyographic amplitude were also found in trunk muscles with different degrees of changes in individual muscles. There were significant differences (P
Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the between-days reliability of electromyographic (EMG) measurement of 6 bilateral trunk muscles and also the torque output in 3 planes during isometric right and left axial rotation at different exertion levels. Methods: Ten healthy subjects performed isometric right and left axial rotation at 100, 70, 50 and 30% maximum voluntary contractions in two testing sessions at least 7 days apart. EMG amplitude and frequency analyses of the recorded surface EMG signals were performed for rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum and multifidus bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were measured. Results: For both EMG amplitude and frequency values, good (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC = 0.75-0.89) to excellent (ICC greater than or equal to 0.90) reliability was found in the 6 trunk muscles at different exertion levels during axial rotation. The reliability of both maximal isometric axial rotation torque and coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were found to be excellent (ICC greater than or equal to 0.93). Conclusions: Good to excellent reliability of EMG measures of trunk muscles and torque measurements during isometric axial rotation was demonstrated. This provides further confidence of using EMG and triaxial torque assessment as outcome measures in rehabilitation and in the evaluation of the human performance in the work place. (C) 2003 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
We extend our Lanczos subspace time-independent wave packet method [J. Chem. Phys. 116 (2002) 2354] to investigate the issue of symmetry contaminations for the challenging deep-well H + O-2 reaction. Our central objective is to address the issue of whether significant symmetry contamination can occur if a wavepacket initially possessing the correct O-O exchange symmetry is propagated over tens of thousands of recursive steps using a basis which does not explicitly enforce the correct symmetry, and if so how seriously this affects the results. We find that symmetry contamination does exist where the symmetry constraint is not explicitly enforced in the basis. While it affects individual resonances and the associated peak amplitudes, the overall shape of the more averaged quantities such as total reaction probabilities and vibrational branching ratios are not seriously affected. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A hydrogel intervertebral disc (lVD) model consisting of an inner nucleus core and an outer anulus ring was manufactured from 30 and 35% by weight Poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel (PVA-H) concentrations and subjected to axial compression in between saturated porous endplates at 200 N for 11 h, 30 min. Repeat experiments (n = 4) on different samples (N = 2) show good reproducibility of fluid loss and axial deformation. An axisymmetric nonlinear poroelastic finite element model with variable permeability was developed using commercial finite element software to compare axial deformation and predicted fluid loss with experimental data. The FE predictions indicate differential fluid loss similar to that of biological IVDs, with the nucleus losing more water than the anulus, and there is overall good agreement between experimental and finite element predicted fluid loss. The stress distribution pattern indicates important similarities with the biological lVD that includes stress transference from the nucleus to the anulus upon sustained loading and renders it suitable as a model that can be used in future studies to better understand the role of fluid and stress in biological IVDs. (C) 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
We compute the Dirac indexes for. the two spin structures kappa(0) and kappa(1) for Eguchi-Hanson metrics with nonzero total mass. It shows that the Dirac indexes do not vanish in general, and axial anomaly exists. When the metric has zero total mass, the Dirac index vanishes for the spin structure no, and no axial anomaly exists in this case.
Plastic yield criteria for porous ductile materials are explored numerically using the finite-element technique. The cases of spherical voids arranged in simple cubic, body-centred cubic and face-centred cubic arrays are investigated with void volume fractions ranging from 2 % through to the percolation limit (over 90 %). Arbitrary triaxial macroscopic stress states and two definitions of yield are explored. The numerical data demonstrates that the yield criteria depend linearly on the determinant of the macroscopic stress tensor for the case of simple-cubic and body-centred cubic arrays - in contrast to the famous Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN) formula - while there is no such dependence for face-centred cubic arrays within the accuracy of the finite-element discretisation. The data are well fit by a simple extension of the GTN formula which is valid for all void volume fractions, with yield-function convexity constraining the form of the extension in terms of parameters in the original formula. Simple cubic structures are more resistant to shear, while body-centred and face-centred structures are more resistant to hydrostatic pressure. The two yield surfaces corresponding to the two definitions of yield are not related by a simple scaling.
We present a group theoretical analysis of several classes of organic superconductor. We predict that highly frustrated organic superconductors, such as K-(ET)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3) (where ET is BEDT-TTF, bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiafulvalene) and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)X, undergo two superconducting phase transitions, the first from the normal state to a d-wave superconductor and the second to a d + id state. We show that the monoclinic distortion of K-(ET)(2)Cu(NCS)(2) means that the symmetry of its superconducting order parameter is different from that of orthorhombic-K-(ET)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)] Br. We propose that beta'' and theta phase organic superconductors have d(xy) + s order parameters.
Study Design. Development of an automatic measurement algorithm and comparison with manual measurement methods. Objectives. To develop a new computer-based method for automatic measurement of vertebral rotation in idiopathic scoliosis from computed tomography images and to compare the automatic method with two manual measurement techniques. Summary of Background Data. Techniques have been developed for vertebral rotation measurement in idiopathic scoliosis using plain radiographs, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance images. All of these techniques require manual selection of landmark points and are therefore subject to interobserver and intraobserver error. Methods. We developed a new method for automatic measurement of vertebral rotation in idiopathic scoliosis using a symmetry ratio algorithm. The automatic method provided values comparable with Aaro and Ho's manual measurement methods for a set of 19 transverse computed tomography slices through apical vertebrae, and with Aaro's method for a set of 204 reformatted computed tomography images through vertebral endplates. Results. Confidence intervals (95%) for intraobserver and interobserver variability using manual methods were in the range 5.5 to 7.2. The mean (+/- SD) difference between automatic and manual rotation measurements for the 19 apical images was -0.5 degrees +/- 3.3 degrees for Aaro's method and 0.7 degrees +/- 3.4 degrees for Ho's method. The mean (+/- SD) difference between automatic and manual rotation measurements for the 204 endplate images was 0.25 degrees +/- 3.8 degrees. Conclusions. The symmetry ratio algorithm allows automatic measurement of vertebral rotation in idiopathic scoliosis without intraobserver or interobserver error due to landmark point selection.
Prevalence rates for axial involvement in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) vary from 40% to 74% depending upon criteria for diagnosis. In the absence of trial evidence to assess axial involvement in PsA. the GRAPPA croup, by consensus, has suggested that outcome measures and therapies for axial disease ill ankylosing spondylitis (AS) be used. This systematic review addresses the management of axial disease in PsA, and provides treatment recommendations based oil the AS literature.
We consider the competition between superconducting, charge ordered, and metallic phases in layered molecular crystals with the theta and beta" structures. Applying slave-boson theory to the relevant extended Hubbard model, we show that the superconductivity is mediated by charge fluctuations and the Cooper pairs have d(xy) symmetry. This is in contrast to the kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X family, for which theoretical calculations give superconductivity mediated by spin fluctuations and with d(x)2(-y)2 symmetry. We predict several materials that should become superconducting under pressure.
We present a resonating-valence-bond theory of superconductivity for the Hubbard-Heisenberg model on an anisotropic triangular lattice. Our calculations are consistent with the observed phase diagram of the half-filled layered organic superconductors, such as the beta, beta('), kappa, and lambda phases of (BEDT-TTF)(2)X [bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene] and (BETS)(2)X [bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene]. We find a first order transition from a Mott insulator to a d(x)(2)-y(2) superconductor with a small superfluid stiffness and a pseudogap with d(x)(2)-y(2) symmetry.
We demonstrate tomographic imaging of the refractive index of turbid media using bifocal optical coherence refractometry (BOCR). The technique, which is a variant of optical coherence tomography, is based on the measurement of the optical pathlength difference between two foci simultaneously present in a medium of interest. We describe a new method to axially shift the bifocal optical pathlength that avoids the need to physically relocate the objective lens or the sample during an axial scan, and present an experimental realization based on an adaptive liquid-crystal lens. We present experimental results, including video clips, which demonstrate refractive index tomography of a range of turbid liquid phantoms, as well as of human skin in vivo.