50 resultados para Autonomic modulation
In primates, the observation of meaningful, goaldirected actions engages a network of cortical areas located within the premotor and inferior parietal lobules. Current models suggest that activity within these regions arises relatively automatically during passive action observation without the need for topdown control. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine whether cortical activit)' associated with action observation is modulated by the strategic allocation of selective attention. Normal observers viewed movie clips of reach-to-grasp actions while performing an easy or difficult visual discrimination at the fovea. A wholebrain analysis was performed to determine the effects of attentional load on neural responses to observed hand actions. Our results suggest that cortical areas involved in action observation are significantiy modulated by attentional load. These findings have important implications for recent attempts to link the human action-observation system to response properties of "mirror neurons" in monkeys.
Pathological inattention following parietal damage causes perceptual impairments for visual stimuli in the contralesional hemifield. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine visual cortex activity in parietal patients as they performed a spatial attention task. Righthemisphere patients and healthy controls viewed counterphasing checkerboards in which coloured targets appeared briefly within the contralesional and ipsilesional hemifields. In separate fMRI runs participants focused their attention covertiy on the left or right hemifield, or on both hemifields concurrentiy. They were required to detect coloured targets that appeared briefly within the attended hemifield(s), and to withhold responses to distractor stimuli. Neural activit}' was significantly attenuated in early visual areas within the damaged hemisphere. Crucially, although attention significantiy modulated early visual activit}' within the intact (left) hemisphere, there was relatively littie modulation of activity within the affected hemisphere. Our findings suggest that parietal lesions alter early cortical responses to contralesional visual inputs.
Emotional accounts of startle modulation predict that startle is facilitated if elicited during aversive foreground stimuli. Attentional accounts hold that startle is enhanced if startle-eliciting stimulus and foreground stimulus are in the same modality. Visual and acoustic foreground stimuli and acoustic startle probes were employed in aversive differential conditioning and in a stimulus discrimination task. Differential conditioning was evident in electrodermal responses and blink latency shortening in both modalities, but effects on magnitude facilitation were found only for visual stimuli. In the discrimination task, skin conductance responses, blink latency shortening, and blink magnitude facilitation were larger during to-be-attended stimuli regardless of stimulus modality. The present results support the notion that attention and emotion can affect blink startle modulation during foreground stimuli.
In human heart there is now evidence for the involvement of four beta-adrenoceptor populations, three identical to the recombinant beta(1)-, beta(2)- and beta(3)-adrenoceptors, and a fourth as yet uncloned putative beta-adrenoceptor population, which we designate provisionally as the cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor. This review described novel features of beta-adrenoceptors as modulators of cardiac systolic and diastolic function. We also discuss evidence for modulation by unoccupied beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors. Human cardiac and recombinant beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors are both mainly coupled to adenylyl cyclase through Gs protein, the latter more tightly than the former. Activation of both human beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors not only increases cardiac force during systole but also hastens relaxation through cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation of phospholamban and troponin I, thereby facilitating diastolic function. Furthermore, both beta(1) and beta(2)-adrenoceptors can mediate experimental arrhythmias in human cardiac preparations elicited by noradrenaline and adrenaline. Human ventricular beta(3)-adrenoceptors appear to be coupled to a pertussis toxin-sensitive protein (Gi?). beta(3)-Adrenoceptor-selective agonists shorten the action potential and cause cardiodepression, suggesting direct coupling of a Gi protein to a K+ channel. In a variety of species, including man, cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors mediate cardiostimulant effects of non-conventional partial agonists, i.e. high affinity beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptor blockers that cause agonist effects at concentrations considerably higher than those that block these receptors. Putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors appear to be coupled positively to a cyclic AMP-dependent cascade and can undergo some desensitisation.
The present study aimed to demonstrate conditioned inhibition of Pavlovian conditioning of autonomic responses in humans. Subjects (N = 21) were presented initially with four geometric shapes (A, B, C and D). An electric shock served as the unconditioned stimulus (US) during acquisition. Conditional stimuli lasted for 8 s and US onset coincided with CS offset. Subjects were trained with A-US, C-US, and AC-US pairings and AB alone and B alone presentations. The subsequent summation test consisted of C-US pairings and CB alone and CD alone presentations. Conditioning was evident in self-reported US expectancy and first and second interval electrodermal responses. Evidence for conditioned inhibition during the summation test was found in US expectancy and second interval electrodermal responses. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Latent inhibition, retarded learning after preexposure to the to-be-conditioned stimulus, has been implied as a tool for the investigation of attentional deficits in schizophrenia and related disorders. The present paper reviews research that used Pavlovian conditioning as indexed by autonomic responses (electrodermal, vasomotor, cardiac) to investigate latent inhibition in adult humans. Latent inhibition has been demonstrated repeatedly in healthy subjects in absence of a masking task that is required in other latent inhibition paradigms. Moreover, latent inhibition of Pavlovian conditioning is stimulus-specific and increases with an increased number of preexposure trials which mirrors results from research in animals. A reduction of latent inhibition has been shown in healthy subjects who score high on questionnaire measures of psychosis proneness and in unmedicated schizophrenic patients. The latter result was obtained in a within-subject paradigm that holds promise for research with patient samples. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Information processing accounts propose that autonomic orienting reflects the amount of resources allocated to process a stimulus. However, secondary task reaction time (RT), a supposed measure of processing resources, has shown a dissociation from autonomic orienting. The present study tested the hypothesis that secondary task RT reflects a serial processing mechanism. Participants (N = 24) were presented with circle and ellipse shapes and asked to count the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and to ignore presentations of a second shape (task-irrelevant). Concurrent with the counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to an auditory probe presented at either a high or low intensity and at two different probe positions following shape onset (50 and 300 ms). Electrodermal orienting was larger during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes, but secondary task RT to the high-intensity probe was slower during the latter. In addition, an underadditive interaction between probe stimulus intensity and probe position was found in secondary RT. The findings are consistent with a serial processing model of secondary RT and suggest that the notion of processing stages should be incorporated into current information-processing models of autonomic orienting.
The present research investigated attentional blink startle modulation at lead intervals of 60, 240 and 3500 ms. Letters printed in Gothic or standard fonts, which differed in rated interest, but not valence, served as lead stimuli. Experiment I established that identifying letters as vowels/consonants took longer than reading the letters and that performance in both tasks was slower if letters were printed in Gothic font. In Experiment 2, acoustic blink eliciting stimuli were presented 60, 240 and 3500 ms after onset of the letters in Gothic and in standard font and during intertrial intervals. Half the participants (Group Task) were asked to identify the letters as vowels/consonants whereas the others (Group No-Task) did not perform a task. Relative to control responses, blinks during letters were facilitated at 60 and 3500 ms lead intervals and inhibited at the 240 ms lead interval for both conditions in Group Task. Differences in blink modulation across lead intervals were found in Group No-Task only during Gothic letters with blinks at the 3500 ms lead interval facilitated relative to control blinks. The present results confirm previous findings indicating that attentional processes can modulate startle at very short lead intervals. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The present research investigated blink startle modulation during the anticipation of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral pictures. In Experiment 1 (N = 18), participants were presented with three different tone-picture pairings. Tones differed in pitch and were followed by pleasant, neutral or unpleasant pictures. Acoustic blink reflexes were elicited during some tones and during stimulus free intervals. Blink facilitation during tones that preceded pleasant and unpleasant pictures was larger than during the tone that preceded neutral pictures. Experiment 2 (N = 10) assessed whether this difference was due to a difference in the presentation frequency of the three conditions. No difference in blink facilitation between the conditions was found when pictures of flowers and mushrooms replaced the pleasant and unpleasant pictures, indicating that picture content was instrumental in causing the differential blink facilitation in Experiment 1. The results from Experiment 1 seem to indicate that startle modulation during the anticipation of pictorial material reflects the interest in or the arousal associated with the pictures rather than picture valence.
Two experiments were conducted to assess simultaneously the effects of attentional and emotional processes on startle eyeblink modulation. In each experiment, participants were presented with a pleasant and an unpleasant picture. Half the participants were asked to attend to the pleasant picture and to ignore the unpleasant picture, whereas the reverse was the case for the other participants. Startle probes were presented at 3500 and 4500 ins after stimulus onset in Experiment I and at 250, 750, and 4450 ms after stimulus onset and 950 ms after stimulus offset in Experiment 2. Attentional processing affected startle eyeblink modulation and electrodermal responses in both experiments, However, effects of picture valence on startle eyeblink modulation were found only in Experiment 2. The results confirm the utility of startle eyeblink modulation as an index of attentional and emotional processing. They also illustrate that procedural characteristics, such as the nature of the lead intervals and how attention and emotion are operationalized, can determine whether emotional or attentional processes will be reflected in startle eyeblink.