44 resultados para Antibiotic Paste
The clinical use of potent, well-tolerated, broad-spectrum antibiotics has been paralleled by the development of resistance in bacteria, and the prevalence of highly resistant bacteria in some intensive care units is despairingly commonplace. The intensive care community faces the realistic prospect of untreatable nosocomial infections and should be searching for new approaches to diagnose and manage resistant bacteria. In this review, we discuss some of the relevant underlying biology, with a particular focus on genetic transfer vehicles and the relationship of selection pressure to their movements. It is an attempt to demystify the relevant language and concepts for the anaesthetist and intensivist, to explain some of the reasons for the emergence of resistance in bacteria, and to provide a contextual basis for discussion of management approaches such as selective decontamination and antibiotic cycling.
Aims: Identification of a gene for self-protection from the antibiotic-producing plant pathogen Xanthomonas albilineans, and functional testing by heterologous expression. Methods and Results: Albicidin antibiotics and phytotoxins are potent inhibitors of prokaryote DNA replication. A resistance gene (albF) isolated by shotgun cloning from the X. albilineans albicidin-biosynthesis region encodes a protein with typical features of DHA14 drug efflux pumps. Low-level expression of albF in Escherichia coli increased the MIC of albicidin 3000-fold, without affecting tsx-mediated albicidin uptake into the periplasm or resistance to other tested antibiotics. Bioinformatic analysis indicates more similarity to proteins involved in self-protection in polyketide-antibiotic-producing actinomycetes than to multi-drug resistance pumps in other Gram-negative bacteria. A complex promoter region may co-regulate albF with genes for hydrolases likely to be involved in albicidin activation or self-protection. Conclusions: AlbF is the first apparent single-component antibiotic-specific efflux pump from a Gram-negative antibiotic producer. It shows extraordinary efficiency as measured by resistance level conferred upon heterologous expression. Significance and Impact of the Study: Development of the clinical potential of albicidins as potent bactericidial antibiotics against diverse bacteria has been limited because of low yields in culture. Expression of albF with recently described albicidin-biosynthesis genes may enable large-scale production. Because albicidins are X. albilineans pathogenicity factors, interference with AlbF function is also an opportunity for control of the associated plant disease.
Background. Antibiotics are over-prescribed for respiratory tract infections in Australia. Objectives. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical predictors of GPs' prescribing of antibiotics. Methods. We used Clinical Judgment Analysis to study the responses of GPs to hypothetical paper-based vignettes of a 20-year-old with a respiratory tract infection. The nature of four symptoms and signs (colour of nasal mucous discharge; soreness of the throat; presence of fever; and whether any cough was productive of sputum) was varied and their effect on prescribing measured using logistic regression. Results. Twenty GPs participated. The nature of each symptom and sign significantly predicted prescribing of an antibiotic. Cough productive of yellow sputum; presence of sore throat; fever; and coloured nasal mucus increased the probability of an antibiotic being prescribed. Conclusions. GPs are influenced by clinical signs and symptoms to use antibiotics for respiratory infections for which there is poor evidence of efficacy from the literature.
Fluid shifts from intracellular to extracellular water (ICW to ECW) are a feature of sepsis, caused by increased vascular permeability and cell catabolism. Changes in ECW and total body water (TBW) were assessed in a prospective observational study of patients with bacteremia by a bedside technique, and its prognostic impact determined; In 78 hospital patients with fever, the resistance ratio (Rinf/RO) and estimated ECW/TBW ratio from multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, and serum albumin concentration were measured. Rinf/RO and ECW/TBW ratios decreased from day 0 to 2 in patients with significant bacteremia (n = 31), but not in patients with doubtful or negative blood cultures (n = 22 and 25), Increased Rinf/RO at baseline, and further increase of ECW/TBW from day 0 to 2, were associated with lower rate of recovery after 1 week and with higher mortality. Baseline Rinf/RO above the median (0.75) had positive and negative predictive values of 0.31 and 0.95 for death. This prognostic effect was independent of underlying disease and blood culture result in a multivariate model. Hypoalbuminemia at baseline was predictive of outcome, but changes in albumin from day 0 to 2 were unrelated to blood culture results or outcome. In patients with bacteremia,fluid shifts from intracellular to extracellular,vater occur early are rapidly reversible by antibiotic treatment but are associated with adverse prognosis. Bioelectrical impedance deserves further study as a tool for bedside monitoring of patients with bacteremia.
Two biotypes (A and B) of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infect the tropical legumes Stylosanthes spp. in Australia. These biotypes are asexual and vegetatively incompatible. However, field isolates of biotype B carrying a supernumerary 2-Mb chromosome, thought to originate from biotype A, have been reported previously. We tested the hypothesis that the 2-Mb chromosome could be transferred from biotype A to biotype B under laboratory conditions. Selectable marker genes conferring resistance to hygromycin and phleomycin were introduced into isolates of biotypes A and B, respectively. A transformant of biotype A, with the hygromycin resistance gene integrated on the 2-Mb chromosome, was cocultivated with phleomycin-resistant transformants of biotype B. Double antibiotic-resistant colonies were obtained from conidia of these mixed cultures at a frequency of approximately 10(-7). Molecular analysis using RFLPs, RAPDs, and electrophoretic karyotypes showed that these colonies contained the 2-Mb chromosome in a biotype B genetic background. In contrast, no double antibiotic colonies developed from conidia obtained from mixed cultures of phleomycin-resistant transformants of biotype B with biotype A transformants carrying the hygromycin resistance gene integrated in chromosomes >2 Mb in size. The results demonstrated that the 2-Mb chromosome was selectively transferred from biotype A to biotype B. The horizontal transfer of specific chromosomes across vegetative incompatibility barriers may explain the origin of supernumerary chromosomes in fungi.
Transposon mutagenesis and complementation studies previously identified a gene (xabB) for a large (526 kDa) polyketide-peptide synthase required for biosynthesis of albicidin antibiotics and phytotoxins in the sugarcane leaf scald pathogen Xanthomonas albilineans. A cistron immediately downstream from xabB encodes a polypeptide of 343 aa containing three conserved motifs characteristic of a family of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)-dependent O-methyltransferases. Insertional mutagenesis and complementation indicate that the product of this cistron (designated xabC) is essential for albicidin production, and that there is no other required downstream cistron. The xab promoter region is bidirectional, and insertional mutagenesis of the first open reading frame (ORF) in the divergent gene also blocks albicidin biosynthesis. This divergent ORF (designated thp) encodes a protein of 239 aa displaying high similarity to several IS21-like transposition helper proteins. The thp cistron is not located in a recognizable transposon, and is probably a remnant from a past transposition event that may have contributed to the development of the albicidin biosynthetic gene cluster. Failure of 'in trans' complementation of rhp indicates that a downstream cistron transcribed with thp is required for albicidin biosynthesis. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A loose abrasive lapping technology was developed for truing and dressing ultrafine diamond cup wheels for grinding spherical end faces of fibre optic connectors. The relative densities of exposed grits and grit pull-outs measured from wheel surfaces prepared using the loose abrasive lapping and the bonded abrasive dressing were compared. It was found that the lapping method with loose abrasives produced wheel surfaces with more exposed grits and less grit pull-outs, especially for finer grit size wheels. For dressing ultrafine grit size wheels, the particle size of the lapping paste should be smaller than the wheel grit size to achieve a better result. It is also found that the wheels dressed using the lapping method demonstrate an excellent grinding performance. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
The settling characteristics of cell debris and inclusion bodies prior to, and following, fractionation in a disc-stack centrifuge were measured using Cumulative Sedimentation Analysis (CSA) and Centrifugal Disc photosedimentation (CDS). The impact of centrifuge feedrate and repeated homogenisation on both cell debris and inclusion body collection efficiency was investigated. Increasing the normalised centrifuge feedrate (Q/Sigma) from 1.32 x 10(-9) m s(-1) to 3.97 x 10(-9) m s(-1) leads to a 36% increase in inclusion body paste purity. Purity may also be improved by repeated homogenisation. Increasing the number of homogeniser passes results in smaller cell debris size whilst leaves inclusion body size unaltered. At a normalised centrifuge feedrate of 2.65 x 10(-9) m s(-1), increasing the number of homogeniser passes from two (2) to ten (10) improved overall inclusion body paste purity by 58%. Grade-efficiency curves for both the cell debris and inclusion bodies have also been generated in this study. The data are described using an equation developed by Mannweiler (1989) with parameters of k = 0.15-0.26 and n = 2.5-2.6 for inclusion bodies, and k = 0.12-0.14 and n = 2.0-2.2 for cell debris. This is the first accurate experimentally-determined grade efficiency curve for cell debris. Previous studies have simply estimated debris grade efficiency curves using an approximate debris size distribution and grade efficiency curves determined with 'ideal particles' (e.g. spherical PVA particles). The findings of this study may be used to simulate and optimise the centrifugal fractionation of inclusion bodies from cell debris.
Bacteria phenotypically resembling members of the phylogenetically distinct planctomycete group of the domain Bacteria were isolated from postlarvae of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon. A selective medium designed in the light of planctomycete antibiotic resistance characteristics was used for this isolation. Planctomycetes were isolated from both healthy and monodon baculovirus-infected prawn postlarvae, The predominant colony type recovered from postlarvae regardless of viral infection status was nonpigmented. Other, less commonly observed types were pink or orange pigmented, A planctomycete-specific 16S rRNA-directed probe was designed and used to screen the isolates for their identity as planctomycetes prior to molecular phylogenetic characterization. 16S rRNA genes from nine prawn isolates together with two planctomycete reference strains (Planctomyces brasiliensis and Gemmata obscuriglobus) were sequenced and compared with reference sequences from the planctomycetes and other members of the domain Bacteria, Phylogenetic analyses and sequence signatures of the 16S rRNA genes demonstrated that the prawn isolates were members of the planctomycete group, Five representatives of the predominant nonpigmented colony type were members of the Pirellula group within the planctomycetes, as were three pink-pigmented colony type representatives. Homology values and tree topology indicated that representatives of the nonpigmented and pink-pigmented colony types formed two discrete clusters within the Pirellula group, not identical to any known Pirellula species, A sole representative of the orange colony type was a member of the Planctomyces group, virtually identical in 16S rDNA sequence to P. brasiliensis, and exhibited distinctive morphology.
Previous research has indicated that biotypes A and B of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides that infect Stylosanthes spp. in Australia are asexual and vegetatively incompatible. Selectable marker genes conferring resistance either to hygromycin or phleomycin were introduced into isolates of these biotypes. Vectors conferring resistance to hygromycin and carrying telomeric sequences from Fusarium oxysporum replicated autonomously in C. gloeosporioides and gave frequencies of transformation 100-times higher than vectors that integrated into the genome. Monoconidial colonies resistant to both antibiotics were recovered when hygromycin-resistant biotype-A transformants carrying an autonomously replicating vector were paired in culture with a phleomycin-resistant biotype-B transformant carrying integrative vector sequences. Molecular analysis of double antibiotic-resistant progeny indicated that they contained the autonomous vector in a biotype-B genetic background, Results indicate that transfer of the autonomous vector had occurred from biotype A to biotype B, demonstrating the potential for transfer of genetic information between these biotypes.