48 resultados para Angier, Carole
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Capturing the voices of women when the issue is of a sensitive nature has been a major concern of feminist researchers. It has often been argued that interpretive methods are the most appropriate way to collect such information, but there are other appropriate ways to approach the design of research. This article explores the use of a mixed-method approach to collect data on incontinence in older women and argues for the use of a variety of creative approaches to collect and analyze data.
Gnathostome vertebrate remains from fine-grained sandstones of the Silverband Formation in the Grampians, Victoria include dissociated fin spines, scales and teeth. These elements arc assigned herein to the acanthodians Sinacanthus? micracanthus (fin spines) and Radioporacanthodes sp. cf. R. qujingensis (scales and tooth whorls). This fauna indicates a Late Silurian (?late Ludlow) age for the vertebrate-beating Stratum. Under current systematic groupings, the two gnathostome taxa from the Silverband Formation belong to two different families, the Sinacanthidae and the Poracanthodidae. However. the preserved association could indicate that the three element types derived from the same biological species. The possibility that the Sinacanthidae is a sister group to the Climatiidae and the Poracanthodidae is raised by this scenario. The Sinacanthidae is tentatively reassigned to the Acanthodii, as it is considered to lack diagnostic chondrichthyan characters.
Anderson theorizes that development of the aquaculture of a fish species (also captured in an open-access fishery) favours the conservation of its wild stocks, if competitive market conditions prevail. However, his theory is subject to significant limitations. While this is less so within his model, it is particularly so in an extended one outlined here. These other models allow for the possibility that aquaculture development can impact negatively on wild stocks thereby shifting the supply curve of the capture fishery, or raise the demand for the fish species subject both to aquaculture and capture. Such development can threaten wild fish stocks and their biodiversity. While aquaculture development could in principle have no impact on the biodiversity of wild stocks or even raise aquatic biodiversity overall, its impact in the long-term probably will be one of reducing aquatic diversity both in the wild and overall. The development of aquaculture does not automatically ensure long-term sustainability of fish and other aquatic supplies.
Lepidotrichia are dermal elements located at the distal margin of osteichthyan fins. In sarcopterygians and actinopterygians, the term has been used to denote the most distal bony hemisegments and also the more proximal, scale-covered segments which overlie endochondral bones of the fin. In certain sarcopterygian fishes, including the Rhizodontida, these more proximal, basal segments are very long, extending at least half the length of the fin. The basal segments have a subcircular cross section, rather than the crescentic cross section of the distal lepidotrichial hemisegments, which lack a scale cover and comprise short, generally regular, elements. In rhizodonts and other sarcopterygians, e.g. Eusthenopteron, the basal elements are the first to appear during fin development, followed by the endochondral bones and then the distal lepidotrichia. This sequence contradicts the 'clock-face model' of fin development proposed by Thorogood in which the formation of endochondral bones is followed by development of lepidotrichia. However, if elongate basal 'lepidotrichia' are not homologous with more distal, jointed lepidotrichia and if the latter form within a distal fin-fold and the former outside this fold, then Thorogood's 'clock-face' model remains valid. This interpretation might indicate that the fin-fold has been lost in early digited stem-tetrapods such as Acanthostega and Ichthyostega and elongate basal elements, but not true lepidotrichia, occur in the caudal fins of these taxa.
The structure of two small ossified optic capsules from mid-Palaeozoic placoderm fishes has been revealed in fine detail, by the use of Xray microtomography analysis and 3D visualisation software. These two specimens are 410 million-year-old; they were collected from an Early Devonian (Lochkovian) limestone in central New South Wales, and are the oldest known optic capsules from jawed fishes. The capsules show attachment areas for seven extrinsic eye muscles, rather than the six until recently deemed universal for gnathostomes. The analysis also revealed structures within the ossified cartilage which covered the medial surface of the eyeball, including nerve tracts, vascular canals, and possibly a choroid rete mirabile. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new species of Gyracanthides from the mid-Visean Ducabrook Formation of Middle Paddock site, near Springsure in the Drummond Basin, central Queensland, is based on isolated three-dimensionally preserved elements. The specimens comprise paired and unpaired spines and pectoral girdle elements, procoracoids and scapulocoracoids, and include growth series. The morphology, especially of the shoulder girdle bones and the form and tubercular ornamentation of the paired fin spines, is used to distinguish the new taxon. These characters also help differentiate the numerous described gyracanthid species. Aspects of palaeobiology including possible sexual dimorphism are explored. A hypothetical reconstruction of the fish is based on our interpretation of the articulation of isolated elements combined with examination of wear patterns on fin spines. Gyracanthides hawkinsi sp. nov. is compared with other Australian taxa as well as with gyracanthids from North America, Europe, Russia, Iran, Africa and Antarctica, some of which are tentatively reassigned here to the Gondwanan genus Gyracanthides.
RNA replicons offer a number of qualities which make them attractive as vaccination vectors. Both alphavirus and flavivirus replicon vaccines have been investigated in preclinical models yet there has been little direct comparison of the two vector systems. To determine whether differences in the biology of the two vectors influence immunogenicity, we compared two prototypic replicon vectors based on Semliki Forest virus (SFV) (alphavirus) and Kunjin virus (KUN) (flavivirus). Both vectors when delivered as naked RNAs elicited comparable CD8+ T cell responses but the SFV vectors elicited greater humoral responses to an encoded cytoplasmic antigen beta-galactosidase. Studies in MHC class II-deficient mice revealed that neither vector could overcome the dependence of CD4+ T cell help in the development of humoral and cellular responses following immunization. These studies indicate that the distinct biology of the two replicon systems may differentially impact the adaptive immune response and this may need to be considered when designing vaccination strategies. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
De Ishtar discusses ways in which Whites could develop research epistemologies and methodologies which responded to and reflected those being developed by Indigenous researchers across Australia and around the world. She details her own explorations in developing a methodology which enabled her to work in collaboration with a group of Indigenous women elders from Western Australia's Great Sandy Desert. She stresses that if collaborative research with Indigenous women is to be possible, White feminists must learn how to do research which is culturally unobtrusive, and that means taking responsibility for their own cultural practices, attitudes and values.