32 resultados para American Medical Association
The relationship be thickness and time tween melanoma to diagnosis in a large population-based study
Context: The relationships among the different eating disorders that exist in the community are poorly understood, especially for residual disorders in which bingeing or purging occurs in the absence of other behaviors. Objective: To examine a community sample for the number of mutually exclusive weight and eating profiles. Design: Data regarding lifetime eating disorder symptoms and weight range were submitted to a latent profile analysis. Profiles were compared regarding personality, current eating and weight, retrospectively reported life events, and lifetime depressive psychopathology. Setting: Longitudinal study among female twins from the Australian Twin Registry in whom eating was assessed by a telephone interview. Participants: A community sample of 1002 twins (individuals) who had participated in earlier waves of data collection. Main Outcome Measures: Number and clinical character of latent profiles. Results: The best fit was a 5-profile solution with women who were (1) of normal weight with few lifetime eating disorders (4.3%), (2) overweight (10.6% had a lifetime eating disorder), (3) underweight and generally had no eating disorders except for 5.3% who had restricting anorexia nervosa, (4) of low to normal weight (89.0% had a lifetime eating disorder), and (5) obese (37.0% had a lifetime eating disorder). Each profile contained more than 1 type of lifetime eating disorder except for the third profile. Women in the first and third profiles had the best functioning, with women in the fourth and fifth profiles having similarly poorer functioning. The women in the fourth group had a symptom profile distinctive from the other 4 groups in terms of severity; they were also more likely to have had lifetime major depression and suicidality. Conclusion: Lifetime weight ranges and the severity of eating disorder symptoms affected clustering more than the type of eating disorder symptom.
Objectives: To systematically review radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for treating liver tumors. Data Sources: Databases were searched in July 2003. Study Selection: Studies comparing RFA with other therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and colorectal liver metastases (CLM) plus selected case series for CLM. Data Extraction: One researcher used standardized data extraction tables developed before the study, and these were checked by a second researcher. Data Synthesis: For HCC, 1.3 comparative studies were included, 4 of which were randomized, controlled trials. For CLM, 13 studies were included, 2 of which were nonrandomized comparative studies and 11 that were case series. There did not seem to be any distinct differences in the complication rates between RFA and any of the other procedures for treatment of HCC. The local recurrence rate at 2 years showed a statistically significant benefit for RFA over percutaneous ethanol injection for treatment of HCC (6% vs 26%, 1 randomized, controlled trial). Local recurrence was reported to be more common after RFA than after laser-induced thermotherapy, and a higher recurrence rate and a shorter time to recurrence were dassociated with RFA compared with surgical resection (1 nonrandomized study each). For CLM, the postoperative complication rate ranged from 0% to 33% (3 case series). Survival after diagnosis was shorter in the CLM group treated with RFA than in the surgical resection group (1 nonrandomized study). The CLM local recurrence rate after RFA ranged from 4% to 55% (6 case series). Conclusions: Radiofrequency ablation may be more effective than other treatments in terms of less recurrence of HCC and may be as sale, although the evidence is scant. There was not enough evidence to determine the safety or efficacy of RFA for treatment of CLM.
Background: The frequencies with which physicians make different medical end-of-life decisions (ELDs) may differ between countries, but comparison between countries has been difficult owing to the use of dissimilar research methods. Methods: A written questionnaire was sent to a random sample of physicians from 9 specialties in 6 European countries and Australia to investigate possible differences in the frequencies of physicians' willingness to perform ELDs and to identify predicting factors. Response rates ranged from 39% to 68% (N= 10 139). Using hypothetical cases, physicians were asked whether they would ( probably) make each of 4 ELDs. Results: In all the countries, 75% to 99% of physicians would withhold chemotherapy or intensify symptom treatment at the request of a patient with terminal cancer. In most cases, more than half of all physicians would also be willing to deeply sedate such a patient until death. However, there was generally less willingness to administer drugs with the explicit intention of hastening death at the request of the patient. The most important predictor of ELDs was a request from a patient with decisional capacity (odds ratio, 2.1-140.0). Shorter patient life expectancy and uncontrollable pain were weaker predictors but were more stable across countries and across the various ELDs (odds ratios, 1.1-2.4 and 0.9-2.4, respectively). Conclusion: Cultural and legal factors seem to influence the frequencies of different ELDs and the strength of their determinants across countries, but they do not change the essence of decision making.
Objective: To perform a multicenter review of the clinical features and treatment of 31 patients with idiopathic sclerosing orbital inflammation. Methods: We included all patients with histologically confirmed idiopathic sclerosing orbital inflammation from 5 regional orbital centers. We reviewed the case notes to determine the clinical presentation, diagnostic features, and response to treatment. The main outcome measures were duration and nature of symptoms, anatomical location of disease, histopathological findings, treatment modalities, treatment efficacy and adverse effects, and final clinical status. Results: We included 13 male and 18 female patients ranging in age from 7 to 83 years. The average duration of symptoms at presentation was 13.4 months. There was a predilection for the lateral and superior quadrants. Thirteen patients had apical disease, and 4 had extraorbital involvement. Histopathological findings invariably showed sclerosis associated with a sparse mixed cellular infiltrate. Twenty- seven patients were treated with oral prednisolone, response to which was good in 9 patients, partial in 11, and poor in 7. Six patients were treated with a second- line immunosuppressive agent, and 6 received radiotherapy. The response to radiotherapy was generally poor. Conclusions: Idiopathic sclerosing orbital inflammation is a rare condition that can be difficult to diagnose and manage. Early intervention with immunosuppression in the form of corticosteroids combinedwith secondline agents can result in control and even regression of the disease.
Parental divorce is associated with problematic offspring adjustment, but the relation may be due to shared genetic or environmental factors. One way to test for these confounds is to study offspring of twins discordant for divorce. The current analyses used this design to separate the mechanisms responsible for the association between parental divorce, experienced either before or after the age of 16, and offspring well-being. The results were consistent with a causal role of divorce in earlier initiation of sexual intercourse and emotional difficulties, in addition to a greater probability of educational problems, depressed mood, and suicidal ideation. In contrast, the increased risk for cohabitation and earlier initiation of drug use was explained by selection factors, including genetic confounds.
Conclusions about the effects of harsh parenting on children have been limited by research designs that cannot control for genetic or shared environmental confounds. The present study used a sample of children of twins and a hierarchical linear modeling statistical approach to analyze the consequences of varying levels of punishment while controlling for many confounding influences. The sample of 887 twin pairs and 2,554 children came from the Australian Twin Registry. Although corporal punishment per se did not have significant associations with negative childhood outcomes, harsher forms of physical punishment did appear to have specific and significant effects. The observed association between harsh physical punishment and negative outcomes in children survived a relatively rigorous test of its causal status, thereby increasing the authors' conviction that harsh physical punishment is a serious risk factor for children.
Objective-To evaluate the haplotype distribution associated with the copper toxicosis gene and the segregation of the mutated allele in a Bedlington Terrier population in Australia. Animals-131 Bedlington Terriers. Procedure-Samples of DNA and RNA were obtained from each dog. Genetic status of each dog was evaluated by use of the DNA markers C04107; single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), which was adjacent to exon 2 of Murr1; and a deletion marker for exon 2. A subgroup of the study population was evaluated by use of biochemical and histologic techniques to elucidate the correlation between genotype and phenotype. Results-We identified a recombination between the C04107 marker and Murr1 and a variation in a nucleotide in the splice site of exon 2 in our Bedlington Terrier cohort. Furthermore, we identified a novel haplotype associated with copper toxicosis in this cohort. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Our findings indicate that the deletion of exon 2 was not the sole cause of copper toxicosis, although only exon 2 deletion of Murr1 has been responsible for copper toxicosis in Bedlington Terriers. Although we failed to find a novel mutation in our cohort, we identified an affected dog family with an intact exon 2. Furthermore, we found that an SNP in the 5' splicing site of exon 2 may or may not be associated with a novel mutation of the Murr1 gene or other genes. Loss of linkage between the C04107 marker and the Murr1 gene was also identified in a certain family of dogs.
Dendrimers are nonviral vectors that have attracted interest on account of a number of features. They are structurally versatile because their size, shape, and surface charge can be selectively altered. Here we examine the functions of a new family of composite dendrimers that were synthesized with lipidic amino acid cores. These dendrimers are bifunctional because they are characterized by positively charged (lysine) modules for interaction with nucleic acids and neutral lipidic moieties for membrane lipid-bilayer transit. We assessed their structure-function correlations by a combination of molecular and biophysical techniques. Our assessment revealed an unexpected pleitropy of functions subserved by these vectors that included plasmid and oligonucleotide delivery. We also generated a firefly luciferase cell line in which we could modulate luciferase activity by RNA interference. We found that these vectors could also mediate RNA suppression of luciferase expression by delivering double-stranded luciferase transcripts generated in vitro. The structural uniqueness of these lipidic peptide dendrimers coupled with their ease and specificity of assembly and the versatility in their choice of cargo, puts them in a new category of macromolecule carriers. These vectors, therefore, have potential applications as epigenetic modifiers of gene function. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.
Girls who grow up in households with an unrelated adult male reach menarche earlier than peers, a finding hypothesized to be an evolutionary strategy for families under stress. The authors tested the alternative hypothesis that nonrandom selection into stepfathering due to shared environmental and/or genetic predispositions creates a spurious relation between stepfathering and early menarche. Using the unique controls for genetic and shared environmental experiences offered by the children-of-twins design, the authors found that cousins discordant for stepfathering did not differ in age of menarche. Moreover, controlling for mother's age of menarche eliminated differences in menarcheal age associated with stepfathering in unrelated girls. These findings strongly suggest selection, and not causation, accounts for the relationship between stepfathering and early menarche.
Long-term persistence of multi-drug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Newport in two dairy herds
Objective - To evaluate the association between maintaining joint hospital and maternity pens;and persistence of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella enterica serovar Newport on 2 dairy farms. Design - Observational study. Sample Population - Feces and environmental samples from 2 dairy herds. Procedure - Herds were monitored for fecal shedding of S enterica Newport after outbreaks of clinical disease. Fecal and environmental samples were collected approximately monthly from pens housing sick cows and calving cows and from pens containing lactating cows. Cattle shedding the organism were tested serially on subsequent visits to determine carrier status. One farm was resampled after initiation of interventional procedures, including separation of hospital and maternity pens. Isolates were characterized via serotyping, determination of antimicrobial resistance phenotype, detection of the CMY-2 gene, and DNA fingerprinting. Results - The prevalence (32.4% and 33.3% on farms A and B, respectively) of isolating Salmonella from samples from joint hospital-maternity pens was significantly higher than the prevalence in samples from pens housing preparturient cows (0.8%, both farms) and postparturient cows on Farm B (8.8%). Multi-drug-resistant Salmonella Newport was isolated in high numbers from bedding material, feed refusals, lagoon slurry, and milk filters. One cow excreted the organism for 190 days. Interventional procedures yielded significant reductions in the prevalences of isolating the organism from fecal and environmental samples. Most isolates were of the C2 serogroup and were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Management practices may be effective at reducing the persistence of MDR Salmonella spp in dairy herds, thus mitigating animal and public health risk.