177 resultados para Alzheimers disease
Lateral ventricular volumes based on segmented brain MR images can be significantly underestimated if partial volume effects are not considered. This is because a group of voxels in the neighborhood of lateral ventricles is often mis-classified as gray matter voxels due to partial volume effects. This group of voxels is actually a mixture of ventricular cerebro-spinal fluid and the white matter and therefore, a portion of it should be included as part of the lateral ventricular structure. In this note, we describe an automated method for the measurement of lateral ventricular volumes on segmented brain MR images. Image segmentation was carried in combination of intensity correction and thresholding. The method is featured with a procedure for addressing mis-classified voxels in the surrounding of lateral ventricles. A detailed analysis showed that lateral ventricular volumes could be underestimated by 10 to 30% depending upon the size of the lateral ventricular structure, if mis-classified voxels were not included. Validation of the method was done through comparison with the averaged manually traced volumes. Finally, the merit of the method is demonstrated in the evaluation of the rate of lateral ventricular enlargement. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Alcoholism is a major health problem in Western countries, yet relatively little is known about the mechanisms by which chronic alcohol abuse causes the pathologic changes associated with the disease. It is likely that chronic alcoholism affects a number of signaling cascades and transcription factors, which in turn result in distinct gene expression patterns. These patterns are difficult to detect by traditional experiments measuring a few mRNAs at a time, but are well suited to microarray analyses. We used cDNA microarrays to analyze expression of approximately 10 000 genes in the frontal and motor cortices of three groups of chronic alcoholic and matched control cases. A functional hierarchy was devised for classification of brain genes and the resulting groups were compared based on differential expression. Comparison of gene expression patterns in these brain regions revealed a selective reprogramming of gene expression in distinct functional groups. The most pronounced differences were found in myelin-related genes and genes involved in protein trafficking. Significant changes in the expression of known alcohol-responsive genes, and genes involved in calcium, cAMP, and thyroid signaling pathways were also identified. These results suggest that multiple pathways may be important for neuropathology and altered neuronal function observed in alcoholism.
The selective loss of neurones in a range of neurodegenerative diseases is widely thought to involve the process of excitotoxicity, in which glutamate-mediated neuronal killing is elaborated through the excessive stimulation of cell-surface receptors. Every such disease exhibits a distinct regional and subregional pattern of neuronal loss. so processes must be locally triggered to different extents to account for this. We have studied several mechanisms which could lead to excitotoxic glutamate pathophysiology and compared them in different diseases. Our data suggest that glutamate can reach toxic extracellular levels in Alzheimer disease by malfunctions in cellular transporters, and that the toxicity may be exacerbated by continued glutamate release from presynaptic neurones acting on hypersensitive postsynaptic receptors. Thus the excitotoxicity is direct. In contrast, alcoholic brain damage arises in regions where GABA-mediated inhibition is deficient, and fails properly to dampen trans-synaptic excitation, Thus the excitotoxicity is indirect. A variety of such mechanisms is possible, which may combine in different ways.
A detailed analysis procedure is described for evaluating rates of volumetric change in brain structures based on structural magnetic resonance (MR) images. In this procedure, a series of image processing tools have been employed to address the problems encountered in measuring rates of change based on structural MR images. These tools include an algorithm for intensity non-uniforniity correction, a robust algorithm for three-dimensional image registration with sub-voxel precision and an algorithm for brain tissue segmentation. However, a unique feature in the procedure is the use of a fractional volume model that has been developed to provide a quantitative measure for the partial volume effect. With this model, the fractional constituent tissue volumes are evaluated for voxels at the tissue boundary that manifest partial volume effect, thus allowing tissue boundaries be defined at a sub-voxel level and in an automated fashion. Validation studies are presented on key algorithms including segmentation and registration. An overall assessment of the method is provided through the evaluation of the rates of brain atrophy in a group of normal elderly subjects for which the rate of brain atrophy due to normal aging is predictably small. An application of the method is given in Part 11 where the rates of brain atrophy in various brain regions are studied in relation to normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to assess the variation between neuropathologists in the diagnosis of common dementia syndromes when multiple published protocols are applied. Fourteen out of 18 Australian neuropathologists participated in diagnosing 20 cases (16 cases of dementia, 4 age-matched controls) using consensus diagnostic methods. Diagnostic criteria, clinical synopses and slides from multiple brain regions were sent to participants who were asked for case diagnoses. Diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, accuracy and variability were determined using percentage agreement and kappa statistics. Using CERAD criteria, there was a high inter-rater agreement for cases with probable and definite Alzheimer's disease but low agreement for cases with possible Alzheimer's disease. Braak staging and the application of criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies also resulted in high inter-rater agreement. There was poor agreement for the diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia and for identifying small vessel disease. Participants rarely diagnosed more than one disease in any case. To improve efficiency when applying multiple diagnostic criteria, several simplifications were proposed and tested on 5 of the original 210 cases. Inter-rater reliability for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies significantly improved. Further development of simple and accurate methods to identify small vessel lesions and diagnose frontotemporal dementia is warranted.
This article contains the proceedings of a symposium at the 2002 RSA/ISBRA Meeting in San Francisco, organized and chaired by Clive Harper and co-chaired by Izuru Matsumoto. The presentations were (1) Introduction, by Clive Harper; (2) The quality of tissue-a critical issue, by Therese Garrick; (3) The first systematic brain tissue donor program in Japan, by Izuru Matsumoto; (4) Brain scans after death-really! by Adolf Pfefferbaum, Elfar Adalsteinsson, and Edith Sullivan; (5) Capture that (genial) expression, by Joanne Lewohl and Peter Dodd; and (6) Neurochemical/pharmacological studies: experimental design and limitations, by Roger Butterworth.
Australian research in psychiatric genetics covers molecular genetic studies of depression, anxiety, alcohol dependence, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. For each disorder, a variety of clinical cohorts have been recruited including affected sib pair families, trios, case/controls, and twins from a large population-based twin registry. These studies are taking place both independently and in collaboration with international groups. Microarray studies now complement DNA investigations, while animal models are in development An Australian government genome facility provides a high throughput genotyping and mutation detection service to the Australian scientific community, enhancing the contribution of Australian psychiatric genetics groups to gene discovery. (C) 2003 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
The prevalence of dementia is growing in developed countries where elderly patients are increasing in numbers. Neurotransmission modulation is one approach to the treatment of dementia. Cholinergic precursors, anticholinesterases, nicotine receptor agonists and muscarinic M-2 receptor antagonists are agents that enhance cholinergic neurotransmission and that depend on having some intact cholinergic innervation to be effective in the treatment of dementia. The cholinergic precursor choline alfoscerate may be emerging as a potential useful drug in the treatment of dementia, with few adverse effects. Of the anticholinesterases, donepezil, in addition to having a similar efficacy to tacrine in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD), appears to have major advantages; its use is associated with lower drop-out rates in clinical trials, a lower incidence of cholinergic-like side effects and no liver toxicity. Rivastigmine is efficacious in the treatment in dementia with Lewy bodies, a condition in which the other anticholinesterases have not been tested extensively to date. Galantamine is an anticholinesterase and also acts as an allosteric potentiating modulator at nicotinic receptors to increase the release of acetylcholine. Pooled data from clinical trials of patients with mild-to-moderate AD suggest that the benefits and safety profile of galantamine are similar to those of the anticholinesterases. Selective nicotine receptor agonists are being developed that enhance cognitive performance without influencing autonomic and skeletal muscle function, but these have not yet entered clinical trial for dementia. Unlike the cholinergic enhancers, the M, receptor agonists do not depend upon intact cholinergic nerves but on intact M, receptors for their action, which are mainly preserved in AD and dementia with Lewy bodies. The M, receptor-selective agonists developed to date have shown limited efficacy in clinical trials and have a high incidence of side effects. A major recent advancement in the treatment of dementia is memantine, a non-competitive antagonist at NMDA receptors. Memantine is beneficial in the treatment of severe and moderate to-severe AD and may also be of some benefit in the treatment of mild-to-moderate vascular dementia. Drugs that modulate 5-HT, somatostatin and noradrenergic neurotransmission are also being considered for the treatment of dementia.
Neuropsychiatric complications are common in patients with chronic hepatitis C undergoing treatment with interferon alpha. These side effects include alterations of mood, cognition, and neuroendocrine function and are unpredictable. In a number of neurological disorders characterized by neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive dysfunction, inheritance of an apolipoprotein E (APOE) epsilon4 allele is associated with adverse neuropsychiatric outcomes. The authors present evidence that the APOE genotype may influence a patient's neuropsychiatric response to interferon alpha treatment. The inheritance of APOE genotypes was examined in 110 patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with interferon alpha. A retrospective investigation was conducted by assessing the rates of psychiatric referral and neuropsychiatric symptoms experienced during treatment along with other complaints indicating psychological distress. A highly statistically significant association was seen between APOE genotypes and interferon-induced neuropsychiatric symptoms. Patients with an epsilon4 allele were more likely to be referred to a psychiatrist and had more neuropsychiatric symptoms during antiviral treatment than those without an epsilon4 allele. Additionally, patients with an epsilon4 allele were more likely to experience irritability or anger and anxiety or other mood symptoms. These data demonstrate that an individual's APOE genotype may influence the neuropsychiatric response to antiviral therapy with interferon alpha. Prospective studies evaluating the importance of APOE in susceptibility to interferon alpha-induced neuropsychiatric complications are needed. Moreover, pathways involving APOE should be considered in understanding the pathophysiology of interferon alpha-induced neuropsychiatric complications.
Since the discovery in the 1970s that dendritic abnormalities in cortical pyramidal neurons are the most consistent pathologic correlate of mental retardation, research has focused on how dendritic alterations are related to reduced intellectual ability. Due in part to obvious ethical problems and in part to the lack of fruitful methods to study neuronal circuitry in the human cortex, there is little data about the microanatomical contribution to mental retardation. The recent identification of the genetic bases of some mental retardation associated alterations, coupled with the technology to create transgenic animal models and the introduction of powerful sophisticated tools in the field of microanatomy, has led to a growth in the studies of the alterations of pyramidal cell morphology in these disorders. Studies of individuals with Down syndrome, the most frequent genetic disorder leading to mental retardation, allow the analysis of the relationships between cognition, genotype and brain microanatomy. In Down syndrome the crucial question is to define the mechanisms by which an excess of normal gene products, in interaction with the environment, directs and constrains neural maturation, and how this abnormal development translates into cognition and behaviour. In the present article we discuss mainly Down syndrome-associated dendritic abnormalities and plasticity and the role of animal models in these studies. We believe that through the further development of such approaches, the study of the microanatomical substrates of mental retardation will contribute significantly to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying human brain disorders associated with mental retardation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The authors evaluated the efficacy of cholinergic drugs in the treatment of neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia (TD) by a systematic review of the literature on the following agents: choline, lecithin, physostigmine, tacrine, 7-methoxyacridine, ipidacrine, galantamine, donepezil, rivastigmine, eptastigmine, metrifonate, arecoline, RS 86, xanomeline, cevimeline, deanol, and meclofenoxate. All relevant randomized controlled trials, without any language or year limitations, were obtained from the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group's Register of Trials. Trials were classified according to their methodological quality. For binary and continuous data, relative risks (RR) and weighted or standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated, respectively. Eleven trials with a total of 261 randomized patients were included in the meta-analysis. Cholinergic drugs showed a minor trend for improvement of tardive dyskinesia symptoms, but results were not statistically significant (RR 0.84, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.68 to 1.04, p=0.11). Despite an extensive search of the literature, eligible data for the meta-analysis were few and no results reached statistical significance. In conclusion, we found no evidence to support administration of the old cholinergic agents lecithin, deanol, and meclofenoxate to patients with tardive dyskinesia. In addition, two trials were found on novel cholinergic Alzheimer drugs in tardive dyskinesia, one of which was ongoing. Further investigation of the clinical effects of novel cholinergic agents in tardive dyskinesia is warranted. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Quantitative olfactory assessment is often neglected in clinical practice, although olfactory loss can assist diagnosis and leads to significant morbidity. The aim of this study was to develop normative data for the Australian population for the 'Sniffin' Sticks', an internationally established olfactory function test. As in other populations, Australian females performed better than males and both lost olfactory function with age. From the normative data, criterion test scores for males and females were established for clinical classifications ('normosmic', 'hyposmic', and 'anosmic'). These clinical classifications were assessed in Parkinson's patients: 81.1 % were anosmic or severely hyposmic and only 7.7% were normosmic. A new term ('prebyosmia') is introduced to describe age-related loss of olfactory capacity of unknown aetiology. With these norms, the Sniffin' Sticks can be used in the Australian population to compare an individual's olfactory function against the population of others of similar age and sex and to identify olfactory dysfunction. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present study, NaSi-l sulphate transporter knock-out (Nas1-/-) mice, an animal model of hyposulphataernia, were examined for spatial memory and learning in a Morris water maze, and for olfactory function in a cookie test. The Nas1-/- mice displayed significantly (P < 0.05) increased latencies to find an escape platform in the reversal teaming trials at 2 days but not 1 day after the last acquisition trial in a Morris water maze test. suggesting that Nas1-/- mice may have proactive memory interference. While the wild-type (Ncis1+/+) mice showed a significant (P < 0.02) decrease in time to locate a hidden food reward over four trials after overnight fasting, Nas1-/- mice did not change their performance, resulting in significantly (P < 0.05) higher latencies when compared to their Nas1+/+ littermates. There were no significant differences between Nas1-/- and Nas1+/+ mice in the cookie test after moderate food deprivation. In addition, both Nas1-/- and Nas1+/+ mice displayed similar escape latencies in the acquisition phase of the Morris water maze test, suggesting that learning, motivation, vision and motor skills required for the task may not be affected in Nas1-/- mice. This is the first study to demonstrate an impairment in memory and olfactory performance in the hyposulphataemic Nas1-/- mouse. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We evaluated the effects of Ala-7-conantokin-G (Con-G(A7)) and ifenprodil on the modulation by spermine of [H-3]MK801 binding to human cortical membranes. Human cortical tissue was obtained at autopsy and stored at -80 degreesC until assay. Both Con-GA7 and ifenprodil inhibited [H-3]MK801 binding, but spermine affected these inhibitions differently. Con-G(A7) IC50 changed little with spermine concentration, indicative of a non-competitive interaction, whereas the rightward shift in ifenprodil IC50 with increasing spermine concentration suggested partial competition. When the two agents were tested against the biphasic activation of [H-3]MK801 binding by spermine, they again differed in their effects. In the activation phase Con-G(A7) was a non-competitive inhibitor of spermine activation, and may even enhance the spermine EC50, while the ifenprodil data indicated a partially competitive interaction. Both agents were non-competitive in the inhibitory phase. Overall, the data suggest that Con-G(A7) and ifenprodil interact differently with the polyamine modulation of the glutamate-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.