34 resultados para Adjustment Inventory
Documentation of burn sequelae can be a difficult and time-consuming task. To date a reliable and systematic format for recording postburn trauma is lacking. The purpose of this research was two-fold: first, to develop a Modified Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs from the original Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs to allow methodical documentation of functional and cosmetic burn sequelae in all body surface areas of children with burns and, second, to establish interrater reliability and concurrent validity of the instrument, thus allowing its clinical application. Two raters scored the Modified Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs on 41 children with a range of burns types and severity. Excellent interrater reliability was demonstrated for both total (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.996) and subsection inventory scores. Concurrent validity was also established with total scores showing strong positive correlations (0.73-0.76) with three indicators of burn severity. These findings provide initial support for the tool's clinical applicability, particularly in relation to rehabilitative planning and documentation.
This study examined the utility of a stress and coping model of adjustment to HIV/AIDS. A total of 114 HN-infected gay or bisexual men were interviewed and they completed self-administered scales. Predictors included illness variables (disease stage and number of symptoms), coping resources (optimism and social support), appraisal (threat, challenge, and controllability), and coping strategies (problem-and emotion-focused). Adjustment outcomes were depression, global distress, social adjustment, and subjective health status. Results from hierarchical regression analyses indicated that better adjustment was related to an asymptomatic illness stage, fewer HN-related symptoms, greater social support, challenge and controllability appraisals, problem-focused coping, and lower threat appraisals and reliance on emotion focused coping. There was limited support for the stress-buffering effects of optimism. Findings support the utility of a stress and coping model of adjustment to HIV/AIDS.
Adopting an intergroup perspective, the research was designed to examine predictors of employee responses to an organizational merger Data were collected from 465 fleet staff employed in a newly merged airline company. As predicted from social identity theory, the negative effects of the merger were most marked for employees of the low-status premerger organization. Also, as predicted, the perception of permeable intergroup boundaries in the new organization was associated positively with identification with the new organization and both job-related and person-related outcomes among employees of the low-status premerger organization but negatively with person-related outcomes among employees of the high-status premerger organization. As predicted, there was some evidence that the main and interactive effects involving status, perceived permeability, and intergroup contact on employee adjustment were mediated through strength of identification with the new organization.
Development of a self-report measure of coping specific to multiple sclerosis (MS) caregiving is needed to advance our understanding of the role of coping in adaptation to caring for a person with MS and to contribute to a lack of empirical data on MS caregiving. A total of 213 MS caregivers and their care recipients completed a Coping with MS Caregiving Inventory (CMSCI) and measures of adjustment (psychological distress), appraisal and illness. A subsample (n = 64) also completed the Ways of Coping Checklist (WCC) and additional adjustment measures (depression, caregiving impact. dyadic adjustment, and relationship conflict and reciprocity). Factor analyses revealed 5 factors: Supportive Engagement, Criticism and Coercion, Practical Assistance, Avoidance, and Positive Reframing. Subscales had internal reliabilities comparable to similar scales and were empirically distinct. Preliminary construct validation data are consistent with recent MS caregiving research that links passive avoidant emotion-focused coping with poorer adjustment, and relationship-focused coping caregiving research that links greater reliance on positive relationship-focused coping and less reliance on criticism with better adjustment. Results extend this research by revealing new relations between coping and adaptation to MS caregiving. Convergent validation data suggest that although the inventory differs from the WCC, it does share certain conceptual similarities with this scale.
Research has indicated a weak relationship between the degree of physical problems and quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The importance of adaptive psychological functioning to maintain optimum quality of life has long been recognized, but there is a lack of empirical evidence concerning the nature of psychological factors involved in adjustment to COPD. Ninety-two males completed questionnaires to determine their coping strategies, levels of self-efficacy of symptom management and social support. Adjustment was measured in terms of depression, anxiety and quality of life. Symptom severity, socioeconomic status, duration of disease and age, which have been demonstrated to be of consequence in COPD, were used as control variables in hierarchical multiple regression analyses. Higher levels of catastrophic withdrawal coping strategies and lower levels of self-efficacy of symptom management were associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety and a reduced quality of life. Higher levels of positive social support were linked to lower levels of depression and anxiety, while higher levels of negative social support were linked to higher levels of depression and anxiety. To maximize quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, psychological factors need to be carefully assessed and addressed.
A sample of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was derived from a bi-parental cross between Lemont and BK88-BR6, which contrasted in maintenance of leaf water potential (LWP) and expression of osmotic adjustment (OA). Genotypic variation for LWP and OA, and their associations with yield determination under water deficit, was studied in a series of five field experiments. Genotypic variation in the maintenance of high LWP was consistent across water deficit experiments. In the determination of genotypic variation in the maintenance of LWP, rate of water deficit was not an important factor influencing ranking, but degree of water deficit, and phenological development stage were important, particularly around heading. Genotypic variation in expression of OA was also observed under water deficits during both vegetative and flowering stages but ranking was inconsistent across experiments. This was in part because of large experimental errors associated with its measurement, but also because the expression of OA was associated with extent of decline of LWP. The relationship between OA and LWP was demonstrated when data were combined across experiments for vegetative and flowering stages. Under water-limited conditions around flowering, grain yield reduction was mainly due to a increased spikelet sterility. Variation in OA was not related to grain yield nor yield components. There were however, negative phenotypic and genetic correlations between LWP and percentage spikelet sterility measured at flowering stage on panicles at the same development stage during a water deficit treatment. This suggests that traits contributing to the maintenance of high LWP minimized the effects of water deficit on spikelet sterility and consequently grain yield. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.