84 resultados para 040203 Isotope Geochemistry


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We present high spatial resolution ion-microprobe rare earth element (REE) data for discrete growth phases of complex polyphase zircons from early Archaean Amitsoq gneisses, outer Godthabsfjord, SW Greenland. In Matsuda diagrams, the two major growth phases, >3.8 Ga cores and ca. 3.65 Ga rims, have steep positive slopes from La to Lu, prominent positive Ce anomalies and negative Eu anomalies that are consistent with growth in a melt. Exceptions to this are non-cathodolurnmescent zircon developed between the cores and rims, sometimes truncating zoning in the cores, and late Archaean prismatic tip overgrowths, both of which exhibit flatter light REE (LREE) patterns and have small or no Eu anomaly, which we interpret as the result of metamorphism and/or small-degree, isolated partial melting. Our data support previous interpretations that the ca. 3.65 Ga zircon phase was generated in a melt, with the >3.8 Ga phase representing either original protolith zircons in a large degree partial melt or inherited zircons in an introduced magma. Regardless which of these two interpretations is correct for these, and similar, rocks in the outer GodthAbsfjord, the 3.65 Ga event will have profoundly affected isotopic systems and obscured beyond recognition any earlier igneous features such as cross-cutting relationships, which may only be assigned a minimum 3.65 Ga age. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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New high-precision niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta) concentration data are presented for early Archaean metabasalts, metabasaltic komatiites and their erosion products (mafic metapelites) from SW Greenland and the Acasta gneiss complex, Canada. Individual datasets consistently show sub-chondritic Nb/Ta ratios averaging 15.1+/-11.6. This finding is discussed with regard to two competing models for the solution of the Nb-deficit that characterises the accessible Earth. Firstly, we test whether Nb could have sequestered into the core due to its slightly siderophile (or chalcophile) character under very reducing conditions, as recently proposed from experimental evidence. We demonstrate that troilite inclusions of the Canyon Diablo iron meteorite have Nb and V concentrations in excess of typical chondrites but that the metal phase of the Grant, Toluca and Canyon Diablo iron meteorites do not have significant concentrations of these lithophile elements. We find that if the entire accessible Earth Nb-deficit were explained by Nb in the core, only ca. 17% of the mantle could be depleted and that by 3.7 Ga, continental crust would have already achieved ca. 50% of its present mass. Nb/Ta systematics of late Archaean metabasalts compiled from the literature would further require that by 2.5 Ga, 90% of the present mass of continental crust was already in existence. As an alternative to this explanation, we propose that the average Nb/Ta ratio (15.1+/-11.6) of Earth's oldest mafic rocks is a valid approximation for bulk silicate Earth. This would require that ca. 13% of the terrestrial Nb resided in the Ta-free core. Since the partitioning of Nb between silicate and metal melts depends largely on oxygen fugacity and pressure, this finding could mean that metal/silicate segregation did not occur at the base of a deep magma ocean or that the early mantle was slightly less reducing than generally assumed. A bulk silicate Earth Nb/Ta ratio of 15.1 allows for depletion of up to 40% of the total mantle. This could indicate that in addition to the upper mantle, a portion of the lower mantle is depleted also, or if only the upper mantle were depleted, an additional hidden high Nb/Ta reservoir must exist. Comparison of Nb/Ta systematics between early and late Archaean metabasalts supports the latter idea and indicates deeply subducted high Nb/Ta eclogite slabs could reside in the mantle transition zone or the lower mantle. Accumulation of such slabs appears to have commenced between 2.5 and 2.0 Ga. Regardless of these complexities of terrestrial Nb/Ta systematics, it is shown that the depleted mantle Nb/Th ratio is a very robust proxy for the amount of extracted continental crust, because the temporal evolution of this ratio is dominated by Th-loss to the continents and not Nb-retention in the mantle. We present a new parameterisation of the continental crust volume versus age curve that specifically explores the possibility of lithophile element loss to the core and storage of eclogite slabs in the transition zone. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bedded carbonate rocks from the 3.45 Ga Warrawoona Group, Pilbara Craton, contain structures that have been regarded either as the oldest known stromatolites or as abiotic hydrothermal deposits. We present new field and petrological observations and high-precision REE + Y data from the carbonates in order to test the origin of the deposits. Trace element geochemistry from a number of laminated stromatolitic dolomite samples of the c. 3.40 Ga Strelley Pool Chert conclusively shows that they precipitated from anoxic seawater, probably in a very shallow environment consistent with previous sedimentological observations. Edge-wise conglomerates in troughs between stromatolites and widespread cross-stratification provide additional evidence of stromatolite construction, at least partly, from layers of particulate sediment, rather than solely from rigid crusts. Accumulation of particulate sediment on steep stromatolite sides in a high-energy environment suggests organic binding of the surface. Relative and absolute REE + Y contents are exactly comparable with Late Archaean microbial carbonates of widely agreed biological origin. Ankerite from a unit of bedded ankerite–chert couplets from near the top of the stratigraphically older (3.49 Ga) Dresser Formation, which immediately underlies wrinkly stromatolites with small, broad, low-amplitude domes, also precipitated from anoxic seawater. The REE + Y data of carbonates from the Strelley Pool Chert and Dresser Formation contrast strongly with those from siderite layers in a jasper–siderite–Fe-chlorite banded iron-formation from the base of the Panorama Formation (3.45 Ga), which is clearly hydrothermal in origin. The geochemical results, together with sedimentological data, strongly support: (1) deposition of Dresser Formation and Strelley Pool Chert carbonates from Archaean seawater, in part as particulate carbonate sediment; (2) biogenicity of the stromatolitic carbonates; (3) a reducing Archaean atmosphere; (4) ongoing extensive terrestrial erosion prior to ∼3.45 Ga.


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A new model for Archaean granitoid magmatism is presented which reconciles the most important geochemical similarities and differences between tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and potassic granitoids. Trace element abundances reveal a strong arc magmatism signature in all studied granitoids from Barberton Mountain Land. Characteristic features include HFSE depletion as well as distinct enrichment peaks of fluid-sensitive trace elements such as Pb in N-MORB normalisation, clearly indicating that all studied granitoids are derived from refertilised mantle above subduction zones. We envisage hydrous basaltic (s.l.) melts as parental liquids, which underwent extensive fractional crystallisation. Distinctive residual cumulates evolved depending on initial water content. High-H2O melts crystallised garnet/amphibole together with pyroxenes and minor plagioclase, but no olivine. This fractionation path ultimately led to TTG-like melts. Less hydrous basaltic melts also crystallised garnet/amphibole, but the lower compatible element content indicates that olivine was also a liquidus phase. Pronounced negative Eu-anomalies of the granitic melts, correlating with Na, Ca and Al, indicate plagioclase to be of major importance. In the context of our model, the post-Archaean disappearance of TTG and concomitant preponderance of granites (s.l.), therefore, is explained with secular decrease of aqueous fluid transport into subduction zones and/or efficiency of deep fluid release from slabs.


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Twelve Late Quaternary TIMS U-Th ages are reported here from 10 coral samples collected in situ from five transgressive coral/algal raised reefs (height: max. 113 m, min. 8 m) and two raised lagoonal deposits (height: max. 18 m, min. 8 m) along and near the west coast of Tanna, which lies in the Median Sedimentary Basin of South Vanuatu, southwest Pacific. These reefs and raised lagoonal deposits represent several age groups: (i) 215 ka (marine oxygen-isotope stage 7) penultimate interglacial (highest elevation and oldest); (ii) one lagoonal deposit of ca 127 ka (marine oxygen-isotope stage 5e); (iii) three last interglacial reefs with ages 102, 89 and 81 ka (representing marine oxygen-isotope stages 5c, 5b and 5a, respectively, of the latter part of the last interglacial); (iv) a lagoonal deposit with a 92 ka age (5b); and (v) a Holocene reef (age >5.7-5.0 ka) (lowest elevation and youngest). A ca 4.9 ka regressive reef (at elevation of 1.5 m above sea-level) is consistent with an island-wide 6.5 m uplift (probably largely coseismic), and a probable further island-wide uplift occurred in the late Holocene. The U-series ages taken together with the heights of transgressive reefs show that uplift since 215 ka was, on average, at similar to0.52 mm/y; although since 5 ka the uplift rate was, on average, similar to1.6 mm/y (the assumption being that a 1.5 m above sea-level reef has a coseismic origin). Elevation of transgressive reefs 5a, 5b and 5c and their ages indicates an island-wide subsidence during the period ?124-89 ka (i.e. Late Quaternary uplift/subsidence was jerky). Late Quaternary uplift/subsidence on the northwest coast of Tanna is considered to be due to irregular thicknesses of crust being subducted beneath Tanna.


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Re-Os data for chromite separates from 10 massive chromitite seams sampled along the 550-km length of the 2.58-Ga Great Dyke layered igneous complex, Zimbabwe, record initial 187Os/188Os ratios in the relatively narrow range between 0.1106 and 0.1126. This range of initial 187Os/188Os values is only slightly higher than the value for the coeval primitive upper mantle (0.1107) as modeled from the Re-Os evolution of chondrites and data of modern mantle melts and mantle derived xenoliths. Analyses of Archean granitoid and gneiss samples from the Zimbabwe Craton show extremely low Os concentrations (3-9 ppt) with surprisingly unradiogenic present-day 187Os/188Os signatures between 0.167 and 0.297. Only one sample yields an elevated 187Os/188Os ratio of 1.008. Using these data, the range of crustal contamination of the Great Dyke magma would be minimally 0%-33% if the magma source was the primitive upper mantle, whereas the range estimated from Nd and Pb isotope systematics is 5%-25%. If it is assumed that the primary Great Dyke magma derived from an enriched deep mantle reservoir (via a plume), a better agreement can be obtained. A significant contribution from a long-lived subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) reservoir with subchondritic Re/Os to the Great Dyke melts cannot be reconciled with the Os isotope results at all. However, Os isotope data on pre-Great Dyke ultramafic complexes of the Zimbabwe Craton and thermal modeling show that such an SCLM existed below the Zimbabwe Craton at the time of the Great Dyke intrusion. It is therefore concluded that large melt volumes such as that giving rise to the Great Dyke were able to pass lithospheric mantle keels without significant contamination in the late Archean. Because the ultramafic-mafic melts forming the Great Dyke must have originated below the SCLM (which extends to at least a 200-km depth ), the absence of an SCLM signature precludes a subduction-related magma-generation process.