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Infection with group A streptococci (GAS) can lead to rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) which are a major health concern particularly in indigenous populations worldwide, and especially in Australian Aboriginals. A primary route of GAS infection is via the upper respiratory tract, and therefore, a major goal of research is the development of a mucosal-based GAS vaccine, The majority of the research to date has focused on the GAS M protein since immunity to GAS is mediated by M protein type-specific opsonic antibodies. There are two major impediments to the development of a vaccine-the variability in M proteins and the potential for the induction of an autoimmune response. To develop a safe and broad-based vaccine, we have therefore focused on the GAS M protein conserved C-region, and have identified peptides, J8 and the closely related J8 peptide (J14), which may be important in protective immunity to GAS infection. Using a mucosal animal model system, our data have shown a high degree of throat GAS colonisation in B10.BR mice 24 h following intranasal immunisation with the mucosal adjuvant, cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), and/or diptheria toxoid (dT) carrier, or PBS alone, and challenge with the M1 GAS strain. However, GAS colonisation of the throat was significantly reduced following intranasal immunisation of mice with the vaccine candidate J8 conjugated to dT or J14-dT when administered with CTB. Moreover, J8-dT/CTB and J14-dT/CTB-immunised mice had a significantly higher survival when compared to CTB and PBS-immunised control mice. These data indicate that immunity to GAS infection can be evoked by intranasal immunisation with a GAS M protein C-region peptide vaccine that contains a protective B cell epitope and lacks a T cell autoepitope. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Studies on purified blood dendritic cells (DCs) are hampered by poor viability in tissue culture. We, therefore, attempted to study some of the interactions/relationships between DCs and other blood cells by culturing unseparated peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) preparations in vitro. Flow cytometric techniques were used to undertake a phenotypic and functional analysis of DCs within the cultured PBMC population. We discovered that both the CD11c(+) and CD11c(-) CD123(hi) DC subsets maintained their viability throughout the 3-day culture period, without the addition of exogenous cytokines. This viability was accompanied by progressive up-regulation of the surface costimulatory (CD40, CD80, CD86) and activation (CMRF-44, CMRF-56, CD83) molecules. The survival and apparent production of DCs in PBMC culture (without exogenous cytokines) and that of sorted DCs (with cytokines) were evaluated and compared by using TruCOUNT analysis. Absolute DC counts increased (for CD123hi and CD11c+ subsets) after overnight culture of PBMCs. Single-cell lineage depletion experiments demonstrated the rapid and spontaneous emergence of new in vitro generated DCs from CD14(+)/CD16(+) PBMC radioresistant precursors, additional to the preexisting ex vivo DC population. Unlike monocyte-derived DCs, blood DCs increased dextran uptake with culture and activation. Finally, DCs obtained after culture of PBMCs for 3 days were as effective as freshly isolated DCs in stimulating an allogeneic mixed leukocyte reaction. (C) 2002 by The American Society of Hematology.
Background and Objectives We have undertaken the first clinical trial involving the administration of alpha-GalactosylCeramine (alpha-GalCer)-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) to human subjects, to determine safety, optimal dose, optimal administration route and immunological effects. Materials and Methods Subjects (n = 4) with metastatic malignancy received two infusions of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs intravenously, and two infusions intradermally. The percentages of Valpha24 Vbeta11 NKT cells in peripheral blood (PB) were determined by three-colour flow cytometry and the PB NKT cell numbers were calculated using the total number of PB lymphocytes/ml determined by automated full-blood counts. Results No serious treatment related adverse events were observed during the study period. Administration of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs in vivo can significantly (P < 0.03) increase PB Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cell numbers above pretreatment baseline levels after the transient fall in the NKT numbers within 48 h. Conclusions Administration of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs is well tolerated, modulates PB Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cells and may have a role in the therapy of malignancies sensitive to activities of Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cells, or for autoimmune diseases.
The BCR-ABL fusion proteins, b2a2 and b3a2, are potential targets for a beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). This study demonstrates that CD4(+) T cells specific to the b2a2 peptide can be generated from a normal allogeneic stem cell transplant donor after stimulation with monocyte-derived dendritic cells (Mo-DC) using culture conditions applicable to clinical use. Stimulation of donor T-cell enriched mononuclear cells (MNC) with b2a2-pulsed Mo-DC produced approximately 3 x 10(9) b2a2-specific CD4(+) T cells. The CD4(+) T cells were HLA-DR7 restricted. These results confirm that the generation of donor derived b2a2-specific T cells for clinical use is feasible and warrants clinical testing after stem cell transplantation.
Background: The response of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) to therapy is often disappointing and new modalities of treatment are clearly needed. Active immunotherapy based on the injection of autologous dendritic cells (DC) co-cultured ex vivo with tumor antigens has been used in pilot studies in various malignancies such as melanoma and lymphoma with encouraging results. Methods: In the present paper, the preparation and exposure of patient DC to autologous HCC antigens and re-injection in an attempt to elicit antitumor immune responses are described. Results: Therapy was given to two patients, one with hepatitis C and one with hepatitis B, who had large, multiple HCC and for whom no other therapy was available. No significant side-effects were observed. The clinical course was unchanged in one patient, who died a few months later. The other patient, whose initial prognosis was considered poor, is still alive and well more than 3 years later with evidence of slowing of tumor growth based on organ imaging. Conclusions: It is concluded that HCC may be a malignancy worthy of DC trials and sufficient details in the present paper are given for the protocol to be copied or modified. (C) 2002 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
Primary vaccine strategies against group A streptococci (GAS) have focused on the M protein-the target of opsonic antibodies important for protective immunity. We have previously reported protection of mice against GAS infection following parenteral delivery of a multi-epitope vaccine construct, referred to as a heteropolymer. This current report has assessed mucosal (intranasal (i.n.) and oral) delivery of the heteropolymer in mice with regard to the induction and specificity of mucosal and systemic antibody responses, and compared this to parenteral delivery. GAS-specific IgA responses were detected in saliva and gut upon i.n. and oral delivery of the heteropolymer co-administered with cholera toxin B subunit, respectively. High titre serum IgG responses were elicited to the heteropolymer following all routes of delivery when administered with adjuvant. Moreover, as with parenteral delivery, serum IgG antibodies were detected to the individual heteropolymer peptides following i.n. but not oral delivery. These data support the potential of the i.n. route in the mucosal delivery of a GAS vaccine. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Antibodies have the potential to be therapeutic reagents for malaria. Here we describe the production of a novel phage antibody display library against the C-terminal 19 kDa region of the Plasmodium yoelii YM merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)). In vivo studies against homologous lethal malaria challenge show an anti-parasite effect in a dose dependent manner, and analysis by plasmon resonance indicates binding to the antigen is comparable to the binding of a protective monoclonal antibody. The data support the lack of a need for any antibody Fc-related function and hold great significance for the development of a therapeutic reagent for malaria. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A conserved helical peptide vaccine candidate from the M protein of group A streptococci, p145, has been described. Minimal epitopes within p145 have been defined and an epitope recognized by protective antibodies, but not by autoreactive T cells, has been identified. When administered to mice, p145 has low immunogenicity. Many boosts of peptide are required to achieve a high antibody titre (> 12 800). To attempt to overcome this low immunogenicity, lipid-core peptide technology was employed. Lipid-core peptides (LCP) consist of an oligomeric polylysine core, with multiple copies of the peptide of choice, conjugated to a series of lipoamino acids, which acts as an anchor for the antigen. Seven different LCP constructs based on the p145 peptide sequence were synthesized (LCP1-->LCP7) and the immunogenicity of the compounds examined. The most immunogenic constructs contained the longest alkyl side-chains. The number of lipoamino acids in the constructs affected the immunogenicity and spacing between the alkyl side-chains increased immunogenicity. An increase in immunogenicity (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) titres) of up to 100-fold was demonstrated using this technology and some constructs without adjuvant were more immunogenic than p145 administered with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). The fine specificity of the induced antibody response differed for the different constructs but one construct, LCP4, induced antibodies of identical fine specificity to those found in endemic human serum. Opsonic activity of LCP4 antisera was more than double that of p145 antisera. These data show the potential for LCP technology to both enhance immunogenicity of complex peptides and to focus the immune response towards or away from critical epitopes.
The MUC1 mucin (CD227) is a cell surface mucin originally thought to be restricted to epithelial tissues. We report that CD227 is expressed on human blood dendritic cells (DC) and monocyte-derived DC following in vitro activation. Freshly isolated murine splenic DC had very low levels of CD227; however, all DC expressed CD227 following in vitro culture. In the mouse spleen, CD227 was seen on clusters within the red pulp and surrounding the marginal zone in the white pulp. Additionally, we confirm CD227 expression by activated human T cells and show for the first time that the CD227 cytoplasmic domain is tyrosine-phosphorylated in activated T cells and DC and is associated with other phosphoproteins, indicating a role in signaling. The function of CD227 on DC and T cells requires further elucidation.
Immunity induced by the 19-kDa fragment of Plasmodium yoelii merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1(19)) is dependent on high titers of specific antibodies present at the time of challenge and a continuing active immune response postinfection. However, the specificity of the active immune response postinfection has not been defined. In particular, it is not known whether anti-MSP1(19) antibodies that arise following infection alone are sufficient for protection. We developed systems to investigate whether an MSP1(19)-specific antibody response alone both prechallenge and postchallenge is sufficient for protection. We were able to exclude antibodies with other specificities, as well as any contribution of MSP1(19)-specific CD4(+) T cells acting independent of antibody, and we concluded that an immune response focused solely on MSP1(19)-specific antibodies is sufficient for protection. The data imply that the ability of natural infection to boost an MSPI,g-specific antibody response should greatly improve vaccine efficacy.
The development of a malaria vaccine seems to be a definite possibility despite the fact that even individuals with a life time of endemic exposure do not develop sterile immunity. An effective malaria vaccine would be invaluable in preventing malaria-associated deaths in endemic areas, especially amongst children less than 5 years of age and pregnant women. This review discusses our current understanding of immunity against the asexual blood stage of malaria - the stage that is responsible for the symptoms of the disease - and approaches to the design of an asexual blood stage vaccine.
Lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production were measured in groups of mice vaccinated (but not subsequently challenge infected) with recombinant forms of Schistosoma japonicum cathepsin D aspartic protease, rSjASP1 (expressed in bacteria; enzymatically inactive) and rSjASP2 (expressed in insect cells; enzymatically active). Both forms of the schistosome enzyme induced significant proliferation of splenocytes recovered from vaccinated mice, and expression of interferon (IFN)-gamma, interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-10 mRNA in these cells was detected using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Secretion of IFN-gamma, IL-4 and IL-10 by splenocytes from vaccinated mice was confirmed and quantified using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. IFN-gamma was the most abundant cytokine produced, followed by IL-4 and IL-10 in rank order. These findings indicated that vaccination of mice with the schistosome protease induces a mixed Th1/Th2 cytokine response, which may explain the modest level of protection after challenge infection in cathepsin d-vaccinated mice, reported previously.
Merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) of malaria parasites undergoes proteolytic processing at least twice before invasion into a new RBC. The 42-kDa fragment, a product of primary processing, is cleaved by proteolytic enzymes giving rise to MSP1(33), which is shed from the merozoite surface, and MSP1(19), which is the only fragment carried into a new RBC. In this study, we have identified T cell epitopes on MSP1(33) of Plasmodium yoelii and have examined their function in immunity to blood stage malaria. Peptides 20 aa in length, spanning the length of MSP1(33) and overlapping each other by 10 aa, were analyzed for their ability to induce T cell proliferation in immunized BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. Multiple epitopes were recognized by these two strains of mice. Effector functions of the dominant epitopes were then investigated. Peptides Cm15 and Cm21 were of particular interest as they were able to induce effector T cells capable of delaying growth of lethal P. yoelii YM following adoptive transfer into immuno-deficient mice without inducing detectable Ab responses. Homologs of these epitopes could be candidates for inclusion in a subunit vaccine.
Both purinergic stimulation and activation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) increases Cl- secretion and inhibit amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport. CFTR has been suggested to conduct adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) or to control ATP release to the luminal side of epithelial tissues. Therefore, a possible mechanism on how CFTR controls the activity of epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC) could be by release of ATP or uridine 5'-triphosphate (UTP), which would then bind to P2Y receptors and inhibit ENaC. We examined this question in native tissues from airways and colon and in Xenopus oocytes. Inhibition of amiloride-sensitive transport by both CFTR and extracellular nucleotides was observed in colon and trachea. However, nucleotides did not inhibit ENaC in Xenopus oocytes, even after coexpression of P2Y(2) receptors. Using different tools such as hexokinase, the P2Y inhibitor suramin or the Cl- channel blocker 4,4'diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), we did not detect any role of a putative ATP secretion in activation of Cl- transport or inhibition of amiloride sensitive short circuit currents by CFTR. In addition, N-2,2'-O-dibutyrylguanosine 3',5-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) and protein kinase G (PKG)-dependent phosphorylation or the nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) do not seem to play a role for the inhibition of ENaC by CFTR, which, however, requires the presence of extracellular Cl-. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) was defined as a family of cells comprising bone marrow progenitors, blood monocytes, and tissue macrophages. In this review, we briefly consider markers for cells of this lineage in the mouse, especially the F4/80 surface antigen and the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor. The concept of the MPS is challenged by evidence that there is a separate embryonic phagocyte lineage, the blurring of the boundaries between macrophages and other cells types arising from phenotypic plasticity and transdifferentiation, and evidence of local renewal of tissue macrophage populations as opposed to monocyte recruitment. Nevertheless, there is a unity to cells of the MPS suggested by their location, morphology, and shared markers. We discuss the origins of macrophage heterogeneity and argue that macrophages and antigen-representing dendritic cells are closely related and part of the MPS.