256 resultados para sponge, luciferase, cloning, Suberites


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SOX18 is a transcription factor that is transiently expressed in nascent endothelial cells during embryonic development and adult neovascularization. This protein belongs to the SOX family of transcription factors, ih,which are proving to be some of the key regulators of cell-type specification in the vertebrate embryo. Natural mutations in the Sox18 gene have been shown to result to cardiovascular dysfunction, in some cases leading to death. Available evidence thus implicates Sox18 as an important regulator of vascular development, most likely playing a key role in endothelial cell specification. However; the genetic knockout of Sox18 in mice has produced a confounding result that complicates our understanding of the molecular mode of action of the SOX18 protein. We speculate that Sox18 inky act in a redundant fashion with closely related genes such as Sox7 and/or Sox17. (C) 2001, Elsevier Science Inc.


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Sox18 encodes a transcription factor known to be important for the development of blood vessels and hair follicles in mice. In order to study the functional conservation of this gene through evolution, we have isolated and characterized Sox18 in chickens. cSox18 shows a high degree of sequence homology to both the mouse and human orthologues, particularly in the high mobility group DNA-binding domain and to a lesser extent in the transcriptional activation domain. A region of unusually high sequence conservation at the C-terminus may represent a further, previously unrecognized functional domain. Both the chicken and human proteins appear to be truncated at the N-terminus relative to mouse SOX18. In situ hybridization analyses showed expression in the developing vasculature and feather follicles, consistent with reported expression in the mouse embryo. In addition, cSox18 mRNA was observed in the retina and claw beds. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Previously, we reported the presence of dual promoters, referred to as distal (DP) and proximal, with a negative regulatory element between them in the mouse mu -opioid receptor (mor) gene. Here we have identified a positive regulatory element influencing mor DP transcription, which contains multiple consensus binding motifs for Sox factors (sex-determining Sry-like high mobility group box-containing genes). In gel supershift assays, the Sox family member Sox18 bound directly to the multiple Sox consensus binding motifs of the mor DP enhancer. Overexpression of Sox18 cDNA increased luciferase activity regulated by the mor DP, and did so in a Sox18 concentration-dependent manner. In contrast, overexpression of another Sox member, Sox5, triggered no such trans-activation of mor DP-driven luciferase activity or DNA-protein binding activity. These results suggest that Sox18 directly and specifically stimulates mor gene expression, by trans-activating the mor DP enhancer.


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Cell-surface proteoglycans participate in several biological functions including interactions with a variety of growth factors and cytokines. Regulation of syndecan-1 and -2 gene expression was investigated in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDLF), osteoblasts (OB) and gingival fibroblasts (GF), in response to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB), transforming growth factor (TGF-beta(1)), and interleukin (IL-1beta) by Northern blot analyses. We also compared the effect of PDGF-BB and TGF-beta(1), separately and in combination, in the prolonged presence of IL-1beta on the expression of both syndecan genes. The results demonstrated that the three cell lines regulated the expression of syndecan-1 and -2 in response to growth factors and cytokines in different manners. These cell lines increased syndecan-1 mRNA levels in response to either PDGF-BB or TGF-beta(1) and decreased levels in response to IL-1beta. The effect of IL-1beta on syndecan-1 mRNA synthesis was partially reversed after adding PDGF-BB and TGF-beta(1), separately or in combination, in the presence of IL-1beta. In contrast, syndecan-2 mRNA level was markedly upregulated in response to either TGF-beta(1) or IL-1beta in OB when compared with the other two cell lines. However, the stimulatory effect of TGF-beta(1) on syndecan-2 mRNA production in OB was abolished in the prolonged presence of IL-1beta. These findings lend support to the notion that syndecan-1 and syndecan-2 have distinct functions which correlate with their source and functions within the periodontium.


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In the marine environment a wide range of invertebrates have a pelagobenthic lifecycle that includes planktonic larval and benthic adult phases. Transition between these morphologically and ecologically distinct phases typically occurs when the developmentally competent larva comes into contact with a species-specific environmental cue. This cue acts as a morphogenetic signal that induces the completion of the postlarval/juvenile/adult developmental program at metamorphosis. The development of competence often occurs hours to days after the larva is morphologically mature. In the non-feeding - lecithotrophic - larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata and the gastropod mollusc Haliotis asinina, gene expression patterns in pre-competent and competent stages are markedly different, reflecting the different developmental states of these larval stages. For example, the expression of Hemps, an EGF-like signalling peptide required for the induction of Herdmania metamorphosis, increases in competent larvae. Induction of settlement and metamorphosis results in further changes in developmental gene expression, which apparently is necessary for the complete transformation of the larval body plan into the adult form.


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Early development and metamorphosis of Reniera sp., a haplosclerid demosponge, have been examined to determine how gastrulation occurs in this species, and whether there is an inversion of the primary germ layers at metamorphosis. Embryogenesis occurs by unequal cleavage of blastomeres to form a solid blastula consisting micro- and macromeres; multipolar migration of the micromeres to the surface of the embryo results in a bi-layered embryo and is interpreted as gastrulation. Polarity of the embryo is determined by the movement of pigment-containing micromeres to one pole of the embryo; this pole later becomes the posterior pole of the swimming larva. The bi-layered larva has a fully differentiated monociliated outer cell layer, and a solid interior of various cell types surrounded by dense collagen. The pigmented cells at the posterior pole give rise to long cilia that are capable of responding to environmental stimuli. Larvae settle on their anterior pole. Fluorescent labeling of the monociliated outer cell layer with a cell-lineage marker (CMFDA) demonstrates that the monociliated cells resorb their cilia, migrate inwards, and transdifferentiate into the choanocytes of the juvenile sponge, and into other amoeboid cells. The development of the flagellated choanocytes and other cells in the juvenile from the monociliated outer layer of this sponge's larva is interpreted as the dedifferentiation of fully differentiated larval cells-a process seen during the metamorphosis of other ciliated invertebrate larvae-not as inversion of the primary germ layers. These results suggest that the sequences of development in this haplosclerid demosponge are not very different than those observed in many cnidarians.


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Nuclear receptors are a superfamily of metazoan transcription factors that have been shown to be involved in a wide range of developmental and physiological processes. A PCR-based survey of genomic DNA and developmental cDNAs from the ascidian Herdmania identifies eight members of this multigene family. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses reveal that these ascidian nuclear receptors are representative of five of the six previously defined nuclear receptor subfamilies and are apparent homologues of retinoic acid [NR1B], retinoid X [NR2B], peroxisome proliferator-activated [NR1C], estrogen related [NR3B], neuron-derived orphan (NOR) [NR4A3], nuclear orphan [NR4A], TR2 orphan [NR2C1] and COUP orphan [NR2F3] receptors. Phylogenetic analyses that include the ascidian genes produce topologically distinct trees that suggest a redefinition of some nuclear receptor subfamilies. These trees also suggest that extensive gene duplication occurred after the vertebrates split from invertebrate chordates. These ascidian nuclear receptor genes are expressed differentially during embryogenesis and metamorphosis.


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Expression of the mRNAs encoding the astrocytic (EAAT1, EAAT2) and neuronal (EAAT3, EAAT4) excitatory amino acid transporters and the AMPA-type glutamate receptor subunits GluR2 and GluR3 was investigated in postmortem cerebellar extracts from a patient with olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA) and in material from three age-matched controls. Decreased expression in the steady state level of EAAT4 mRNA in the OPCA sample was correlated with the selective loss of Purkinje cells. Neuropathological evaluation revealed reactive gliosis and concomitantly increased expression of the mRNA encoding astrocytic glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Expression of the mRNAs encoding the AMPA receptor subunits GluR2 and GluR3 subunits was found to be decreased in OPCA suggesting that excitotoxic mechanism could play a role in the pathogenesis of the selective neuronal cell death in this disorder.


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Aims: The physiological examination of amylase production by Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 and identification of the mechanism of regulation. Methods and Results: Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 was grown with single, then dual carbon sources; the growth cycle was followed and amylase activity throughout was monitored. The levels of cAMP, a known secondary messenger for the regulatory gene crp, were also examined. Amylase activity was regulated by catabolite repression. Physiological studies revealed that JMP636 exhibited both diauxic growth, with two carbon sources, and the 'acid toxicity' effect on glucose. The crp gene was cloned, expressed and inactivated from the JMP636 chromosome. Catabolite repression of amylase production and the 'acid toxicity' effect both require crp and were linked to cAMP levels. Conclusions: Regulation of amylase production was predicted to follow the model CRP-mediated cAMP-dependent Escherichia coli catabolite regulation system. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work provides an understanding of the physiology of the opportunistic pathogen Aer. hydrophila through identification of the mechanism of catabolite repression of amylase production and the existence of crp within this cell. It also provides a broader knowledge of global gene regulation and suggests regulatory mechanisms of other Aer. hydrophila gene/s.


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Chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are ubiquitous soluble small proteins isolated from sensory organs of a wide range of insect species, which are believed to be involved in chemical communication. We report the cloning of a honeybee CSP gene called ASP3c, as well as the structural and functional characterization of the encoded protein. The protein was heterologously secreted by the yeast Pichia pastoris using the native signal peptide. ASP3c disulfide bonds were assigned after trypsinolysis followed by chromatography and mass spectrometry combined with microsequencing. The pairing (Cys(I)-Cys(II), Cys(III)-Cys(IV)) was found to be identical to that of Schistocerca gregaria CSPs, suggesting that this pattern occurs commonly throughout the insect CSPs. CD measurements revealed that ASP3c mainly consists of alpha-helices, like other insect CSPs. Gel filtration analysis showed that ASP3c is monomeric at neutral pH. Using ASA, a fluorescent fatty acid anthroyloxy analogue as a probe, ASP3c was shown to bind specifically to large fatty acids and ester derivatives, which are brood pheromone components, in the micromolar range. It was unable to bind tested general odorants and other tested pheromones (sexual and nonsexual). This is the first report on a natural pheromonal ligand bound by a recombinant CSP with a measured affinity constant.


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Cytochromes P450 are members of a superfamily of hemoproteins involved in the oxidative metabolism of various physiologic and xenobiotic compounds in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Studies on bacterial P450s, particularly those involved in monoterpene oxidation, have provided an integral contribution to our understanding of these proteins, away from the problems encountered with eukaryotic forms. We report here a novel cytochrome P450 (P450(cin), CYP176A1) purified from a strain of Citrobacter braakii that is capable of using cineole 1 as its sole source of carbon and energy. This enzyme has been purified to homogeneity and the amino acid sequences of three tryptic peptides determined. By using this information, a PCR-based cloning strategy was developed that allowed the isolation of a 4-kb DNA fragment containing the cytochrome P450(cin) gene (cinA). Sequencing revealed three open reading frames that were identified on the basis of sequence homology as a cytochrome P450, an NADPH-dependent flavodoxin/ferrodoxin reductase, and a flavodoxin. This arrangement suggests that P450(cin) may be the first isolated P450 to use a flavodoxin as its natural redox partner. Sequencing also identified the unprecedented substitution of a highly conserved, catalytically, important active site threonine with an asparagine residue. The P450 gene was subcloned and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli at similar to2000 nmol/liter of original culture, and purification was achieved by standard protocols. Postulating the native E. coli flavodoxin/flavodoxin reductase system might mimic the natural redox partners of P450,in, it was expressed in E. coli in the presence of cineole 1. A product was formed in vivo that was tentatively identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as 2-hydroxycineole 2. Examination of P450(cin) by UV-visible spectroscopy revealed typical spectra characteristic of P450s, a high affinity for cineole 1 (K-D = 0.7 mum), and a large spin state change of the heme iron associated with binding of cineole 1. These facts support the hypothesis that cineole 1 is the natural substrate for this enzyme and that P450(cin) catalyzes the initial monooxygenation of cineole 1 biodegradation. This constitutes the first characterization of an enzyme involved in this pathway.


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During reverse transcription, the positive-strand HIV-1 RNA genome is converted into a double-stranded DNA copy which can be permanently integrated into the host cell genome. Recent analyses show that HIV-1 reverse transcription is a highly regulated process. The initiation reaction can be distinguished from a subsequent elongation reaction carried out by a reverse transcription complex composed of (at least) heterodimeric reverse transcriptase, cellular tRNA(lys3) and HIV-1 genomic RNA sequences. In addition, viral factors including Tat, Nef, Vif, Vpr, IN and NCp7, cellular proteins, and TAR RNA and other RNA stem-loop structures appear to influence this complex and contribute to the efficiency of the initiation reaction. As viral resistance to many antiretroviral compounds is a continuing problem, understanding the ways in which these factors influence the reverse transcription complex will likely lead to novel antiretroviral strategies. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Extracts of the dorid nudibranch Asteronotus cespitosus from two geographically separate regions of Australia and from the Philippines were compared using thin-layer, high-performance liquid and gas chromatography and H-1 NMR analysis. Halogenated metabolites were detected in all mollusk specimens. The major component detected in digestive tissue of specimens from the Great Barrier Reef in northeastern Australia was 4,6-dibromo2-(2',4'-dibromophenoxy)phenol (1), with minor amounts of 3,5-dibromo-2(3',5'-dibromo-20-methoxyphenoxy)phenol (2). In a specimen collected from northwestern Australia, only 3,5-dibromo-2-(3',5'-dibromo-2'-methoxyphenoxy)phenol was found. The specimen from the Philippines contained 2,3,4,5-tetrabromo-6-(2'-bromophenoxy) phenol (3) together with a novel chlorinated pyrrolidone (4). In addition, the sesquiterpenes dehydroherbadysidolide (5) and spirodysin (6) were detected in the digestive organs and mantle tissue of the nudibranchs from the Great Barrier Reef and from the Philippines, whereas these chemicals were not found in the specimen from northwestern Australia. All of the chemicals (1-3,5, and 6) have previously been isolated from the sponge Dysidea herbacea, as have chlorinated metabolites related to 4. This is the first time the characteristic halogenated metabolites that typify Dysidea herbacea have been reported from a carnivorous mollusk, which implies a dietary origin as opposed to de novo synthesis.


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The phototrophic purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus expresses a wide variety of complex redox proteins in response to changing environmental conditions. Here we report the construction and evaluation of an expression system for recombinant proteins in that organism which makes use of the dor promoter from the same organism. A generic expression vector, pDorEX, was constructed and used to express sulphite:cytochrome c oxidoreductase from Starkeya novella, a heterodimeric protein containing both molybdenum and haem c. The recombinant protein was secreted to the periplasm and its biochemical properties were very similar to those of the native enzyme. The pDorEX system therefore seems to be potentially useful for heterologous expression of multi-subunit proteins containing complex redox cofactors. (C) 2002 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Vfr, a homolog of Escherichia coli cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein, has been shown to regulate quorum sensing, exotoxin A production, and regA transcription in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We identified a twitching motility-defective mutant that carries a transposon insertion in vfr and confirmed that vfr is required for twitching motility by construction of an independent allelic deletion-replacement mutant of vfr that exhibited the same phenotype, as well as by the restoration of normal twitching motility by complementation of these mutants with wild-type vfr. Vfr-null mutants exhibited severely reduced twitching motility with barely detectable levels of type IV pili, as well as loss of elastase production and altered pyocyanin production. We also identified reduced-twitching variants of quorum-sensing mutants (PAK lasl::Tc) with a spontaneous deletion in vfr (S. A. Beatson, C. B. Whitchurch, A. B. T. Semmler, and J. S. Mattick, J. Bacteriol., 184:3598-3604,2002), the net result of which was the loss of five residues (EQERS) from the putative cAMP-binding pocket or Vfr. This allele (VfrDeltaEQERS) was capable of restoring elastase and pyocyanin production to wild-type levels in vfr-null mutants but not their defects in twitching motility. Furthermore, structural analysis of Vfr and VfrDeltaEQERS in relation to E. coli CRP suggests that Vfr is capable of binding both cAMP and cyclic GMP whereas VfrDeltaEQERS is only capable of responding to cAMP. We suggest that Vfr controls twitching motility and quorum sensing via independent pathways in response to these different signals, bound by the same cyclic nucleotide monophosphate-binding pocket.