262 resultados para continuing dental education
Background: Codeine is frequently added to paracetamol to treat post-operative dento-alveolar pain; studies have shown effectiveness in relief of post-operative pain at high doses but at the expense of central nervous and gastrointestinal side effects. There has been no trial to compare the efficacy and safety of paracetamol 1000mg with paracetamol 1000mg combined with codeine 30mg. Method. A randomized, single centre, double-blind prospective parallel group trial was performed to compare paracetamol 1000mg with paracetamol 1000mg with codeine 30mg for the relief of pain following surgical removal of impacted third molars, and analysed on an intention-to-treat (ITT) basis. Eighty-two patients were assigned randomly to receive either drug for a maximum of three doses. Patients recorded their pain intensity one hour after surgery and hourly thereafter for 12 hours. Results: The average increase in pain intensity over 12 hours was significantly less in patients receiving paracetamol plus codeine than in those receiving paracetamol alone (p=0.03) -1.81cm/h compared with 0.45cm/h - a difference of 1.13cm/h (95 per cent Cl: 0.18 to 2.08). Of the patients who received the paracetamol codeine combination, 62 per cent used escape medication compared with 75 per cent of those on paracetamol alone (p=0.20). There was no significant difference between the two groups in the proportion of patients experiencing adverse events (P=0.5). Conclusion: A combination of 1000mg paracetamol and 30mg codeine was significantly more effective in controlling pain for 12 hours following third molar removal, with no significant difference of side effects during the 12 hour period studied.
Background: The distribution of lesions from dental erosion due to intrinsic acid regurgitation and vomiting may be different from patterns of dental erosion due to extrinsic acids. To date studies have failed to validate this assumption. This study described the sites and nature of lesions from dental erosion in cases of intrinsic acid regurgitation, and compared them with the distribution of lesions occurring in age and sex matched controls, whose lesions are due to extrinsic acids. Methods: The University of Queensland tooth wear clinic patients were screened to select 30 cases, 21 self-identified bulimics and nine medically diagnosed chronic gastric acid regurgitators, and 30 controls. Epoxy resin models of the subjects' dentition were examined under stereoscopic light microscope at magnification 16 to 40. The patterns and sites of tooth wear were recorded for teeth representative of 20 tooth sites in every subject. Results: While the incisal edges of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth of acid regurgitators were more frequently affected by erosion, incisal attrition was more common on controls' teeth. Cervical lesions were more commonly found in association with incisal attrition in the controls, and in association with incisal erosion in the cases. In 10 per cent of sites in case subjects, cervical lesions associated with incisal erosion were found on the lingual aspects of their mandibular incisors, canines and premolars. These lesions were almost exclusive to the case subjects. Conclusions: These results validate that lingual cervical lesions associated with incisal erosion on the mandibular anterior teeth are strong discriminators between tooth wear in patients with bulimia nervosa or chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux and those whose dental erosion is due to extrinsic acids.
Background: Using the fastest dental X-ray film available is an easy way of reducing exposure to ionizing radiation. However, the diagnostic ability of fast films for the detection of proximal surface caries must be demonstrated before these films will become universally accepted. Methods: Extracted premolar and molar teeth were arranged to simulate a bitewing examination and radiographed using Ultraspeed and Ektaspeed Plus dental X-ray films. Three different exposure times were used for each film type. Six general dentists were used to determine the presence and depth of the decay in the proximal surfaces of the teeth radiographed. The actual extent of the decay in the teeth was determined by sectioning the teeth and examining them under a microscope. Results: There was no significant difference between the two films for the mean correct diagnosis. However, there was a significant difference between the means for the three exposure times used for Ultraspeed film. The practitioners used were not consistent in their ability to make a correct diagnosis, or for the film for which they got the highest correct diagnosis. Conclusions: Ektaspeed Plus dental X-ray film is just as reliable as Ultraspeed dental X-ray film for the detection of proximal surface decay. The effect of underexposure was significant for Ultraspeed, but not for Ektaspeed Plus. Patient exposure can be reduced significantly with no loss of diagnostic ability by changing from Ultraspeed X-ray film to Ektaspeed Plus X-ray film.
Background: This project investigated the aetiology of dental and oral trauma in a population in southeast Queensland. The literature shows there is a lack of dental trauma studies which are representative of the general Australian population. Method: Twelve suburbs in the south-east district of Queensland were randomly selected according to population density in these suburbs for each 25th percentile. All dental clinics in these suburbs were eligible to participate. Patients presenting with dental and oral trauma were eligible to participate. Results: A total of 197 patients presented with dental/oral trauma over a 12 month period. The age of patients ranged from 1-64 years whilst the most frequently presenting age group was 6-10 years. There was a total of 363 injured teeth with an average of 1.8 injured teeth per patient. Males significantly outnumbered females in the incidence of trauma. Conclusions: The highest frequency of trauma occurred in the 6-10 year age group. Most injuries in this group occurred while playing or riding bicycles. In the next most prevalent trauma group, 16-20 years, trauma occurred as a result of fighting and playing sport. Overall, males significantly outnumbered females by approximately 1.8:1.0. The majority of injuries in the deciduous dentition were to periodontal tissues. In the secondary dentition most injuries were to hard dental tissue and pulp.
If a dental patient develops chest pain it must always be managed promptly and properly, i.e., the practitioner immediately stops the procedure and, being aware of the patients's medical history, questions the patient regarding the nature of the pain to help determine the likely diagnosis. It will most likely be a manifestation of coronary artery disease (synonymous with ischaemic heart disease), i.e., angina pectoris or acute myocardial infarction, most usually the former. Angina will usually resolve with proper intervention whereas up to about one-half of myocardial infarction cases will develop cardiac arrest, mostly in the first few hours, and this will be fatal in up to two-thirds of cases. As health care professions, dental practitioners have an inherent duty of care to be able to initiate appropriate care if such a medical emergency occurs.
Acid demineralization of teeth causes occlusal erosion and attrition and associated non-carious cervical lesions at sites relatively unprotected by saliva. Associations of occlusal pathology and cervical lesions were looked for in 450 patients with toothwear, and 174 subjects with cervical lesions were identified. Associations of occlusal attrition, or erosion, or no wear, with cervical lesions at 72 buccal and lingual sites were recorded from epoxy resin replicas of the subjects' dentitions (3241 teeth). Criteria used to discriminate occlusal erosion from attrition; and shallow from grooved and wedge-shaped cervical lesions were delineated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the absence of occlusal pathology, cervical lesions were very rare (
Background: This paper details contemporary ethical dilemmas encountered by Queensland dentists. Methods: An age-stratified sample of 499 dentists resident in Queensland was surveyed. The questionnaire contained scenarios of five common ethical dilemmas. In addition, open-ended questions sought the respondent's most frequent, difficult and recent ethical dilemmas, and where they would seek guidance in dealing with ethical problems. Results: Respondents acknowledged the patient's rights in treatment decisions and the dentist's right to refuse demands for inappropriate treatment. However, responses varied in the extent to which dentists may influence treatment decisions. Few respondents would ignore evidence of poor dental treatment but they are evenly divided in choosing to inform the patient, the dentist or both. Poor quality treatment is the most frequent and difficult dilemma, and half have experienced this problem recently. Requests by patients for fraudulent receipts occur in a third of responses. Dentists develop ethical values from multiple sources but for help with dental ethical problems, 90 per cent of respondents would consult another dentist. Conclusions: Of the ethical dilemmas discussed in this survey, those relating to poor quality treatment confronted most respondents. Also the actions of dentists in dealing with these dilemmas were most varied.
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to examine occupational therapists' use and perceptions of written education materials for clients and the factors that therapists consider before distributing written materials to clients This study also aimed to determine whether use and perceptions of these materials differed for older clients METHOD. A random sample of 50 occupational therapists from Queensland, Australia, working in adult physical disabilities settings was surveyed with a structured questionnaire Data were analyzed descriptively and with nonparametric statistics RESULTS. Of 49 participants who used written materials, 54% had given them to more than halt of their last 10 clients, regardless of the clients' age Written materials, most often information sheets developed by the participants themselves; handwritten notes; and pamphlets were principally used to reinforce verbal information. Clients' cognitive abilities, primary language, communication skills, vision, and level of education most often were considered before distributing written materials Although participants generally were positive about the content and effectiveness of materials, ratings were significantly less positive related to older clients CONCLUSION. Client education was a core treatment modality for participants in this study, with written media most commonly being used to supplement verbal education Because participants were least positive about the effectiveness of written materials for older clients, further development of materials for this audience may be indicated.
Background: Asthma medication places patients at risk of dental erosion by reducing salivary protection against extrinsic or intrinsic acids. But patterns of lesions in asthmatics may differ from patterns in non-asthmatics, because gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is found in 60 per cent of asthmatics. Methods: The lesions in 44 asthma cases were compared to those of age and sex match controls with no history of asthma or medications drawn from the dental records of 423 patients referred concerning excessive tooth wear. The subjects were 70 males age range 15 to 55 years and 18 females age range 18 to 45. Anamnestic clinical data were compared between the two groups. Models of all 88 subjects were examined by light microscopy, and wear patterns were recorded on permanent central incisor, canine, premolar and first molar teeth. Results: Clinical differences were a higher incidence of tooth hypersensitivity; xerostomia, salivary gland abnormalities, gastric complaints, and self induced vomiting in the cases. No differences were found between the cases and controls on citrus fruit and acid soft drink consumption. More occlusal erosion sites were found in cases, whereas more attrition sites were found in the controls. There were no significant differences in palatal erosion on maxillary anterior teeth found between cases and controls. Lingual erosion of the mandibular incisors, found only in GOR patients, was not observed. Conclusions: A higher incidence of erosion was found in asthmatics. Gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms were not associated with the sign of lingual mandibular incisor erosion. The clinical significance is that asthmatics are at risk of dental erosion from extrinsic acid, but GOR does not appear to contribute in a site-specific manner.
Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. In this paper we review the clinical and histological features of OLP, process of OLP diagnosis, causes of OLP, management of OLP patients and medical treatment of OLP lesions. Approximately 0.2 per cent OLP patients develop intra-oral carcinoma each year compared with approximately 0.005 per cent Australian adults. Possible mechanisms of increased oral cancer risk in OLP patients are presented. The aims of current OLP therapy are to eliminate mucosal erythema and ulceration, alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of oral cancer. Patient education may improve the outcomes of OLP therapy and further reduce the risk of oral cancer in OLP patients. Although OLP may be diagnosed clinically, appropriate specialist referral is required for: (i) histological diagnosis; (ii) assessment of causative/exacerbating factors, associated diseases and oral cancer risk; (iii) patient education and management; (iv) medical treatment; and (v) long-term review and re-biopsy as required.