192 resultados para Fuka mine


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The technique of in situ leach (ISL) uranium mining is well established in the USA, as well as being used extensively in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The method is being proposed and tested on uranium deposits in Australia, with sulphuric acid chemistry and no restoration of groundwater following mining. ISL mines in the former Soviet Union generally used acid reagents and were operated without due consideration given to environmental protection. At many former mine sites, the extent of groundwater contamination is significant because of high salinity, heavy metal and radionuclide concentrations compared with pre-mining and changes in the hydrogeological regime caused by mining. After the political collapse of the Soviet Union by the early 1990s, most uranium mines were shut down or ordered to be phased out by government policy. Programmes of restoration are now being undertaken but are proving technically difficult and hampered by a lack of adequate financial resources. The history and problems of acid ISL sites in countries of the former Soviet Union and Asia are presented in this study.


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Colorimetric analysis of roadway dust is currently a method for monitoring the incombustible content of mine roadways within Australian underground coal mines. To test the accuracy of this method, and to eliminate errors of judgement introduced by human operators in the analysis procedure, a number of samples were tested using scanning software to determine absolute greyscale values. High variability and unpredictability of results was noted during this testing, indicating that colorimetric testing is sensitive to parameters within the mine that are not currently reproduced in the preparation of reference samples. This was linked to the dependence of colour on particle surface area, and hence also to the size distribution of coal particles within the mine environment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a rainfall simulator developed for field and laboratory studies that gives great flexibility in plot size covered, that is highly portable and able to be used on steep slopes, and that is economical in its water use. The simulator uses Veejet 80100 nozzles mounted on a manifold, with the nozzles controlled to sweep to and from across a plot width of 1.5 m. Effective rainfall intensity is controlled by the frequency with which the nozzles sweep. Spatial uniformity of rainfall on the plots is high, with coefficients of variation (CV) on the body of the plot being 8-10%. Use of the simulator for erosion and infiltration measurements is discussed.


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Two hazard risk assessment matrices for the ranking of occupational health risks are described. The qualitative matrix uses qualitative measures of probability and consequence to determine risk assessment codes for hazard-disease combinations. A walk-through survey of an underground metalliferous mine and concentrator is used to demonstrate how the qualitative matrix can be applied to determine priorities for the control of occupational health hazards. The semi-quantitative matrix uses attributable risk as a quantitative measure of probability and uses qualitative measures of consequence. A practical application of this matrix is the determination of occupational health priorities using existing epidemiological studies. Calculated attributable risks from epidemiological studies of hazard-disease combinations in mining and minerals processing are used as examples. These historic response data do not reflect the risks associated with current exposures. A method using current exposure data, known exposure-response relationships and the semi-quantitative matrix is proposed for more accurate and current risk rankings.


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A numerical modelling strategy has been developed in order to quantify the magnitude of induced stresses at the boundaries of production level and undercut level drifts for various in situ stress environments and undercut scenarios. The results of the stress modelling were in line with qualitative experiential guidelines and a limited number of induced stress measurements documented from caving sites. A number of stress charts were developed which quantify the maximum boundary stresses in drift roofs for varying in situ stress regimes, depths and undercut scenarios. This enabled many of the experiential guidelines to be quantified and bounded. A limited number of case histories of support and support performance in cave mine drifts were compared to support recommendations using the NGI classification system, The stress charts were used to estimate the Stress Reduction Factor for this system. The back-analyses suggested that the NGI classification system might be able to give preliminary estimates of support requirements in caving mines with modifications relating to rock bolt length and the support of production level intersections. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Free-ranging koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) were monitored by means of radio-relocation in the area of Blair Athol Coal Mine and surrounding properties. Daytime tree use, home range and diet of these koalas was determined in spring and autumn, as was the leaf moisture composition of potential fodder species. Koalas used on average 93 (male koalas) and 56 (female koalas) trees during the period of observation, occupying home ranges of 135 and 101 ha respectively. Mean sightings per tree were 1.19 for both males and females and home-range sizes were not significantly different between sexes or seasons. Koalas were observed returning to previously used daytime roosting trees infrequently (


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Nine novel arsenite-oxidizing bacteria have been isolated from two different gold mine environments in Australia. Four of these organisms grow chemolithoautotrophically with oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor, arsenite as the electron donor, and carbon dioxide-bicarbonate as the sole carbon source. Five heterotrophic arsenite-oxidizing bacteria were also isolated, one of which was found to be both phylogenetically and physiologically identical to the previously described heterotrophic arsenite oxidizer misidentified as Alcaligenes faecalis. The results showed that this strain belongs to the genus Achromobacter. Phylogenetically, the arsenite-oxidizing bacteria fall within two separate subdivisions of the Proteobacteria. Interestingly, the chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizers belong to the alpha-Proteobacteria, whereas the heterotrophic arsenite oxidizers belong to the beta-Proteobacteria.


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Along with material characteristics and geometry, the climate in which a mine is located can have a dramatic effect on the appropriate options for rehabilitation. The paper outlines the setting, mining, milling and waste disposal at Kidston Gold Mine's open pit operations in the semi-arid climate of North Queensland, Australia, before focusing on the engineering aspects of the rehabilitation of Kidston. The mine took a holistic and proactive approach to rehabilitation, and was prepared to demonstrate a number of innovative approaches, which are described in the paper. Engineering issues that had to be addressed included the geotechnical stability and deformation of waste rock dumps, including a 240 m high in-pit dump: the construction and performance monitoring of a “store and release” cover over potentially acid forming mineralised waste rock; erosion from the side slopes of the waste rock dumps; the in-pit co-disposal of waste rock and thickened tailings; the geotechnical stability of the tailings dam wall; the potential for erosion of bare tailings; the water balance of the tailings dam; direct revegetation of the tailings; and the pit hydrology. The rehabilitation of the mine represents an important benchmark in mine site rehabilitation best practice, from which lessons applicable worldwide can be shared.


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Blasting has been the most frequently used method for rock breakage since black powder was first used to fragment rocks, more than two hundred years ago. This paper is an attempt to reassess standard design techniques used in blasting by providing an alternative approach to blast design. The new approach has been termed asymmetric blasting. Based on providing real time rock recognition through the capacity of measurement while drilling (MWD) techniques, asymmetric blasting is an approach to deal with rock properties as they occur in nature, i.e., randomly and asymmetrically spatially distributed. It is well accepted that performance of basic mining operations, such as excavation and crushing rely on a broken rock mass which has been pre conditioned by the blast. By pre-conditioned we mean well fragmented, sufficiently loose and with adequate muckpile profile. These muckpile characteristics affect loading and hauling [1]. The influence of blasting does not end there. Under the Mine to Mill paradigm, blasting has a significant leverage on downstream operations such as crushing and milling. There is a body of evidence that blasting affects mineral liberation [2]. Thus, the importance of blasting has increased from simply fragmenting and loosing the rock mass, to a broader role that encompasses many aspects of mining, which affects the cost of the end product. A new approach is proposed in this paper which facilitates this trend 'to treat non-homogeneous media (rock mass) in a non-homogeneous manner (an asymmetrical pattern) in order to achieve an optimal result (in terms of muckpile size distribution).' It is postulated there are no logical reasons (besides the current lack of means to infer rock mass properties in the blind zones of the bench and onsite precedents) for drilling a regular blast pattern over a rock mass that is inherently heterogeneous. Real and theoretical examples of such a method are presented.


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Blast fragmentation can have a significant impact on the profitability of a mine. An optimum run of mine (ROM) size distribution is required to maximise the performance of downstream processes. If this fragmentation size distribution can be modelled and controlled, the operation will have made a significant advancement towards improving its performance. Blast fragmentation modelling is an important step in Mine to Mill™ optimisation. It allows the estimation of blast fragmentation distributions for a number of different rock mass, blast geometry, and explosive parameters. These distributions can then be modelled in downstream mining and milling processes to determine the optimum blast design. When a blast hole is detonated rock breakage occurs in two different stress regions - compressive and tensile. In the-first region, compressive stress waves form a 'crushed zone' directly adjacent to the blast hole. The second region, termed the 'cracked zone', occurs outside the crush one. The widely used Kuz-Ram model does not recognise these two blast regions. In the Kuz-Ram model the mean fragment size from the blast is approximated and is then used to estimate the remaining size distribution. Experience has shown that this model predicts the coarse end reasonably accurately, but it can significantly underestimate the amount of fines generated. As part of the Australian Mineral Industries Research Association (AMIRA) P483A Mine to Mill™ project, the Two-Component Model (TCM) and Crush Zone Model (CZM), developed by the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), were compared and evaluated to measured ROM fragmentation distributions. An important criteria for this comparison was the variation of model results from measured ROM in the-fine to intermediate section (1-100 mm) of the fragmentation curve. This region of the distribution is important for Mine to Mill™ optimisation. The comparison of modelled and Split ROM fragmentation distributions has been conducted in harder ores (UCS greater than 80 MPa). Further work involves modelling softer ores. The comparisons will be continued with future site surveys to increase confidence in the comparison of the CZM and TCM to Split results. Stochastic fragmentation modelling will then be conducted to take into account variation of input parameters. A window of possible fragmentation distributions can be compared to those obtained by Split . Following this work, an improved fragmentation model will be developed in response to these findings.


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The Timed Interval Calculus, a timed-trace formalism based on set theory, is introduced. It is extended with an induction law and a unit for concatenation, which facilitates the proof of properties over trace histories. The effectiveness of the extended Timed Interval Calculus is demonstrated via a benchmark case study, the mine pump. Specifically, a safety property relating to the operation of a mine shaft is proved, based on an implementation of the mine pump and assumptions about the environment of the mine. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.