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The authors report the results of 10 years of monitoring of trends in the rates of major nonfatal and fatal coronary events and in case fatality in Auckland, New Zealand, and in Newcastle and Perth, Australia. Continuous surveillance of all suspected myocardial infarctions and coronary deaths in people aged 35-64 years was undertaken in the three centers as part of the World Health Organization's Multinational Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) Project, For nonfatal definite myocardial infarction, there were statistically significant declines in rates in all centers in both men and women, with estimated average changes between 2.5% and 3.7% per year during the period 1984-1993, Rates of all coronary deaths also declined significantly in all three populations for both men and women. In absolute terms, there was, in general, a greater reduction in prehospital deaths than in deaths after hospitalization. Although 28-day case fatality remains high at between 35% and 50%, in the Australian centers it declined significantly by between 1.0% and 2.9% per year, and in Auckland there was also a small decline, However, since most deaths occur outside the hospital in people without a previous history of coronary heart disease, an increased emphasis on primary prevention is necessary.
Background: The venoms of Conus snails contain small, disulfide-rich inhibitors of voltage-dependent sodium channels. Conotoxin GS is a 34-residue polypeptide isolated from Conus geographus that interacts with the extracellular entrance of skeletal muscle sodium channels to prevent sodium ion conduction. Although conotoxin GS binds competitively with mu conotoxin GIIIA to the sodium channel surface, the two toxin types have little sequence identity with one another, and conotoxin GS has a four-loop structural framework rather than the characteristic three-loop mu-conotoxin framework. The structural study of conotoxin GS will form the basis for establishing a structure-activity relationship and understanding its interaction with the pore region of sodium channels. Results: The three-dimensional structure of conotoxin GS was determined using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The protein exhibits a compact fold incorporating a beta hairpin and several turns. An unusual feature of conotoxin GS is the exceptionally high proportion (100%) of cis-imide bond geometry for the three proline or hydroxyproline residues. The structure of conotoxin GS bears little resemblance to the three-loop mu conotoxins, consistent with the low sequence identity between the two toxin types and their different structural framework. However, the tertiary structure and cystine-knot motif formed by the three disulfide bonds is similar to that present in several other polypeptide ion channel inhibitors. Conclusions: This is the first three-dimensional structure of a 'four-loop' sodium channel inhibitor, and it represents a valuable new structural probe for the pore region of voltage-dependent sodium channels. The distribution of amino acid sidechains in the structure creates several polar and charged patches, and comparison with the mu conotoxins provides a basis for determining the binding surface of the conotoxin GS polypeptide.
This study of breast cancer survival is based on analysis of five-year relative survival of 38 362 cases of invasive breast cancer in New South Wales (NSW) women, incident between 1972 and 1991, with follow-up to 1992, using data from the population-based NSW Central Cancer Registry. Survival was ascertained by matching the registry file of breast cancers against NSW death certificates from 1972 to 1992, mainly by automated probabilistic linkage. Absolute survival of cases was compared with expected survival of age- and period-matched NSW women. Proportional hazard regression analysis was used for examination of the effects on excess mortality of age, period of diagnosis and degree of spread at diagnosis. Relative survival at five years increased from 70 per cent in 1972-1976 to 77 per cent in 1987-1991. Survival improved during the 1970s and in the late 1980s. Regression analysis suggested that part of the improved survival in the late 1980s was due to lesser degree of spread at diagnosis, whereas the improved survival during the 1970s may have been due to treatment. Survival was better for those aged 40-49 years (RR = 0.86) and worse for those aged greater than or equal to 70 years (RR = 1.22) compared with the referent group (60-69 years). Excess mortality was much less for those with invasive localised disease than those with regional spread (RR = 3.1) or metastatic cancer (RR = 15.5) at diagnosis. For the most recent period (1987-1991), relative five-year survival was 90, 70 and 18 per cent, respectively, for the three degree-of-spread categories.
Breast cancer five-year relative survival was calculated for 16 urban and rural regions in New South Wales (NSW) for cases incident in 1980-1991. Survival analysis employed cancer registry data linked with the death register, and age- and period-matched regional mortality of NSW women, Proportional hazard regression analysis was used to compare excess mortality in breast cancer cases in each region. The effect of region was significant (P < 0.05) in the analysis, after age and the follow-up variable (and their intel action) were adjusted for, although no region was significantly different from the referent group (chosen because of average relative five-year survival). When degree of spread and its interactions were entered into che model, the effect of region became nonsignificant. A significant linear trend (P < 0.05) in the adjusted relative risk for excess mortality in breast cancer cases was noted when regions were divided into quartiles based on socioeconomic status, with higher relative risk in low-socioeconomic-status groups; this effect also disappeared with adjustment for degree of spread at diagnosis. There was no general effect of rurality versus capital city or other metropolitan centres. This study demonstrates a small effect of region of residence and implied socioeconomic status on breast cancer survival in NSW women, but this becomes nonsignificant when the data are adjusted for degree of spread at diagnosis, This suggests that earlier diagnosis would he of benefit in reducing minor inequalities in breast cancer survival in NSW women.
To describe the incidence of cancer in coal miners in New South Wales (NSW) between 1973 and 1992, an inception cohort of all male coal industry employees who entered the industry between 1 January 1973 and 31 December 1992 was constructed from the medical examination records of the Joint Coal Board. This cohort was matched with the NSW State Cancer Registry to determine the occurrence and type of cancer. In the cohort of 23 630 men, 297 developed 301 primary cancers in the 20-year period of observation. The standardised incidence ratio (SLR) for all cancers was 0.82. Stomach cancer has been reported to be common in coal miners but the SIR for stomach cancer was not higher than average in this cohort. A cluster of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma has been reported in a NSW coal mine but an increased risk of this cancer was not evident in the industry as a whole. Similarly a cluster of cases of brain tumour has been reported. In this cohort, the SIR for brain tumour was 1.05 (95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 0.57 to 1.76) and a risk for brain tumour remains unconfirmed. The SIR for malignant melanoma was 1.13 (CI 0.90 to 1.39) altogether and 2.02 (CI 1.31 to 2.98) for those workers who started in an open-cut mine. Overall, there does not appear to be a general risk of cancer in the NSW coal industry. Open-cut miners have an increased risk of malignant melanoma, which may be related to their exposure to the sun at work.
A specimen of the sponge Callyspongia sp. collected off the coast of New South Wales, Australia, has yielded the novel lipid (6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)-1, 6, 9, 12, 15-octadecapenten-3-one, together with (4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z)-4, 7, 10, 13-hexadecatetraenoic acid.
Research on outcomes from psychiatric disorders has highlighted the importance of expressed emotion (EE), but its cost-effective measurement remains a challenge. This article describes development of the Family Attitude Scale (FAS), a 30-item instrument that can be completed by any informant. Its psychometric characteristics are reported in parents of undergraduate students and in 70 families with a schizophrenic member. The total FAS had high internal consistency in all samples, and reports of angry behaviour in FAS items showed acceptable inter-rater agreement. The FAS was associated with the reported anger, anger expression and anxiety of respondents. Substantial associations between the parents' FAS and the anger and anger expression of students was also observed. Parents of schizophrenic patients had higher FAS scores than parents of students, and the FAS was higher if disorder duration was longer or patient functioning was poorer. Hostility, high criticism and low warmth on the Camberwell Family Interview (CFI) were associated with a more negative FAS. The highest FAS in the family was a good predictor of a highly critical environment on the CFI. The FAS is a reliable and valid indicator of relationship stress and expressed anger that has wide applicability. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
The following lepocreadiid species are described from Cheilodactylidae from south-western Australia. Cliveus peroni n. g., n. sp, from Nemadactylus valenciennesi is characterised by its attenuated forebody and C. acaenodera n. sp. from Dactylophora nigricans by its attenuated forebody, the pattern of forebody spination and the large cirrus-sac. Jericho chojeri n. g., n. sp. from N. valenciennesi has a large infundibuliform oral sucker and paired ani. Rugocavum n. g. is distinguished by the possession of a blind, wrinkled glandular pit on the postero-ventral surface of the forebody. R. nemadactyli n. sp. from N. valenciennesi has its vitelline field restricted to the hindbody, whereas in R. morwong n. sp, from N. valenciennesi the vitelline field reaches into the forebody. Paraneocreadium australiense Kruse, 1978 from N. valenciennesi is redescribed and its coiled internal seminal vesicle and lobed gonads are considered distinctive features. Scaphatrema nemadactyli (Kurochkin & Korotaeva, 1972) n. g., n. comb. from N. valenciennesi has a wrinkled, boat-shaped body, a 'Lepidapedon-like' cirrus-sac and multiple testes; it was originally placed in the genus Multitestis, but these characters suggest that a new genus should be erected for it within the subfamily Lepidapedinae.
We describe the twisted affine superalgebra sl(2\2)((2)) and its quantized version U-q[sl(2\2)((2))]. We investigate the tensor product representation of the four-dimensional grade star representation for the fixed-point sub superalgebra U-q[osp(2\2)]. We work out the tensor product decomposition explicitly and find that the decomposition is not completely reducible. Associated with this four-dimensional grade star representation we derive two U-q[osp(2\2)] invariant R-matrices: one of them corresponds to U-q [sl(2\2)(2)] and the other to U-q [osp(2\2)((1))]. Using the R-matrix for U-q[sl(2\2)((2))], we construct a new U-q[osp(2\2)] invariant strongly correlated electronic model, which is integrable in one dimension. Interestingly this model reduces in the q = 1 limit, to the one proposed by Essler et al which has a larger sl(2\2) symmetry.
An algorithm for explicit integration of structural dynamics problems with multiple time steps is proposed that averages accelerations to obtain subcycle states at a nodal interface between regions integrated with different time steps. With integer time step ratios, the resulting subcycle updates at the interface sum to give the same effect as a central difference update over a major cycle. The algorithm is shown to have good accuracy, and stability properties in linear elastic analysis similar to those of constant velocity subcycling algorithms. The implementation of a generalised form of the algorithm with non-integer time step ratios is presented. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a recessively inherited disorder characterized by dramatic episodes of fever and serosal inflammation. This report describes the cloning of the gene likely to cause FMF from a 115-kb candidate interval on chromosome 16p. Three different missense mutations were identified in affected individuals, but not in normals. Haplotype and mutational analyses disclosed ancestral relationships among carrier chromosomes in populations that have been separated for centuries. The novel gene encodes a 3.7-kb transcript that is almost exclusively expressed in granulocytes. The predicted protein, pyrin, is a member of a family of nuclear factors homologous to the Ro52 autoantigen. The cloning of the FMF gene promises to shed light on the regulation of acute inflammatory responses.
In the development of atherosclerotic lesions, three basic processes occur: 1) invasion of the artery wall by leucocytes, particularly monocytes and T-lymphocytes; 2) smooth muscle phenotypic modulation, proliferation, and synthesis of extracellular matrix; and 3) intracellular (macrophage and smooth muscle) lipoprotein uptake and lipid accumulation. Invasion of the vessel wall by leucocytes is mediated through the expression of adhesion molecules on both leucocytes and the endothelium making them 'sticky'. The adhesion molecules are induced by high serum cholesterol levels or complement fragments. Leucocytes which have adhered to the endothelium are chemo-attracted into the vessel wall by cytokines produced by early arriving leucocytes or by low density lipoprotein which has passively passed into the wall, in the process being trapped and oxidised. The oxidised low density lipoprotein is taken up by scavenger receptors (which are not subject to down-regulation) on both macrophages and smooth muscle cells. The overaccumulation of lipid is toxic to the cells and they die contributing to the central necrotic core. The macrophages and T-lymphocytes produce substances which induce smooth muscle cells of the artery wall to change from a 'contractile' (high volume fraction of myofilaments [V(v)myo]) to a 'synthetic' (low V(v)myo) phenotype. In this altered state they respond to growth factors released from macrophages, platelets, regenerating endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells; produce large amounts of matrix; express lipoprotein scavenger receptors; express adhesion molecules for leucocytes; and express HLA-DR following exposure to the T-lymphocyte product, IFN-delta, suggesting that they can become involved in a generalised immune reaction.
Oligocene resin from New Zealand's Rotowaro coalfield displays DTA and DTG traces similar to those of other fossil resins. It modifies the thermal behaviour of low rank coal in raising the peak combustion temperature and lowering its rate of combustion, a behaviour that may be common among liptinite macerals. The effect is not additive and unlike other coal constituents the resinite component does not deteriorate with time. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
This study describes a simple method for long-term establishment of human ovarian tumor lines and prediction of T-cell epitopes that could be potentially useful in the generation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), Nine ovarian tumor lines (INT.Ov) were generated from solid primary or metastatic tumors as well as from ascitic fluid, Notably all lines expressed HLA class I, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), polymorphic epithelial mucin (PEM) and cytokeratin (CK), but not HLA class II, B7.1 (CD80) or BAGE, While of the 9 lines tested 4 (INT.Ov1, 2, 5 and 6) expressed the folate receptor (FR-alpha) and 6 (INT.Ov1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9) expressed the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR); MAGE-1 and p185(HER-2/neu) were only found in 2 lines (INT.Ov1 and 2) and GAGE-1 expression in 1 line (INT.Ov2). The identification of class I MHC ligands and T-cell epitopes within protein antigens was achieved by applying several theoretical methods including: 1) similarity or homology searches to MHCPEP; 2) BIMAS and 3) artificial neural network-based predictions of proteins MACE, GAGE, EGFR, p185(HER-2/neu) and FR-alpha expressed in INT.Ov lines, Because of the high frequency of expression of some of these proteins in ovarian cancer and the ability to determine HLA binding peptides efficiently, it is expected that after appropriate screening, a large cohort of ovarian cancer patients may become candidates to receive peptide based vaccines. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.