185 resultados para economic traits
Previous studies have shown that a negative relationship exists between transpiration efficiency (TE) and carbon isotope discrimination (Delta) and between TE and specific leaf area (SLA) in Stylosanthes scabra, A glasshouse experiment was conducted to confirm these relationships in an F-2 population and to study the causal nature of these relationships through quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, One hundred and twenty F-2 genotypes from a cross between two genotypes within S. scabra were used. Three replications for each genotype were maintained through vegetative propagation, Water stress was imposed by maintaining plants at 40% of field capacity for about 45 d. To facilitate QTL analysis, a genetic linkage map consisting of 151 RAPD markers was developed, Results from this study show that Delta was significantly and negatively correlated with TE and biomass production. Similarly, SLA showed significant negative correlation with TE and biomass production, Most of the QTL for TE and Delta were present on linkage groups 5 and 11. Similarly, QTL for SLA, transpiration and biomass productivity traits were clustered on linkage groups 13 and 24, One unlinked marker was also associated with these traits, There were several markers coincident between different traits, At all the coincident QTL, the direction of QTL effects was consistent with phenotypic data, At the coincident markers between TE and Delta, high alleles of TE were associated with low alleles of Delta. Similarly, low alleles of SLA were associated with high alleles of biomass productivity traits and transpiration. At the coincident markers between trans-4-hydroxy-N-methyl proline (MHP) and relative water content (RWC), low alleles of MHP were associated with high alleles of RWC, This study suggests the causal nature of the relationship between TE and Delta. Phenotypic data and QTL, data show that SLA was more closely associated with biomass production than with TE, This study also shows that a cause-effect relationship may exist between SLA and biomass production.
State-owned banks remain dominant in China's financial sector despite over two decades of gradual financial liberalization. Their performance is typically evaluated using commercial banking criteria. The standard view is that because state banks have experienced declining profitability and capital adequacy, they have been a drain on past economic development and endanger future growth prospects. However, we argue that state banks have strong development bank characteristics and hence warrant different performance criteria. The analysis in this paper suggests that while thier commercial performance may have been poor, the overall impact of state banks on China's economic development appears to have been both positive and sustainable. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Applied econometricians often fail to impose economic regularity constraints in the exact form economic theory prescribes. We show how the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Theorem and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods can be used to rigorously impose time- and firm-varying equality and inequality constraints. To illustrate the technique we estimate a system of translog input demand functions subject to all the constraints implied by economic theory, including observation-varying symmetry and concavity constraints. Results are presented in the form of characteristics of the estimated posterior distributions of functions of the parameters. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
The material in genebanks includes valuable traditional varieties and landraces, non-domesticated species, advanced and obsolete cultivars, breeding lines and genetic stock. It is the wide variety of potentially useful genetic diversity that makes collections valuable. While most of the yield increases to date have resulted from manipulation of a few major traits (such as height, photoperiodism, and vernalization), meeting future demand for increased yields will require exploitation of novel genetic resources. Many traits have been reported to have potential to enhance yield, and high expression of these can be found in germplasm collections. To boost yield in irrigated situations, spike fertility must be improved simultaneously with photosynthetic capacity. CIMMYT's Wheat Genetic Resources program has identified a source of multi-ovary florets, with up to 6 kernels per floret. Lines from landrace collections have been identified that have very high chlorophyll concentration, which may increase leaf photosynthetic rate. High chlorophyll concentration and high stomatal conductance are associated with heat tolerance. Recent studies, through augmented use of seed multiplication nurseries, identified high expression of these traits in bank accessions, and both traits were heritable. Searches are underway for drought tolerance traits related to remobilization of stem fructans, awn photosynthesis, osmotic adjustment, and pubescence. Genetic diversity from wild relatives through the production of synthetic wheats has produced novel genetic diversity.
Recent research in Australian sociology and political science has debated the extent to which postmaterialist values and economic self-interest shape voting in federal elections. Some researchers have argued that postmaterialist values have partly displaced materialist concerns with physical security and economic well-being in Australian public life. This displacement, coupled with the adoption by major political parties of postmaterialist 'quality of life' issues such as the environment, has meant that voting in Australia has come to be more dependent on postmaterialist values than on perceptions of economic interest. Other research, however, has found no relationship between postmaterialist values and voting behaviour, while economic evaluations remain a strong determinant of voting behaviour. Part of the disagreement reflects methodological differences in the research. But different methodological problems compromise each of the previous studies. In this paper we use data from the 1990, 1993, 1996 and 1998 Australian Election Studies to investigate postmaterialist and economic voting in the Commonwealth House of Representatives and the Senate. Using various statistical methods, we first explore bivariate relationships between key variables and then use multivariate models of postmaterialist and economic voting to adjudicate between the contending positions.
Riparian vegetation can be an effective measure for preventing degradation of streambanks and riparian areas. However, riparian revegetation imposes large costs on landholders associated with tree establishment and removal of land from cropping, while providing benefits to downstream landholders, fishers, the local community and environmentalists. Appropriate policy instruments are required to promote sustainable and balanced use of riparian zones. This article analyses the capacity of existing legislation and other instruments to promote restoration of degraded riparian zones on private land. The role of legislation. economic instruments, community engagement and extension programs, in persuading landholders to revegetate riparian areas and improve riparian vegetation cover; is examined in the context ofa small degraded catchment in an intensive farming area in tropical north Queensland. It is found that while legislation and regulations can control undesirable modification of riparian areas, in general they are unable to make a useful contribution to restoration of these areas; incentives and assistance measures appear to offer greater potential.