255 resultados para Philip Melanchthon : theologian in classroom, confession, and controversy
Four different fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) are known, three of which have splice variants (known as the b and c variants) in the FGF-binding domain, to give different patterns of sensitivity to the different FGFs. The expression of the b and c variants of the FGF receptors. together with the expression of the ligands FGF1. FGF2, FGF3, FGF7, FGF8b and FGF8c, was determined by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in developing whole mouse inner ears, and in dissected components of the postnatal mouse inner ear. At embryonic age (E)10.5 days, when the otocyst is a simple closed sac, the receptor most heavily expressed was FGFR2b, relative to the postnatal day 0 level. Over the period E10.5-E12.5. during which the structures of the inner ear start to form, the expression of the different FGF receptors increased 10(2)-10(4) fold per unit of tissue, and there was a gradual switch towards expression of the 'c' splice variants of FGFR2 and FGFR3 rather than the 'b' variants. At E10.5, the ligands most heavily expressed, relative to the postnatal day 0 level, were FGF3, FGF8b and FGF8c. In the postnatal inner eat. the patterns of expression of receptors and ligands tended to be correlated, such that receptor variants were expressed in the same regions as the ligands that are known to activate them effectively. The neural/sensory region expressed high levels of FGFR3c, and high levels of the ligand FGF8b. The same area also expressed high levels of FGFR1b and FGFR2b, and high levels of FGF3. The lateral wall of the cochlea (including the stria vascularis and the spiral ligament) expressed high levels of FGFR1c and FGF1. 11 is suggested that the different FGF receptors and ligands are expressed in a spatially coordinated pattern to selectively program cochlear development. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Animal models of autoimmune disease and case reports of patients with these diseases who have been involved in bone marrow transplants have provided important data implicating the haemopoietic stem cell in rheumatic disease pathogenesis. Animal and human examples exist for both cure and transfer of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and other organ-specific diseases using allogeneic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation. This would suggest that the stem cell in these diseases is abnormal and could be cured by replacement of a normal stem cell although more in vitro data are required in this area. Given the morbidity and increased mortality in some patients with severe autoimmune diseases and the increasing safety of autologous haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), pilot studies have been conducted using HSCT in rheumatic diseases. It is still unclear whether an autologous graft will cure these diseases but significant remissions have been obtained which have provided important data for the design of randomized trials of HSCT versus more conventional therapy. Several trials are now open to accrual under the auspices of the European Bone Marrow Transplant Group/European League Against Rheumatism (EBMT/EULAR) registry. Future clinical and laboratory research will need to document the abnormalities of the stem cell of a rheumatic patient because new therapies based on gene therapy or stem cell differentiation could be apllied to these diseases. With increasing safety of allogeneic HSCT it is not unreasonable to predict cure of some rheumatic diseases in the near future.
Objective: To examine the effects of iron deficiency and its treatment by iron supplementation or a high iron diet on fatigue and general health measures in women of childbearing age. Design: Randomised controlled trial to compare supplement and dietary treatment of iron deficiency. Subjects: 44 iron deficient (serum ferritin < 15 mug/L or serum ferritin 15-20 mug/L, plus two of the following: serum iron < 10 mu mol/L, total iron binding capacity > 68 mu mol/L or transferrin saturation < 15%) and 22 iron replete (hemoglobin greater than or equal to 120 g/L and serum ferritin > 20 mug/L) women 18 to 50 years of age were matched for age and parity. Interventions: Iron deficient women were randomly allocated to either iron supplementation or a high iron diet for 12 weeks. Measures of Outcome: Iron deficient and iron replete participants had iron studies performed and completed the Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS) and the SF-36 general health and well-being questionnaire at baseline (TO), following the 12 week intervention (TI) and again after a six-month non-intervention phase (T2). The SF-36 includes measures of physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) health and vitality (VT). Results: MCS and VT scores were lower and PFS scores were higher for iron deficient women (diet and supplement groups) than iron replete women at baseline. Both intervention groups showed similar improvements in MCS, VT and PFS scores during the intervention phase, but mean increases in serum ferritin were greater in the supplement than the diet group. PCS scores were not related to iron status. Conclusions: Treatment of iron deficiency with either supplementation or a high iron diet results in improved mental health and decreased fatigue among women of childbearing age.
The primary purpose of this experiment was to determine if left hand reaction time advantages in manual aiming result from a right hemisphere attentional advantage or an early right hemisphere role in movement preparation. Right-handed participants were required to either make rapid goal-directed movements to small targets or simply lift their hand upon target illumination. The amount of advance information about the target for a particular trial was manipulated by precuing a subset of potential targets prior to the reaction time interval. When participants were required to make aiming movements to targets in left space, the left hand enjoyed a reaction advantage that was not present for aiming in right space: or simple finger lifts. This advantage was independent of the amount or type of advance information provided by the precue. This finding supports the movement planning hypothesis. With respect to movement execution, participants completed their aiming movements more quickly when aiming with their right hand, particularly in right space. This right hand advantage in right space was due to the time required to decelerate the movement and to make feedback-based adjustments late in the movement trajectory. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
The aim of this study is to determine whether subpopulations of smooth muscle cells (SMC). as distinguished by variations in contractile and cytoskeletal proteins, appear in the neointima at different times after vascular injury, and/or whether subpopulations develop during serial passaging of these cells. Rat aortae and rabbit carotid arteries were injured with a 2F Fogarty balloon catheter and cultures established from the resulting neointima and the media 2, 6, 12, 16 and 24 weeks later. Cultures were examined at passages 1-5 and subpopulations of SMC categorised by intensity of staining for each protein by immunohistochemistry. Two populations of SMC with different staining intensities ('+ +', '+') were observed for each of the following proteins: alpha -SM actin, SM-myosin, desmin and vimentin. Populations without these proteins were also found. Changes in the percentages of cells expressing these proteins were transitory, indicating that the populations were not limited to a particular tissue (neointima or media), time after injury or passage number. One exception was found in rabbit cultures where the number of desmin-expressing cells quickly decreased with both time after injury and time in culture. Subpopulations of SMC were found at all times after injury in the media and neointima of rat and rabbit arteries, and after multiple passage of these cells. There was no pattern of development of one population suggesting that either no subpopulation has a proliferative or migratory advantage over others, or that only one population exists: that is capable of diverse phenotypic changes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent studies have demonstrated the occurrence of elevated levels of higher chlorinated PCDDs in the coastal environment of Queensland, Australia. This study presents new data for OCDD contamination and full PCDD/F profile analysis in the environment of Queensland. Marine sediments, irrigation drain sediments and topsoil were collected from sites that were expected to be influenced by specific land-use types. High OCDD concentrations were associated mainly with sediments collected near the mouth of rivers which drain into large catchments in the tropical and subtropical regions. Further, analysis of sediments from irrigation drains could be clearly differentiated on the basis of OCDD contamination, with high concentrations in samples from sugarcane drains collected from coastal regions, and low concentrations in drain sediments from drier inland cotton growing areas. PCDD/F congener-specific analysis demonstrated almost identical congener profiles in all samples collected along the coastline. This indicates the source to be widespread. Profiles were dominated by higher chlorinated PCDDs, in particular OCDD whereas 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDFs were below the limit of quantification in the majority of samples. The full PCDD/F profile analysis of samples strongly resemble those reported for lake sediments from Mississippi and kaolinite samples from Germany, Strong similarities to these samples with respect to congener profiles and isomer patterns may indicate the presence of a similar source and/or formation process that is yet unidentified. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study was undertaken to assess changes in zinc and copper homeostasis in human tissues that could be attributed to human exposure to environmental cadmium, using samples of lung, liver and kidney cortex of 61 Queensland residents, aged 2 to 89 years, who had died of accidental causes. None of the subjects were exposed to cadmium in the workplace. Levels of zinc in liver and kidney cortex samples showed inverse associations with donor age whereas zinc in lung only showed inverse association with gender. Lung zinc levels in females were 14% lower than in males. Zinc in liver and kidney cortex samples were found to exist in at least two pools; one was associated with cadmium that bound to metallothionein (MT) and the other was associated with non - MTbound copper. In liver, the amounts of zinc in the MT pool were smaller compared to those in non-MT pool given that only 7% of zinc variations were explained by cadmium whereas 22% of the liver zinc Variations were accounted for by non - MT bound copper. In sharp contrast, larger amounts of zinc in kidney cortex samples were in the MT pool, compared to those in the non-MT pool given that cadmium was found to explain 69% of total zinc variation whereas copper explained only 17% of kidney zinc variations. The levels of copper in liver were found to be increased by 45-50% in subjects with high cadmium exposure level, compared to subjects of similar ages with medium exposure level. The levels of zinc and copper in kidney cortex samples in the subjects with high cadmium exposure were both found to be significantly elevated compared to those found in the medium-exposure group whereas copper contents were about 19-23% greater than in medium- as well as low-exposure groups. Taken together these results indicate increased sequestration of zinc and copper in liver and kidney cortex samples. The increases in metal sequestrations were observed in liver samples having cadmium contents of greater than 1 mug/g wet weight and in kidney cortex having cadmium contents of greater than 26 mug/g wet weight. Zinc and copper contents in lung of this sample group, however, were not associated with cadmium due probably to lower exposure levels compared to those of liver and kidney.
This study was undertaken to assess associations between age, gender, cigarette smoke and non-workplace cadmium exposure, and liver pathology and inter-individual variation in cytochrome P450 (CYP) expression in human tissues. Autopsy specimens of twenty-eight Queensland residents whose ages ranged from 3 to 89 years were analyzed for the presence of nine CYP protein isoforms by immunoblotting. All subjects were Caucasians and their liver cadmium contents ranged from 0.11 to 3.95 kg/g wet weight, while their kidney cadmium contents were in the range of 2 to 63 mug/g wet weight. CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2D6, CYP3A4, and CYP3A5 were detected in liver but not in kidney, and CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 were not found in liver or kidney. Lowered liver CYP2C8/19 protein contents were found to be associated with liver pathology. Importantly, we show elevated levels of CYP2C9 protein to be associated with cadmium accumulation in liver. No mechanism that explains this association is apparent, but there are two possibilities that require further study. One is that variation in CYP2C9 protein levels may be, in part, attributed to an individual's non-workplace exposure to cadmium, or an individual's CYP2C9 genotype may be a risk factor for cadmium accumulation. A positive correlation was found between liver CYP3A4 protein and subject age. Levels of liver CYPIA2 protein, but not other CYP forms, were increased in people more exposed to cigarette smoke, but there was no association between CYPIA2 protein and cadmium. CYP2A6 protein was found in all liver samples and CYP2A6 gene typing indicated the absence of CYP2A6 null allele (CYP2A6(D)) in this sample group, confirming very low prevalence of homozygous CYP2A6(D) in Caucasians. CYP2A6 gene types W/W, WIC, and CIC were not associated with variations in liver microsomal CYP2A6 protein. CYP2D6 protein was absent in all twenty-five kidney samples tested but was detectable in liver samples of all but two subjects, indicating the prevalence of the CYP2D6 null allele (CYP2D6(D)) in this sample group to be about 7%, typical of Caucasian populations. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
When smooth muscle cells are enzyme-dispersed from tissues they lose their original filament architecture and extracellular matrix surrounds. They then reorganize their structural proteins to accommodate a 2-D growth environment when seeded onto culture dishes. The aim of the present study was to determine the expression and reorganization of the structural proteins in rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells seeded into 3-D collagen gel and Matrigel (a basement membrane matrix). It was shown that smooth muscle cells seeded in both gels gradually reorganize their structural proteins into an architecture similar to that of their in vivo counterparts. At the same time, a gradual decrease in levels of smooth muscle-specific contractile proteins (mainly smooth muscle myosin heavy chain-2) and an increase in p-nonmuscle actin occur, independent of both cell growth and extracellular matrix components. Thus, smooth muscle cells in 3-D extracellular matrix culture and in vivo have a similar filament architecture in which the contractile proteins such as actin, myosin, and alpha -actinin are organized into longitudinally arranged myofibrils and the vimentin-containing intermediate filaments form a meshed cytoskeletal network, However, the myofibrils reorganized in vitro contain less smooth muscle-specific and more nonmuscle contractile proteins. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Behavioral and cognitive interventions for people with psychosis have a long and distinguished history, although the evidence for their application to young people remains limited. We anticipate that the next decades will show substantial research into psychological intervention for this population. Important targets will include the management of environmental stressors, reduction of substance misuse, and promotion of early treatment. Psychological management of positive symptoms, depression, and suicidal behavior will continue to be critical objectives. Important secondary prevention goals will be the retention of cognitive functioning, vocational options, social skills, and social network support, including appropriate family support. We expect primary prevention to include both universal programs and interventions for adolescents at particularly high risk. Technical innovations will include increasing use of Internet-based intervention and behavior cueing devices. Pressures for intervention brevity will continue, as will problems with the systematic delivery of effective procedures.