183 resultados para Molecular-mechanics


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The dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) reductase family of molybdenum enzymes is a large and diverse group that is found in bacteria and archaea. These enzymes are characterised by a bis(molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide)Mo form of the molybdenum cofactor, and they are particularly important in anaerobic respiration including the dissimilatory reduction of certain toxic oxoanions. The structural and phylogenetic relationship between the proteins of this family is discussed. High-resolution crystal structures of enzymes of the DMSO reductase family have revealed a high degree of similarity in tertiary structure. However, there is considerable variation in the structure of the molybdenum active site and it seems likely that these subtle but important differences lead to the great diversity of function seen in this family of enzymes. This diversity of catalytic capability is associated with several distinct pathways of electron transport.


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The binary diffusivities of water in low molecular weight sugars; fructose, sucrose and a high molecular weight carbohydrate; maltodextrin (DE 11) and the effective diffusivities of water in mixtures of these sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose) and maltodextrin (DE 11) were determined using a simplified procedure based on the Regular Regime Approach. The effective diffusivity of these mixtures exhibited both the concentration and molecular weight dependence. Surface stickiness was observed in all samples during desorption, with fructose exhibiting the highest and maltodextrin the lowest. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High quality MSS membranes were synthesised by a single-step and two-step catalysed hydrolyses employing tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), absolute ethanol (EtOH), I M nitric acid (HNO3) and distilled water (H2O). The Si-29 NMR results showed that the two-step xerogels consistently had more contribution of silanol groups (Q(3) and Q(2)) than the single-step xerogel. According to the fractal theory, high contribution of Q(2) and Q(3) species are responsible for the formation of weakly branched systems leading to low pore volume of microporous dimension. The transport of diffusing gases in these membranes is shown to be activated as the permeance increased with temperature. Albeit the permeance of He for both single-step and two-step membranes are very similar, the two-step membranes permselectivity (ideal separation factor) for He/CO2 (69-319) and He/CH4 (585-958) are one to two orders of magnitude higher than the single-step membranes results of 2-7 and 69, respectively. The two-step membranes have high activation energy for He and H-2 permeance, in excess of 16 kJ mol(-1). The mobility energy for He permeance is three to six-fold higher for the two-step than the single-step membranes. As the mobility energy is higher for small pores than large pores and coupled with the permselectivity results, the two-step catalysed hydrolysis sol-gel process resulted in the formation of pore sizes in the region of 3 Angstrom while the single-step process tended to produce slightly larger pores. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon gasification with steam to produce H-2 and CO is an important reaction widely used in industry for hydrogen generation. Although the literature is vast, the. mechanism for the formation of H-2 is still unclear. In particular, little has, been done to investigate the potential of molecular orbital theory to distinguish different mechanism possibilities. In this work, we used molecular orbital theory to demonstrate a favorable energetic pathway where H2O is first physically adsorbed on the virgin graphite surface with negligible change in molecular structure. Chemisorption occurs via O approaching the carbon edge site with one H atom stretching away from the O in the transition state. This is followed by a local minimum. state in which the stretching H is further disconnected from the O atoms and the remaining OH group is still on the carbon edge site. The disconnected H then pivot around the OH group to bond with the H of the OH group and forms H-2. The O atom remaining on the carbon edge site is subsequently desorbed as CO. The reverse occurs when H-2 reacts with the surface oxygen to produce H2O.


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Quaternary ammonium surfactants were used to control the pore structure of bentonite intercalated with a mixed hydro-sol of silicon and titanium. Porous clay heterostructures of alumina and laponite were prepared in the presence of polyethylene oxide (PEO) surfactants. Participation of the surfactants in the synthesis results in significant changes in the structure of porous clay products. Surfactants are involved in different mechanisms, In the case of bentonite, the mean size of the framework pores was directly proportional to the chain length of the quaternary ammonium surfactants. This indicates a molecular templating mechanism, similar to that observed in the synthesis of MCM41. However, in the case of laponite, the size and volume of the mesopores were related to the amount of PEO surfactants used. By using an appropriate surfactant, we can obtain highly porous clays with various pore structures. Introducing surfactants during intercalation is an efficient strategy for the molecular engineering of porous clay adsorbents and catalysts. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An important feature of improving lattice gas models and classical isotherms is the incorporation of a pore size dependent capacity, which has hitherto been overlooked. In this paper, we develop a model for predicting the temperature dependent variation in capacity with pore size. The model is based on the analysis of a lattice gas model using a density functional theory approach at the close packed limit. Fluid-fluid and solid-fluid interactions are modeled by the Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential and Steele's 10-4-3, potential respectively. The capacity of methane in a slit-shaped carbon pore is calculated from the characteristic parameters of the unit cell, which are extracted by minimizing the grand potential of the unit cell. The capacities predicted by the proposed model are in good agreement with those obtained from grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation, for pores that can accommodate up to three adsorbed layers. Single particle and pair distributions exhibit characteristic features that correspond to the sequence of buckling and rhombic transitions that occur as the slit pore width is increased. The model provides a useful tool to model continuous variation in the microstructure of an adsorbed phase, namely buckling and rhombic transitions, with increasing pore width. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Partial genome characterisation of a non-cultivable marsupial adenovirus is described. Adenovirus-like particles were found by electron microscopy (EM) in the intestinal contents of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand. Using degenerate PCR primers complementary to the most conserved genome regions of adenoviruses, the complete nucleotide sequence of the penton base gene, and partial nucleotide sequences of the DNA polymerase, hexon, and pVII genes were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis of the penton base gene strongly suggested that the brushtail possum adenovirus (candidate PoAdV-1) belongs to the recently proposed genus Atadenovirus. Sequence analysis of the PCR products amplified from the intestinal contents of brushtail possums originating from different geographical regions of New Zealand identified a single genotype. This is the first report of molecular confirmation of an adenovirus in a marsupial.


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The abundance of coral reefs worldwide is in decline, and despite the ecological importance of reefs, only a limited number of DNA markers have been identified for scleractinian coral genetic studies. This paper addresses the search for new coral molecular markers and investigates the applicability of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1), and the pocilloporin gene to the question of intraspecific variation in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora verrucosa along the southeast African coastline. The COI fragment was 710 bp long and was identical for P. verrucosa (n = 10) and P. damicornis (n = 3). Only two different ITS1 sequences were found (differing by 13 bp insertion), but more importantly, 24% of the sequences were heterogenous indicating that different multiple copies of the sequence exist. Pocilloporin is an intronless gene that was absolutely conserved throughout all P. verrucosa populations (n = 50). Thus, the three DNA regions studied appear unsuitable for the population genetic analyses of P. verrucosa.


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We report the first steps of a collaborative project between the University of Queensland, Polyflow, Michelin, SK Chemicals, and RMIT University; on simulation, validation and application of a recently introduced constitutive model designed to describe branched polymers. Whereas much progress has been made on predicting the complex flow behaviour of many - in particular linear - polymers, it sometimes appears difficult to predict simultaneously shear thinning and extensional strain hardening behaviour using traditional constitutive models. Recently a new viscoelastic model based on molecular topology, was proposed by McLeish and Larson (1998). We explore the predictive power of a differential multi-mode version of the pom-pom model for the flow behaviour of two commercial polymer melts: a (long-chain branched) low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and a (linear) high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The model responses are compared to elongational recovery experiments published by Langouche and Debbaut (1999), and start-up of simple shear flow, stress relaxation after simple and reverse step strain experiments carried out in our laboratory.


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The adsorption of three aromatic compounds on to an untreated carbon was investigated. The solution pH was lowered in all experiments so that all the solutes were in their molecular forms. It was shown that the difference in the maximum adsorption of the solutes was mainly a result of the difference in the sizes of the molecules and their functional groups. Further-more, it was illustrated that the packing arrangement was most likely edge-to-face (sorbate-sorbent) with various tilt angles. On the other hand, the affinity and heterogeneity of the adsorption systems were apparently related to the pK(a) values of the solutes.


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The authors investigated the effect of manual hyperinflation (MHI) with set parameters applied to patients on mechanical ventilation on hemodynamics, respiratory mechanics, and gas exchange. Sixteen critically ill patients post-septic shock, with acute lung injury, were studied. Heart rate, arterial pressure, and mean pulmonary artery pressure were recorded every minute. pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, cardiac output, arterial blood gases, and dynamic compliance (C-dyn) were recorded pre- and post-MHI. From this, systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), cardiac index, oxygen delivery, and partial pressure of oxygen:fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2:FiO(2)) ratio were calculated. There were significant increases in SVRI (P < 0.05) post-MHI and diastolic arterial pressure (P < 0.01)during MHI. C-dyn increased post-MHI (P < 0.01) and was sustained at 20 minutes post-MHI (P < 0.01). Subjects with an intrapulmonary cause of lung disease had a significant decrease (P = 0.02) in PaO2:FiO(2), and those with extrapulmonary causes of lung disease had a significant increase (P < 0.001) in PaO2:FiO(2) post-MHI. In critically ill patients, MHI resulted in an improvement in lung mechanics and an improvement in gas exchange in patients with lung disease due to extrapulmonary events and did not result in impairment of the cardiovascular system.


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The efficacy of chloroquine treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in East Timor was investigated via molecular tools. Genotyping of the polymorphic markers msp1 and msp2 was performed to investigate the number and type of parasite alleles in pre- and posttreatment blood samples collected from 48 patients. Patients were infected with a minimum of 8 msp1 and 14 msp2 allelic types of parasite, and 43% of the patients had more than one allelic type before treatment. The genotyping also revealed that 66.7% of the patients were infected with at least one identical allelic type of parasite before and after treatment and therefore were likely to have experienced recrudescence. All parasites in pre- and posttreatment blood samples carried the K76T mutation in pfcrt, regardless of the clinical response to chloroquine. The sequence polymorphism patterns in pfcrt in the majority of parasites examined were identical to those observed in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.


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Distinct Echinococcus granulosus life cycle patterns have been described in North America: domestic and sylvatic. Gene sequences of the sylvatic E. granulosus indicate that it represents a separate variant. Case-based data have suggested that the course of sylvatic disease is less severe than that of domestic disease. which led to the recommendation to treat cystic echinococcosis patients in the Arctic by careful medical management rather than by aggressive surgery. We recently reported the first two documented E. granalosus human cases in Alaska with accompanying severe sequelae. Here we describe the results of molecular genetic analysis of the cyst material of one of the subjects that supported identification of the parasite as the sylvatic (cervid) strain and not the domestic (common sheep strain), which was initially thought to be implicated in these unusually severe Alaskan cases.


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Chemotherapy is central to the control of many parasite infections of both medical and veterinary importance. However, control has been compromised by the emergence of drug resistance in several important parasite species. Such parasites cover a broad phylogenetic range and include protozoa, helminths and arthropods. In order to achieve effective parasite control in the future, the recognition and diagnosis of resistance will be crucial. This demand for early, accurate diagnosis of resistance to specific drugs in different parasite species can potentially be met by modern molecular techniques. This paper summarises the resistance status of a range of important parasites and reviews the available molecular techniques for resistance diagnosis. Opportunities for applying successes in some species to other species where resistance is less well understood are explored. The practical application of molecular techniques and the impact of the technology on improving parasite control are discussed. (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.