197 resultados para Field expanded Arts Architecture


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An inverse, current density mapping (CDM) method has been developed for the design of elliptical cross-section MRI magnets. The method provides a rapid prototyping system for unusual magnet designs, as it generates a 3D current density in response to a set of target field and geometric constraints. The emphasis of this work is on the investigation of new elliptical coil structures for clinical MRI magnets. The effect of the elliptical aspect ratio on magnet performance is investigated. Viable designs are generated for symmetric, asymmetric and open architecture elliptical magnets using the new method. Clinically relevant attributes such as reduced stray field and large homogeneous regions relative to total magnet length are included in the design process and investigated in detail. The preliminary magnet designs have several novel features.


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This paper presents a new approach for the design of genuinely finite-length shim and gradient coils, intended for use in magnetic resonance imaging equipment. A cylindrical target region is located asymmetrically, at an arbitrary position within a coil of finite length. A desired target field is specified on the surface of that region, and a method is given that enables winding patterns on the surface of the coil to be designed, to produce the desired field at the inner target region. The method uses a minimization technique combined with regularization, to find the current density on the surface of the coil. The method is illustrated for linear, quadratic and cubic magnetic target fields located asymmetrically within a finite-length coil.


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New designs for force-minimized compact high-field clinical MRI magnets are described. The design method is a modified simulated annealing (SA) procedure which includes Maxwell forces in the error function to be minimized. This permits an automated force reduction in the magnet designs while controlling the overall dimensions of the system. As SA optimization requires many iterations to achieve a final design, it is important that each iteration in the procedure is rapid. We have therefore developed a rapid force calculation algorithm. Novel designs for short 3- and 4-T clinical MRI systems are presented in which force reduction has been invoked. The final designs provide large homogeneous regions and reduced stray fields in remarkable short magnets. A shielded 4-T design that is approximately 30% shorter than current designs is presented. This novel magnet generates a full 50-cm diameter homogeneous region.


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This paper describes a rainfall simulator developed for field and laboratory studies that gives great flexibility in plot size covered, that is highly portable and able to be used on steep slopes, and that is economical in its water use. The simulator uses Veejet 80100 nozzles mounted on a manifold, with the nozzles controlled to sweep to and from across a plot width of 1.5 m. Effective rainfall intensity is controlled by the frequency with which the nozzles sweep. Spatial uniformity of rainfall on the plots is high, with coefficients of variation (CV) on the body of the plot being 8-10%. Use of the simulator for erosion and infiltration measurements is discussed.


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In this study of articulation issues related to languages other than English (LOTE), "articulation" is defined and the challenges surrounding it are overviewed. Data taken from an independent school's admission documents over a 4-year period provide insights and reveal trends concerning students' preferences for language study, LOTE study continuity, and reasons for LOTE selection. The data also provides an accounting of some multiple LOTE learning experiences. The analysis indicates that many students who begin a LOTE in the early grades are thwarted in becoming proficient, because (1) continuation in the language is impossible due to unavailability of instruction; (2) expanded learning is hampered by teachers' inability to deal with a range of learners, (3) extended learning is hampered by administrative decisions or policies, or (4) students lose interest in the first LOTE and switch to another. Finally, a call is made for data gathering and research in local contexts to gain a better understanding of LOTE articulation challenges at the local, state, national, and international levels.


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A new parafermionic algebra associated with the homogeneous space A(2)((2))/U(1) and its corresponding Z-algebra have been recently proposed. In this paper, we give a free boson representation of the A(2)((2)) parafermion algebra in terms of seven free fields. Free field realizations of the parafermionic energy-momentum tensor and screening currents are also obtained. A new algebraic structure is discovered, which contains a W-algebra type primary field with spin two. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Free field and twisted parafermionic representations of twisted su(3)(k)((2)) current algebra are obtained. The corresponding twisted Sugawara energy-momentum tensor is given in terms of three (beta, gamma) pairs and two scalar fields and also in terms of twisted parafermionic currents and one scalar field. Two screening currents of the first kind are presented in terms of the free fields.


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Field quantization in unstable optical systems is treated by expanding the vector potential in terms of non-Hermitean (Fox-Li) modes. We define non-Hermitean modes and their adjoints in both the cavity and external regions and make use of the important bi-orthogonality relationships that exist within each mode set. We employ a standard canonical quantization procedure involving the introduction of generalized coordinates and momenta for the electromagnetic (EM) field. Three-dimensional systems are treated, making use of the paraxial and monochromaticity approximations for the cavity non-Hermitean modes. We show that the quantum EM field is equivalent to a set of quantum harmonic oscillators (QHOs), associated with either the cavity or the external region non-Hermitean modes, and thus confirming the validity of the photon model in unstable optical systems. Unlike in the conventional (Hermitean mode) case, the annihilation and creation operators we define for each QHO are not Hermitean adjoints. It is shown that the quantum Hamiltonian for the EM field is the sum of non-commuting cavity and external region contributions, each of which can be expressed as a sum of independent QHO Hamiltonians for each non-Hermitean mode, except that the external field Hamiltonian also includes a coupling term responsible for external non-Hermitean mode photon exchange processes. The non-commutativity of certain cavity and external region annihilation and creation operators is associated with cavity energy gain and loss processes, and may be described in terms of surface integrals involving cavity and external region non-Hermitean mode functions on the cavity-external region boundary. Using the essential states approach and the rotating wave approximation, our results are applied to the spontaneous decay of a two-level atom inside an unstable cavity. We find that atomic transitions leading to cavity non-Hermitean mode photon absorption are associated with a different coupling constant to that for transitions leading to photon emission, a feature consequent on the use of non-Hermitean mode functions. We show that under certain conditions the spontaneous decay rate is enhanced by the Petermann factor.


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We consider the possibility that the electrons injected into organic field-effect transistors are strongly correlated. A single layer of acenes can be modeled by a Hubbard Hamiltonian similar to that used for the κ-(BEDT-TTF)2X family of organic superconductors. The injected electrons do not necessarily undergo a transition to a Mott insulator state as they would in bulk crystals when the system is half-filled. We calculate the fillings needed for obtaining insulating states in the framework of the slave-boson theory and in the limit of large Hubbard repulsion U. We also suggest that these Mott states are unstable above some critical interlayer coupling or long-range Coulomb interaction.


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In this paper we investigate the quantum optics of a double-ended optical cavity. We show that an impedance matched, far-detuned cavity can be used to separate the positive and negative sidebands of a field. The 'missing' sideband will be replaced by the equivalent sideband incident on the cavity from the other direction. This technique can be used to convert the quantum correlations between the sidebands of the incident fields into quantum correlations between the two spatially distinct output fields. We show that, under certain experimental conditions, the fields emerging from the cavity will display entanglement.


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The known permutation behaviour of the Dickson polynomials of the second kind in characteristic 3 is expanded and simplified. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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A new class of bilinear permutation polynomials was recently identified. In this note we determine the class of permutation polynomials which represents the functional inverse of the bilinear class.


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A problem with augmenting predatory bugs through mass release is the logistical difficulty of delivering nymphs onto the foliage of field crops. In this paper we examine postrelease establishment and dispersal of the nymphs of the predatory bug Pristhesancus plagipennis on soybean, cotton and sunflower in an effort to devise an appropriate strategy for field release. The effects of predator stadia and release rates on field establishment and within-crop-canopy dispersal after hand release were recorded in soybean, cotton and sunflower. Field establishment improved with the release of more-developed nymphs, with third instars providing the most appropriate compromise between field hardiness and rearing cost. Increased nymphal density at the point of release had little effect on nymphal dispersal throughout the crop canopy. The patterns of nymphal dispersal observed on the three crops suggest that crop-canopy architecture may have an effect on the ability of nymphs to spread out postrelease, as nymphs dispersed poorly in cotton and sunflower compared to soybean. To overcome poor dispersal of nymphs after release, a mechanical release method, where nymphs were mixed with vermiculite and delivered onto a target crop through a spinning disk fertiliser spreader, was tested, and provided similar nymph establishment rates and dispersal patterns as releasing nymphs individually by hand. The implications of nymph dispersal and field hardiness in regard to inundative field release techniques are discussed.