262 resultados para Computations Driven Systems
Specification, refinement and verification of concurrent systems: an integration of Object-Z and CSP
Environmental conditions play a significant role in the economic success of aquaculture. This article classifies environmental factors in a way that facilitates economic analysis of their implications for the selection of aquaculture species and systems. The implication of on-farm as on-site environmental conditions for this selection are considered first using profit-possibility frontiers and taking into account the biological law of environmental tolerance. However, in selecting, recommending and developing aquaculture species and systems, it is often unrealistic to assume the degree of managerial efficiency implied by the profit-possibility function. It is appropriate to take account of the degree of managerial inefficiency that actually exists, not all of which may be capable of being eliminated. Furthermore, experimental R&D should be geared to on-farm conditions, and the variability of these conditions needs to be taken into account. Particularly in shared water bodies, environmental spillovers between aquaculturalists can be important and as shown theoretically, can influence the socially optimal selection of aquaculture species and systems. Similarly, aquaculture can have environmental consequences for the rest of the community. The social economic implications of this for the selection of aquaculture species and systems are analyzed. Some paradoxical results are obtained. For example, if the quality of social governance of aquaculture is poor, aquaculture species and systems that cause a slow rate of environmental deterioration may be socially less satisfactory than those that cause a rapid rate of such deterioration. Socially optimal choice of aquaculture species and systems depends not only on their biophysical characteristics and market conditions but also on the prevailing state of governance of aquaculture. Failure to consider the last aspect can result in the introduction of new aquaculture species (and systems) doing more social harm than good.
An m-cycle system of order upsilon is a partition of the edge-set of a complete graph of order upsilon into m-cycles. The mu -way intersection problem for m-cycle systems involves taking mu systems, based on the same vertex set, and determining the possible number of cycles which can be common to all mu systems. General results for arbitrary m are obtained, and detailed intersection values for (mu, m) = (3, 4), (4, 5),(4, 6), (4, 7), (8, 8), (8, 9). (For the case (mu, m)= (2, m), see Billington (J. Combin. Des. 1 (1993) 435); for the case (Cc,m)=(3,3), see Milici and Quattrochi (Ars Combin. A 24 (1987) 175. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A 4-wheel is a simple graph on 5 vertices with 8 edges, formed by taking a 4-cycle and joining a fifth vertex (the centre of the 4-wheel) to each of the other four vertices. A lambda -fold 4-wheel system of order n is an edge-disjoint decomposition of the complete multigraph lambdaK(n) into 4-wheels. Here, with five isolated possible exceptions when lambda = 2, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a lambda -fold 4-wheel system of order n to be transformed into a lambda -fold Ccyde system of order n by removing the centre vertex from each 4-wheel, and its four adjacent edges (retaining the 4-cycle wheel rim), and reassembling these edges adjacent to wheel centres into 4-cycles.
The anisotropic norm of a linear discrete-time-invariant system measures system output sensitivity to stationary Gaussian input disturbances of bounded mean anisotropy. Mean anisotropy characterizes the degree of predictability (or colouredness) and spatial non-roundness of the noise. The anisotropic norm falls between the H-2 and H-infinity norms and accommodates their loss of performance when the probability structure of input disturbances is not exactly known. This paper develops a method for numerical computation of the anisotropic norm which involves linked Riccati and Lyapunov equations and an associated special type equation.