161 resultados para Chemical defined medium


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Telemedicine promises to revolutionize medical care delivery in rural and remote areas. The ability to accurately evaluate physical impairment via the Internet is important to the possible future provision of Internet-based physiotherapy. This study evaluated the reliability and validity of assessing knee range of motion via the Internet. Two therapists evaluated knee angle on a single subject via two methods of assessment: the Internet and the traditional method (face-to-face). Nine random positions of the knee were chosen with the principal examiner performing 20 face-to-face and two sets of 20 Internet measures in each position (n=540). The secondary therapist performed Internet assessments only. The Internet connection was established at a readily available speed of 17 kbit/s. The Internet-based goniometer was found to be a valid tool for measuring both knee flexion and extension angles. It was shown to possess both high intra and inter-rater reliability. Difference average plots of the scores verified the consistency of measurement between both modes of assessment. The successful evaluation of the physical outcome measure of knee range of motion via the Internet assists the further development of Internet-based physiotherapy applications. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent population studies have demonstrated an association with the red-hair and fair-skin phenotype with variant alleles of the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) which result in amino acid substitutions within the coding region leading to an altered receptor activity. In particular, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His were the most commonly associated variants seen in the south-east Queensland population with at least one of these alleles found in 93% of those with red hair. In order to study the individual effects of these variants on melanocyte biology and melanocytic pigmentation, we established a series of human melanocyte strains genotyped for the MC1R receptor which included wild-type consensus, variant heterozygotes, compound heterozygotes and homozygotes for Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, Val60Leu and Val92Met alleles. These strains ranged from darkly pigmented to amelanotic, with all strains of consensus sequence having dark pigmentation. UV sensitivity was found not to be associated with either MC1R genotype or the level of pigmentation with a range of sensitivities seen across all genotypes. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that while consensus strains contained stage IV melanosomes in their terminal dendrites, Arg151Cys and Arg160Trp homozygote strains contained only stage II melanosomes. This was despite being able to show expression of tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 markers, although at reduced levels and an ability to convert exogenous 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-alanine (DOPA) to melanin in these strains.


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A growing demand for efficient air quality management calls for the development of technologies capable of meeting the stringent requirements now being applied in areas of chemical, biological and medical activities. Currently, filtration is the most effective process available for removal of fine particles from carrier gases. Purification of gaseous pollutants is associated with adsorption, absorption and incineration. In this paper we discuss a new technique for highly efficient simultaneous purification of gaseous and particulate pollutants from carrier gases, and investigate the utilization of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging for the study of the dynamic processes associated with gas-liquid flow in porous media. Our technique involves the passage of contaminated carrier gases through a porous medium submerged into a liquid, leading to the formation of narrow and tortuous pathways through the medium. The wet walls of these pathways result in outstanding purification of gaseous, liquid and solid alien additives. NMR imaging was successfully used to map the gas pathways inside the porous medium submerged into the liquid layer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sulfite dehydrogenase (SDH) from Starkeya novella, a sulfite-oxidizing molybdenum-containing enzyme, has a novel tightly bound αβ-heterodimeric structure in which the Mo cofactor and the c-type heme are located on different subunits. Flash photolysis studies of intramolecular electron transfer (IET) in SDH show that the process is first-order, independent of solution viscosity, and not inhibited by sulfate, which strongly indicates that IET in SDH proceeds directly through the protein medium and does not involve substantial movement of the two subunits relative to each other. The IET results for SDH contrast with those for chicken and human sulfite oxidase (SO) in which the molybdenum domain is linked to a b-type heme domain through a flexible loop, and IET shows a remarkable dependence on sulfate concentration and viscosity that has been ascribed to interdomain docking. The results for SDH provide additional support for the interdomain docking hypothesis in animal SO and clearly demonstrate that dependence of IET on viscosity and sulfate is not an inherent property of all sulfite-oxidizing molybdenum enzymes.


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This paper presents a comprehensive study of sludge floc characteristics and their impact on compressibility and settleability of activated sludge in full scale wastewater treatment processes. The sludge flocs were characterised by morphological (floc size distribution, fractal dimension, filament index), physical (flocculating ability, viscosity, hydrophobicity and surface charge) and chemical (polymeric constituents and metal content) parameters. Compressibility and settleability were defined in terms of the sludge volume index (SVI) and zone settling velocity (ZSV). The floc morphological and physical properties had important influence on the sludge compressibility and settleability. Sludges containing large flocs and high quantities of filaments, corresponding to lower values of fractal dimension (D-f), demonstrated poor compressibility and settleability. Sludge flocs with high flocculating ability had lower SVI and higher ZSV, whereas high values of hydrophobicity, negative surface charge and viscosity of the sludge flocs correlated to high SVI and low ZSV. The quantity of the polymeric compounds protein. humic substances and carbohydrate in the sludge and the extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) had significant positive correlations with SVI. The ZSV was quantitatively independent of the polymeric constituents. High concentrations of the extracted EPS were related to poor compressibility and settleability. The cationic ions Ca, Mg, Al and Fe in the sludge improved significantly the sludge compressibility and settleability. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the influence of the chemical constituents of activated sludge and extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on the surface properties, hydrophobicity, surface charge (SC) and flocculating ability (FA) of activated sludge floes. Activated sludge samples from 7 different full-scale wastewater treatment plants were examined. Protein and humic substances were found to be the dominant polymeric compounds in the activated sludges and the extracted EPS, and they significantly affected the FA and surface properties, hydrophobicity and SC, of the sludge floes. The polymeric compounds proteins, humic substances and carbohydrates in the sludge floes and the extracted EPS contributed to the negative SC, but correlated negatively to the hydrophobicity of sludge floes. The quantity of protein and carbohydrate within the sludge and the extracted EPS was correlated positively to the FA of the sludge floes, while increased amounts of humic substances resulted in lower FA. In contrast, increased amounts of total extracted EPS had a negative correlation to FA. The results reveal that the quality and quantity of the polymeric compounds within the sludge floes is more informative, with respect to understanding the mechanisms involved in flocculation, than if only the extracted EPS are considered. This is an important finding as it indicates that extracting EPS may be insufficient to characterise the EPS. This is due to the low extraction efficiency and difficulties involved in the separation of EPS from other organic compounds. Correlations were observed between the surface properties and FA of the sludge floes., This confirms that the surface properties of the, sludge flocs play an important role in the bioflocculation process but that also other interactions like polymer entanglement are important. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The HERG K+ channel has very unusual kinetic behavior that includes slow activation but rapid inactivation. These features are critical for normal cardiac repolarization as well as in preventing lethal ventricular arrhythmias. Mutagenesis studies have shown that the extracellular peptide linker joining the fifth transmembrane domain to the pore helix is critical for rapid inactivation of the HERG K+ channel. This peptide linker is also considerably longer in HERG K+ channels, 40 amino acids, than in most other voltage-gated K+ channels. In this study we show that a synthetic 42-residue peptide corresponding to this linker region of the HERG K+ channel does not have defined structural elements in aqueous solution; however, it displays two well defined helical regions when in the presence of SDS micelles. The helices correspond to Trp(585)-Ile(593) and Gly(604)-Tyr(611) of the channel. The Trp(585)-Ile(593) helix has distinct hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. The Gly(604)-Tyr(611) helix corresponds to an N-terminal extension of the pore helix. Electrophysiological studies of HERG currents following application of exogenous S5P peptides show that the amphipathic helix in the S5P linker interacts with the pore region of the channel in a voltage-dependent manner.


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The chemical properties of deep profile samples ( up to 12 m) of Ferrosols from northern Queensland were investigated to provide an understanding of the accumulation of nitrate ( NO3) within these soil profiles. The influence of other cations and anions present in the soil solution or on the exchange and the charge chemistry of the profiles were examined with respect to the NO3 accumulations. The major ions in the soil solution were Na, NO3, and chloride ( Cl). Distinct regions of anion accumulation were observed; SO4 accumulated in the upper profile of all cores, whereas NO3 and Cl accumulations were restricted to the lower profile of cores with appreciable AEC (> 1 cmol(c)/kg). Gaines-Thomas selectivity coefficients were used to indicate exchange preference for cations and anions, and are as follows: Al > Ca similar to Mg > K > Na and sulfate (SO4) > Cl similar to NO3. The selectivity of SO4 increased and the extractable SO4 decreased in the lower profile of all cores. This has important implications for the adsorption of NO3 and Cl. The NO3 and Cl accumulations were shown to correspond to a region of low SO4 occupancy of the exchange sites in the lower profile. Along with the high SO4 selectivity, this suggests that SO4 may control the positioning of the NO3 accumulations. It was concluded that the NO3 accumulations were relatively stable under current management practices, although the reduction in NO3 inputs would likely see the gradual replacement of NO3 with Cl as a result of their comparable selectivity for exchange sites.


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A new method is presented which allows the separation of the soil aggregate exterior from the aggregate core. The method employs a combination of aggregate freezing with rapid separation of aggregate exteriors using ultrasonic energy. The factors influencing the thickness of the removed aggregate surface layer include water content of the aggregate prior to freezing, temperature difference between that of the frozen aggregate and that of the liquid it is submerged in during sonification, sonification time and energy, and the type of the immersion liquid. The success of the method and the thickness of the removed aggregate surface were examined using barium ( Ba2+) as a tracer. Barium ( as BaCl2) is rapidly absorbed by soil and is present at only very low levels in natural soils. Surface layers of 0.2 - 0.4 cm thickness were successfully removed from aggregates of 1 - 4 cm diameter. Two examples are given from soils in northern NSW to demonstrate the occurrence of small- scale heterogeneity in soil chemical properties. Compared with the surface fraction, a 4 - 7% higher calcium concentration was found in the core fraction of a clay loam soil ( Dermosol). Conversely, on a cracking clay soil ( Vertosol), atrazine concentration was around 15 times greater in the aggregate surface fractions compared with core fractions. Compared with the traditional estimation of soil chemical properties on homogenised bulk soil samples, it is suggested that separate analysis of aggregate surface and core fractions could provide useful additional information on the relationships between soil properties and environmental responses.


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Understanding the mechanism of liquid-phase evaporation in a three-phase fixed-bed reactor is of practical importance, because the reaction heat is usually 7-10 times the vaporization heat of the liquid components. Evaporation, especially the liquid dryout, can largely influence the reactor performance and even safety. To predict the vanishing condition of the liquid phase, Raoult's law was applied as a preliminary approach, with the liquid vanishing temperature defined based on a liquid flow rate of zero. While providing correct trends, Raoult's law exhibits some limitation in explaining the temperature profile in the reactor. To comprehensively understand the whole process of liquid evaporation, a set of experiments on inlet temperature, catalyst activity, liquid flow rate, gas flow rate, and operation pressure were carried out. A liquid-region length-predicting equation is suggested based on these experiments and the principle of heat balance.