266 resultados para rat carotid body
This work studied the structure-hepatic disposition relationships for cationic drugs of varying lipophilicity using a single-pass, in situ rat liver preparation. The lipophilicity among the cationic drugs studied in this work is in the following order: diltiazem. propranolol. labetalol. prazosin. antipyrine. atenolol. Parameters characterizing the hepatic distribution and elimination kinetics of the drugs were estimated using the multiple indicator dilution method. The kinetic model used to describe drug transport (the two-phase stochastic model) integrated cytoplasmic binding kinetics and belongs to the class of barrier-limited and space-distributed liver models. Hepatic extraction ratio (E) (0.30-0.92) increased with lipophilicity. The intracellular binding rate constant (k(on)) and the equilibrium amount ratios characterizing the slowly and rapidly equilibrating binding sites (K-S and K-R) increase with the lipophilicity of drug (k(on) : 0.05-0.35 s(-1); K-S : 0.61-16.67; K-R : 0.36-0.95), whereas the intracellular unbinding rate constant (k(off)) decreases with the lipophilicity of drug (0.081-0.021 s(-1)). The partition ratio of influx (k(in)) and efflux rate constant (k(out)), k(in)/k(out), increases with increasing pK(a) value of the drug [from 1.72 for antipyrine (pK(a) = 1.45) to 9.76 for propranolol (pK(a) = 9.45)], the differences in k(in/kout) for the different drugs mainly arising from ion trapping in the mitochondria and lysosomes. The value of intrinsic elimination clearance (CLint), permeation clearance (CLpT), and permeability-surface area product (PS) all increase with the lipophilicity of drug [CLint (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 10.08-67.41; CLpT (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 10.80-5.35; PS (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 14.59-90.54]. It is concluded that cationic drug kinetics in the liver can be modeled using models that integrate the presence of cytoplasmic binding, a hepatocyte barrier, and a vascular transit density function.
A range of topical products are used in veterinary medicine. The efficacy of many of these products has been enhanced by the addition of penetration enhancers. Evolution has led to not only a highly specialized skin in animals and humans, but also one whose anatomical structure and skin permeability differ between the various species. The skin provides an excellent barrier against the ingress of environmental contaminants, toxins, and microorganisms while performing a homeostatic role to permit terrestrial life. Over the past few years, major advances have been made in the field of transdermal drug delivery. An increasing number of drugs are being added to the list of therapeutic agents that can be delivered via the skin to the systemic circulation where clinically effective concentrations are reached. The therapeutic benefits of topically applied veterinary products is achieved in spite of the inherent protective functions of the stratum corneum (SQ, one of which is to exclude foreign substances from entering the body. Much of the recent success in this field is attributable to the rapidly expanding knowledge of the SC barrier structure and function. The bilayer domains of the intercellular lipid matrices within the SC form an excellent penetration barrier, which must be breached if poorly penetrating drugs are to be administered at an appropriate rate. One generalized approach to overcoming the barrier properties of the skin for drugs and biomolecules is the incorporation of suitable vehicles or other chemical compounds into a transdermal delivery system. Indeed, the incorporation of such compounds has become more prevalent and is a growing trend in transdermal drug delivery. Substances that help promote drug diffusion through the SC and epidermis are referred to as penetration enhancers, accelerants, adjuvants, or sorption promoters. It is interesting to note that many pour-on and spot-on formulations used in veterinary medicine contain inert ingredients (e.g., alcohols, amides, ethers, glycols, and hydrocarbon oils) that will act as penetration enhancers. These substances have the potential to reduce the capacity for drug binding and interact with some components of the skin, thereby improving drug transport. However, their inclusion in veterinary products with a high-absorbed dose may result in adverse dermatological reactions (e.g., toxicological irritations) and concerns about tissue residues. These a-re important considerations when formulating a veterinary transdermal product when such compounds ate added, either intentionally or otherwise, for their penetration enhancement ability. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The plasminogen activator system has been proposed to play a role in proteolytic degradation of extracellular matrices in tissue remodeling, including wound healing. The aim of this study was to elucidate the presence of components of the plasminogen activator system during different stages of periodontal wound healing. Methods: Periodontal wounds were created around the molars of adult rats and healing was followed for 28 days. Immunohistochemical analyses of the healing tissues and an analysis of the periodontal wound healing fluid by ELISA were carried out for the detection of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA), and 2 plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAI-1 and PAI-2). Results: During the early stages (days 1 to 3) of periodontal wound healing, PAI-1 and PAI-2 were found to be closely associated with the deposition of a fibrin clot in the gingival sulcus. These components were strongly associated with the infiltrating inflammatory cells around the fibrin clot. During days 3 to 7, u-PA, PAI-1, and PAI-2 were associated with cells (particularly monocytes/macrophages, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells) in the newly formed granulation tissue. During days 7 to 14, a new attachment apparatus was formed during which PAI-1, PAI-2, and u-PA were localized in both periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDL) and epithelial cells at sites where these cells were attaching to the root surface. In the periodontal wound healing fluid, the concentration for t-PA increased and peaked during the first week. PAI-2 had a similar expression to t-PA, but at a lower level over the entire wound-healing period. Conclusions: These findings indicate that the plasminogen activator system is involved in the entire process of periodontal wound healing, in particular with the formation of fibrin matrix on the root surface and its replacement by granulation tissue, as well as the subsequent formation of the attachment of soft tissue to the root surface during the later stages of wound repair.
Nude rats bearing melanomas on their hindlimbs were treated by isolated limb infusion (ILI) with increasing doses (7.5-400 mug/ml) of melphalan. The response of tumours to treatment at the end of the observation period was graded, according to diameter, as complete response (CR), partial response (PR), no change (NC) or progressive disease (PD). No linear relationship between the dose of melphalan and the tumour response was observed. All doses above a threshold of 15 mug/ml achieved a PR or CR. The achievement of CR was not related to increased dose. Two major implications arise from this work. Firstly, the typically two-to three-fold increase in cytotoxic drug concentration given in high dose chemotherapy compared with standard drug concentration may not be sufficient to produce the expected increase in tumour response and possibly survival, and the controversial results of high dose chemotherapy in different studies may thus be explained. Secondly, since an increase in melphalan dose above a certain threshold does not greatly increase tumour response, the use of combination therapies would seem to be more likely to be effective than increased chemotherapeutic drug doses in achieving better tumour responses.
The objective was to investigate the genetic epidemiology of figural stimuli. Standard figural stimuli were available from 5,325 complete twin pairs: 1,751 (32.9%) were monozygotic females, 1,068 (20.1%) were dizygotic females, 752 (14.1%) were monozygotic males, 495 (9.3%) were dizygotic males, and 1,259 (23.6%) were dizygotic male-female pairs. Univariate twin analyses were used to examine the influences on the individual variation in current body size and ideal body size. These data were analysed separately for men and women in each of five age groups. A factorial analysis of variance, with polychoric correlations between twin pairs as the dependent variable, and age, sex, zygosity, and the three interaction terms (age x sex, age x zygosity, sex x zygosity) as independent variables, was used to examine trends across the whole data set. Results showed genetic influences had the largest impact on the individual variation in current body size measures, whereas non-shared environmental influences were associated with the majority of individual variation in ideal body size. There was a significant main effect of zygosity (heritability) in predicting polychoric correlations for current body size and body dissatisfaction. There was a significant main effect of gender and zygosity in predicting ideal body size, with a gender x zygosity interaction. In common with BMI, heritability is important in influencing the estimation of current body size. Selection of desired body size for both men and women is more strongly influenced by environmental factors.
Glucose loading of rats made thiamin deficient by dietary deprivation of thiamin and the administration of pyrithiamin (40 mug/100 g, i.p.) precipitates an acute neuropathy, a model of Wernicke's encephalopathy in man (Zimitat and Nixon, Metab. Brain Dis. 1999;14:1-20). Immunohistochemical detection of Fos proteins was used as a marker to identify neuronal populations in the thiamin-deficient rat brain affected by glucose loading. As thiamin deficiency progressed, the extent and intensity of Fos-Like immunoreactivity (FLI) in brain structures typically affected by thiamin deficiency (the thalamus, mammillary bodies, inferior colliculus, vestibular nucleus and inferior olives) were markedly increased when compared to thiamin-replete controls. Glucose loading for 1-3 days further increased the intensity of FLI in these same regions, consistent with a dependence of Fos expression on carbohydrate metabolism as well as on thiamin deficiency. The timed acute changes that follow a bolus glucose load administered to thiamin-deficient animals may provide a sequential account of events in the pathogenesis of brain damage in this model of Wernicke's encephalopathy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Poor nutritional status in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is associated with severe lung disease, and possible causative factors include inadequate intake, malabsorption, and increased energy requirements. Body cell mass (which can be quantified by measurement of total body potassium) provides an ideal standard for measurements of energy expenditure. The aim of this study was to compare resting energy expenditure (REE) in patients with CF with both predicted values and age-matched healthy children and to determine whether REE was related to either nutritional status or pulmonary function. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry and body cell mass by scanning with total body potassium in 30 patients with CF(12 male, mean age = 13.07 +/- 0.55 y) and 18 healthy children (six male, mean age = 12.56 +/- 1.25 y). Nutritional status was expressed as a percentage of predicted total body potassium; Lung function was measured in the CF group by spirometry and expressed as the percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s. Mean REE was significantly increased in the patients with CF compared with healthy children (119.3 +/- 3.1% predicted versus 103.6 +/- 5% predicted, P < 0.001) and, using multiple regression techniques, REE for total body potassium was significantly increased in patients with CF (P = 0.0001). There was no relation between REE and nutritional status or pulmonary disease status in the CF group. In conclusion, REE is increased in children and adolescents with CF but is not directly related to nutritional status or pulmonary disease. Nutrition 2001;17:22-25. (C)Elsevier Science Inc. 2001.
OBJECTIVE: To establish body mass index (BMI) norms for standard figural stimuli using a large Caucasian population-based sample. In addition, we sought to determine the effectiveness of the figural stimuli to identify individuals as obese or thin. DESIGN: All Caucasian twins born in Virginia between 1915 and 1971 were identified by public birth record. In addition, 3347 individual twins responded to a letter published in the newsletter of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). All adult twins (aged 18 and over) from both of these sources and their family members were mailed a 16 page 'Health and Lifestyle' questionnaire. SUBJECTS: BMI and silhouette data were available on 16 728 females and 11 366 males ranging in age from 18- 100. MEASUREMENTS: Self-report information on height-weight, current body size, desired body size and a discrepancy score using standard figural stimuli. RESULTS: Gender- and age-specific norms are presented linking BMI to each of the figural stimuli. Additional norms for desired body size and discrepancy scores are also presented. Receiver operating curves (ROC) indicate that the figural stimuli are effective in classifying individuals as obese or thin. CONCLUSIONS: With the establishment of these norms, the silhouettes used in standard body image assessment can now be linked to BMI. Differences were observed between women and men in terms of desired body size and discrepancy scores, with women preferring smaller sizes. The figural stimuli are a robust technique for classifying individuals as obese or thin.
Birthweight affects neonatal mortality and morbidity and has been used as a marker of foetal undernutrition in studies of prenatal effects on adult characteristics. It is potentially influenced by genetic and environmental influences on the mother, and effects of foetal genotype, which is partially derived from the maternal genotype. Interpretations of variation in birthweight and associated characteristics as being due to prenatal environment ignore other possible modes of materno-foetal transmission. Subjects were adult twins recruited through the Australian Twin Registry, aged 17 to 87 years, and the sample comprised 1820 men and 4048 women. Twins reported their own birthweight as part of a health questionnaire. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated from self-reports of height and weight. Correlations between co-twins' birthweights were high for both monozygotic (r = 0.77) and dizygotic (r = 0.67) pairs, leading to substantial estimates of shared environmental effects (56% of variance) with significant additive genetic (23%) and non-shared environmental (21%) components. Adult BMI was mainly influenced by genetic factors, both additive (36% of variance) and nonadditive (35%). The correlation between birthweight and BMI was positive, in that heavier babies became on average more obese adults. A bivariate model of birthweight and adult BMI showed significant positive genetic (rg = 0.16, p = 0.005) and environmental (re = 0.08, p = 0.000011) correlations. Intra-uterine environmental or perinatal influences shared by cotwins exercise a strong influence on birthweight, but the factors which affect both birthweight and adult BMI are partly genetic and partly non-shared environmental.
Estimation of total body water by measuring bioelectrical impedance at a fixed frequency of 50 kHz is useful in assessing body composition in healthy populations. However, in cirrhosis, the distribution of total body water between the extracellular and intracellular compartments is of greater clinical importance. We report an evaluation of a new multiple-frequency bioelectrical-impedance analysis technique (MFBIA) that may quantify the distribution of total body water in cirrhosis. In 21 cirrhotic patients and 21 healthy control subjects, impedance to the Row of current was measured at frequencies ranging from 4 to 1012 kHz. These measurements were used to estimate body water compartments and then compared with total body water and extracellular water determined by isotope methodology. In cirrhotic patients, extracellular water and total body water (as determined by isotope methods) were well predicted by MFBIA (r = 0.73 and 0.89, respectively).;However, the 95% confidence intervals of the limits of agreement between MFBIA and the isotope methods were +/- 14% and +/-9% for cirrhotics (extracellular water and total body water, respectively) and +/-9% and +/-9% for cirrhotics without ascites. The 95% confidence intervals estimated from the control group were +/-10% and +/-5% for extracellular water and total body water, respectively. Thus, despite strong correlations between MFBIA and isotope measurements, the relatively large limits of agreement with accepted techniques suggest that the MFBIA technique requires further refinement before it can be routinely used to determine the nutritional assessment of individual cirrhotic patients. Nutrition 2001,17.31-34. (C)Elsevier Science Inc. 2001.
Conventional whole-body single frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) of body composition typically uses height as a surrogate measure of conductor length. A new method of BIA analysis for the prediction of body cell mass (BCM) and extracellular water (ECW, as % body weight) not using height has been introduced-the Soft Tissue Analyser (STA(TM), Akern Sri, Florence, Italy)-making it ideal for use in subjects where measurement of height is difficult or impossible. The performance of the new analytical method in predicting BCM and ECW in 139 normal control subjects was assessed by comparison with reference data obtained from a four-component (4-C) model of body composition and with predictions obtained from conventional BIA analysis. Both predicted BCM and ECW were strongly (r = 0.82, SEE = 6.3 kg and 0.89, SEE = 1.3 kg respectively) correlated with the corresponding 4-C model measurements although differing significantly from the lines of identity (P < 0.0001). Fat-free mass, calculated from STA estimates of BCM and ECW, was better predicted (r = 0.91, SEE = 5.6 kg). The significant differences in STA-group mean values for BCM and ECW and wide limits of agreement compared with the reference data indicate that the method cannot be used with confidence for prediction of these body compartments despite the obvious advantage of not requiring an accurate measurement of height. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina and is removed from the extracellular space by an energy-dependent process involving neuronal and glial cell transporters. The radial glial Muller cells express the glutamate transporter, GLAST, and preferentially accumulate glutamate. However, during an ischaemic episode, extracellular glutamate concentrations may rise to excitotoxic levels. Is this catastrophic rise in extracellular glutamate due to a failure of GLAST? Using immunocytochemistry, we monitored the transport of the glutamate transporter substrate, D-aspartate, in the retina under normal and ischaemic conditions. Two models of compromised retinal perfusion were compared: (1) Anaesthetised rats had their carotid arteries occluded for 7 days to produce a chronic reduction in retinal blood flow. Retinal function was assessed by electroretinography. D-aspartate was injected into the eye for 45 min, Following euthanasia, the retina was processed for D-aspartate. GLAST and glutamate immunocytochemistry. Although reduced retinal perfusion suppresses the electroretinogram b-wave, neither retinal histology, GLAST expression, nor the ability of Muller cells to uptake D-aspartate is affected. As this insult does not appear to cause excitotoxic neuronal damage, these data suggest that GLAST function and glutamate clearance are maintained during periods of reduced retinal perfusion. (2) Occlusion of the central retinal artery for 60 min abolishes retinal perfusion, inducing histological damage and electroretinogram suppression. Although GLAST expression appears to be normal. its ability to transport D-aspartate into Muller cells is greatly reduced. Interestingly, D-aspartate is transported into neuronal cells, i.e. photoreceptors, bipolar and ganglion cells. This suggests that while GLAST is vitally important for the clearance of excess extracellular glutamate, its capability to sustain inward transport is particularly susceptible to an acute ischaemic attack. Manipulation of GLAST function could alleviate the degeneration and blindness that result from ischaemic retinal disease. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.
This article represents the proceedings of a symposium at the 2000 ISBRA Meeting in Yokohama, Japan. The chairs were Victor R. Preedy and Junko Adachi. The presentations were (1) Alcoholic myopathy: Past, present and future, by Timothy J. Peters and Victor R. Preedy; (2) Protein adducts in the type I and II fiber-predominant muscles of the ethanol-fed rat, by Simon Worrall, Seppo Parkkila, and Onni Niemela; (3) Hydroperoxides and changes in alcoholic myopathy, by Junko Adachi, Migiwa Asamo, and Yasuhino Ueno; and (4) A close association between testicular atrophy, muscle atrophy, and the increase in protein catabolism after chronic ethanol administration, by Kunihiko Takeda, Masayoshi Yamauchi, Kazuhiko Sakamoto, Masaru Takagi, Hisato Nakajima, and Gotaro Toda.