175 resultados para Rupert Murdoch
The mismatch negativity (MMN) response to complex tones and spoken words in individuals with aphasia
Background: The mismatch negativity (MMN) is a fronto-centrally distributed event-related potential (ERP) that is elicited by any discriminable auditory change. It is an ideal neurophysiological tool for measuring the auditory processing skills of individuals with aphasia because it can be elicited even in the absence of attention. Previous MMN studies have shown that acoustic processing of tone or pitch deviance is relatively preserved in aphasia, whereas the basic acoustic processing of speech stimuli can be impaired (e.g., auditory discrimination). However, no MMN study has yet investigated the higher levels of auditory processing, such as language-specific phonological and/or lexical processing, in individuals with aphasia. Aims: The aim of the current study was to investigate the MMN response of normal and language-disordered subjects to tone stimuli and speech stimuli that incorporate the basic auditory processing (acoustic, acoustic-phonetic) levels of non-speech and speech sound processing, and also the language-specific phonological and lexical levels of spoken word processing. Furthermore, this study aimed to correlate the aphasic MMN data with language performance on a variety of tasks specifically targeted at the different levels of spoken word processing. Methods M Procedures: Six adults with aphasia (71.7 years +/- 3.0) and six healthy age-, gender-, and education-matched controls (72.2 years +/- 5.4) participated in the study. All subjects were right-handed and native speakers of English. Each subject was presented with complex harmonic tone stimuli, differing in pitch or duration, and consonant-vowel (CV) speech stimuli (non-word /de:/versus real world/deI/). The probability of the deviant for each tone or speech contrast was 10%. The subjects were also presented with the same stimuli in behavioural discrimination tasks, and were administered a language assessment battery to measure their auditory comprehension skills. Outcomes O Results: The aphasic subjects demonstrated attenuated MMN responses to complex tone duration deviance and to speech stimuli (words and non-words), and their responses to the frequency, duration, and real word deviant stimuli were found to strongly correlate with performance on the auditory comprehension section of the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB). Furthermore, deficits in attentional lexical decision skills demonstrated by the aphasic subjects correlated with a word-related enhancement demonstrated during the automatic MMN paradigm, providing evidence to support the word advantage effect, thought to reflect the activation of language-specific memory traces in the brain for words. Conclusions: These results indicate that the MMN may be used as a technique for investigating general and more specific auditory comprehension skills of individuals with aphasia, using speech and/or non-speech stimuli, independent of the individual's attention. The combined use of the objective MMN technique and current clinical language assessments may result in improved rehabilitative management of aphasic individuals.
The present study examined 24 individuals with either complete or incomplete injuries to the cervical spinal cord through the use of standardized assessments of dysarthria and a perceptual rating scale. Perceptual assessment revealed predominantly prosodic and phonatory disturbances, while physical impairments were common in the respiratory and laryngeal subsystems of speech production. A reduction in intelligibility and speaking rate resulted in a diminished communicative effectiveness ratio for most participants. Individuals showed a high degree of variation, with no clear relationship between lesion type and impairments present. Further investigation is required to verify the physiological nature of the respiratory and laryngeal impairments found in the present investigation and to determine the relative contributions of these to the overall presentation of speech and voice post cervical spinal cord injury (CSI).
The present study aimed to investigate how induced lingual fatigue affected lingual strength, articulatory kinematics, and perceptual speech features in CS, a 51-year-old female with active myasthenia gravis (MG), and three age and gender matched control participants, Lingual fatigue was elicited via a series of endurance tasks using a tongue pressure bulb. Following each endurance task, the participants performed a speech task containing the phonemes /k/, /t/, and /j/ that was recorded with an electromagnetic articulograph, followed by a lingual strength assessment using a tongue pressure bulb. Participants repeated this schedule over five phases and kinematic and strength changes during each phase were compared to baseline measurements. All of CSs significant kinematic changes occurred during the final fatigue phase compared to 27.3% of the control group's kinematic changes occurring during this phase, suggesting the kinematic changes associated with fatigue were not accelerated in CS. The endurance tasks also elicited different kinematic effects for CSs anterior and posterior tongue segments. While CS exhibited mostly similar kinematic and perceptual changes to the control group, some of CS's perceptual transcriptions for /k/ and kinematic changes were not replicated, indicating that some different perceptual and physiological consequences to CS's speech were elicited by the endurance tasks.
Previous studies have indicated that consonant imprecision in Parkinson's disease (PD) may result from a reduction in the amplitude of lingual movements or articulatory undershoot. While this has been postulated, direct measurement of the tongue's contact with the hard palate during speech production has not been undertaken. Therefore, the present study aimed to use electropalatography (EPG) to determine the exact nature of tongue-palate contact in a group of individuals with PD and consonant imprecision (n=9). Furthermore, the current investigation also aimed to compare the results of the participants with PD to a group of aged (n=7) and young (n=8) control speakers to determine the relative contribution of ageing of the lingual musculature to any articulatory deficits noted. Participants were required to read aloud the phrase 'I saw a ___ today' with the artificial palate in-situ. Target words included the consonants /l/, /s/ and /t/ in initial position in both the /i/ and /a/ vowel environments. Phonetic transcription of phoneme productions and description of error types was completed. Furthermore, representative frames of contact were employed to describe the features of tongue-palate contact and to calculate spatial palatal indices. Results of the perceptual investigation revealed that perceived undershooting of articulatory targets distinguished the participant group with PD from the control groups. However, objective EPG assessment indicated that undershooting of the target consonant was not the cause of the perceived articulatory errors. It is, therefore, possible that reduced pressure of tongue contact with the hard palate, sub-lingual deficits or impaired articulatory timing resulted in the perceived undershooting of the target consonants.
Previous investigations employing electropalatography (EPG) have identified articulatory timing deficits in individuals with acquired dysarthria. However, this technology is yet to be applied to the articulatory timing disturbance present in Parkinson's disease (PD). As a result, the current investigation aimed to use EPG to comprehensively examine the temporal aspects of articulation in a group of nine individuals with PD at sentence, word and segment level. This investigation followed on from a prior study (McAuliffe, Ward and Murdoch) and similarly, aimed to compare the results of the participants with PD to a group of aged (n=7) and young controls (n=8) to determine if ageing contributed to any articulatory timing deficits observed. Participants were required to read aloud the phrase I saw a ___ today'' with the EPG palate in-situ. Target words included the consonants /1/, /s/ and /t/ in initial position in both the /i/ and /a/ vowel environments. Perceptual investigation of speech rate was conducted in addition to objective measurement of sentence, word and segment duration. Segment durations included the total segment length and duration of the approach, closure/constriction and release phases of EPG consonant production. Results of the present study revealed impaired speech rate, perceptually, in the group with PD. However, this was not confirmed objectively. Electropalatographic investigation of segment durations indicated that, in general, the group with PD demonstrated segment durations consistent with the control groups. Only one significant difference was noted, with the group with PD exhibiting significantly increased duration of the release phase for /1a/ when compared to both the control groups. It is, therefore, possible that EPG failed to detect lingual movement impairment as it does not measure the complete tongue movement towards and away from the hard palate. Furthermore, the contribution of individual variation to the present findings should not be overlooked.
To investigate the stability of trace reactivation in healthy older adults, 22 older volunteers with no significant neurological history participated in a cross-modal priming task. Whilst both object relative center embedded (ORC) and object relative right branching (ORR) sentences is-ere employed, working memory load was reduced by limiting the number of wordy separating the antecedent front the gap for both sentence types. Analysis of the results did not reveal any significant trace reactivation for the ORC or ORR sentences. The results did reveal, however, a positive correlation between age and semantic printing at the pre-gap position and a negative correlation between age and semantic printing at the gap position for ORC sentences. In contrast, there was no correlation between age and priming effects for the ORR sentences. These results indicated that trace reactivation may be sensitive to a variety of age related factors, including lexical activation and working memory. The implications of these results for sentence processing in the older population arc discussed.
Research has suggested that semantic processing deficits in Parkinson's disease (PD) are related to striatal dopamine deficiency. As an investigation of the influence of dopamine on semantic activation in PD, 7 participants with PD performed a lexical-decision task when on and off levodopa medication. Seven healthy controls matched to the participants with PD in terms of sex, age, and education also participated in the study. By use of a multipriming paradigm, whereby 2 prime words were presented prior to the target word, semantic priming effects were measured across stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) of 250 Ins and 1,200 Ins. The results revealed a similar pattern of priming across SOAs for the control group and the PD participants on medication. In contrast, within-group comparisons revealed that automatic semantic activation was compromised in PD participants when off medication. The implications of these results for the neuromodulatory influence of dopamine on semantic processing in PD are discussed.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with disturbances in sentence processing, particularly for noncanonical sentences. The present study aimed to analyse sentence processing in PD patients and healthy control participants, using a word-by-word self-paced reading task and an auditory comprehension task. Both tasks consisted of subject relative (SR) and object relative (OR) sentences, with comprehension accuracy measured for each sentence type. For the self-paced reading task, reading times (RTs) were also recorded for the non-critical and critical processing regions of each sentence. Analysis of RTs using mixed linear model statistics revealed a delayed sensitivity to the critical processing region of OR sentences in the PD group. In addition, only the PD group demonstrated significantly poorer comprehension of OR sentences compared to SR sentences during an auditory comprehension task. These results may be consistent with slower lexical retrieval in PD, and its influence on the processing of noncanonical sentences. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
‘Adolescence’ has become increasingly recognised as a nebulous concept. Previous conceptualisations of adolescence have adopted a ‘deficit’ view, regarding teenagers as ‘unfinished’ adults. The deficit view of adolescence is highly problematic in an era where adulthood itself is difficult to define. The terms ‘kidult’ or ‘adultescent’ have emerged to describe adult-age people whose interests and priorities match those of their teenage counterparts. Rather than relying on ‘lock-step’ models of physical, cognitive and social growth put forward by developmental psychology, adolescence can be more usefully defined by looking at the common experiences of people in their teenage years. Common experiences arise at an institutional level; for example, all adolescents are treated as the same by legal and education systems. The transition from primary to secondary schooling is a milestone for all children, exposing them to a new type of educational environment. Shared experiences also arise from generational factors. Today’s adolescents belong to the millennial generation, characterised by technological competence, global perspectives, high susceptibility to media influence, individualisation and rapid interactions. This generation focuses on teamwork, achievement, modesty and good conduct, and has great potential for significant collective accomplishments. These generational factors challenge educators to provide relevant learning experiences for today’s students. Many classrooms still utilise textbook-based pedagogy more suited to previous generations, resulting in disengagement among millennial students. Curriculum content must also be tailored to generational needs. The rapid pace of change, as well as the fluidity of identity created by dissolving geographical and vocational boundaries, mean that the millennial generation will need more than a fixed set of skills and knowledge to enter adulthood. Teachers must enable their students to think like ‘expert novices’, adept at assimilating new concepts in depth and prepared to engage in lifelong learning.