189 resultados para Is-ought gap
The Neurosurgical Advanced Training curriculum of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) is currently undergoing change. Given the high standard of neurosurgery in Australia and New Zealand, it may be questioned why such change is necessary. However, the curriculum has not kept pace with developments in professional practice, educational practice or educational theory, particularly in the assessment of medical competence and performance. The curriculum must also adapt to the changing training environment, particularly the effects of reduced working hours, reducing caseloads due to shorter inpatient hospital stays and restricted access to public hospital beds and operating theatres, and the effects of subspecialisation. A formal review of the curriculum is timely. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Establishment of the left-right axis is a fundamental process of vertebrate embryogenesis. Failure to develop left-right asymmetry leads to incorrect positioning and morphogenesis of numerous internal organs, and is proposed to underlie the etiology of several common cardiac malformations. The transcriptional modulator Cited2 is essential for embryonic development: Cited2-null embryos die during gestation with profound developmental abnormalities, including cardiac malformations, exencephaly and adrenal agenesis. Cited2 is also required for normal establishment of the left-right axis; we demonstrate that abnormal heart looping and right atrial and pulmonary isomerism are consistent features of the left-right-patterning defect. We show by gene expression analysis that Cited2 acts upstream of Nodal, Lefty2 and Pitx2 in the lateral mesoderm, and of Lefty1 in the presumptive floor plate. Although abnormal left-right patterning has a major impact on the cardiac phenotype in Cited2-null embryos, laterality defects are only observed in a proportion of these embryos. We have therefore used a combination of high-resolution imaging and three-dimensional (3D) modeling to systematically document the full spectrum of Cited2-associated cardiac defects. Previous studies have focused on the role of Cited2 in cardiac neural crest cell development, as Cited2 can bind the transcription factor Tfap2, and thus affect the expression of Erbb3 in neural crest cells. However, we have identified Cited2-associated cardiac defects that cannot be explained by laterality or neural crest abnormalities. In particular, muscular ventricular septal defects and reduced cell density in the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions are evident in Cited2-null embryos. As we found that Cited2 expression tightly correlated with these sites, we believe that Cited2 plays a direct role in development of the AV canal and cardiac septa. We therefore propose that, in addition to the previously described reduction of cardiac neural crest cells, two other distinct mechanisms contribute to the spectrum of complex cardiac defects in Cited2-null mice; disruption of normal left-right patterning and direct loss of Cited2 expression in cardiac tissues.
An experiment explored the hypothesis that inhibitory ability helps people stop themselves from engaging in socially inappropriate behavior. All participants completed a Stroop color-naming task, after which half of the participants were asked to remember an eight-digit number (inducing divided attention). Participants were then offered an unfamiliar and visually unappetizing food product (a chicken foot) under conditions of either low or high social pressure to pretend that it was appealing. Participants who had full attention available and were under pressure to pretend the food was appealing were least likely to emit a negative response, and performance on the Stroop task predicted the degree to which they successfully restrained negative responses. These results suggest that the cognitive ability to inhibit unwanted information facilitates socially appropriate behavior.
No abstract.
A partially occluded contour and a slanted contour may generate identical binocular horizontal disparities. We investigated conditions promoting an occlusion resolution indicated by an illusory contour in depth along the aligned ends of horizontally disparate line sets. For a set of identical oblique lines with a constant width added to one eye's view, strength, depth, and stability of the illusory contour were poor, whereas for oblique lines of alternating orientations the illusory contours were strong, indicating a reliance on vertical size disparities rather than vertical positional disparities in generating perceived occlusion. For horizontal lines, occlusion was seen when the lines were of different lengths and absolute width disparity was invariant across the set. In all line configurations, when the additional length was on the wrong eye to be attributed to differential occlusion, lines appeared slanted consistent with their individual horizontal disparities. This rules out monocular illusory contours as the determining factor.
We describe here two new transposable elements, CemaT4 and CemaT5, that were identified within the sequenced genome of Caenorhabditis elegans using homology based searches. Five variants of CemaT4 were found, all non-autonomous and sharing 26 bp inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and segments (152-367 bp) of sequence with similarity to the CemaT1 transposon of C. elegans. Sixteen copies of a short, 30 bp repetitive sequence, comprised entirely of an inverted repeat of the first 15 bp of CemaT4's ITR, were also found, each flanked by TA dinucleotide duplications, which are hallmarks of target site duplications of mariner-Tc transposon transpositions. The CemaT5 transposable element had no similarity to maT elements, except for sharing identical ITR sequences with CemaT3. We provide evidence that CemaT5 and CemaT3 are capable of excising from the C. elegans genome, despite neither transposon being capable of encoding a functional transposase enzyme. Presumably, these two transposons are cross-mobilised by an autonomous transposon that recognises their shared ITRs. The excisions of these and other non-autonomous elements may provide opportunities for abortive gap repair to create internal deletions and/or insert novel sequence within these transposons. The influence of non-autonomous element mobility and structural diversity on genome variation is discussed.
Expression of the iron regulatory peptide hepcidin is reduced in patients with chronic liver disease
Disturbances in iron metabolism often accompany liver disease in humans and hepatic iron deposition is a frequent finding. Since the peptide hepcidin, a major regulator of body iron homeostasis, is synthesised in the liver, alterations in hepcidin expression could be responsible for these effects. To investigate this possibility, we studied hepcidin expression in liver biopsies from patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and hemochromatosis (HC). Total RNA was extracted from the liver tissue of 24 HCV, 17 NASH and 5 HC patients, and 17 liver transplant donors (controls). The levels of mRNA for hepcidin and several other molecules involved in iron metabolism (DMT1, Dcytb, hephaestin, ferroportin, TfR1, TfR2, HFE and HJV) were examined by ribonuclease protection assay and expressed relative to the housekeeping gene GAPDH. The expression of hepcidin was significantly decreased in HCV and NASH patients relative to control liver (109±16 and 200±44 versus 325±26 respectively; P=0.008 and 0.02). We have previously reported similar findings in patients with HC, and this was confirmed in the current analysis (176±21; P=0.003). In both HCV and NAFLD patients the expression of the iron reductase Dcytb and the transferrin binding regulatory molecule TfR2 was also decreased, while the cellular iron exporter ferroportin showed a significant increase. Levels of the mRNA for the iron oxidase hephaestin were lower in HCV patients alone, while expression of the major transferrin binding molecule TfR1 was decreased only in NAFLD patients. Of particular interest was the finding that the expression of HJV (which is mutated in patients with juvenile HC) was significantly increased in NAFLD patients. No changes were seen in the expression of the iron importer DMT1 or the regulatory molecule HFE. Decreased expression of hepcidin in patients with HCV and NAFLD provides an explanation why iron homeostasis could be perturbed in these disorders. Reduced hepcidin levels would increase intestinal iron absorption and iron release from macrophages, which could contribute to hepatic iron accumulation. This in turn could lead to alterations in the expression of various proteins involved in iron transport and its regulation. Indeed most of the changes in the expression of such molecules observed in this study are consistent with this. However, the mechanisms leading to changes in the expression of hepcidin in these diseases remain to be elucidated.
Epithelial malignancies are common in immunosuppressed individuals and the general population. However the mechanisms by which the adaptive immune system can eliminate immunogenic epithelial cells remain undefined. The aim of this project was to determine the effector molecules required for induction of apoptosis in murine epidermal keratinocytes (MEKs) in vitro and in vivo. HPV16E7-specific CTL lines and T cell receptor transgenic (E7TCRtg) effector cells were obtained from wild type (wt)-C57 and syngeneic mice rendered functionally inactive for perforin (Pfp), interferon-g (IFN-g) or FasL. CTLs or E7TCRtg spleen cells were co-cultured with primary MEKs in vitro or transferred into skin graft recipients. Inhibition of colony formation and skin graft rejection were used as indicators of T cell:KC interaction. Wt E7-specific CTLs and CTLs deficient in perforin, FasL or IFN-g produced mean reductions in colony formation of 67% (62.4–71.3%), 72% (71.1–72%), 76% (73–78%) and 21.5% (14– 34%) respectively. Wt, perforin deficient or FasL deficient CTLs all induced rejection of skin grafts (wt: 6/12; Pfp: 9/15; FasL: 3/13 survival). Transfer and immunisation of wt E7TCRtg spleen cells induces rejection of 50% of grafts (4/8 survival). In contrast, perforin or IFN-g deficient E7TCRtg failed to induce graft rejection (5/6; 4/4 survival). FasL deficient E7TCRtg induced nonspecific rejection of grafts (E7- 2/6 survival; C57- 4/7 survival). Therefore IFN-g production by CTL is necessary and sufficient in vitro and in vivo to kill epithelial cells which express a nonself antigen. Assessment of immunotherapies directed against epithelial tissues may be more effectively achieved by assaying the amount of IFN-g production by CD8 T cells, and the number and affinity of those cells, in conjunction with quantitation of perforin mediated effects in short term assays.
Local inflammation is crucial for T cell mediated rejection of skin graft expressing foreign antigen
Most of the skin grafts from (K14hGH.FVB C57BL/6) F1 mice, which express foreign antigen (human growth hormone, hGH) in skin keratinocytes driven by keratin 14 promoter, were spontaneously rejected by syngeneic wild type F1 recipients and hGH-specific immune responses such as antibody and hGHspecific T cells were generated in these recipients. Interestingly, a 2nd F1 hGH-expressing skin graft was rejected by graft primed recipients, but was not rejected from such recipients if CD4+ or CD8+ T cells were depleted prior to the placement of the 2nd graft. Surprisingly, this 2nd graft retained healthy even after CD4+ or CD8+ T cells were allowed to recover so that the animal could reject a freshly placed 3rd F1 hGH-expressing graft. Furthermore, inflammatory response induced by topical treatment with imiquimod could lead to the rejection of some well-healed 2nd grafts. This result indicates that both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are required for the rejection and the ability of effector T cells to reject a graft is determined by local factors in the graft which are presumably determined by inflammation induced by surgery or imiquimod treatment. Taken together, our results suggest that in addition to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, local environmental factors induced by inflammation are also crucial for effector T cell functions leading to graft destruction. The understanding of these local factors will lead to more effective immunotherapy for established, epithelial cancer in the future.