67 resultados para volumetric mass transfer coefficient
The aerated stirred reactor (ASR) has been widely used in biochemical and wastewater treatment processes. The information describing how the activated sludge properties and operation conditions affect the hydrodynamics and mass transfer coefficient is missing in the literature. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of flow regime, superficial gas velocity (U-G), power consumption unit (P/V-L), sludge loading, and apparent viscosity (pap) of activated sludge fluid on the mixing time (t(m)), gas hold-up (epsilon), and volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) in an activated sludge aerated stirred column reactor (ASCR). The activated sludge fluid performed a non-Newtonian rheological behavior. The sludge loading significantly affected the fluid hydrodynamics and mass transfer. With an increase in the UG and P/V-L, the epsilon and k(L)a increased, and the t(m), decreased. The E, kLa, and tm,were influenced dramatically as the flow regime changed from homogeneous to heterogeneous patterns. The proposed mathematical models predicted the experimental results well under experimental conditions, indicating that the U-G, P/V-L, and mu(ap) had significant impact on the t(m) epsilon, and k(L)a. These models were able to give the tm, F, and kLa values with an error around +/- 8%, and always less than +/- 10%. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This study was to investigate the impacts of operating conditions and liquid properties on the hydrodynamics and volumetric mass transfer coefficient in activated sludge air-lift reactors. Experiments were conducted in internal and external air-lift reactors. The activated sludge liquid displayed a non-Newtonian rheological behavior. With an increase in the superficial gas velocity, the liquid circulation velocity, gas holdup and mass transfer coefficient increased, and the gas residence time decreased. The liquid circulation velocity, gas holdup and the mass transfer coefficient decreased as the sludge loading increased. The flow regime in the activated sludge air-lift reactors had significant effect on the liquid circulation velocity and the gas holdup, but appeared to have little impact on the mass transfer coefficient. The experimental results in this study were best described by the empirical models, in which the reactor geometry, superficial gas velocity and/or power consumption unit, and solid and fluid properties were employed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Evaporative cooling is extremely important for large-scale operation of rotating drum bioreactors (RDBs). Outlet water vapour concentrations were measured for a RDB containing wet wheat bran with the aim of determining the mass transfer coefficient for evaporation from the bran bed to the headspace. Mass transfer was expressed as the mass transfer coefficient times the area for transfer per unit volume of void space in the drum. Values of ka' were determined under combinations of aeration superficial velocities ranging from 0.006 to 0.017 ms(-1) and rotation rates ranging from 0 to 9 rpm. Mass transfer coefficients were evaluated using a variety of residence time distributions (RTDs) for flow in the gas phase including plug flow and well-mixed and a Central Jet RTD based on RTD studies. If plug flow is assumed, the degree of holdup at low effective Peclet (Pe(eff)) numbers gives an apparent under-estimate of ka' compared with empirical correlations. Values of ka' calculated using the Central Jet RTD agree well with values of ka' from literature correlations. There was a linear relationship between ka' and effective Peclet number: ka' = 2.32 x 10(-3) Pe(eff). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The stepped rotating cylinder electrode (SRCE) geometry has been developed as a simple aid to the practical study of the flow-enhanced corrosion and applied electrochemistry problems commonly observed under conditions of disturbed, turbulent flow. The electrodeposition of cupric ions from an acid sulphate plating bath has been used to characterise differential rates of mass transfer to the SRCE. The variation in thickness of electrodeposited copperfilms has allowed the mapping of local rates of mass transfer over the active surface of this geometry. Both optical and scanning electron microscopy were used for the examination of metallographic sections to provide a high resolution evaluation of the distribution of mass transfer coefficient. Results are also discussed using the convective-diffusion model in combination with the existing direct numerical flow simulation (DNS) data for this geometry.
Metabolic and kinetic analysis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production by recombinant Escherichia coli
A quantitatively repeatable protocol was developed for poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production by Escherichia coli XL1-Blue (pSYL107). Two constant-glucose fed-batch fermentations of duration 25 h were carried out in a 5-L bioreactor, with the measured oxygen volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (k(L)a) held constant at 1.1 min(-1). All major consumption and production rates were quantified. The intracellular concentration profiles of acetyl-CoA (300 to 600 mug.g RCM-1) and 3-hydroxy-butyryl-CoA (20 to 40 mug.g RCM-1) were measured, which is the first time this has been performed for E. coli during PHB production. The kinetics of PHB production were examined and likely ranges were established for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) enzyme activity and the concentration of pathway metabolites. These measured and estimated values are quite similar to the available literature estimates for the native PHB producer Ralstonia eutropha. Metabolic control analysis performed on the PHB metabolic pathway showed that the PHB flux was highly sensitive to acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio (response coefficient 0.8), total acetyl-CoA + CoA concentration (response coefficient 0.7), and pH (response coefficient -1.25). It was less sensitive (response coefficient 0.25) to NADPH/NADP ratio. NADP(H) concentration (NADPH + NADP) had a negligible effect. No single enzyme had a dominant flux control coefficient under the experimental conditions examined (0.6, 0.25, and 0.15 for 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase, PHA synthase, and 3-ketothiolase, respectively). In conjunction with metabolic flux analysis, kinetic analysis was used to provide a metabolic explanation for the observed fermentation profile. In particular, the rapid onset of PHB production was shown to be caused by oxygen limitation, which initiated a cascade of secondary metabolic events, including cessation of TCA cycle flux and an increase in acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 74: 70-80, 2001.
In this article we present a study of the effects of external and internal mass transfer limitation of oxygen in a nitrifying system. The oxygen uptake rates (OUR) were measured on both a macro-scale with a respirometric reactor using off-gas analysis (Titrimetric and Off-Gas Analysis (TOGA) sensor) and on a micro-scale with microsensors. These two methods provide independent, accurate measurements of the reaction rates and concentration profiles around and in the granules. The TOGA sensor and micro-sensor measurements showed a significant external mass transfer effect at low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the bulk liquid while it was insignificant at higher DO concentrations. The oxygen distribution with anaerobic or anoxic conditions in the center clearly shows major mass transfer limitation in the aggregate interior. The large drop in DO concentration of 22 - 80% between the bulk liquid and aggregate surface demonstrates that the external mass transfer resistance is also highly important. The maximum OUR even for floccular biomass was only attained at much higher DO concentrations ( approximate to 8 mg/L) than typically used in such systems. For granules, the DO required for maximal activity was estimated to be > 20mg/L, clearly indicating the effects of the major external and internal mass transfer limitations on the overall biomass activity. Smaller aggregates had a larger volumetric OUR indicating that the granules may have a lower activity in the interior part of the aggregate. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Deep-frying, which consists of immersing a wet material in a large volume of hot oil, presents a process easily adaptable to dry rather than cook materials. A suitable material for drying is sewage sludge, which may be dried using recycled cooking oils (RCO) as frying oil. One advantage is that this prepares both materials for convenient disposal by incineration. This study examines fry-drying of municipal sewage sludge using recycled cooking oil. The transport processes occurring during fry-drying were monitored through sample weight, temperature, and image analysis. Due to the thicker and wetter samples than the common fried foods, high residual moisture is observed in the sludge when the boiling front has reached the geometric center of the sample, suggesting that the operation is heat transfer controlled only during the first half of the process followed by the addition of other mechanisms that allow complete drying of the sample. A series of mechanisms comprising four stages (i.e., initial heating accompanied by a surface boiling onset, film vapor regime, transitional nucleate boiling, and bound water removal) is proposed. In order to study the effect of the operating conditions on the fry-drying kinetics, different oil temperatures (from 120 to 180 degrees C), diameter (D = 15 to 25 mm), and initial moisture content of the sample (4.8 and 5.6 kg water(.)kg(-1) total dry solids) were investigated.
A parametric study is carried out to investigate how geological inhomogeneity affects the pore-fluid convective flow field, the temperature distribution, and the mass concentration distribution in a fluid-saturated porous medium. The related numerical results have demonstrated that (1) the effects of both medium permeability inhomogeneity and medium thermal conductivity inhomogeneity are significant on the pore-fluid convective flow and the species concentration distribution in the porous medium; (2) the effect of medium thermal conductivity inhomogeneity is dramatic on the temperature distribution in the porous medium, but the effect of medium permeability inhomogeneity on the temperature distribution may be considerable, depending on the Rayleigh number involved in the analysis; (3) if the coupling effect between pore-fluid flow and mass transport is weak, the effect of the Lewis number is negligible on the pore-fluid convective flow and temperature distribution, hut it is significant on the species concentration distribution in the medium.
A recently developed whole of surface electroplating technique was used to obtain mass-transfer rates in the separated flow region of a stepped rotating cylinder electrode. These data are compared with previously reported mass-transfer rates obtained with a patch electrode. It was found that the two methods yield different results, where at lower Reynolds numbers, the mass-transfer rate enhancement was noticeably higher for the whole of the surface electrode than for the patch electrode. The location of the peak mass transfer behind the step, as measured with a patch electrode, was reported to be independent of the Reynolds number in previous studies, whereas the whole of the surface electrode shows a definite Reynolds number dependence. Large eddy simulation results for the recirculating region behind a step are used in this work to show that this difference in behavior is related to the existence of a much thinner fluid layer at the wall for which the velocity is a linear junction of distance from the wall. Consequently, the diffusion layer no longer lies well within a laminar sublayer. It is concluded that the patch electrode responds to the wall shear stress for smooth wall flow as well as for the disturbed flow region behind the step. When the whole of the surface is electro-active, the response is to mass transfer even when this is not a sole function of wall shear stress. The results demonstrate that the choice of the mass-transfer measurement technique in corrosion studies can have a significant effect on the results obtained from empirical data.
The microbial community composition and activity was investigated in aggregates from a lab-scale bioreactor, in which nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal occurred simultaneously. The biomass was highly enriched for polyphosphate accumulating organisms facilitating complete removal of phosphorus from the bulk liquid; however, some inorganic nitrogen still remained at the end of the reactor cycle. This was ascribed to incomplete coupling of nitrification and denitrification causing NO3- accumulation. After 2 h of aeration, denitrification was dependent on the activity of nitrifying bacteria facilitating the formation of anoxic zones in the aggregates; hence, denitrification could not occur without simultaneous nitrification towards the end of the reactor cycle. Nitrous oxide was identified as a product of denitrification, when based on stored PHA as carbon source. This observation is of critical importance to the outlook of applying PHA-driven denitrification in activated sludge processes. (c) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A heat transfer coefficient gauge has been built, obeying particular rules in order to ensure the relevance and accuracy of the collected information. The gauge body is made out of the same materials as the die casting die (H13). It is equipped with six thermocouples located at different depths in the body and with a sapphire light pipe. The light pipe is linked to an optic fibre, which is connected to a monochromatic pyrometer. Thermocouples and pyrometer measurements are recorded with a data logger. A high pressure die casting die was instrumented with one such gauge. A set of 150 castings was done and the data recorded. During the casting, some process parameters have been modified such as piston velocity, intensification pressure, delay before switch to the intensification stage, temperature of the alloy, etc.... The data was treated with an inverse method in order to transform temperature measurements into heat flux density and heat transfer coefficient plots. The piston velocity and the initial temperature of the die seem to be the process parameters that have the greatest influence on the heat transfer. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Turbulent flow around a rotating circular cylinder has numerous applications including wall shear stress and mass-transfer measurement related to the corrosion studies. It is also of interest in the context of flow over convex surfaces where standard turbulence models perform poorly. The main purpose of this paper is to elucidate the basic turbulence mechanism around a rotating cylinder at low Reynolds numbers to provide a better understanding of flow fundamentals. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) has been performed in a reference frame rotating at constant angular velocity with the cylinder. The governing equations are discretized by using a finite-volume method. As for fully developed channel, pipe, and boundary layer flows, a laminar sublayer, buffer layer, and logarithmic outer region were observed. The level of mean velocity is lower in the buffer and outer regions but the logarithmic region still has a slope equal to the inverse of the von Karman constant. Instantaneous flow visualization revealed that the turbulence length scale typically decreases as the Reynolds number increases. Wavelet analysis provided some insight into the dependence of structural characteristics on wave number. The budget of the turbulent kinetic energy was computed and found to be similar to that in plane channel flow as well as in pipe and zero pressure gradient boundary layer flows. Coriolis effects show as an equivalent production for the azimuthal and radial velocity fluctuations leading to their ratio being lowered relative to similar nonrotating boundary layer flows.