37 resultados para visceral larva migrans


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Apart from their veterinary importance, the hookworms Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma caninum are also capable of causing zoonotic disease in humans. A highly sensitive and species-specific PCR-RFLP technique was utilised to detect and differentiate the various canine Ancylostoma spp directly from eggs in faeces. This technique was utilised to screen 101 canine faecal samples from parasite endemic tea growing communities in Assam, India, as part as an ongoing epidemiological investigation into canine parasitic zoonoses. The prevalence of hookworms in dogs was found to be 98% using a combination of PCR and conventional microscopy. Overall, 36% of dogs were found positive for single hookworm infections with A. caninum, 24% positive for single infections with A. braziliense and 38% had mixed infections with both A. caninum and A. braziliense. No dogs were found positive for A. ceylanicum in the community under study. The high prevalence of A. caninum and A. braziliense in dogs in this community may account for the high incidence of cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) observed among the human population residing at the tea estates. The PCR-RFLP technique described herein allows epidemiological screening of canine hookworms to be conducted rapidly, with ease and accuracy, and has the potential to be applied to a number of different clinical, pharmacological and epidemiological situations. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Although well recognized and studied in developed countries, canine parasitic zoonoses pose a lowly prioritized public health problem in developing countries such as India, where conditions are conducive for transmission. A study of the most recent parasite survey determining prevalence and epidemiology of canine parasitic zoonoses among tea-growing communities of northeast India demonstrated the endemicity of the problem. This particular study serves as a model using conventional, as well as molecular parasitological, tools to provide novel insights into the role of dogs as mechanical transmitters of human parasites such as Ascaris and Trichuris, and discusses the risks dogs pose with regards to zoonotic transmission of hookworms and Giardia.


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The cut gene of Drosophila melanogaster is an identity selector gene that establishes the program of development and differentiation of external sense organs. Mutations in the cut gene cause a transformation of the external sense organs into chordotonal organs, originally assessed by the use of immunostaining methods [Bodmer et al. (1987): Cell, 51:293-307]. Because of evidence that axonal projections of the transformed neurons within the central nervous system are not completely switched in cut mutants, the transformation of the four cells making up a sense organ was reassessed using single-cell staining with fluorescent dye and differential interface contrast (DIC) microscopy of the embryo and larva. The results provide strong evidence that all cells of the sense organs are completely transformed, exhibiting the morphologies and organelles characteristic of chordotonal sense organs. A comparison of the structures of external sense organs and chordotonal organs indicates that a number of the differences could be due to the degree of development of common structures, and that cut or downstream genes modulate effector genes that are normally utilized in both receptor types. The possible derivation of insect chordotonal and external sense organs from a receptor type found in crustaceans is discussed in the light of arthropod phylogenetics and the molecular genetics of sense organ development. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Spending by aid agencies on emergencies has quadrupled over the last decade, to over US$ 6 billion. To date, cost-effectiveness has seldom been considered in the prioritization and evaluation of emergency interventions. The sheer volume of resources spent on humanitarian aid and the chronicity of many humanitarian interventions call for more attention to be paid to the issue of 'value for money'. In this paper we present data from a major humanitarian crisis, an epidemic of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in war-torn Sudan. The special circumstances provided us, in retrospect, with unusually accurate data on excess mortality, costs of the intervention and its effects, thus allowing us to express cost-effectiveness as the cost per Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) averted. The cost-effectiveness ratio, of US$ 18.40 per DALY (uncertainty range between US$ 13.53 and US$ 27.63), places the treatment of VL in Sudan among health interventions considered 'very flood value for money' (interventions of less than US$ 25 per DALY). We discuss the usefulness of this analysis to the internal management of the VL programme, the procurement of funds for the programme, and more generally, to priority setting in humanitarian relief interventions. We feel that in evaluations of emergency interventions attempts could be made more often to perform cost-effectiveness analyses, including the use of DALYs, provided that the outcomes of these analyses are seen in the broad context of the emergency situation and its consequences on the affected population. This paper provides a first contribution to what is hoped to become an international database of cost-effectiveness studies of health outcome such as the DALY.


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Sensory axons of different sensory modalities project into typical domains within insect ganglia. Tactile and gustatory axons project into a ventral layer of neuropil and proprioceptive afferents, including chordotonal axone, into an intermediate or dorsal layer. Here, we describe the central projections of sensory neurons in the first instar Drosophila larva, relating them to the projection of the same sensory afferents in the embryo and to sensory afferents of similar type in other insects. Several neurons show marked morphologic changes in their axon terminals in the transition between the embryo and larva. During a short morphogenetic period late in embryogenesis, the axon terminals of the dorsal bipolar dendrite stretch receptor change their shape and their distribution within the neuromere. In the larva, external sense organ neurons (es) project their axons into a ventral layer of neuropil. Chordotonal sensory neurons (ch) project into a slightly more dorsal region that is comparable to their projection in adults. The multiple dendrite (md) neurons show two distinctive classes of projection. One group of md neurons projects into the ventral-most neuropil region, the same region into which es neurons project. Members of this group are related by lineage to es neurons or share a requirement for expression of the same proneural gene during development. Other md neurons project into a more dorsal region. Sensory receptors projecting into dorsal neuropil possibly provide proprioceptive feedback from the periphery to central motorneurons and are candidates for future genetic and cellular analysis of simple neural circuitry. J. Comp. Neurol. 425:34-44, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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For many species of marine invertebrates, variability in larval settlement behaviour appears to be the rule rather than the exception. This variability has the potential to affect larval dispersal, because settlement behaviour will influence the length of time larvae are in the plankton. Despite the ubiquity and importance of this variability, relatively few sources of variation in larval settlement behaviour have been identified. One important factor that can affect larval settlement behaviour is the nutritional state of larvae. Non-feeding larvae often become less discriminating in their 'choice' of settlement substrate, i.e. more desperate to settle, when energetic reserves run low. We tested whether variation in larval size (and presumably in nutritional reserves) also affects the settlement behaviour of 3 species of colonial marine invertebrate larvae, the bryozoans Bugula neritina and Watersipora subtorquata and the ascidian Diplosoma listerianum. For all 3 species, larger larvae delayed settlement for longer in the absence of settlement cues, and settlement of Bugula neritina larvae was accelerated by the presence of settlement cues, independently of larval size. In the field, larger W subtorquata larvae also took longer to settle than smaller larvae and were more discriminating towards settlement surfaces. These differences in settlement time are likely to result in differences in the distance that larvae disperse in the field. We suggest that species that produce non-feeding larvae can affect the dispersal potential of their offspring by manipulating larval size and thus larval desperation.


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Ontogenetic changes in the photoresponse of larvae from the demosponge Reneira sp. were studied by analyzing the swimming paths of individual larvae exposed to diffuse white light. Larvae swam upward upon release from the adult, but were negatively phototactic until at least 12 hours after release. The larval photoreceptors are presumed to be a posterior ring of columnar monociliated epithelial cells that possess 120-mum-long cilia and pigment-filled protrusions. A sudden increase in light intensity caused these cilia to become rigidly straight. If the light intensity remained high, the cilia gradually bent over the pigmented vesicles in the adjacent cytoplasm, and thus covered one entire pole of the larva. The response was reversed upon a sudden decrease in light intensity. The ciliated cells were sensitive to changes in light intensity in larvae of all ages. This response is similar to the shadow response in tunicate larvae or the shading of the photoreceptor in Euglena and is postulated to allow the larvae to steer away from brighter light to darker areas, such as under coral rubble-the preferred site of the adult sponge on the reef flat. In the absence of a coordinating system in cellular sponges, the spatial organization and autonomous behavior of the pigmented posterior cells control the rapid responses to light shown by these larvae.


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Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL) is a serious public health problem in several Brazilian cities. Although the proximity of chicken houses is often cited as a risk factor in studies of urban ZVL, the role chickens play in the epidemiology of the disease has not been defined. Chickens attract both male and female sand flies (Lutzomyia longripalpis) but are unable to sustain Leishmania infections, and their presence may exert a zooprophylactic effect. We discuss environmental, physiologic, socioeconomic, and cultural factors related to chicken raising that could influence Le. infantum transmission in Brazilian cities and evaluate whether this practice significantly affects the risk of acquiring ZVL.


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The moth larva, Doratifera stenosa (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae), was observed feeding voraciously in great numbers on mature leaves of Rhizophora stylosa in mangroves at Port Curtis in Central Queensland, NE Australia. This behaviour was considered unusual since mangroves, and the Rhizophora species in particular, reportedly harbour few herbivores and have relatively low levels of herbivory, less than 10%. During a two year period (1996-1998), larvae were observed consuming around 30-40% of leaves in the canopy each year, and the mangroves appeared able to sustain these high levels of herbivory. The impact on trees was assessed in conjunction with a study of the herbivore, its behaviour and life history, in an attempt to explain the occurrence. Larvae were 1-2 cm in length, bright green and gregarious, with numerous small, stinging hairs along their upper bodies. Feeding was in small cohort groups of 5-70 individuals that broke up immediately prior to each moult after which they regrouped in much larger numbers of mixed cohorts to form single-file processions across branches, stems and prop roots. In this way, they moved to neighbouring trees with less affected foliage. One of the outstanding characteristics of this herbivore was its ability to desist from killing host trees although it appeared quite capable of doing so had it remained on individual trees. By moving from tree to tree, the herbivore was able to heavily crop Rhizophora foliage in an apparently sustainable manner. These findings demonstrate the role and importance of foliar herbivory in severely affected forests and how such instances best not be ignored or treated as curiosities in future assessments of herbivory and forest turnover in mangrove ecosystems.


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Several anomalies occur in the developing neural and visceral head skeleton of young specimens of Neoceratodus forsteri that have been reared under laboratory conditions. These include anomalies of the basicranium and its derivatives, aberrations of the anterior mandible and hyoid apparatus, and abnormalities in the articulation of the jaws and the elements that produce them. Apart from the occasional absence of the basihyal, and failure of the quadrate processes to form, the anomalies are not deficiencies. Most involve malformations of parts of the neurocranium and visceral skeleton, inappropriate articulations or fusions between elements, disunity in structures that are normally fused and the appearance of supernumerary elements. The incidence of chondral anomalies, generally higher than aberrations that occur in the dermal skeleton in juvenile lungfish, ranges from 1-10% in laboratory reared individuals that have not been subjected to experimental interference. The anomalies differ from those found in many amphibian populations, in the field and in the laboratory, because they involve the cranium, and not the limbs, and the lungfish have not been exposed to the factors that cause anomalies in the amphibians. It is unlikely that the existence of those anomalies, if it is reflected in the wild population, places a selective pressure on the lungfish, because, in a normal season, less than 1% of the total number of eggs produced survive to be recruited into the adult population.


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In a search for potential biocontrol agents for Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (Mimosaceae), larvae of the beetle Diplocoelus dilataticollis Lea (Coleoptera; Biphyllidae) were found within damaged seeds of A. melanoxylon. The gut contents of larvae and adults were examined to determine whether their diet included seeds, in apparent contradiction to the known mycophagous diet of members of this family of beetles. Calcofluor M2R White, a plant cell-wall staining optical brightener was used to differentiate between plant cell fragments and fungal tissue in the gut content smears. Gut contents of adults of a known seed predator of A. melanoxylon, a weevil of the genus Melanterius, were examined in the same way to provide a benchmark. The gut contents of D. dilataticollis differed from those of Melanterius sp. Fungal structures and microbes were found in the gut of D. dilataticollis, in contrast to plant cell fragments found in the gut of the weevil and from scrapes made directly from seeds. We conclude that larvae of D. dilataticollis feed primarily on fungi associated with damaged seed and therefore may not be the proximate cause of seed damage.


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To aid in the development of artificial diets for mass rearing parasitioids, we investigated the anatomical changes in the digestive tract during feeding behaviour of larval Trichogramma australicum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Larvae begin to feed immediately upon eclosion and feed continuously for 4 h until replete. Feeding is characterised by rhythmic muscle contractions (ca 1 per s) of the pharynx. Contractions of the pharyngeal dilator muscles lift the roof of the lobe-shaped pharynx away from the floor of the chamber, opening the mouth and pumping food into the pharyngeal cavity. Another muscle contraction occurs about 0.5 s later, forcing the bolus of food through the oesophagus and into the midgut. The junction of fore- and midgut is marked by a cardiac valve. The midgut occupies most of the body cavity and is lined with highly vacuolated, flattened cells and a dispersed layer of muscle cells. In the centre of the midgut, food has the appearance of host egg contents. Food near the midgut epithelial cells has a finer, more homogeneous appearance. This change in the physical properties of the gut contents is indicative of the digestion process. In the prepupa, where digestion is complete, the entire gut contents have this appearance. After eclosion, the vitelline membrane remains attached to the posterior end of the larva. We believe this attachment to be adaptive in two ways: (1) to anchor the larva against the movements of its anterior portion, thereby increasing the efficiency of foraging within the egg, and (2) to prevent a free-floating membrane from clogging the mouthparts during ingestion. 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recently, a bi-allelic polymorphism in the glucocorticoid receptor gene (GRL) has been shown to be associated with individuals at high risk of developing hypertension and accumulation of abdominal visceral fat, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The evaluate the role of GRL in essential hypertension and obesity, case-control studies were conducted using 88 hypertensive, 123 normotensive, 150 lean and 94 obese subjects. Genotypes for a highly polymorphic microsatellite marker (D5S207) located within 200 kb of the glucocorticoid receptor gene, were determined by PCR. Allele frequencies between hypertensive and normotensive groups were significantly (P = 0.0005) different whereas no significant differences were observed between lean and obese populations. In conclusion, the results suggest that the glucocorticoid receptor gene or perhaps another gene located in close proximity and in linkage disequilibrium with D5S207, is involved in hypertension development


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Previous analyses of thermal acclimation of locomotor performance in amphibians have only examined the adult life history stage and indicate that the locomotor system is unable to undergo acclimatory changes to temperature. In this study, we examined the ability of tadpoles of the striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) to acclimate their locomotor system by exposing them to either 10 degrees C or 24 degrees C for 6 weeks and testing their burst swimming performance at 10, 24, and 34 degrees C. At the test temperature of 10 degrees C, maximum velocity (U-max) of the 10 degrees C-acclimated tadpoles was 47% greater and maximum acceleration (A(max)) 53% greater than the 24 degrees C-acclimated animals. At 24 degrees C, U-max was 16% greater in the 10 degrees C-acclimation group, while there was no significant difference in A(max) or the time taken to reach U-max (T-U-max). At 34 degrees C, there was no difference between the acclimation groups in either U-max or A(max), however T-U-max was 36% faster in the 24 degrees C-acclimation group. This is the first study to report an amphibian (larva or adult) possessing the capacity to compensate for cool temperatures by thermal acclimation of locomotor performance. To determine whether acclimation period affected the magnitude of the acclimatory response, we also acclimated tadpoles of L. peronii to 10 degrees C for 8 months and compared their swimming performance with tadpoles acclimated to 10 degrees C for 6 weeks. At the test temperatures of 24 degrees C and 34 degrees C, U-max and A(max) were significantly slower in the tadpoles acclimated to 10 degrees C for 8 months. At 10 degrees C, T-U-max was 40% faster in the 8-month group, while there were no differences in either U-max or A(max). Although locomotor performance was enhanced at 10 degrees C by a longer acclimation period, this was at the expense of performance at higher temperatures.