85 resultados para tenure status


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This paper focuses on the higher order factors affecting successful adoption of technologies. Drawing on the "actor-oriented perspective" in rural sociology, it is argued that successful examples of adoption at this higher level result from a complex conjunction of people and events, with outcomes that may have been quite unanticipated at the outset. From this perspective, research and extension projects and programs are viewed as arenas in which social actors–village leaders, farmers, researchers (local and international), aid officials, municipal agents, extension workers, and traders–pursue their own short- and long-term objectives and strategies. To this end, they maneuver, negotiate, organize, cooperate, participate, coerce, obstruct, form coalitions, adopt, adapt, and reject, all within a specific geographical and historical context.


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Aim. Data were collected on tenure, mobility and retention of the nursing workforce in Queensland to aid strategic planning by the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU). Background. Shortages of nurses negatively affect the health outcomes of patients. Population rise is increasing the demand for nurses in Queensland. The supply of nurses is affected by recruitment of new and returning nurses, retention of the existing workforce and mobility within institutions. Methods. A self-reporting, postal survey was undertaken by the QNU members from the major employment sectors of aged care, public acute and community health and private acute and community health. Results. Only 60% of nurses had been with their current employer more than 5 years. In contrast 90% had been in nursing for 5 years or more and most (80%) expected to remain in nursing for at least another 5 years. Breaks from nursing were common and part-time positions in the private and aged care sectors offered flexibility. Conclusion. The study demonstrated a mobile nursing workforce in Queensland although data on tenure and future time in nursing suggested that retention in the industry was high. Concern is expressed for replacement of an ageing nursing population.


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Examines the status and well being of wives in rural India using results from interviews. Surveys were conducted in three villages in the southwest of West Bengal and in three villages in the west of Orissa. The survey in West Bengal contained a large proportion of Santal tribals and the Oriyan survey was dominated by Kondh tribals. The relationships between variables representing economic, social and cultural factors are compared with ‘dependent’ variables representing the status of wives within their family and their wellbeing. Wellbeing is indicated by whether the basic needs of wives for food and medical care are met. Status of wives is indicated by their ‘control’ over family resources, whether or not they are restricted in joining social groups and in working outside their home, and the extent of their involvement in family decision-making. Cultural factors are found to be the dominant influence on the status of wives. Family income and other economic factors are found to be associated cross sectionally with greater restrictions on wives within their family. Nevertheless, the higher in the economic status of the household, the more likely are the basic needs of wives to be met.


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The Lake Eacham rainbowfish (Melanotaenia eachamensis) was declared extinct in the wild in the late 1980s after it disappeared from its only known locality, an isolated crater lake in northeast Queensland. Doubts have been raised about whether this taxon is distinct from surrounding populations of the eastern rainbowfish (Melanotaenia splendida splendida). We examined the evolutionary distinctiveness of M. eachamensis, obtained from captive stocks, relative to M. s. splendida through analysis of variation in mtDNA sequences, nuclear microsatellites, and morphometric characters Captive M. eachamensis had mtDNAs that were highly divergent from those in most populations of M. s. splendida. A broader geographic survey using RFLPs revealed some populations initially identified as M. s. splendida, that carried eachamensis mtDNA, whereas some others had mixtures of eachamensis and splendida mtDNA. The presence of eachamensis-like mtDNA in these populations could in principle be due to (1) sorting of ancestral polymorphisms, (2) introgression of M. eachamensis mtDNA into M. s. splendida, or (3) incorrect species boundaries, such that some populations currently assigned to M. s. splendida are M. eachamensis or are mixtures of the two species. These alternatives hypotheses were evaluated through comparisons of four nuclear microsatellite loci and morphometrics and meristics. In analyses of both data sets, populations of M. s. splendida with eachamensis mtDNA were more similar to captive M. eachamensis than to M. s. splendida with splendida mtDNA, supporting hypothesis 3. These results are significant for the management of M. eachamensis in several respects. First the combined molecular and morphological evidence indicates that M. eachamensis is a distinct species and a discrete evolutionarily significant unit worthy of conservation effort. Second it appears that the species boundary between M. eachamensis and M. s. splendida has been misdiagnosed such that there are extant populations on the Atherton Tableland as well as areas where both forms coexist. Accordingly we suggest that M. eachamensis be listed as vulnerable, rather than critical (or extinct in the wild). Third, the discovery of extant but genetically divergent populations of M. eachamensis on the Atherton Tableland broadens the options for future reintroductions to Lake Eacham.


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Recent studies have demonstrated a link in young populations between unemployment and ill health. The purpose of this study is to correlate mortality with employment status in two cohorts of young Australian males, aged 17-25 years, from 1984 to 1988. Two youth cohorts consisting of an initially unemployed sample (n = 1424 males) and a population sample (n = 4573 males), were surveyed annually throughout the study period. Those lost to follow-up during the survey period were matched with death registries across Australia. Employment status was determined from weekly diaries and death certificates and was designated as: employed or student; unemployed; not in the work force (excluding students). Conditional logistic regression, using age- and cohort- matched cases (deaths) and controls (alive), was used to estimate the odds ratio (OR) of dying with regard to employment status, taking into account potential confounders such as ethnicity, aboriginality, educational attainment, pre-existing health problems, socio-economic status of parents, and other factors. Twenty three male survey respondents were positively matched to death registry records. Compared to those employed or students (referent group), significantly elevated ORs were found to be associated with neither being in the workforce nor a student for all cause, external cause, and external cause mortality other than suicide. Odds ratios were adjusted for age, survey cohort, ethnicity, pre-existing physical and mental health status, education level, and socio-economic status of parent(s). A statistically significant increasing linear trend in odds ratios of male mortality for most cause groups was found across the employment categories, from those employed or student (lowest ORs), through those unemployed; to those not in the workforce (highest ORs). Suicide was higher, but not statistically significantly, in those unemployed or not in the workforce. Suicide also was associated, though not significantly, with the respondent not living with their parents when they were 14 years of age. No association was found between mortality and past unemployment experience, as measured by length of time spent unemployed, or the number of spells of unemployment experienced during the survey. The results of this study underscore the elevated risk to survival in young males as a consequence of being neither employed nor a student. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bioelectrical impedance analysis has found extensive application as a simple noninvasive method for the assessment of body fluid volumes, The measured impedance is, however, not only related to the volume of fluid but also to its inherent resistivity. The primary determinant of the resistivities of body fluids is the concentration of ions. The aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of bioelectrical impedance analysis to bodily ion status. Whole body impedance over a range of frequencies (4-1012 kHz) of rats was measured during infusion of various concentrations of saline into rats concomitant with measurement of total body and intracellular water by tracer dilution techniques. Extracellular resistance (R-o), intracellular resistance (R-i) and impedance at the characteristic frequency (Z(c)) were calculated. R-o and Z(c) were used to predict extracellular and total body water respectively using previously published formulae. The results showed that whilst R-o and Z(c) decreased proportionately to the amount of NaCl infused, R-i increased only slightly. Impedances at the end of infusion predicted increases iu TBW and ECW of approximately 4-6% despite a volume increase of less than 0.5% in TBW due to the volume of fluid infused. These data are discussed in relation to the assumption of constant resistivity in the prediction of fluid volumes from impedance data.


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A diagnosis is given for the lecithasterid genus Hysterolecithoides Yamaguti, 1934, which is now found to have two to six (possibly seven) vitelline masses. The species H. frontilatus (Manter, 1969) is returned to the genus, having been considered a member of the bunocotylid genus Neotheletrum by recent authors. It is redescribed from Siganus nebulosus, Moreton Bay, and S. doliatus, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia, with emphasis on the presence of Juel's organ, a uterine seminal receptacle and the blind sac associated with the genital atrium. It differs from its congeners in the trajectory of the pars prostatica which recurves dorsally to the sinus-sac. Oligolecithoides Shen, 1982 is synonymised with Hysterolecithoides and O. trilobatus Shen, 1982 is synomised with H. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1934. Machidatrema Leon-Regagnon, 1998 is diagnosed, and found to be close to Hysterolecithoides, but differs in the lack of a blind-sac projecting from the dorsal genital atrium, by its tandem testes, the coiling of the uterus between the testes and the ovary, and the ventral excretory pore. M. leonae n. sp. is described from Siganus fuscescens, S. lineatus, S. doliatus, S. corallinus, S. vulpinus and Scarus globiceps at Heron Island, Queensland. It differs from its closest congener, M. akeh, in the muscular and tegumental flap over the genital pore and details of the terminal genitalia. M. chilostoma (Machida, 1980) and M. kyphosi (Yamaguti, 1970) are redescribed from Kyphosus vaigiensis from Heron Island. Neotheletrum Gibson & Bray, 1979 is diagnosed: it differs from Hysterolecithoides in its confluent excretory arms, blind seminal receptacle (no Juel's organ) and uniformly tripartite vitellarium. A cladistic analysis suggests that M. chilostoma and M. kyphosi are not best accommodated in Machidatrema, that Machidatrema (sensu stricto) is monophyletic and that Hysterolecithoides is paraphyletic. Hysterolecithoides and Machidatrema are considered hysterolecithine lecithasterids, whilst Neotheletrum is retained as an opisthadenine bunocotylid.


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The status of Petalocotyle Ozaki, 1934 within the Gyliauchenidae Goto & Matsudaira, 1918 is reviewed. Two new species, P. adenometra from Prionurus microlepidotus (Amity Point, Queensland, Australia) and P. diverticulata from Acanthurus nigrofuscus and A. lineatus (Heron Island, Queensland, Australia), are described. The body plan of Petalocotyle conforms to that of members of the Gyliauchenidae (oral sucker absent, well-developed pharynx, complex oesophagus and characteristic male terminal genitalia), indicating justifiable inclusion in this family. A new diagnosis is given for the genus, such that Petalocotyle is now identified by the presence of an anterior, protuberant ventral sucker, long caeca, a large, sigmoid cirrus-sac containing a coiled ejaculatory duct, and an extensive vitellarium. We suggest that, of all the known genera of gyliauchenids, Petalocotyle may most closely resemble the 'archaetypal gyliauchenid', that is, it may be placed basally within the radiation of the Gyliauchenidae. However, derived characters, like diverticula in the reproductive system, indicate that some characters of individual members of Petalocotyle may be considered advanced and do not reflect an archaetypal condition. Parallels in the structure of the male and female genitalia of Robphildollfusium Paggi & Orecchia, 1963 and Petalocotyle, along with the shared morphology of the digestive tract, indicate possible phylogenetic links between the two genera. This affinity is difficult to infer using morphology alone and recommend that Robphildollfusium remain detached from the Gyliauchenidae.


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Despite the widespread use of psychological debriefing, serious concerns have been raised about its effectiveness and potential to do harm. 1 2 Psychological debriefing is broadly defined as a set of procedures including counselling and the giving of information aimed at preventing psychological morbidity and aiding recovery after a traumatic event. In 1995 Raphael and colleagues emphasised that there was an urgent need for reliable evidence from randomised controlled trials on the impact and worth of debriefing.3 Unfortunately, the news has not been good for debriefing. Debriefing is generally applied within the first few days after a traumatic event, lasts one to three hours, and usually includes procedures that encourage and normalise emotional expression. Debriefing can also be more narrowly defined in terms of the procedures used, the information provided and the target population. One example of this type of debriefing is known as critical incident stress debriefing.4


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Background The aim of this study was to study ecological correlations between age-adjusted all-cause mortality rates in Australian statistical divisions and (1) the proportion of residents that self-identify as Indigenous, (2) remoteness, and (3) socio-economic deprivation. Methods All-cause mortality rates for 57 statistical divisions were calculated and directly standardized to the 1997 Australian population in 5-year age groups using Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. The proportion of residents who self-identified as Indigenous was obtained from the 1996 Census. Remoteness was measured using ARIA (Accessibility and Remoteness Index for Australia) values. Socioeconomic deprivation was measured using SEIFA (Socio-Economic index for Australia) values from the ABS. Results Age-standardized all-cause mortality varies twofold from 5.7 to 11.3 per 1000 across Australian statistical divisions. Strongest correlation was between Indigenous status and mortality (r = 0.69, p < 0.001). correlation between remoteness and mortality was modest (r = 0.39, p = 0.002) as was correlation between socio-economic deprivation and mortality (r = -0.42, p = 0.001). Excluding the three divisions with the highest mortality, a multiple regression model using the logarithm of the adjusted mortality rate as the dependent variable showed that the partial correlation (and hence proportion of the variance explained) for Indigenous status was 0.03 (9 per cent; p = 0.03), for SEIFA score was -0.17 (3 per cent; p = 0.22); and for remoteness was -0.22 (5 per cent; p = 0.13). Collectively, the three variables studied explain 13 per cent of the variability in mortality. Conclusions Ecological correlation exists between all-cause mortality, Indigenous status, remoteness and disadvantage across Australia. The strongest correlation is with indigenous status, and correlation with all three characteristics is weak when the three statistical divisions with the highest mortality rates are excluded. intervention targeted at these three statistical divisions could reduce much of the variability in mortality in Australia.