31 resultados para sense-and-avoid


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Our laboratory is interested in devising methods to identify functions for the vast numbers of arabidopsis genes now available. For this purpose, we have constructed a set of binary vectors that will allow the quick production of transgenic arabidopsis plants containing either sense or antisense copies of EST clones obtained from the PRL2 library. These vectors are based on the pSLJ series containing the bialophos resistance (BAR) gene that confers resistance to the herbicide BASTA. Tn addition, our vectors contain a 35S CaMV promoter-polylinker-nos terminator cassette that allows the direct cloning of arabidopsis ESTs in either antisense (pAOV and pAOV2) or sense (pSOV and pSOV2) orientation. We also describe the construction of two additional vectors conferring BASTA resistance and containing the pBluescript polylinker in both orientations inserted between the 35S CaMV promoter and nos terminator (pKMB and pSMB).


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Successful hearing aid fitting occurs when the person fitted wears the aid/s on a regular basis and reports benefit when the aid/s is used. A significant number of people fitted with unilateral or bilateral hearing aids for the first time do not continue to use one or both aids in the long term. In this paper, factors consistently found in previous research to be associated with unsuccessful fitting are explored; in particular, the negative attitudes of some clients towards hearing aids, their lack of motivation for seeking help, inability to identify goals for rehabilitation, and problems with the management of the devices. It is argued here that success in hearing aid fitting involves the same dynamics as found with other assistive technologies (e.g., wheelchairs, walking frames), and is dependent on a match between the characteristics of a prospective user, the technology itself, and the environments of use (Scherer, 2002). It is recommended that for clients who identify concerns about hearing aids, or who are unsure about when they would use them, and/or are likely to have problems with aid management, only one aid be fitted in the first instance, if hearing aid fitting is to proceed at all. Rehabilitation approaches to promote successful fitting are discussed in light of results obtained from a survey of clients who experienced both successful and unsuccessful aid fitting.


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Tissues of the Australian native plant species Hakea actities (Proteaceae) contain numerous metabolites and structural compounds that hinder the isolation of nucleic acids. Separate RNA and genomic DNA extraction procedures were developed to isolate high quality nucleic acids from H. actities. Total RNA was extracted from leaves, roots and cluster roots of H. actities grown in low nutrient levels. Cluster root formation in H. actities only occurs when the plants are grown in low nutrient concentrations. However, under these conditions, nucleic acid extraction becomes increasingly difficult. The new procedures are faster than many of the published nucleic acid extraction protocols, and avoid the use of hazardous chemicals. The RNA extraction method was used successfully on another Australian species and a crop species, suggesting that the procedure is useful for molecular studies of a broad range of plants.


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The concept of a basic (i.e., essential) medical emergency kit suitable for a general dental practitioner varies somewhat between different authorities. A practitioner's choice is also dependant on the proximity of medical aid and the nature of the dental practice. Over recent years the trend has been to restrict the items to a minimum, in the interest of both common sense and safety, for example, just oxygen, adrenaline 1:1000, an oral carbohydrate source, glyceryl trinitrate and aspirin as first options. Ancillary equipment should include an oxygen therapy facemask, a pocket mask and a set of oral (Guedel) airways. Two further medication options for consideration are an aerosol bronchodilator and, in certain circumstances, an injectable antihypoglycaemic agent. This paper provides a selective overview of the subject. An absolute necessity is for dentists to be competent in Basic Life Support skills, and to maintain a complete and current medical history for all patients.


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Selective destruction of malignant tumor cells without damaging normal cells is an important goal for cancer chemotherapy in the 21st century. Differentiating agents that transform cancer cells to either a nonproliferating or normal phenotype could potentially be tissue-specific and avoid side effects of current drugs. However, most compounds that are presently known to differentiate cancer cells are histone deacetylase inhibitors that are of low potency or suffer from low bioavailability, rapid metabolism, reversible differentiation, and nonselectivity for cancer cells over normal cells. Here we describe 36 nonpeptidic compounds derived from a simple cysteine scaffold, fused at the C-terminus to benzylamine, at the N-terminus to a small library of carboxylic acids, and at the S-terminus to 4-butanoyl hydroxamate. Six compounds were cytotoxic at nanomolar concentrations against a particularly aggressive human melanoma cell line (MM96L), four compounds showed selectivities of greater than or equal to5:1 for human melanoma over normal human cells (NFF), and four of the most potent compounds were further tested and found to be cytotoxic for six other human cancer cell lines (melanomas SK-MEL-28, DO4; prostate DU145; breast MCF-7; ovarian JAM, CI80-13S). The most active compounds typically caused hyperacetylation of histones, induced p21 expression, and reverted phenotype of surviving tumor cells to a normal morphology. Only one compound was given orally at 5 mg/kg to healthy rats to look for bioavailaiblity, and it showed reasonably high levels in plasma (C-max 6 mug/mL, T-max 15 min) for at least 4 h. Results are sufficiently promising to support further work on refining this and related classes of compounds to an orally active, more tumor-selective, antitumor drug.


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The present paper articulates a model in which ingroup and outgroup norms inform 'rational' decision-making (cost-benefit analysis) for conflict behaviors. Norms influence perceptions of the consequences of the behavior, and individuals may thus strategically conform to or violate norms in order to acquire benefits and avoid costs. Two studies demonstrate these processes in the context of conflict in Quebec. In the first study, Anglophones' perceptions of Francophone and Anglophone norms for pro-English behaviors predicted evaluations of the benefits and costs of the behaviors, and these cost-benefit evaluations in turn mediated the norm-intention links for both group norms. In the second study, a manipulated focus on supportive versus hostile ingroup and outgroup norms also predicted cost-benefit evaluations, which mediated the norm-intention relationships. The studies support a model of strategic conflict choices in which group norms inform, rather than suppress, rational expectancy value processes. Implications for theories of decision-making and normative influence are discussed.


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The current study aimed to investigate and provide furthering evidence of individual differences as determinants of task performance. This research focused on the effects of the personality traits Openness to Experience and Neuroticism, and two goal orientation traits. Learning Orientation and Avoid Orientation, on task performance. The hypotheses addressed the predictability of the traits, the differential effects of personality and goal orientation traits, and the mediating effects of goal orientation on the relationship between personality and performance. The results were based on questionnaire responses completed by a sample of 103 students. Scores on a computerised Air Traffic Control (ATC) decision-making task were used as a measure of task performance. Learning Orientation was found to be a significant predictor of performance, whilst the effect of Neuroticism was 'approaching' significance. Results indicated strong support for the differential relationship between personality traits and corresponding goal orientation traits. The mediating relationship between Openness to Experience, Learning Orientation and performance was also found to be 'approaching' significance. Results were indicative of the influences of personality and goal orientation on consequent performance outcomes. Implications were discussed, as well as suggestions for possible future directions in research assessing the predictabilit)' of individual differences in learning contexts.


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A causally well-behaved solution of the localization problem for the free electron is given, with natural space-time transformation properties, in terms of Dirac's position operator x. It is shown that, although x is not an observable in the usual sense, and has no positive-energy (generalized) eigenstates, the four-vector density (rho(x, t), j(x, t)/c) is observable, and can be localized arbitrarily precisely about any point in space, at any instant of time, using only positive energy states. A suitable spin operator can be diagonalized at the same time.


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GCR1 has been tentatively identified in Arabidopsis thaliana as the first plant G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) (Josefsson and Rask 1997) implicated in the cytokinin sensory pathway (Plakidou-Dymock et al. 1998). A protein fusion of GCR1 and green fluorescent protein has been expressed in Arabidopsis and shown GCR1 to be located on the plasma membrane. Studies of plants with altered GCR1 expression have led us to question GCR1's involvement in cytokinin signaling. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants containing sense and antisense constructs for GCR1 have been produced and over- and under-expression confirmed. The analysis of 12 antisense and 17 sense lines has failed to reveal the previously reported Dainty phenotype or altered cytokinin sensitivity. We have used the Gauntlet approach to test the plants' response to various plant hormones although this has not yet identified a mutant phenotype. The yeast-two hybrid system has been used and so far there is no evidence to suggest GCR1 interacts with heterotrimeric G proteins. Before GCR1 can be identified as genuine G-protein coupled receptor, the identification of a ligand and a proof of association with heterotrimeric G-proteins should be obtained.


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To understand performance of evasive and interceptive actions it is important to know how people decide when to initiate a movement - initiating at the 'right' moment is often essential for successful performance. It has been proposed that initiation is triggered when a perceptually derived quantity reaches an invariant criterion value. Candidate quantities include time-to-collision (TTC), distance, and rate of image expansion ( ROE), all of which have received empirical support. We studied initiation of an evasive manoeuvre in a computer-simulated steering task in which the observer was required to steer through a stationary visual environment and avoid colliding with an obstacle in their path. The results could not be explained by hypotheses which propose that evasive manoeuvre initiation is based on a fixed criterion value of TTC or distance. The overall pattern was, however, consistent with the use of a criterion ROE value. This was further tested by analyses designed to directly evaluate whether the ROE value used to initiate the response was the same across experimental conditions. Only two of the six participants showed evidence for using the ROE strategy.


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The human brain assembles an incredible network of over a billion neurons. Understanding how these connections form during development in order for the brain to function properly is a fundamental question in biology. Much of this wiring takes place during embryonic development. Neurons are generated in the ventricular zone, migrate out, and begin to differentiate. However, neurons are often born in locations some distance from the target cells with which they will ultimately form connections. To form connections, neurons project long axons tipped with a specialized sensing device called a growth cone. The growing axons interact directly with molecules within the environment through which they grow. In order to find their targets, axonal growth cones use guidance molecules that can either attract or repel them. Understanding what these guidance cues are, where they are expressed, and how the growth cone is able to transduce their signal in a directionally specific manner is essential to understanding how the functional brain is constructed. In this chapter, we review what is known about the mechanisms involved in axonal guidance. We discuss how the growth cone is able to sense and respond to its environment and how it is guided by pioneering cells and axons. As examples, we discuss current models for the development of the spinal cord, the cerebral cortex, and the visual and olfactory systems. (c) 2005, Elsevier Inc.


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Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless systems use multiple element antennas (MEAs) tit the transmitter (TX) and the receiver (RX) in order to offer improved information rates (capacity) over conventional single antenna systems in rich scattering environments. In this paper, an example of a simple MIMO system is considered in which both antennas and scattering objects is are formed by wire dipoles. Such it system can be analyzed in the strict electromagnetic (EM) sense and its capacity can be determined for varying array size, interelement spacing, and distributions of scatterers. The EM model of this MIMO system can be used to assess the validity of single- or double-bounce scattering models for mixed line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight (NLOS) signal-propagation conditions. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The term non-coding RNA (ncRNA) is commonly employed for RNA that does not encode a protein, but this does not mean that such RNAs do not contain information nor have function. Although it has been generally assumed that most genetic information is transacted by proteins, recent evidence suggests that the majority of the genomes of mammals and other complex organisms is in fact transcribed into ncRNAs, many of which are alternatively spliced and/or processed into smaller products. These ncRNAs include microRNAs and snoRNAs (many if not most of which remain to be identified), as well as likely other classes of yet-to-be-discovered small regulatory RNAs, and tens of thousands of longer transcripts (including complex patterns of interlacing and overlapping sense and antisense transcripts), most of whose functions are unknown. These RNAs (including those derived from introns) appear to comprise a hidden layer of internal signals that control various levels of gene expression in physiology and development, including chromatin architecture/epigenetic memory, transcription, RNA splicing, editing, translation and turnover. RNA regulatory networks may determine most of our complex characteristics, play a significant role in disease and constitute an unexplored world of genetic variation both within and between species.