39 resultados para rites of passage - birth - Peru
Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) experience difficulty participating in the typical activities of childhood and are known to have a more sedentary pattern of activities than their peers. Little research has been done to investigate the impact of these deficits on the lives of children with DCD and the importance of their participation in the typical activities of childhood. This qualitative study explored the impact of the disorder and the importance of participation for children with DCD from the perspective of the parent. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with parents of children with DCD who attended a university clinic specializing in using the Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (COOP) approach, a cognitive-based intervention. Findings revealed that incompetence in everyday activities had serious negative effects for the children. Conversely, intervention that was focused on enablement at the activity and participation level had a significant positive impact on the children's quality of life. Emerging themes highlighted the notion that performance competency played an important role in being accepted by peers and being able to be part of the group. As well, parents reported that successful participation built confidence in their children and allowed them to try other new activities. The World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health provides a unique framework for analyzing and understanding the impact of the physical disability on the lives of families with children with DCD. Results illustrate how intervention that focuses on enabling children to choose their own functional goals in the area of physical activity has important implications for enabling participation and building the social networks of children with DCD. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
For Markov processes on the positive integers with the origin as an absorbing state, Ferrari, Kesten, Martinez and Picco studied the existence of quasi-stationary and limiting conditional distributions by characterizing quasi-stationary distributions as fixed points of a transformation Phi on the space of probability distributions on {1, 2,.. }. In the case of a birth-death process, the components of Phi(nu) can be written down explicitly for any given distribution nu. Using this explicit representation, we will show that Phi preserves likelihood ratio ordering between distributions. A conjecture of Kryscio and Lefevre concerning the quasi-stationary distribution of the SIS logistic epidemic follows as a corollary.
In a twin sample where duration of gestation can be controlled, a specific example of the fetal origins hypothesis concerning association between low birth weight and early age at menopause is explored. The hypothesis is based on the physiologically plausible path from intrauterine growth retardation and reduced numbers of primary follicles to an earlier menopause. The sample comprised 323 Australian female twin pairs where both co-twins had reached menopause naturally and reported on their weight at birth. Regression analysis showed no linear association between the two variables (P = 0.371, r(2) = 0.0009). Intra-pair differences in age at menopause were investigated in the context of relative birth weight of co-twins. In 265 pairs an intra-pair birth a eight difference was reported. In monozygotic (MZ) pairs (n = 168) this allowed for control of genetic effects as well as gestation duration. No significant differences dependent on birth weight relative to co-twin were found for age at natural menopause in either MZ or dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs, even in pairs whose birth weights differed markedly. There was some indication that twins with premature ovarian failure were heavier at birth than twins with normal or later menopausal age. We conclude that the hypothesis that lower birth weight is associated with earlier menopause is not supported by our data.
zFour rumen-fistulated, multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in early lactation were offered mixed diets based on rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana) cv. Callide containing 13, 14, 15 or 16% crude protein (CP) on a dry matter basis, in a 4 x 4 latin square design. The estimated undegradable protein concentration in these diets was similar with rumen degradable protein concentration varying. Cows fed a diet containing 13% CP had lower (P = 0.07) milk yields than cows in other treatments (20.4 vs 21.9, 22.0 and 22.2 L/d for 13, 14, 15 and 16% CP, respectively). A positive linear relationship was found (P = 0.06) between organic matter intake and dietary CP%. There were negative linear relationships between dietary CP% and digestibilities of dry matter (P = 0.09), organic matter (P = 0.06) and neutral detergent fibre (P = 0.02). Feeding a diet containing 13% CP resulted in significantly lower (P = 0.001) molar proportions (%) of rumen valerate in comparison with other treatments. The molar proportions of isovalerate differed (P = 0.001) between treatments (0.66, 0.78, 0.89 and 1.04%) for 13, 14, 15 and 16% CP, respectively). Dietary protein level had no effect on rates of passage, in situ digestion of rhodes grass hay or ratios of allantoin: creatinine in urine. These data showed that increasing the dietary CP concentration of lactating cows fed diets based on rhodes grass hay increased intakes and not significantly improved at dietary CP concentrations above 14% DM.
Maturation of the fetal pituitary and adrenal glands allows the secretion of cortisol, which in turn leads to an increase in prostaglandin and mesotocin production. The production of prostaglandin and mesotocin results in an increase in uterine contractions and initiates birth in marsupials. The major metabolite of PGF(2alpha), 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F-2alpha (PGFM), has been found in the plasma of the possum at the time of birth and administration of PGF(2alpha) to female possums induced the adoption of the birth position. Evidence that mesotocin is an integral hormone of birth in the tammar wallaby indicates that both PGF(2alpha) and mesotocin or oxytocin are required for marsupial birth. The presence of PGF(2alpha) receptors in the uterus and corpus luteum of the possum, and the in vitro uterine responsiveness to PGF(2alpha) or oxytocin, were examined. PGF(2alpha) receptors were not observed in possum uteri and the inability of PGF(2alpha) to cause contractions indicates that PGF(2alpha) is not involved directly in contraction of the uterus at parturition. The presence of oxytocin and mesotocin receptors in the uterus of possoms and the ability of oxytocin to induce uterine contraction in vitro supports the view that mesotocin is required for expulsion of the young from the uterus. Low numbers of PGF(2alpha) receptors were found in the possum corpus luteum at birth, indicating an involvement of PGF(2alpha) in regression of the corpus luteum.
Birth has been observed in a number of marsupial species and, in the studies to date, the newborn have crawled up to or across to the pouch. The method of birth in the quoll, a dasyurid, differs greatly from that observed in other marsupials. Births were recorded at normal speed using hand-held digital video cameras. Birth was heralded by a release of about 1 mL of watery fluid from the urogenital sinus followed by gelatinous material contained in either one or two tubes emanating from the sinus. The newborn, still encased in their placental membranes, were in the gelatinous material within a column. To exit this column, they had to grasp a hair and wriggle about 1 cm across to the pouch. In the pouch the newborn young had to compete for a teat. Although the quolls possessed 8 teats, the number of young in the pouch immediately after birth was 17, 16, 6, 16, 13 and 11 for each of the 6 quolls filmed. While birth has been described previously in another two dasyurids, the observers did not describe birth as reported here for the quoll. Nevertheless the movement of the newborn from the sinus to the pouch is so quick that this could have previously been missed. Filming birth from beneath and from the side allowed for a greater understanding of the birth process. Further studies are required to determine whether this use of a gelatinous material is part of the birth process in all dasyurids.
Background. In the Southeast United States, African Americans have an estimated incidence of hypertension and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) that is five times greater than Caucasians. Higher rates of low birth weight (LBW) among African Americans is suggested to predispose African Americans to the higher risk, possibly by reducing the number of glomeruli that develop in the kidney. This study investigates the relationships between age, race, gender, total glomerular number (N-glom), mean glomerular volume (V-glom), body surface area (BSA), and birth weight. Methods. Stereologic estimates of N-glom and V-glom were obtained using the physical disector/fractionator combination for autopsy kidneys from 37 African Americans and 19 Caucasians. Results. N-glom was normally distributed and ranged from 227,327 to 1,825,380, an 8.0-fold difference. A direct linear relationship was observed between N-glom and birth weight (r=0.423, P=0.0012) with a regression coefficient that predicted an increase of 257,426 glomeruli per kilogram increase in birth weight (alpha=0.050:0.908). Among adults there was a 4.9-fold range in V-glom , and in adults, V-glom was strongly and inversely correlated with N-glom (r=-0.640, P=0.000002). Adult V-glom showed no significant correlation with BSA for males (r=-0.0150, P=0.936), although it did for females (r=0.606, P=0.022). No racial differences in average N-glom or V-glom were observed. Conclusion. Birth weight is a strong determinant of N-glom and thereby of glomerular size in the postnatal kidney. The findings support the hypothesis that LBW by impairing nephron development is a risk factor for hypertension and ESRD in adulthood.
The birth, death and catastrophe process is an extension of the birth-death process that incorporates the possibility of reductions in population of arbitrary size. We will consider a general form of this model in which the transition rates are allowed to depend on the current population size in an arbitrary manner. The linear case, where the transition rates are proportional to current population size, has been studied extensively. In particular, extinction probabilities, the expected time to extinction, and the distribution of the population size conditional on nonextinction (the quasi-stationary distribution) have all been evaluated explicitly. However, whilst these characteristics are of interest in the modelling and management of populations, processes with linear rate coefficients represent only a very limited class of models. We address this limitation by allowing for a wider range of catastrophic events. Despite this generalisation, explicit expressions can still be found for the expected extinction times.
Natural isolates and laboratory strains of West Nile virus (WNV) and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) were attenuated for neuroinvasiveness in mouse models for flavivirus encephalitis by serial passage in human adenocarcinoma (SW13) cells. The passage variants displayed a small-plaque phenotype, augmented affinity for heparin-Sepharose, and a marked increase in specific infectivity for SW13 cells relative to the respective parental viruses, while the specific infectivity for Vero cells was not altered. Therefore, host cell adaptation of passage variants was most likely a consequence of altered receptor usage for virus attachment-entry with the involvement of cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in this process. In vivo blood clearance kinetics of the passage variants was markedly faster and viremia was reduced relative to the parental viruses, suggesting that affinity for GAG (ubiquitously present on cell surfaces and extracellular matrices) is a key determinant for the neuroinvasiveness of encephalitic flaviviruses. A difference in pathogenesis between WNV and JEV, which was reflected in more efficient growth in the spleen and liver of the WNV parent and passage variants, accounted for a less pronounced loss of neuroinvasiveness of GAG binding variants of WNV than JEV. Single gain-of-net-positive-charge amino acid changes at E protein residue 49, 138, 306, or 389/390, putatively positioned in two clusters on the virion surface, define molecular determinants for GAG binding and concomitant virulence attenuation that are shared by the JEV serotype flaviviruses.
I-2 is an avirulent strain of Newcastle disease virus. During establishment of the I-2 strain master vaccine seed, a series of selection procedures was carried out at 56 degrees C in order to enhance heat resistance. This master seed is used to produce a working seed, which is then employed to produce the vaccine. These two passages are done without further heat selection; however, it is not known how rapidly and to what extent thermostable variants would be lost during further passage. The study was therefore conducted to determine the effect of passage on thermostability of strain I-2. The virus was serially passaged and at various passage levels samples were subjected to heat treatment at 56 degrees C for 120 min. The inactivation rates for infectivity and haemagglutinin (HA) titres were assayed by use of chicken embryonated eggs and HA test, respectively. Thermostability of HA and infectivity of I-2 virus were reduced after 10 and 5 passages, respectively, without heat selection at 56 degrees C. These results suggest that 5 more passages could be carried out between the working seed and vaccine levels without excessive loss of thermostability. This would result in increased vaccine production from a single batch of a working seed.