165 resultados para non-respondents
Introduction: In the World Health Organization (WHO) MONICA (multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease) Project considerable effort was made to obtain basic data on non-respondents to community based surveys of cardiovascular risk factors. The first purpose of this paper is to examine differences in socio-economic and health profiles among respondents and non-respondents. The second purpose is to investigate the effect of non-response on estimates of trends. Methods:Socio-economic and health profile between respondents and non-respondents in the WHO MONICA Project final survey were compared. The potential effect of non-response on the trend estimates between the initial survey and final survey approximately ten years later was investigated using both MONICA data and hypothetical data. Results: In most of the populations, non-respondents were more likely to be single, less well educated, and had poorer lifestyles and health profiles than respondents. As an example of the consequences, temporal trends in prevalence of daily smokers are shown to be overestimated in most populations if they were based only on data from respondents. Conclusions: The socio-economic and health profiles of respondents and non-respondents differed fairly consistently across 27 populations. Hence, the estimators of population trends based on respondent data are likely to be biased. Declining response rates therefore pose a threat to the accuracy of estimates of risk factor trends in many countries.
The Women's Health Australia (WHA) project is a longitudinal study of several cohorts of Australian women, which aims to examine the relationships between biological, psychological, social and lifestyle factors and women's physical health, emotional well-being, and their use of and satisfaction with health care. Using the Medicare database as a sampling frame (with oversampling of women from rural and remote areas), 106,000 women in the three age groups 18-23, 45-50 and 70-75 were sent an invitation to participate and a 24-page self-complete questionnaire. Reminder letters, a nation-wide publicity campaign, information brochures, a freecall number for inquiries, and the option of completing the questionnaire by telephone in English or in the respondent's own language, were used to encourage participation. Statutory regulations precluded telephone follow-up of non-respondents. Response rates were 41% (N = 14,792), 54% (N = 14,200) and 36% (N = 12,614) for the three age groups. Comparison with Australian census data indicated that the samples are reasonably representative of Australian women in these age groups, except fur a somewhat higher representation of women who are married or in a defacto relationship, and of women with post-school education. The most common reason for non-participation was lack of interest or time. Personal circumstances, objections to the questionnaire or specific items in it, and concerns about confidentiality were the other main reasons. Recruitment of three representative age-group cohorts of women, and the maintenance of these cohorts over a number of years, will provide a valuable opportunity to examine associations over time between aspects of women's lives and their physical and emotional health and well-being.
Syringe cleaning guidelines for injecting drug users (IDUs) were revised in 1993. This paper examines efforts by IDUs in NSW prisons to adopt the revised guidelines in 1994. Consecutive inmates (229) nearing release were visited and asked to call a toll free number for an interview once released. Respondents (102) did not differ from non-respondents (127). Many respondents (64%) reported ever injecting and many of these reported injecting (58%), sharing (48%) and syringe cleaning (46%) when last in prison. Some (23%) respondents reported adopting the revised syringe cleaning guidelines. Tattooing (38%) was reported more often than sexual activity in prison (4%). A new methodology for prison research was found to be feasible in this study. The potential for HIV to spread in prison still poses major public health challenges.
The contingent valuation method is often used for valuing environmental goods possessing use as well as non-use values. This paper investigates the relative importance of these values in relation to the existence of the wild Asian elephant. It does so by analysing results from a contingent valuation survey of a sample of urban residents living in three selected housing schemes in Colombo. We find that the major proportion of the respondents’ willingness to pay (WTP) for conservation of wild elephants is attributable to the non-use values of the elephant. However, differences in the relative importance of these values exist between those who visit national parks and those who do not. Differences in respondents’ WTP for conservation of elephants are found to be largely influenced by attitudinal and behavioural factors rather than socio-economic ones. We conclude that policymakers must recognise and take account of the importance of non-use values of the Asian elephant, if this endangered species is to survive in the long run. Nevertheless, the non-consumptive use value of elephants in Sri Lanka is also found to be substantial.
The Equilibrium Flux Method [1] is a kinetic theory based finite volume method for calculating the flow of a compressible ideal gas. It is shown here that, in effect, the method solves the Euler equations with added pseudo-dissipative terms and that it is a natural upwinding scheme. The method can be easily modified so that the flow of a chemically reacting gas mixture can be calculated. Results from the method for a one-dimensional non-equilibrium reacting flow are shown to agree well with a conventional continuum solution. Results are also presented for the calculation of a plane two-dimensional flow, at hypersonic speed, of a dissociating gas around a blunt-nosed body.
The purpose of this study was to determine the attentional demands of natural and imposed gait, as well as the attentional costs of transitions between the walking and running co-ordination patterns. Seven healthy young men and four healthy young women undertook an auditory probe reaction time task concurrently with self-selected gait (Experiment 1) and imposed walking and running (Experiment 2) at different speeds on a motor-driven treadmill. In Experiment 1, where participants were free to choose their own movement pattern to match the speed of travel of the treadmill, normal gait control was shown to have a significant attentional cost, and hence not be automatic in the classical sense. However, this attentional cost did not differ between the two gait modes or at the transition point. In Experiment 2, where participants were required to maintain specific gait modes regardless of the treadmill speed, the maintenance of walking at speeds normally associated with running was found to have an attentional cost whereas this was not the case for running at normal walking speeds. Collectively the findings support a model of gait control in which the normal switching between gait modes is determined with minimal attention demand and in which it is possible to sustain non-preferred gait modes although, in the case of walking, only at a significant attentional/cognitive cost. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We conducted a study to assess the association between the acute respiratory health of children and the levels of particulates in communities near and away from active opencast coal mines. The study enrolled children aged 1–11 years from the general population of five socioeconomically matched pairs of nonurban communities in northern England. Diaries of respiratory events were collected for 1405 children, and information was collected on the consultations of 2442 children with family/general practitioners over the 6-week study periods during 1996–1997, with concurrent monitoring of particulate levels. The associations found between daily PM10 levels and respiratory symptoms were frequently small and positive and sometimes varied between communities. The magnitude of these associations were in line with those from previous studies, even though daily particulate levels were low, and the children were drawn from the general population, rather than from the population with respiratory problems. The associations among asthma reliever use, consultations with general practitioners, and daily particulate levels were of a similar strength but estimated less precisely. The strength of association between all respiratory health measures and particulate levels was similar in communities near and away from opencast coal mining sites.
The A(n-1)((1)) trigonometric vertex model with generic non-diagonal boundaries is studied. The double-row transfer matrix of the model is diagonalized by algebraic Bethe ansatz method in terms of the intertwiner and the corresponding face-vertex relation. The eigenvalues and the corresponding Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.
The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used to simulate the flow of rarefied gases. In the Macroscopic Chemistry Method (MCM) for DSMC, chemical reaction rates calculated from local macroscopic flow properties are enforced in each cell. Unlike the standard total collision energy (TCE) chemistry model for DSMC, the new method is not restricted to an Arrhenius form of the reaction rate coefficient, nor is it restricted to a collision cross-section which yields a simple power-law viscosity. For reaction rates of interest in aerospace applications, chemically reacting collisions are generally infrequent events and, as such, local equilibrium conditions are established before a significant number of chemical reactions occur. Hence, the reaction rates which have been used in MCM have been calculated from the reaction rate data which are expected to be correct only for conditions of thermal equilibrium. Here we consider artificially high reaction rates so that the fraction of reacting collisions is not small and propose a simple method of estimating the rates of chemical reactions which can be used in the Macroscopic Chemistry Method in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. Two tests are presented: (1) The dissociation rates under conditions of thermal non-equilibrium are determined from a zero-dimensional Monte-Carlo sampling procedure which simulates ‘intra-modal’ non-equilibrium; that is, equilibrium distributions in each of the translational, rotational and vibrational modes but with different temperatures for each mode; (2) The 2-D hypersonic flow of molecular oxygen over a vertical plate at Mach 30 is calculated. In both cases the new method produces results in close agreement with those given by the standard TCE model in the same highly nonequilibrium conditions. We conclude that the general method of estimating the non-equilibrium reaction rate is a simple means by which information contained within non-equilibrium distribution functions predicted by the DSMC method can be included in the Macroscopic Chemistry Method.
Four adducts of triphenylphosphine oxide with aromatic carboxylic acids have been synthesized and tested for second-order non-linear optical properties. These were with N-methylpyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (I), indole-2-carboxylic acid (2), 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid (3), and thiophen-2-carboxylic acid (4). Compound (1) produced clear, colourless crystals (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) With a 9.892(1), b 14.033(1), c 15.305(1) Angstrom, Z 4) which allowed the structure to be determined by X-ray diffraction.
Using survey data for Tongan and Samoan migrants in Sydney the effects of visa restrictions on labor market performance of migrants are assessed. Univariate analysis suggests a positive association between unemployment and the unrestricted entry of Samoan step-migrants from New Zealand. A probit model of the determinants of unemployment is estimated with controls for human capital and demographic variables. While human capital endowments are important, visa restrictions do not have a significant effect on either group's employability. Implications for policy are discussed highlighting the complementarities between host country immigration policies and foreign aid programs.
Phosphorylation of the tumor suppressor p53 is generally thought to modify the properties of the protein in four of its five independent domains. We used synthetic peptides to directly study the effects of phosphorylation on the non-sequence-specific DNA binding and conformation of the C-terminal, basic domain. The peptides corresponded to amino acids 361-393 and were either nonphosphorylated or phosphorylated at the protein kinase C (PKC) site, Ser378, or the casein kinase II (CKII) site, Ser392, or bis-phosphorylated on both the PKC and the CKII sites. A fluorescence polarization analysis revealed that either the recombinant p53 protein or the synthetic peptides bound to two unrelated target DNA fragments. Phosphorylation of the peptide at the PKC or the CKII sites clearly decreased DNA binding, and addition of a second phosphate group almost completely abolished binding. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that the peptides assumed identical unordered structures in aqueous solutions. The unmodified peptide, unlike the Ser378 phosphorylated peptide, changed conformation in the presence of DNA. The inherent ability of the peptides to form an alpha-helix could be detected when circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were: taken in trifluoroethanol-water mixtures. A single or double phosphorylation destabilized the helix around the phosphorylated Ser378 residue but stabilized the helix downstream in the sequence.
We derive analytical solutions for the three-dimensional time-dependent buckling of a non-Newtonian viscous plate in a less viscous medium. For the plate we assume a power-law rheology. The principal, axes of the stretching D-ij in the homogeneously deformed ground state are parallel and orthogonal to the bounding surfaces of the plate in the flat state. In the model formulation the action of the less viscous medium is replaced by equivalent reaction forces. The reaction forces are assumed to be parallel to the normal vector of the deformed plate surfaces. As a consequence, the buckling process is driven by the differences between the in-plane stresses and out of plane stress, and not by the in-plane stresses alone as assumed in previous models. The governing differential equation is essentially an orthotropic plate equation for rate dependent material, under biaxial pre-stress, supported by a viscous medium. The differential problem is solved by means of Fourier transformation and largest growth coefficients and corresponding wavenumbers are evaluated. We discuss in detail fold evolutions for isotropic in-plane stretching (D-11 = D-22), uniaxial plane straining (D-22 = 0) and in-plane flattening (D-11 = -2D(22)). Three-dimensional plots illustrate the stages of fold evolution for random initial perturbations or initial embryonic folds with axes non-parallel to the maximum compression axis. For all situations, one dominant set of folds develops normal to D-11, although the dominant wavelength differs from the Biot dominant wavelength except when the plate has a purely Newtonian viscosity. However, in the direction parallel to D-22, there exist infinitely many modes in the vicinity of the dominant wavelength which grow only marginally slower than the one corresponding to the dominant wavelength. This means that, except for very special initial conditions, the appearance of a three-dimensional fold will always be governed by at least two wavelengths. The wavelength in the direction parallel to D-11 is the dominant wavelength, and the wavelength(s) in the direction parallel to D-22 is determined essentially by the statistics of the initial state. A comparable sensitivity to the initial geometry does not exist in the classic two-dimensional folding models. In conformity with tradition we have applied Kirchhoff's hypothesis to constrain the cross-sectional rotations of the plate. We investigate the validity of this hypothesis within the framework of Reissner's plate theory. We also include a discussion of the effects of adding elasticity into the constitutive relations and show that there exist critical ratios of the relaxation times of the plate and the embedding medium for which two dominant wavelengths develop, one at ca. 2.5 of the classical Biot dominant wavelength and the other at ca. 0.45 of this wavelength. We propose that herein lies the origin of parasitic folds well known in natural examples.
One of three lines of mice transgenic for the E6 and E7 genes of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) expressed from an alpha A-crystallin promoter also expresses the transgene ectopically in the skin. This line, designated alpha ACE6E7#19, develops skin disease from 3 months of age, characterised by epidermal hyperplasia and eventual skin loss. Administration of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) to alpha ACE6E7#19 mice, but not to nontransgenic littermate controls, induced local epidermal hyperplasia which was histologically similar to the spontaneously arising skin pathology. Local application of 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) to DNCB-sensitised aACE6E7#19 mice, but not DNCB-sensitised controls, also induced hyperplasia. Treatment with cyclosporin A (CsA) or systemic depletion of CD4+ cells significantly reduced the incidence of skin disease. These data suggest that local inflammation, and cytokines produced by T helper cells, contribute to the induction of hyperplastic skin disease in alpha ACE6E7#19 mice. Spontaneous skin disease with similar histological appearance, frequency, age of onset and severity in alpha ACE6E7#19 mice was observed in scid-/- aACE6E7#19 mice, despite immune paresis. Antigen-specific immune responses and T-cell cytokines a re therefore not necessary for the induction of skin disease. We propose that epidermal hyperplasia associated with HPV16 E6 and E7 expression in skin is accelerated by local secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, whose production can be enhanced by activated CD4+ T cells.